Officer in Pursuit (19 page)

Read Officer in Pursuit Online

Authors: Ranae Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Officer in Pursuit
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Everything inside her drew tight and
pulsed, burying her in bliss while also reminding her how empty she
was, how badly she still wanted him inside her – all of him,

Things got hazy, and after a few
breathless moments, the all-consuming sensations of climax started
to fade away. She was left panting and anxious, still too expectant
to pause to catch her breath.

Grey didn’t hesitate, but rather went
slowly – so slowly Kerry could hardly stand it. One moment he was
pressing up against her pussy lips, then he was almost inside her,
and then he was, but not nearly deep enough.

He was stretching her. Reminding her
of how long it’d been since she’d been with anyone at all, and that
she’d never been with anyone like him. He must’ve known it, must’ve
been holding back on purpose. Because no way would anyone take the
first stroke so agonizingly, deliciously slowly

Not if they wanted this as badly as
she did, anyway, and she knew that he did.

Her pussy seemed to stretch and shrink
at the same time, drawing tight around his hardness. How was that

She couldn’t think, could hardly
breathe, could only focus on the way it felt to finally have him
inside her, halfway now, destroying the feeling of emptiness he’d
made her so aware of.

A sound came from deep in his chest
and his breath rushed through her hair, making her shiver in a good
way. His groin pressed against hers, plying pressure on her clit as
he finally settled balls-deep inside her.

She was so full she didn’t know what
to do, other than cling to him, arching against his chest, her
short nails dragging a little on his back.

He groaned, teased her hair with
another hard breath. “Jesus, Kerry.”

A bolt of something hot and
buoying hit her along with the sound of his voice, sharpening the
edge of her pleasure. “It feels so good, Grey. I mean,
feel so

She was anything but well-versed in
dirty talk. In fact, she wasn’t used to having anyone she could
really talk to at all. But she meant what she said – meant it,
maybe, more than she’d ever meant anything else.

“So do you. You’re so tight I can
hardly stand it.”

His voice came out strangely rough,
and hers weirdly breathy.

“What – are you saying I’m hurting
you?” If she was, she didn’t have a clue what she could do about
it. She was being perfectly still, enjoying the way her nerves were
teetering on the brink of short-circuiting, nearly overwhelmed by
the pleasure of being so tightly and completely bound with

“No. Jesus, no. It feels good. Like… I
don’t know. Even better than I imagined.”

Laughter rose up inside her but was
choked by a moan. He’d shifted, just a little, and the effect of
the minor movement was unbelievably powerful. Her core tightened by
a few more degrees, pulsing around him.

He groaned too, then met her eyes.
“I’m afraid I’ll hurt you. I’m not, am I?”

“No.” His entrance had inspired a
slight ache, but it wasn’t bad. Not at all.

“Good.” He pulled his hips back and
rocked into her again, this time sliding smoothly and a little more
quickly, barely pausing before he did it again, faster this time,
and the next.

Kerry’s head spun as he continued. She
hadn’t even realized it was possible to be dizzy while lying on
one’s back – she hadn’t realized a lot of things, until just

Like how good it could feel just to be
this close with someone, even if she wasn’t coming. For years,
she’d thought of orgasms – rare though they’d once been for her –
as the only pleasurable part of sex. But this was just as good, in
its own way.

She wrapped her arms around Grey’s
neck and held him tight.

He kept rocking into her, making the
whole bed vibrate to their rhythm. The full mattress hadn’t been
designed to remain perfectly still while being subjected to
something like this, and it didn’t.

As the bed shuddered and the sheets
became more hopelessly tangled than before, a feeling of tightness
and expectation began to build inside Kerry again. It was a bit of
a surprise, while at the same time, everything felt so good that it
seemed natural to be nearing climax again.

Still, she wasn’t sure if she could
come this way. Not that she minded trying, every bit of her
tingling with the knowledge that the possibility was

Each stroke was deep, and Grey’s wide
shaft rubbed against her in delightful places – one place, in
particular. When he buried himself to the root, his body pressed
against her clit, and the pressure was like a spark that might
catch flame, might send her over the edge again.

At least, that was what she thought,
until a noise from outside shattered the illusion that she and Grey
were alone in a world that didn’t go beyond the bedroom

She gasped, frozen – the noise had
been loud, almost like gunfire.

Grey groaned. “It’s okay – it’s
nothing. My neighbor has this piece of shit car, and it’s always
doing that.”

His words should’ve soothed her, but
her heart was already racing and the bitter taste of an adrenaline
spike was flooding her mouth.

She believed him about the car, but
her body had already responded, hitting her hard with a physical
reaction that felt familiar after years of living on

Grey slipped a hand into her hair and
stroked the curve of her skull. He was still deep inside her, but
he wasn’t moving anymore. “You all right?”

“Yeah.” Her words came out more
breathless than ever. “That just… That noise… It scared me. I
forgot about the rest of the world, for a while.”

He was still for a moment longer, then
he rocked his hips slowly, giving her another taste of pleasure.
“Think you can forget again?”

She wrapped her arms more tightly
around his neck, pulled him close. “Don’t stop.”

He thrust into her, hard, and groaned.
After that, every stroke seemed deeper, more deliberate. “I’m
close, Kerry. Really close.”

She could feel the truth in his words,
the tension in his muscles, the intent in the way he drove himself
into her, filling absolutely all of her.

And it felt so, so good. But her
nerves were still buzzing with residual alarm, and she wasn’t sure
she could focus enough to come again.

“Don’t stop,” she said again, and gave
him an internal squeeze.

He didn’t. Cradling her between his
arms, he thrust hard into her, really making the bed shake

Each thrust sent a bolt of shocking
pleasure through her, and she felt impaled with pleasure, but it
didn’t peak, just wracked her in an endless plateau, making her
arch and gasp, reaching for more. She knew he was about to come,
and visions of his cock between her hands the night before,
spilling white, hot stickiness all over her fingers pushed her
tantalizingly close to orgasm.

He’d looked so good then, had felt so
hard in her hands. This time, he felt just as hard inside her, and
looked so good above her that she could hardly stand it.

When he came he cried out and the
sound reverberated through her, amplifying the physical and mental
pleasure of feeling him lose control. He’d been careful before – so
considerate – but now he drove her so hard against the bed that her
hips ached, and she felt how strong he really was, how

He didn’t hurt her, but he made her
ache, made her realize just how small she was in comparison to him
and just how thoroughly caught she was beneath him, her body open
and yielding to his, locked in those long, intense moments as he

She didn’t mind, wasn’t afraid. She
trusted him. And that was exhilarating.

When he was done he pulled out, and
she thought it was over. Already, she was buzzing with a sort of
afterglow, happy and faintly awed as her mind put together the
pieces of what they’d just done, making it real in her

But Grey didn’t turn away from her.
Instead, after peeling off the condom and throwing it in a waste
basket, he wrapped his arms around her from behind, catching her in
a close embrace.

“What are you doing?” she asked as he
slipped a hand between her thighs. His body was radiating heat, and
his cock was pulsing, still hard and faintly sticky against the
small of her back.

“I know you can come twice – you did
last night – and I know you were trying just now.” He rubbed her
clit with his fingertips, setting off fresh sparks of

She didn’t protest – it felt too good,
and she didn’t really want this to stop, to be over yet.

He touched her without holding back,
massaging, occasionally teasing her lips below, where she was still
tingling from the friction of his shaft against them.

He touched her breasts too, rubbing
his fingertips over her nipples, toying with them until she arched
against the him.

It didn’t take long for her to come.
When the first surge of pleasure hit her, it took her by surprise,
tearing down the barrier of nerves and shock that’d held her back
after they’d been interrupted by that loud sound. As her mind
clouded with a fog of bliss, she thought that maybe the reason she
was able to get off now was because Grey’s arms were wrapped so
tightly around her – she was caught in his embrace, and she felt
safely sheltered there.




Good thing I have some
overtime coming up,” Kerry said as Grey unloaded four new tires out
of his car. They’d bought them at a garage in town and he’d had to
put two in his trunk and two in the back seat.

“Yeah. These things don’t come cheap.”
He stacked them in the gravel beside her car, then pulled a jack
and a tool bag out of his trunk. “At least you’re getting
top-quality labor.”

“I appreciate it, believe me. Thank
you so much. I usually take my car to the garage for everything,
even oil changes, and end up waiting around forever. I’m not
mechanically inclined.”

“Well.” Grey was secretly glad to have
a chance to help her out with the whole psycho ex-husband situation
– or whatever was going on. Even if it was just by changing out her
tires. “Watch and be amazed. I’ve been doing this ever since I was
a kid. My grandfather was a mechanic, and he practically raised me.
Him and my grandmother.”

“Oh? My grandfather was a coal miner.
So was my dad.”

“We’re both practically aristocracy
then,” he said, loosening the lug nuts on the front right wheel.
The rubber had been viciously slashed, ruining the tire beyond any
hope of repair. They were all like that – deliberately destroyed.
The sight pissed him off, especially since he’d just watched her
spend five hundred bucks on a new set.

Her car – an ancient Toyota – would be
hard to sell for five hundred dollars.

“Yeah, eastern Kentucky is known for
its bluebloods.” She smiled. “Can I help with anything?”

“Not really. I could do this in my
sleep. Do you get much overtime at Wisteria?”

He knew she was head of the
housekeeping staff there, and that she wasn’t rolling in cash. Her
house was nice and neatly furnished, but small, and her car showed
that she was careful with her money, that she got the most she
could out of everything she owned.

“No, not usually. Sometimes when we’re
especially swamped with tourists I pull a few extra hours, but
there wasn’t much of that this summer. We’re holding a special
event on Halloween though, and my boss asked me to stay an hour or
so past the end of my regular shifts to help her

“What kind of special event?” He’d
fallen into the familiar rhythm of replacing a car’s tires – the
vehicle was up on the jack, and he practically moved on

“We’re calling it a fall festival.
Basically, it’s a classier alternative to the haunted house going
on at the old farm next to the mansion grounds. Or maybe
alternative isn’t the right word – we’re hoping people stop by
before the haunted house, or after. There’ll be food and

“What about costumes?”

“Yeah. There’ll be a contest,

“You gonna participate?”

“Of course not – how would it look if
an employee won?”


“Why do you care?”

“I was kind of hoping you were gonna
wear a sexy costume.”

“I might dress up, but I’ll have to
keep it professional.”

“Hey, I’m not suggesting anything
crazy like those little scraps of polyester they sell at the mall.
I’m picturing something that’s classy, yet still requires you to
wear fishnet stockings or maybe a corset for maximal

“So what would I be in that kind of
get-up, a dominatrix?”

“If you want. I’ll play

“How generous of you.”

He grinned. He couldn’t really picture
her in a costume like that – or rather, he could, but he knew she
wouldn’t choose anything like it. But that didn’t make it any less
enjoyable to fantasize about, or her any less fun to

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