Official Girl 4 (7 page)

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Authors: Charmanie Saquea

BOOK: Official Girl 4
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“I’m happy to know were all on the same page
,” I smirked.

, but why would he wait two years to snitch? That shit doesn’t make sense.”

“Ain’t no telling what
be going through that nigga head,” I said.

“We should have put a bullet in his head a long damn time ago. I never did like t
he nigga but he could do no wrong in Ladybug’s eyes.”

By no means am I an insecure nigga but sometimes I wonder why the hell
Neicey did choose to keep this nigga around when she knew he was on some shady shit. That just doesn’t sit right with me.

“Yo, do y’all think that Neicey still has feelings for that nigga?” I asked
, voicing my thoughts.

They just got quiet and looked away
like they didn’t hear shit I said.

“Damn, for real?”

“I mean think about it Kell, if you didn’t have feelings for somebody would you keep them around?” Micah asked.

I didn’t answer; instead I turned to the person who knew her better than anybody.
“How about you Mone, that’s your sister and you raised her so you know.”

“Shit as much as I hate to admit it, yes she does. Ladybug may have some type of feelings for him but you don’t have to worry about shit.”

“What you mean?” I asked.

“Check this out, her and Lakey were fucking inseparable when they were little. They had feelings for each other but she left before they could even do anything. Now that they’re older they’re still close as hell, she made him the damn godfather to y’all kids
, but do you feel threatened by him? Do you think they got something going?”

I had to think about it for a minute, he was right. Shit
, Lakey been around her all her life and was still around but I never got the feeling that they had anything going on. “Naw,” I answered.

“Okay then.”

“But that’s different though Mone, you gotta think about it differently. Whenever her and Kell had problems, he was there to be a shoulder to cry on, when they broke up, who did she run to? Who was she in a relationship with? When she left to run down here, who did she call? She keeping that nigga close for a reason and what that reason is, we don’t know,” Micah said.

I just sat back and thought about everythin
g my brother just said. He was right also; she was keeping this nigga close for a reason. Too bad he won’t be around too much longer.



My main thing, Chyanne, called me and said she had something really important to talk to me about. I didn’t want to leave my mom but her and my aunties were going somewhere anyway, so it worked out perfectly fine. I pulled up to her house to see her waiting for me on the porch. I got out and walked up to her. She didn’t look right and I could tell that she had been crying.

“What’s wrong baby?” I asked.

She mumbled something but I didn’t understand what she said because her head was down. I kneeled down in front of her and lifted her head up. “Look at me, now what’s wrong.”

“I’m pregnant,” she cried.

“Okay…um.” I didn’t know what to say.

“He touched me,” she said in a low whisper.

“Wait, what? Who?” I asked.

“My daddy….he touched me and my mom don’t believe me.” She broke down.

I was shocked. The only thing I could do was pull her into my arms and let her cry. All of a sudden the door opened and her dad walked out, he smelled like he took a damn dive in a swimming pool of liquor. Instantly my blood began to boil.

“What the fuck I tell you? I told yo ass to stay in yo fucking room!” he yelled, grabbing Chyanne by her hair.

“AHHHH!” she screamed, pleading with her eyes for me to save her.

I don’t know what came over me but I punched him dead in his shit. He stumbled back while putting his hand up to his bleeding nose. “Chy go get in the car, now!” I said, never taking my eyes off of her bitch ass daddy. She ran down the stairs to my car.

“You little muthafucka!” he yelled while charging at me. He swing and hit me in the eye but that didn’t do anything but piss me off more. Before I knew it, I lost my damn mind on his ass. If it wasn’t for Chyanne’s screaming, I probably would have killed his ass. I looked down at his bloody face and ran down the steps.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Forget about me, are you okay?” I asked.

She just nodded her head. I grabbed my phone and dialed the first person that popped in my head.


“Ma, I need you.”

Fifteen minutes later, we were pulling up to my house. I couldn’t even get out the car before my mom came running out the house. She ran right up to my side of the car.

“What’s wrong MJ?” she asked. When she
saw my face and knuckles, she damn near lost her mind. “Lani, go grab my boyfriend. Shit just got fucking real!” she yelled at my auntie, referring to her gun.

“Ma, chill. You just got home and don’t need to be going back,” I chuckled.

That’s what I loved about my mom; she asked no questions and was always ready to go to war. I got out of the car and went to open the door for Chyanne. We all walked into the house with all eyes on us.

“Umm, ma and pops, I need to talk to y’all,” I said before grabbing Chyanne’s hand, leading the way to the kitchen.

“What the fuck happened to you face?” my dad roared, walking over to me and examining my face.

“I got into a fight with her old man,” I said.

“What happened MJ?” my mom asked.

“I went over there to talk to Chyanne and she told me that…” I stopped and looked over at her. “I think I’ll let her tell you.”

She looked at me like she was scared. “It’s okay, you can talk to them,” I reassured her.

“Um…my dad he…he likes to touch me and I’m…I’m pregnant.” She shifted uncomfortably.

“Damn,” my pops said.

My mom looked like she was about to have a heart attack. “I know it might sound harsh, but I just want to know. Are you pregnant by MJ or your dad?” she asked.

“I…I don’t know.” She broke down crying. My mom rushed up to her and hugged her.

“I got her, you two finish,” she said, walking out of the kitchen with Chyanne.

I looked up at my dad and could tell he had a mouthful to say. “MJ, did we not just have this discussion about you strapping up? How old is she? Do I need to go beat this nigga ass?” he said all in one breath.

I sighed before I answered. “Honestly pops, I don’t know how this shit happened. We used a condom every time, but one time it broke and I never thought anything of it. She’s sixteen and I never knew what the hell was going on with her dad. I went over there to talk to her, then all of a sudden he started acting crazy. I just flipped on him; he caught me one good time in my eye. His drunk ass probably won’t even remember what happened.”

I watched as my pops paced back and forth in the kitchen. I knew his mind was running because mine was too.
Me, a dad?

“A baby though, MJ?” he asked.

“It wasn’t planned.”

“I know but…damn.”

We both looked up when we heard my mom come back into the kitchen. Ma was a loose cannon, so we didn’t know what to expect, especially me.

“I gave her some painkillers and let her take a nap. She wants to talk when she wakes up,” she said.

“Come here, ma,” I said.

She went to the freezer and got some ice and put it in a sandwich bag before coming to me. She turned my face then put the ice on my left eye. She looked at me with sad eyes.

“Look ma, I never meant for all this to happen. I’ll be sixteen in a couple of weeks and I know that’s not any better, but I’m man enough to take care of my responsibilities. If that is my baby, I’ll take care of it…even if it’s not mines,” I said.

She didn’t say anything; she just looked at me hard before walking back into the living room with everyone else.

“You know yo mom is a little emotional, don’t sweat it. She heard you loud and clear and she understands,” my pops said before leaving out behind her.

What Imma do now?

Chapter 5

We had been home for a week and things between me and Micah had been real intense. When he looked at me, I didn’t see the love in his eyes anymore. I felt like I was slowly losing him, but that’s not what I wanted to happen. I really wanted to tell him about Bishop, but I just didn’t know how.

“WHAT BISHOP!” I yelled into the phone.

“Janae, do you take me as a fucking joke or something?”

“Stop calling my phone Bishop. I’m not playing with you.”

“Janae just take the damn test!”

I just hung up the phone, frustrated. This shit is getting ridiculous.
I wish Micah would hurry up and get home,
I thought. I heard the doorbell ring, so I ran down the stairs. I wish I would have looked out the peephole before I opened the damn door.

“Why the hell are you at my house?”

“Because you like to play me as a damn fool.”

“Bishop, leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone,” I said.

He brushed past me and walked into the house and I damn near fainted. Bishop never put his hands on me or anything but I didn’t like being around him when I was by myself. The last time we were by ourselves, we did the unthinkable.

“This is nice,” he said, eyeing my house. “You know, I’m starting to think you like the fucking attention, because all you have to do is take the test then I will get the fuck on.”

“She’s not your daughter Bishop, what part of that do you not understand?” I asked with my hands on my hips.

“How do you know? If I’m correct you fucked me then fucked my brother a few days later, then you started hollering you were pregnant. My brother went to his grave thinking that little girl was his and she’s probably not.”

I sighed in frustration. “I’m sick of this shit,” I said walking into the kitchen, and of course his ass just had to follow me. “Bishop I…” I froze when I heard a car pull up. I looked out the window in the kitchen and saw Micah’s truck.
Oh shit.

“Bishop, you gotta go!” I panicked.

“Fuck that, I’m not running,” he said.

“Oh my God, I hate you!” I said with venom dripping from my voice.

I heard the front door open so I ran to the living room.

“Mommy guess what?” Ranee said.

“What baby?” I asked.

“Daddy…” she started but stopped.

I turned around to see Bishop standing there. Why the hell couldn’t his ass just stay locked up?

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Micah said from behind me.

I wanted to turn around but I couldn’t; I was stuck.

“That’s rude, Nae Nae, introduce us,” Bishop smirked.

“Shut. Up,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Baby girl, take your brother upstairs for me,” said Micah to Ranee.

Ranee did as she was told and grabbed her brother’s hand, slowly walking him up the stairs. I was still facing Bishop, too scared to turn around to face Micah; I didn’t want to see the look on his face.

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