Olive - The Chosen One (10 page)

Read Olive - The Chosen One Online

Authors: Daisy L. Bloom

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Olive - The Chosen One
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    You could hear fairies greeting each other

    ‘‘Sweetie, how are you?  How did the op go?’’

    ‘‘You look absolutely fabulous darling.’’

    ‘‘Cherry, how are you?  You look superb.’’

    ‘Bla bla bla!’

    Cherry was carrying a pink mask which was attached to a stick.  She carried it in front of her face but, kept moving it to the side so other fairies could see who she was.  It was emblazoned in crystals.  She was wearing a pink net cat costume.  You could see her fairy cat eyes peeking out from behind the mask. 

    There was no-one more beautiful than Elisabetta Caylor. 

Mio Dio
- OMG!

    She was still the most beautiful fairy ever.  Cielo then pointed out Sophia Goren in the distance
at 45!

    Some fairies just knew the best surgeons.

    Destiny giggled to herself thinking ‘maybe I could get a number!’

    And then fairy Bruce started to play a rocky number ‘Born in the Olive Fields.’

    ‘‘Born in the Olive Fields!’’ the fairies started to sing.

    Olive felt that maybe this particular song was for her and her siblings because she could see Luna looking at her, smiling.  These fairies were so ready to have a little fairy dance.

    She could see Dandy beginning to do his thing in the distance and decided to join him.

    Destiny pulled Cielo onto the dance floor with her.  ‘Born in the Olive Fields’ they sang at the top of their voices, it was exhilarating. 

    Brucie was a huge Elvis fan so shouted ‘‘who wants some Rock and Roll?’’

    ‘Me, me!  I want to rock around the fairy clock’ thought Destiny. 

    Dana and Fedi were really moving to the groove, Fedi threw Dana up in the air. 
Mio Dio
- OMG!  They really knew how to dance.

    ‘It was a refreshing change for Dana to be the one flashing her panties and not Destiny!’ thought the kids.

    A lot of champagne had been consumed during the party.  The fairies eventually went to bed at 4.30am.  It had been a blast!!!

    The fairies had a couple of days just relaxing by the pool, taking in some rays and laughing whilst they reminisced.  They discussed what they had experienced over the last few days.  Yes!  Life was certainly for living!!! 

    The biggest event of the evening at the Masked Ball was when Luna and Dandy announced that after being turned down as suitable adoptive parents, they were going to have a baby by a surrogate mother.  Yes, they were pregnant!  A fairy baby was due in just eight months and it was going to be the most loved fairy baby ever. Destiny was going to be the most glamorous fairy
that ever existed and
Dana was beyond excited.

    ‘‘We are going to be grand-mothers’’ they chanted as they strut their stuff across the dance floor.

    Dana started knitting little cardigans and jumpers for the baby fairy.  Destiny was an artist at embroidery.  She began to make little bibs and embroidered jackets ready for the arrival.  Once the name was announced she would embroider this onto her creations.  They were adorable, her hands created a work of art and to be honest, she was renowned for her embroidery all over Salento, in fact all over Italy.

    The boys had promised that they would take their family and friends to the Pride Festival.  It was taking place on the last day before they were due to fly home.  Who could miss that?  It was rumored that the famous fairy Sharon Seaman was attending along with the beautiful fairy model Paris De Mare.  Wow, exciting or what?

    The fairies from the olive fields of Salento were over-whelmed.  They had never seen anything like it.  Joan Jett was performing when they arrived.

    ‘I love Rock and Roll’ was booming out from the speakers.  This was followed by ‘Love is all around me’ and it certainly was.  It was like going back into the 60’s, it was certainly full of flower power.  Sunshine and Rainbow felt so very much at home.  There was little cutesy stores selling everything from love flowers to love candles.  Big signs were displayed saying ‘Love and acceptance is the way forward.’  Sherbet fountains with liquorice were on sale everywhere, they tasted great and took them back to their childhood.

    Eventually the day arrived for the fairies to return home.  No-one was ready but, all good things come to an end!  Two private helicopters landed in the heli-pad at the back of Luna and Dandy’s house.  They were ready to take them to the air-field where the private jet awaited them.  They all made a pact to return as soon as the baby was born.  They promised to keep stum which was quite difficult for the
as they were so very excited.









The surrogate mother of the baby was a lady who lived in Belgium.  She already had two children and wanted to give something special to a couple who were unable to have children of their own.  Obviously she wanted the money but, she also had a good heart.  When she read of Luna and Dandy’s plight and all they did for charity, she decided that this was the couple she would help.  She approached Luna’s management team and made her offer, signed a confidential contract and within three months she was pregnant.  It all happened so quickly.  She was going to be rich and they were going to be complete, so everyone was happy.

    The nineteen week scan was upon the three fairies before no time at all.  Luna and Dandy flew to Belgium to be by the side of their surrogate mother who was called Oceane.  This lady fairy was a stunner!  She had the longest blond hair with sea-blue eyes.  The boys were really pleased to think that maybe they would have a blond little angel fairy.

    The scan showed

All three of them cried, Luna and Dandy because they were going to have a daughter, Oceane because she felt the love in the room and she was going to be very rich!

    Everything was perfect. 
!  They decided she was going to be called Renesmee Pearla.  They couldn’t wait for her to be born.









The fairies returned home.  They were elated with the memories that they shared in L.A. but, they were also a little jet-lagged.  They had to be ready for another adventure much sooner than anyone could have expected. 

    Olive always thought to herself ‘if only my fairy wings were stronger, I could fly anywhere I wanted.’

    She had read stories about the monkeys in the rain forest in Borneo.  She decided if she had a chance to travel anywhere in the world, this would be her choice.  There was just something about monkeys that she loved, the way the little monkey fairies clung to their
full of love.  There was just nothing quite like it.  Where Willow wanted to save the olive trees, she felt in her heart that her destiny was to somehow save and protect the wild-life especially in the rain forest as the monkeys were becoming extinct.  Maybe she should talk to Willow and see if she wanted to go on an adventure with her.

    Willow was not just a lover of trees but, also of animals.  The girls decided that as the school holidays were coming up, it was time to see if they could help the monkeys.

    As soon as Luna and Dandy heard about the girl’s plans, they offered their services.  They said they would like to go with them.  The four of them set off on an adventure.

    The girls got in touch with a monkey keeper.  He lived in the rain forest.  He was known as Rush, he rescued monkeys that were either sick or unable to fend for themselves along with his two helpers.  They had even set up a breeding centre as they did not want the monkeys to become extinct.  Once they were ready, they would be released back into the wild.

    The four fairies were given a wooden chalet to stay in.  It was surreal sitting in the open rooms looking out into the woods, listening to the wild-life and having rain water showers.  They felt they lived amongst the animals. The fairies thought that there was nothing quite like getting up in the morning to the sound of the forest and taking in the woody smell.  It was quite humid and damp in the forest but, also invigorating, it made you glad to be alive.

    The first monkey that Olive and the fairies met was an orphan.  This little monkey had somehow been separated from its fairy mummy and daddy.  She was found alone and scared hiding in the trunk of a tree in the forest.  It took a long time for the rescuers to coach this little monkey down.  Eventually through sheer hunger, the little monkey who was christened Poppy let the rescuers take her back to their sanctuary.  The poor little thing shook from the fear of it all but, after a few weeks of being looked after and fed, she realized that these fairies were really kind and would do her no harm.  Poppy had huge brown eyes, she was adorable, and everyone loved her.  It was strange but, Poppy liked to listen to Olive singing.  She would rock Poppy to sleep singing her lullabies.  It was the sweetest thing you had ever heard or seen.

    Another monkey had been rescued.  She was heavily pregnant and the group felt that perhaps she would take Poppy under her fairy monkey wings.  They hoped that maybe she would love her as one of her own once she had given birth to her babies.

    They were all out walking one morning when they heard a crying in the distance, a wallowing!  It was all quite disturbing!  They followed the sound and came across a poor trapped monkey.  Somehow it had got caught up in a net. 

    ‘Poachers must be around trying to capture the monkeys, they must be setting up traps so they can capture them and sell them.  These people need to be stopped!’ thought Olive.

    They freed the monkey and decided that somehow they were going to stop the greed of these cruel fairies.

    That night everything in the forest changed.  A huge storm was approaching.  Hurricane Mobo was coming across the rain forest.  The fairies were warned that it was the strongest in 30 years.  It would be best if they left the forest before it reached them.  The fairies decided they would leave but, would return after the storm had passed.  They flew away from the dangerous zone, leaving their new fairy friends behind feeling full of desperation and worry.  They had to leave very quickly because already the winds were getting stronger.  Everyone was afraid about what devastation was to come.

    No-one slept that night.  The four fairies sat huddled around a fairy radio a few miles away.  They couldn’t watch the fairy television as all power had been lost.  The radio presenter was speaking in a very erratic voice, he said that after the hurricane had passed, he didn’t know if any of the animals would have survived.  The storm was horrendous and that every fairy would need to pray across the world for the safety of everyone.  A charity was set up to collect money to help everyone that was affected by the hurricane.

    ‘‘Please give what you can’’ were the last words the fairies heard ‘‘please give.’’

    The four fairies paced up and down, afraid of what they were going to hear and see next. 


Wish - The wish of renewal and Survival in the Rain Forest


Olive paced up and down.  She quickly decided if there was ever a time to use one of her wishes,
this was it

    She called on the other fairies.  They went outside taking with them the little bottle they had fed Poppy from.  They placed it in the middle of a circle of acorns.  They all knelt down, Olive began chanting.

    ‘‘Calling Priscilla, calling Priscilla, your help is needed urgently!’’

    Within a flash and flap of her fairy wings Priscilla appeared.

    ‘‘Yes, my dear’’ she said ‘‘how can I help you?  Are you ready to use your 7

    Olive could not contain her grief.  She told Priscilla of the monkey’s plight in the rain forest.  She told her about Rush and his two helpers who would be fighting for their lives. 

    ‘‘Please make the hurricane stop, please bring calm and peace back into the rain forest.  I beg you!’’ she said.

    Priscilla waved her magic fairy wand.  Some peach sparkly fairy dust flew over the rain forest.  The winds calmed down, the rain stopped and peace returned.

    As the fairies were not in the rain forest, they just had to pray it worked.

    ‘‘Please let Olive’s wish work’’ they chanted.

    Priscilla smiled to herself saying ‘‘of course it will work.  I am your fairy God-mother and this is one of your wishes!!!!’’

    The fairies put on the radio and were pleased to hear that calm had returned.  The radio presenter could not believe that such a strong hurricane had somehow just stopped in mid-air.  All he kept saying was ‘‘I am pleased to report that calm and serenity has returned to the rain forest.  I just don’t understand what has happened!  One minute, the wind was swirling, ripping up trees, rain lashing down and then all of a sudden the sun was shining.  It seems unreal!  I am at a loss for words!  The strangest thing of all is that the whole rain forest is covered in yellow fairy dust.  It is as if some magic has happened.’’

    ‘Everybody needs a little bit of magic in their lives’ he thought to himself.

    The fairies decided they would return to the rain forest as soon as they were able.  They wanted to reassure themselves that the monkeys had survived, especially those they were nurturing and that Rush was ok!  They were fairy sick worried!

    They arrived to the fairy forest to discover that some rebuilding work would have to be done.  The monkeys had scattered, trees had been pulled up, Poppy had taken shelter in Rush’s home and sat huddled in a corner.  The pregnant monkey christened Maggie was looking distressed and Rush was no-where to be seen.  The wooden chalet they were staying in had no roof, it had been ripped off.  Olive and Willow began to cry.

    ‘‘We are too late, we are too late.’’

    ‘I need stronger fairy wings to fly through the forest.  We all need stronger wings’ she thought to herself.

    She hesitated before calling Priscilla for her 8
wish.  How could they help if they didn’t have the strength of their wings?  How could they?


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