Off Her Rockers (Loving All Wrong #3.5) (30 page)

BOOK: Off Her Rockers (Loving All Wrong #3.5)
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Setting my handbag aside, I picked up my champagne flute, took a sip, and arched an eyebrow at Danni. “How do you know Johnathon’s working late? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
Johnathon was the owner of the studio where we were shooting. He was in his mid-thirties and hot with a capital H, but a little on the effeminate side.
“Cool your tits, Chica,” said Danni, “Johnathon’s straight.”
“He is?” asked Sarah, genuinely shocked. “Dude, he watches you, like,
the time. He doesn’t seem straight to me at all.”
“I noticed the same.” Taking another sip of champagne, I narrowed my gaze on him. “What are you hiding, Danni boy? Do I need to call Leo to go all possessive alpha-male on your ass?” I giggled. “Pun intended.”
He opened his mouth, and then closed it. Opened it again, and as he was about to speak, his eyes caught something over my shoulder. What he saw made him smirk instead. “I’m thinking you have a bigger fish to fry.”
Confounded, I turned in my chair to see what he was on about.
. Navigating around to a corner table, with Claire Sinclair on his arm. Yes, she was pretty. Yes, she was sexy. Yes, I wanted to claw her eyes out.
A nineteen-year-old new-on-the-scene actress who starred in a new paranormal TV series. Rage pumped fists with jealousy and both back-flicked and dispersed in my veins. Drowning out every sensible thought, clouding my judgment, taking control of me.
My glower followed them as he, gentleman that he
, pulled out her chair for her. He whispered something in her ear as his fingertips caressed the side of her neck, and she blushed and giggled as she lowered into the chair.
“Oooh, you look like you’re about to blow, girl,” Danni commented.
“Shut up.”
Sarah looked confused. “So…you two are still together or something?”
“Then what’s the pr—”
. Without thinking, I pushed back my chair, stood and marched over to Davian’s table.
Too busy wooing his latest fling, he didn’t notice me coming. Not even when I stopped at their table and jutted my hip out with all the attitude in the world.
“Where’s my son?” I demanded.
At that, Davian’s head jerked up, surprised to see me. “Ally? What—”
,” I reiterated. “Where is he?”
“He’s with Dad. I—”
“Lied to me so you could run around with teenagers in New York?”
“Stop it, Ally,” Davian gritted out, his pissed-as-hell face settling in place.
. “You’re making a scene.”
“Hang on,” piped in a bewildered Claire. “I thought you said you and her are over?”

We are
,” we both hissed at the same time, glaring at each other.
Claire glanced from Davian to me, from me to Davian. “Listen, I didn’t sign up for this drama. Work and school are stressing enough.” She pushed to her feet and picked up her purse. “I really like you, Hamilton. Call me when you are…
I watched her leave.
Well, that was easy.
Looking back to Davian, I smiled something sugary sweet. “I guess my work here is done.”
He was fuming. “

Spinning on my heels, I started sauntering back to my table, grinning with victory.
A screech of a chair. Determined footsteps. A growl of my name. A firm grip on my elbow, forcing me to the exit. “Oh no, you don’t.”
“People are staring, Davi,” I told him. “Stop.”
He hissed, “
started it.”
“You’re the one who lied.”
“I didn’t. I just delayed and flew here for a few days because Claire wanted—”
“I don’t care what your whore wanted. I care about
my son
We stopped in front of the elevator outside the exit and he hit the call button. “So what if I’m a couple days late going home? Since when did you become mother of the year?”
Running out of excuses for chasing off his date, because
, this wasn’t about Jacob. “Dave’s got a life, too, you know. You ever think about that?”
“No, he doesn’t. Prime reason he jumps at any chance he gets to keep Jacob. And he’s not coughing about it, so why are you vomiting?”
As the elevator doors opened, he released me and pushed me inside. Hard. My shoulder crashed to the wall, but I managed not to fall.
When he walked in, I rushed up to him and chucked him back, hard enough so that he stumbled like I did.
“That’s abuse!” I screamed at him.
Catching himself, he punched a floor number. “No, what
did out there just now is abuse!”
My eyes flicked at the floor number as the doors closed. He’d been staying at this hotel, too? “You were gonna screw what's-her-face in the same hotel I’m in?”
He stared at me like I was an asylum patient. “First off, I didn’t know you were staying here. Second,
what the hell does it matter to you?
! You don’t want me, remember? I. Am. Trying. To. Move. On. Why won’t you get the hell out of my way?”
I had nothing to combat that argument, so I decide to combat
instead. I pushed him again. “You pushed me hard, Davi. I’m filing a report. I’ll pay for the camera footage if I have to.”
He was livid. Undeterred, he pushed me back. “Stop pushing me! What is
with you, woman?”
I chucked back. Harder. “You pushed me first, assface!”
What was this, kindergarten?
Davian moved forward to push me again, but then he stopped halfway and studied me, chewing his bottom lip. Shaking his head, he chuckled to himself. “How had I not figured it out sooner?”
I backed up. “Figured what out?”
Sidestepping, he reached out and yanked out the stop button. “Baby, you forgot I
you.” Then he was on me. His hands on my face. His tongue in my mouth. His weight pinning me to the cold steel.
Oh God, yes
. All the fight and anger evaporated as I opened up to him. My fingers clawed through his hair, tugging at the ends, moaning as he bit down hard on my bottom lip.
Gripping a fistful of my hair, he jerked my head back and ravished my neck, rabid and feral.
I ripped open his shirt. Buttons popped and pinged around us.
“Jesus,” he whispered, mouth traveling down, kissing and sucking.
I raked my nails across his chest, down his abs, hissing in sheer pleasure when he yanked the top of my dress down and devoured my breasts.
Freeing his belt buckle, I unzipped his jeans and took him out, fisting his thick, hot heat, squeezing him, stroking him.
Sucking air through his teeth, he hiked up my dress and dipped his fingers in my underwear, stroking my throbbing clit.
, yes
…” I moaned out loud.
I pumped him harder as he flicked and rubbed my clit, pleasure building inside me, heightening.
Abruptly, he withdrew his hand and hoisted my left leg in the crook of his arm, thrusting my hips toward his.
Stealing his cock from my fist, he ripped my underwear aside and drove into me with one fierce motion.
Head tipping back, I cried out, “Ohgod,
! Davi…”
“This what you wanted all along…” he grunted, driving into me harder with each plunge, “isn’t it?”
I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him deep, ravenous, greedy. “
“Why didn’t you just ask?” His fingers dug into my skin as his hips pumped faster. “I’m yours first, Ally.
You know this
“Just shut up and make me come.” I clutched tight to his shoulders as he drove me farther and farther up the wall.
“All night, baby?”
In answer, my muscles clenched around him at the prospect. He swore into my neck.
“All night.”






, punctuated by an “Ally, doll, are you in there? Are you alive?”
I flipped over in bed, in a room that wasn’t mine, and the events of the night before came rushing in.
Ah, yes, I was in Davian’s hotel room, not mine. I clenched my thighs together in remembrance of all that went down in this room. Hell, I was sore but I wanted more.
! “Should I call the cops?”
“Go away!” I yawned out, pulling the covers over my head. Davian’s scent trapped in every fiber.
“Chica, it’s almost noon. You’re three hours late for your shoot.”
Holy shit
. I flew up and scrambled out of bed. “Ohmigodohmigodohmogod,” I chanted as I bolted to the door and swung it open. Danni stood on the other side with his usual suave and elegance and patience abound, holding my handbag in one hand and my LV pull-along in the other. “How could you let me sleep this late?!”
He casually strolled past me. “I had no idea where you disappeared to. I told Sarah to cover for you. She told the director you have food poisoning and you’ll do your best to be there by noon. Then I had to hunt down your baby daddy’s number to find out where the hell you were. So….chop chop. Hurry!”
I lingered, about to ask him who he got Davian’s number from, hoping to all hell it wasn’t Xena.
Dumping my handbag on the bed, he flipped over the pull-along and began unzipping it. “Bitch, go shower. Now. I brought you clothes and toiletries.”
Sans argument, I pushed the trivial wonder aside and rushed off to the bathroom. I showered in 2.5 seconds and got dressed in even less. Cleaned my teeth and knotted my hair.
“Okay, good to go,” I said, snatching up my handbag.
“Three things,” said Danni, sitting with his legs crossed on the bed as he texted on his phone. “One, your blouse is on backward. Two, your baby daddy left you a note—yes, I read it. And dammit, but you two are worse than Karen and Hank Moody.”
Not giving a hoot whether my blouse was on backward or inside out, I went to the nightstand and picked up the note:
Next time you wanna take the edge off, just ASK me.
No need to chase my dates off.
Always yours,


P.S. He will come back. When he’s ready. Just have a little faith


I crumpled up the note, but instead of tossing it in the bin, I stuffed it in my handbag, not quite ready to let go of him yet. I could still feel him. The ache was real.
Danni was staring at me, his phone now pocketed away. “Do I even need to tell you how screwed up this is?”
“Keep your nose out of my business.”
“Never gonna happen. You
my business. And when you do something like, say, screw your ex while your man is in rehab recovering from a tragedy, I’m gonna tell you, whether you want to hear it or not, that that shit is
messed up
I wanted to bark something vile at him, but it wouldn’t change the fact that he was right. I was still the same and therapy hadn’t changed me even an iota. “You don’t understand…”
“What’s there to understand?” he said, his disappointment in me damn near palpable. Danni was an anything-goes kind of guy, so the fact that he was so worked up about this said something. “There’s nothing complicated about it. You made your choice, so stick to it. You can’t have both worlds. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jess is playing the role of karma, but let her have her fun while it lasts.
Because Xavier will come back to you.
So before you make another selfish decision, Alina, think about those who will suffer from the ripple effect. ”
“You know,” I seethed, “I have Xena to give me all these goody-good-good speeches when I don’t need it.
are supposed to be my partner in crime.
are supposed to say yes to sin and all things wrong. What the hell is all this bullshit?”
“If you want me to tell you that what you did is okay, I’m not going to. So go ahead and unfriend me on Facebook and unfollow me on Twitter. Whatever makes you feel better.” He stood and straightened his suit jacket. “But in real life, I’ll still be following your skinny white ass around, because you
BOOK: Off Her Rockers (Loving All Wrong #3.5)
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