Of Gods and Wolves (33 page)

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Authors: Amy Sumida

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Of Gods and Wolves
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So Darius was the blonde midget?”

I raised my eyes at Trevor’s tone. “Um…first of all, they prefer the term
little people
,” What the hell was up with him? He had always been the calm one, what was with the about face? “Secondly, he’s at least a foot taller than me, so what does that make me, a member of the Lollypop Gang?”

Actually, I think you’d be in the Lullaby League, since you’re a girl,” Pan added in an overly serious tone that immediately drew laughter from the God Squad, even Trevor grinned.

Okay, maybe he wasn’t
a little person,” he relented.

But you’re bigger than him,” I sipped my tea calmly. “Yes, I get it. You’re a big bad wolf and he’s a fraidy cat. You’re a manly man and he’s a pussy. You’re a sexual powerhouse and he probably can’t even get it up. Did I miss anything, O Seventh Wonder of the World?”

I’m the Wolf Prince and he’s a royal pain in the ass,” he nodded solemnly.

So what do I do about the ass pain?”

I believe they make an ointment for that.” Horus delivered the joke so dryly, everyone just sat blinking and gaping at him.

Holy crap,” I laughed and broke the stunned silence. “An ointment.” I laughed more.

I’d guess you’d know about those kinds of things, Horus,” Pan recovered a heartbeat after I did.

Yes, I do,” he grimaced, “but you won’t sit still long enough for me to rub it on.”

And he just keeps going and going,” I laughed again. I had to put my tea down, I was afraid I’d spill it.

Yeah, he’s the god damn Energizer Bunny,” Pan didn’t take too kindly to having his joke turned back on him.

Speaking of bunnies,” I interrupted. “I shifted into a lioness… and I kinda liked it.”

What’s that got to do with bunnies?” Pan was the only one who wasn’t staring at me in rapt fascination.

Absolutely nothing but it got you to stop fighting, didn’t it?” I smiled serenely and Pan smiled back.

Did you want to chase bunnies when you were a lioness?” Pan continued helpfully, oblivious to everyone else’s reaction. “Maybe that’s where the bunnies come in.”

No,” I frowned. “At least I hope not. I don’t particularly want to kill Thumper. Although I did enjoy snapping Nyavirezi’s neck when I shifted. You were the only thing that kept me from eating her actually,” I looked at Trevor and saw his face turn as serious as the sudden silence felt. “I heard you in my head, telling me how you never ate human flesh, that you’re not just animals but gods as well. Remembering you, helped me to remember me. I changed back instantly.”

You controlled the beast on your first shift?” Thor leaned forward in his seat. “That’s amazing, Vervain. Animal forms can be very overwhelming, all your senses going into overdrive. Dad had to study and meditate long hours before he even attempted his first shift.”

Father helped me through my first change,” Trevor was staring at me with something that looked a lot like awe. “It took me hours to conquer the wolf and change back. A first timer, with no training, no guide, you should have been lost for days. There would have been a good chance that you’d never come back.”

Never?” I think my voice actually squeaked. “As in, I’d forever be a lioness?”

Yes, Minn Elska,” I felt Trevor’s arms slide around me, shaking a little, but I was still staring off into space, “that’s what I mean by never. But you’re okay, and plainly one hell of a bad ass.”

Holy cannoli,” I whispered. “I could have been lion-girl forever. Hey, can I be a lionwoman? Can I half-shift like you?” I looked hopefully at Trevor.

I don’t think so,” he laughed. “Nyavirezi’s power was to change into a lioness, not a lionwoman.”

Bummer,” I shrugged. “Oh well, I probably wouldn’t be as hot as you are in half-form.”

You think I’m hot as a wolfman?” Trevor’s grin turned into a leer.

Uh yeah,” I gave him my
face. “don't you remember that night in the backyar...” I trailed off as I realized I had everyone's rapt attention.

I told you they were sexy,” Persephone whispered to me but the gods’ super senses insured everyone heard her anyway.

What’s this?” Hades turned her face back to his. “Since when did you find fur sexy?”

Since that time you bought that rabbit fur glove and you rubbed it mmmrrhh…,” Hades’ hand stifled the rest of Persephone’s sentence… to my, and everyone else’s, great disappointment. At least I wasn't the only one blabbing.

That’s enough, darling,” he removed his hand slowly, as if afraid she’d suddenly blurt out more details of their sex life.

So, back to you finding me sexy,” Trevor nuzzled my ear.

Why don’t we get back to her being able to turn fuzzy,” Thor interrupted.

I’ve only done it the once,” I swallowed past the nervous lump in my throat, “so far. When I took the power, it changed me. I’m not even sure how I’d do it again.”

Dad can help you,” Thor smiled gently.

will help her,” Trevor slid his arm more firmly around me.

Trevor,” I pushed at him and moved to the edge of my seat. “That’s enough.”

She inherited her power,” Thor put his hands up, placating. “I just thought his insight might be more helpful in her situation.”

I will take care of my mate, thank you,” Trevor growled.

Enough, I said,” I pushed at Trevor’s puffed up chest. “Could we maybe focus on my issues for now? We can get back to your male insecurities later.”

My what?” He looked like he just swallowed a lemon… whole.

Focus, Trevor,” I patted his hand a second before I turned back to everyone else. “What happened with the riot? Are all those people okay?”

The police showed up and handled it with minimum bloodshed,” Horus twisted his mouth in the imitation of a smile. “Once in awhile you humans actually do something right.”

Thanks for the overwhelming vote of confidence,” I sighed and leaned back, suddenly exhausted.

Tima?” A knock sounded on the front door and I jumped up. I had completely forgotten that the boys were giving me a few minutes to break the news and then were tracing in.

is that?” Trevor growled and got to his feet.

It’s Darius and Fallon,” I pushed him back down, “Two men you should be grateful to for literally saving my ass. In all sorts of ways.”

?” His eyes narrowed.

Just trust me,” I sighed. “They’re good guys and I owe them, so be nice. They thought you might have some questions, so they gave me a head start and then followed.”

Tima, are you alright?” Fallon’s deep voice came through the door.

I’m fine,” I hurried over and said the ritual words to unward the house for them before I let them in. Thankfully, they’d found some T shirts to put on. I didn’t think Trevor could have handled their previous uniform.

Have you told them?” Darius eyed the large gathering with hesitation. “Have you explained?”

Yep,” I motioned them further in. “The beans are everywhere, the bag is completely empty of cats, the fan has been hit, the…”

Okay, Tima, we understand,” Fallon smiled gently.

Pan and Brahma both got up so the boys could have a seat right in the middle of things. I think the ulterior motive was to have the werelions surrounded but I decided to pretend it was just plain kindness. The lions took the offered seats but kept a wary eye on the gods.

“So Vervain tells me, I have you two to thank for her safe return,” Trevor’s words sounded skeptical and I sat down beside him hard enough to jostle him.

Nyavirezi was a tyrant,” Darius shrugged. “In helping Vervain, we helped ourselves. You owe me no thanks. I, however, owe you some answers. Is there anything she hasn’t covered? Anything you want to know?”

Yes,” Trevor leaned forward. “Do you want to fuck my mate?”

Trevor!” I pushed at him as my face turned bright red.

It’s an honest question, Vervain,” he wasn’t the least bit fazed by my smack. In fact, he hadn't taken his eyes off Darius. “If you’re to lead these lions, I want to know everything… starting with this guy’s interest in you.”

Yes,” Darius interrupted and everyone stared at him in shock. “I want her. She’s my Tima and the bond has sexual aspects. It can't be helped.” He shrugged and looked at Fallon who gave me a cocky half-grin and nodded. “I’m not going to lie to you Wolf Prince, you know she’s attractive, but when Nyavirezi gave her to us to use physically, it was I who stopped the others from taking their pleasure with her. If I wanted her bad enough to accomplish the deed dishonorably, I would’ve taken her when I had the chance.”

Nyavirezi gave you to the lions?” Trevor tuned back to me with a horrified, bug-eyed look.

Yeah, but nothing happened,” I sighed. I was so hoping this wouldn’t come out. “Darius stood up for me and talked the others out of it. We made nice, made plans, freed them from the evil kitty’s nasty clutches, and now they can have sex with whomever they want. Except me. The end.”

Why didn’t you tell me about it?” He was growling at me as if we were fighting alone in our bedroom. He knew I hated to fight in public. We'd just gone through this a few minutes ago.

Maybe I wanted to wait till we were alone,” I growled back. “Maybe it’s a sore subject for me, asshole.”

I’m sorry, Tima,” Darius leaned forward. “Don’t fight with your mate over this. I shouldn’t have brought it up in my defense. You’re right; it’s a private matter and an embarrassment to the Intare.”

It’s alright, Darius,” I watched Trevor’s eyes stray back to the lion and soften imperceptibly.

Is there anything else you’d like to know?” Fallon spoke up, he seemed to be pretty close to Darius and I was assuming he was trying to alleviate some of the pressure on his friend.

I have a question,” I spoke before Trevor could add more fuel to my shapeshifter fire.

Yes, Tima?” Fallon looked at me with a quick smile.

What does leading the Intare entail exactly?” I wanted everything laid out in specific terms in front of me so there’d be no confusion. Mainly on my part. I was easily confused.

Honestly, Tima,” Darius shrugged, “besides being around and giving us commands, Nyavirezi didn’t do much. Anything you’d like to add to that would be icing.”

What Dare is trying to say,” Fallon nudged his friend in the arm, “is that we’re in dire need of a Tima who actually cares about us, who actually is our heart. I think you can do it, Vervain. I think you can help us but basically we just need you to come and stay with us once every few weeks, or more often if you’d like, and give us some guidance where needed. Maybe sort out any squabbles, make pertinent decisions. You know, rule.”

know about ruling,” I squished my face at him, “but I’ll try my best. How about I come over tomorrow and we have an official meet and greet? I’ll address any issues you guys have and we can go from there.”

That sounds perfect,” Darius looked around. “Did anyone else want to ask anything or should we go?”

Yes, I’d like to know,” Persephone leaned forward and Darius turned politely to her. “Did Nyavirezi scout the globe for the hottest guys she could find or what? I mean, were looks her prime requirement for joining the club? Cause you two are smokin’.”

having a talk when we get home,” Hades stood up, lifting Persephone into his arms in one fluid motion. She squealed in delight and waved at everyone.

Goodnight,” she winked at Darius and Fallon, “thanks for a fabulous evening.”

My lions stood when Hades had and they both bowed gallantly to the departing couple. I couldn’t help feeling a little proud of their courtly manners.
That’s my boys,
I said in my head. They sat down and I smiled my approval at them. If this was how they all behaved, ruling would be a piece of cake.

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