Of Water and Madness (7 page)

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Authors: Katie Jennings

BOOK: Of Water and Madness
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“Liam.” She broke the kiss and looked behind her, a gasping laugh escaping her throat as she tried to breathe and regain some semblance of control. “There’s a pot sticking into my back.”

He reached behind her and shoved the pot, along with everything else, gleefully to the floor. The ceramic hit with a shattering crash and scattered rich brown soil across the tiles. He heard her laugh again, a bit deliriously, and couldn’t help but smile. He loved it when she was like this, so caught up in a moment that she forgot to react in her usual, carefully planned out way, and consequently threw caution to the wind. It was the Rhia that was free, and being with her was a kind of drug to him. He absolutely and positively couldn’t get enough.

“I’ll clean it up, don’t worry,” he said, his hands nimbly opening the buttons of her soft blue blouse even as he shrugged out of his own shirt.

Her eyes met his as her lips curved, slow and dangerous. “You’d better.”

That night, they sat on one of the long sofas together, holding hands and people watching.

Liam enjoyed the calm times like this, when he could simply be with her, comforted by her presence and centered by the knowledge that everything he’d ever fought for had now been won. She’d come to him, after all his years of waiting, and made him the happiest he’d ever been. And from the look in her eyes when she glanced at him, he’d say he was doing a pretty good job at making her happy as well.

Thinking of their rendezvous in the greenhouse earlier that day, he leaned in to whisper something in her ear that had her clutching his hand tighter and biting her bottom lip. He reached out to tilt her face toward his own, and kissed her lushly.

For over an hour, they sat and stared out at their family, whispering to each other and laughing, enjoying all the mini dramas that seemed so prevalent on Euphora. Clynn was arguing politics with Lucian, while Rohan was with Sebastian discussing some historical event Liam had never heard of. Clarity was with Serendipity and the other Muses, including his little sister, and they were all huddled together near the grand piano, with Trinity playing a soft, sweet song.

Thea was with Brock and the Fates, looking radiant as always. Liam had always admired Thea, and respected her with both reverence and wonder. She had really been his first love, until Rhiannon of course. But when he’d been a baby, his father said that he wanted nothing more than to be held by the lovely and powerful Thea. And then Rhiannon had come into the world, and he’d found the true love of his life.

Rian and Capri were on the sofa beside him, along with Brogan, who was busy discussing some sort of Fury business regarding an American Senator with Rian. Capri looked politely interested, but her eyes kept wandering over to where Blythe was sitting, looking agitated and sipping wine with Jax while he kicked back and quietly read a book.

When Liam followed Capri’s eyes, he noticed why she looked so anxious. Blythe was glaring at both her father and her mother, and there was fire brimming under the surface, he was sure of it. She was clearly trying to reign in some kind of frustrated urge, and he could only hope she found a way to release it safely before she exploded.

“What’s wrong?” Rhiannon nudged him, looking concerned at the apprehension in his eyes.

“Blythe’s pissed off about something,” he murmured, frowning. “I should probably go talk to her.”

Rhiannon nodded as he began to stand up, but it was already too late.

Blythe shot to her feet and bolted straight for her mother, Nyxa, getting in the woman’s face in a flash.

I’m sick of this!
” she snarled, angrily stabbing a finger into Nyxa’s chest, her eyes on fire.

Jax tossed aside his book and was about to rise to his feet to stop her, but when she shot a warning glare his way, he hesitated. He wasn’t about to get in the middle of that hell storm, not while she was still the aggressor. If she got herself in trouble, then he’d step in, regardless of what she said. He wasn’t going to let her get hurt over her own fiery temper.

“Sick of what?” Nyxa growled in return, shoving Blythe’s hand away, her own face twisted with haughty rage.

“Now Blythe, calm down,” Brock said suddenly, placing his hands on his daughter’s shoulders to steer her away from Nyxa.

She just smacked his hands away and turned on him. “I’m sick of both of you ignoring me like I’m not even around anymore. You guys got back together and now suddenly I don’t exist!”

“That’s not true, babydoll.” Brock reached out to her again, only to have her back away furiously. Instead he simply tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans and tried a consoling smile. “I come to work with you as often as you’ve asked me, don’t I?”

Blythe dramatically rolled her eyes. “Sure, fine, congratulations. But that doesn’t make up for blowing me off all the other times I want to hang out with you. We’re supposed to be rekindling this father/daughter relationship that we never got to have, and instead you’re giving all your attention to

“You selfish little brat–”

“Nyxa, stop.” Thea stepped in, sending a warning look at the woman before she did something she’d regret. The three of them were hotheads so Thea treaded carefully to help resolve the issue. “Brock, your daughter is upset with you, and you should really listen to her and see if there’s anything you can do to help.”

He rolled his eyes before he could stop himself, which only infuriated Blythe more.

Are you kidding me right now
?” she exploded, shoving him with as much force as she could muster. He barely moved, but stepped back in shock. With tears in her eyes, she glared up at him furiously. “You just don’t care about me, do you?”

From the sofa, Liam watched the scene unfold with a mixture of sympathy, pain and anger. And when he saw the hot tears of anger spilling over Blythe’s cheeks, he started to get to his feet, unable to watch any longer. He hadn’t even noticed she’d been dealing with this and for God knows how long. Had he just been too consumed by his own family drama to notice?

Before Liam could even get out of his seat, Jax was already at Blythe’s side, staring Brock down fiercely, his arms wrapping around her in a sign of support and unity.

Thea, recovering from the shock of what she was witnessing, stepped between Brock and Blythe, her eyes stern. “I think it would be best for the two of you to work this out, peacefully, in private.” She looked at both of them, keeping her voice level despite the thrumming adrenaline in her veins.

Brock nodded, anguish in his eyes as Nyxa came up beside him, wrapping her arms around him possessively. He barely seemed to notice.

Blythe wiped heatedly at the tears that had managed to fall, and thanked God Jax was by her side. Her knees were trembling from the emotions raging through her and she wasn’t quite certain if she could stand on her own.

“Let’s go, Jax,” she murmured, steering him out of the parlor. He glared at Brock before shutting the doors behind them.

Liam sat back down, looking relieved, but hurt. Rhiannon reached for his hand, holding it gently.

“You’re used to her needing you,” she said gently, nudging him out of his reverie so he would look at her.

“It’s always been up to either me or my dad to take care of her. She didn’t have anyone else when we took her in. I guess it’s weird to pass that torch to someone else…she doesn’t really need me.”

“It’s not that she doesn’t need you anymore.” Rhiannon squeezed his hand supportively. “She just needs you in a different way now.”

He nodded, understanding but having a hard time accepting. In a lot of ways, he still thought of Blythe as a little girl needing his protection. After Capri had been taken, and Rhiannon had been sheltered and distanced, Blythe had been all he’d had. It was hard giving a part of her up, even though he really liked the man he was giving her up to.

Attempting to smile, he released Rhiannon’s hand and wrapped his arm over her shoulders instead, pulling her close to him so he could comfortably rest his head on hers.

When his eyes drifted over to Brock, they narrowed with disappointment. He’d expected better of the man, at least in regards to Blythe. As much as she loved Lucian, she still wanted to know her own father. Even if he was somewhat of an arrogant ass most of the time.

Maybe Rhiannon was right. If Brock couldn’t even commit to being a father to Blythe, how was he ever going to commit to a peaceful understanding with Rohan over their rocky and bitter past?

Perhaps it was a simple answer…he wouldn’t.







“Am I overdressed?
I mean, we are going to New York City, but…”

“Honey, you look gorgeous, so shut the hell up.” Blythe shot Capri a quick grin and a wink as she fussed with her hair in the mirror over the dresser in Capri’s bedroom.

Capri pouted, staring down at her classic gray slacks and elegant white blouse, accompanied by a simple string of pearls Rian had given her a few months before.

“At least these shoes will be comfortable. I expect we’ll be doing a lot of walking,” she put in, smiling sweetly and admiring her simple black flats.

Rhiannon popped into the room, looking distracted as she ran through her trip check list in her mind. She had plenty of cash for their purchases, a cell phone she’d gotten from Thea in case there was an emergency, a map of New York City with prime wedding dress shops and highly reviewed restaurants circled, and…

“Aw, now see, this one’s overdressed,” Blythe declared, putting her hands on her hips and staring at Rhiannon accusingly. “You look like you’re going to a corporate business meeting.”

Rhiannon stared down at her slender black pencil skirt and scarlet red silk blouse. “I always dress this way,” she replied, tilting her head up defensively. “Besides, we are going to some very expensive stores since Capri deserves only the very best, and the clerks will expect a certain amount of class from their customers or else they will not take us seriously.”

She stared at Blythe’s cut up faded Levis and simple white t-shirt, complete with practical sneakers that had seen better days.

“What?” Blythe snapped, temper flashing in her eyes. “You think I care what some prissy bitches at some fancy dress store think? We’re trying on clothes, ergo, it’s best to wear something casual so it’s easy to take on and off.”

Rhiannon was about to mention how it would be in Capri’s best interest to blend in with the high society crowd of Fifth Avenue, but held her tongue at Capri’s look of distress. They were supposed to be getting along now and putting aside their obvious differences, and if she had to be the bigger person and give in this time then so be it.

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