Off the Field: Bad Boy Sports Romance (14 page)

Read Off the Field: Bad Boy Sports Romance Online

Authors: Heidi Hunter,Bad Boy Team

Tags: #BWWM Interracial Romance

BOOK: Off the Field: Bad Boy Sports Romance
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As I enjoyed him eating me out, he slid one of his thick fingers inside my tight, wet hole. I moaned loudly as it slipped in all the way. I clenched my muscled around it. He moved it in and out as his mouth continued to make love to my special place. He added a second finger as I opened up. When he wiggled them back and forth, I thought I was going to come as the pleasure built up.

“Let me taste you at the same time,” I mumbled.

Without needing any further explanation, he got to his knees and crawled next to me. After turning around, he straddled my body. His huge, hard dick hung over my face, bobbing up and down slightly. I pulled his body back some so that I could fit the tip of it into my mouth. As soon as I captured it between my lips, he bent down and returned to pleasing my pussy with his mouth.

His cock grew harder as my lips slid up and down the smooth shaft. As with everything else we’d tried together so far, he was a lot better at the sixty-nine position than any guy I’d ever been with before. Instead of thrusting into me like a crazy man, he let me take control. In exchange, I gave him the blowjob of his life. From his groans and quick breathing, I could tell he was enjoying it.

The smell of his body struck me. He had a clean scent, as if he’d just gotten out of the shower. At the same time, the aroma of sex was heavy in the air. Everything about the situation was turning me on even more. His tongue and lips pressed between my legs was great, but I wanted to have his cock inside my pussy and not just my mouth.

I slipped him out of my mouth, and said, “Fuck me, Steven.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. After climbing off of me, he turned around. I got up on my knees and pressed my breasts against the soft mattress, lifting my ass high in the air for him. His huge hands grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezed them. I moved it around, pressing it back against him. His hard dick poked me once or twice before he pressed the tip against the entrance to my pussy.

Slowly, inch by inch, he slid it into me. I pressed back against him as he pushed forward. He penetrated me completely, causing me to gasp in pleasure. My entire consciousness concentrated on my pussy. The friction built up as he thrust in and out of me forcefully, like he owned me. I moaned. He groaned. Together, we made beautiful music.

“Don’t stop,” I begged.

“Never,” he groaned. “Let’s switch, though, I want to see that beautiful face of yours.”

After he pulled out of me, I rolled over on my back. He knelt between my legs and reached down to grab them behind my knees, lifting them high into the air. His thick mushroom head penetrated me again. It felt even bigger as he thrust all the way in then slowly pulled it out. With each stroke, he changed the angle just enough to keep it interesting.

My orgasm crept up on me, jumping out at the last minute. I fell over the edge of the waterfalls and cried out in pleasure. He continued fucking me as my body shook. A moment later, he grunted as his cock throbbed deep inside me. His face contorted for a moment. When it passed, he bent down and kissed me passionately on the lips.

“I don’t want you to go,” he said. “Stay with me.”

I sighed. “Let’s just enjoy the moment, okay?”

He pulled out and laid down next to me on the bed. “What if you’re pregnant?”

“I can’t get pregnant,” I said barely above a whisper.

“Well, we should’ve been safe.”

“It’s okay. I know you haven’t been with anyone.” I looked over at him. “Have you?”

“No. Only you. It’s been a while. I lose myself at work.”

“Do you ever pleasure yourself?” I giggled at the thought.

“Sometimes, but not as much lately.”

“I want to experience sex with different people.”

“If you’re going to be out there experimenting, you need to be careful and safe,” he said as he gently stroked my hair on the top of my head.

“I know. Not the time for a lecture.”

“I’m sorry. I just think we would be great together.”

“We might be, but I’m too young to know.”

“I’ll wait for you.”

“I don’t want you to do that for me,” I said as I rested my head on his chest.

“I will. If you ever want to come back.”

“Depends on California.”

“You’ll love it out there,” he said.

“Yeah? You think so?” I traced one of the ridges in his abs with the tip of my finger.

“I do. You’re a California soul if I ever saw one.”

“If it wasn’t for you, I don’t think I’d be able to go and find myself.”

“Oh, the irony.”

“You’ll be okay,” I said.

“I will, but I’ll miss you.”

We both fell silent, enjoying the afterglow, the sense of closeness we shared. Both of us were both happy for the moment, which was enough. Love came in many forms. That was one of the things I’d learned in life. And it was a big lesson. I wanted to experience all sorts of love. I wasn’t sure if Steven understood, but I was sure he was satisfied in that particular moment in time. It was a memory I would keep with me forever.

He fell asleep first. As I laid on my side and watched him sleep, I thought about how hard he worked.
He deserves a good woman,
I thought as I yawned.
He’ll find someone before I make it out to California. I know it.
I kept telling myself that as I shut my eyes. A sense of calm and peace fell over my body as I gradually drifted off to sleep.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


The next morning, I woke up before him. As I stared at his naked body only partially covered by a thin, white sheet, I wondered if I was making the right decision. It was early. I wanted to leave before George and Anne woke up. I would see them again, but like their father, they wouldn’t understand why I needed to fly away for a while.

After I carefully climbed out of bed without waking up Steven, I slipped on my dress and headed downstairs. On the first floor, I changed back into my jeans and shirt. Before I left the house, I went into his office and sat down in the leather swivel chair behind his huge, oak desk. Part of me wanted to stay with him and see where it would go, but it was only a small part.

I grabbed a sheet of paper and picked up one of his expensive pens. Instead of going on page after page, I simply wrote, “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever… Love, Nikki.”
Will he understand? He’s a smart man. He’ll get it.
I set the pen down on top of the sheet of paper and took a deep breath. My life was about to begin.

An adventure awaited me outside the mansion while a man who loved me and would give me anything I wanted laid in bed upstairs. My feelings for him were strong, but I had to follow my mind and stick to my plan. California was where I needed to be. I shut his office door after I left. The kids would be okay until I could call them in a day or two.

Before leaving for California, I had to attend a going away party my friend Maryanne had planned for me. She’d spend weeks making sure it would be a party that would be talked about for years to come. I wanted to invite Steven, but he would never agree to go with so many people younger than him. Plus he had his reputation in the community.

As for me, all I wanted to do was have a little fun and see where life took me on the West Coast. To get there, I had to attend my going away party or Maryanne would never forgive me. I’d invited her to come with me, but she was twenty-four and not as full of youthful energy. At least not in my opinion. I took a deep breath and left the mansion, hoping it wasn’t the last time I would see Steven.

He said he would wait for me, but a week after I was gone I was certain he would come to his senses and forget all about me. In a way, I was doing the right thing, something an adult might do. Outside, I got in my car and started it up. Modest Mouse spilled out of the speakers. I smiled at myself and the world at large. I got past the driveway, and I just kept on going.



Nikki at the Party

“This isn’t one of your weird ass parties, is it?” I asked Maryanne as we stood in her small bathroom fighting for the mirror.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said then giggled as she finished putting on her deep red lipstick.

“You’re a freak, bitch,” I teased. “Now can I please use the mirror for a minute or two without you elbowing me?”

“Well, hurry up. We can’t be late. This is our last party before you head out to California.”

“You could come with me,” I said, turning to look at her.

She rolled her eyes. “I have way too much going on here. You know that.”

After she left the bathroom, I looked at my face in the mirror. The night with Steven Cary the billionaire was still on my mind, but I had to let that go. It was over between me and him even though it had just started.
He’d want to tie me down, and I don’t want that right now,
I thought as I finished my eyebrows and moved to my lips.

The dark red dress and string of pearls I’d picked out for the party made me look young, hot, and ready for anything. Steven weighed heavily on my mind, but I hoped a night out with Maryanne would help put thoughts and memories of him into a neat box. I had my whole life in front of me, and I didn’t want to be tied down. If I found love, I would settle down, but I didn’t know that such a thing existed for real.

“You ready yet, bitch?” Maryanne asked as she walked up and leaned against the doorframe.

“Hold on. Almost done.” I turned to her. “How do I look?”

“Like a slut.”

My eyes widened in fake shock as I reached out and pushed her arm. She smiled. Once outside her tiny apartment, we got into my car. If I drove us to the party, I’d have a way to leave early if necessary. Also, it would be a good reason for me to not get drunk or even drink at all. I had a few joints stashed in the bottom of my purse, but that was different.

“Let’s do this,” I said.

The car fired up right away when I turned the key. She gave me directions, horribly, as I drove deep into the country. Trees, leaves and grey skies lent everything an ominous mood. I couldn’t wait to get out to California. Hopefully, the party would last all night. Maryanne didn’t say much on the drive to the mansion out in the middle of nowhere, but she kept giggling, which scared the hell out of me.

“This is it?” I asked as I stopped in front of a gate.

“Yeah. Pull up to the little box on the pole.”

“You mean the intercom?”

“Yeah, that.”

I took my foot off the brake and coasted forward as I rolled my window down.

“Press the button and say Fitzgerald,” Maryanne said.

After giving her a WTF look, I reached out of the car window and pressed the white button on the call box.

“Fitzgerald,” I said then pulled my hand back into the car.

To my surprise, the large, iron gate opened. Maryanne squealed with glee as we made our way up the drive to the house. Men in nice suits opened the doors for us as we pulled up to the house, which was a little ridiculous considering my car was twelve years old and on its last legs. They drove my car away as we walked to the front door of the house. It was huge.

“That’s a massive door,” I noted.

Maryanne stopped and grabbed my shoulders, pointing my body toward her. “Look. You need to behave in here, okay? It’s a big deal we were even invited.”

“Sure. I said I’d stay an hour or two maybe.”

We turned and continued to the front door. It opened as we approached. The house was huge and looked like it was at least a hundred years old. Whoever owned the house was rich. Once inside the foyer, we glanced around, not knowing where to go. On an impulse, I opened a pair of French doors. A group of stoners turned as a cloud of marijuana rushed into the foyer.

“Close the door,” one hissed just as the familiar “One, Two, Three, Four…” from the Broad City theme song came on the flatscreen in the room.

I shut the doors and turned around to Maryanny with a smile on my face. “Broad City marathon and pot? This is the best party ever.”

“I love you, bitch, but we’re not coming to a party like this and hanging out with losers like them. Don’t be an Abbi.”

She twirled around and headed into what appeared to be a formal living room. I looked back at the room full of pot and laughs and frowned.

“I’m not the Abbi,” I called as I ran to catch up with her. “You’re the Abbi!” I yelled as I turned the corner.

The entire room of men and women dressed in the finest fashions all craned their heads to stare at me. I managed a half wave before Maryanne grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the adjacent dining room. Trays upon trays of food were on the table. All of it looked scrumptious. Even better, an open door led to a fully stocked bar.

Maryanne disappeared as I went over to the bar to get a glass of wine. While I didn’t want to get drunk, some wine would help me relax. I really wanted to go back to the room in the front of the house with the stoners watching Broad City reruns, but my best friend was right. I needed to expand my horizons a little before I headed all the way out to California by myself.

On my third glass of red, Maryanne rushed over to the bar. She stopped in front of me and grabbed my hands. Her eyes were wide with excitement. Before she even opened her mouth, I could tell it was going to be something about a man. I wished we could just hang out, drink, and make fun of people before I left Maine, but she always had a way of ruining my plans.

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