Omega (38 page)

Read Omega Online

Authors: Lizzy Ford

Tags: #dystopia, #mythology, #greek mythology, #greek myths, #greek gods, #teen romance, #teen series, #teen dystopia

BOOK: Omega
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I became what he said I
was,” Herakles continued. “I couldn’t even think for myself. I
obeyed. You saw that when you looked at me. Even at the age of six,
you knew how to … help people.” He waved over his head at the
ribbons I alone saw. “You undid what he did, and I began to
remember. To understand. To feel like a real person again. And the
buried part of me that had a conscience knew you were going to be
crucified if I let them take you away.”

You grabbed me and ran,”
I whispered.

He nodded. “We were on the run for a week.
It was impossible to keep you hidden. I took a razor then a flame
torch to myself. I was so sick of what I’d become, and too
accustomed to pain to care.” He rubbed his scars. “I wanted to burn
and cut away the man he made me into. With the stamina and strength
he’d built into me, I was able to keep ahead of SISA, the military
and the Royal Guard, but even I needed help and rest at some point.
I didn’t think we’d survive much longer, until Father Cristopolos
found me and began talking to me about the Old Ways and how you
were part of a prophecy to bring them back. That’s when I went to
my benefactor once last time and begged him for a favor. He granted
us the forest, and Lantos wiped your memory.”

I listened, unable to recall the story he
told from my own mind. “Why didn’t I recognize Lantos when we met
again recently? Why can’t I remember the time between when I fell
and when I arrived to the orphanage?”

Lantos explained there
were levels involved in compartmentalizing memories. His magic
sealed away some, but it was his father’s magic that tucked away
most of them.”

And his father is a

As opposed to a
half-breed demigod.”

It wasn’t the history I expected. Perhaps
because I was waiting for something horrific to cross his lips. “I
changed you,” I said, fascinated by the concept.

You fixed me.”

Studying my guardian’s face, I began to pity
him. Turned into some sort of Frankenstein and then shown what he
was, he had tried to destroy himself. My sweet Herakles didn’t
deserve such a fate, even if I didn’t yet know how to tackle the
idea of him killing my parents.

And the priests created a
spy ring out of the nymphs,” I mused. “You knew about that,

I did. I don’t know if it
survived, since the priests didn’t.”

It did. Leandra took it

Always the sharpest of

A little jealous, even now, about how
perfect Leandra was, I changed the subject. “Who was your
benefactor?” I asked.

The man known now as the
Supreme Magistrate. He was a low level politician with his daddy’s
money when we met. My Olympic wins propelled him upwards into the
strata he’s in now.”

You’re afraid he’ll do to
me what he did to you.”

I know he’ll destroy you.
It’s what he does.”

My hands were clenched together. I shook
them loose self-consciously and glanced up at Mismatch. He was
close enough to have overheard everything. Was that a good thing or
not? I hated not knowing where he stood.

You’re here,” I said. “Do
you trust Dosy and the Queen?”

I think they are the
least evil of the three.”

I bit back a smile.

That said, I feel like I
didn’t raise you anywhere near right. You are too good and sweet
and honest to deal with manipulative bastards. All of them want
something from you, and each is willing to bulldoze the world twice
over to get it.”

Yeah. I’ve kind of
figured that out. Just not sure how I do anything without ending up
torn to pieces or dead.”

I wish I

Ouch. If Herakles didn’t know either …

Time’s up,” Dosy said and
approached once more. “Hey! Come down!” She motioned to

I stood, my body stiffening up already from
the night of being beaten down. Mismatch floated down from the
rafters and landed near us.

If you breathe one word
of any this to Lantos …” Dosy said, glaring at Mismatch.

What I tell him is not your
Mismatch replied.

I cleared my throat.

What’d he say?” Dosy

Probably what you’d say
in the same situation,” I replied.

Look, Adonis, as far as I
know, the Queen is the only person not out to have Alessandra
killed or ripped apart. I don’t know what Lantos is planning, but I
don’t trust it.”

I will always protect you, Alessandra. But I
owe my loyalty to no one else and if I act, it’s out of concern for
your safety. I don’t care who I ally with.

I almost asked what had happened that he
wasn’t claiming loyalty to Lantos any longer but stopped myself.
“We’re good,” I said to Dosy, uncertain if it was entirely

Good. We’ll take you to
the top of the walls. He can fly you home?”

Mismatch bowed his head.

You’re probably kind of
wanted by the Supreme Magistrate, too, huh?” I asked Herakles, not
wanting to leave him behind.

You could say that.” He

We followed Dosy through the underground
world to the wall that ran on one side. She motioned to a wide
stairwell. “Take it straight up,” she said, eyeing Mismatch once

I waited for them to come with us then
realized they were staying. I crossed to Herakles and gave him
another quick hug before joining Mismatch in the stairwell. We
began to climb, me with some difficulty given the state of my right

He kills your parents and you forgive him so

I don’t know what to
think,” I mumbled. “He raised me, Mismatch.”

You are much quicker to judge me.

I said nothing. My confusion was growing by
the day. I felt deep inside my time to decide what to do with my
life – which side to choose – was rapidly becoming closer.

I wanted away from everyone. I wanted to
return to the forest and start over. This time, I’d know better
than to step outside the boundaries.

How did Dosy expect me to lead people who
thought, quite accurately, that the best way to win was to kill me?
How did I trust Lantos when he claimed he’d only torture me if
necessary, and only for a short term if so? Cleon hadn’t tasked me
yet, but he clearly wanted me in the Oracle’s place.

This would be so much
easier if I had a fourth option,” I said quietly as we continued to

Unless it was worse than the other

Is that even possible at
this point?”


And you. What’s your
angle in all this?”

I have none.

That’s not true. You work
for Lantos. You should want what he wants.”

He has not the mind for strategic thinking.
I do his thinking, and he manipulates. I’ve always known I could be
where he is but never cared for the position. I had no purpose but
to serve the man who saved my life until the courtyard when I began
to remember.

What became your purpose


My heart fluttered.

Protecting you. Ensuring Lantos doesn’t go
to Phase Two. Trying to understand what you’re struggling with –
who to trust. Who can offer you safety. Who won’t turn on you. How
you can survive this.

What’s Phase

You don’t want to know suffice to say it’s
not ideal.

Okay. So you’re the
strategic thinker. What do you see when you look out on all of this

What do you see?
He challenged.

My mind doesn’t work that
way. I can’t get over what my next move should be.”

I held my breath, waiting
for him to answer.
I see why you bear the
double omega.

It was another of his
vague almost-riddles, another sign he was likely toying with me, at
least a little, unless he was truly uncomfortable saying the words.
Herakles wasn’t preparing me for Armageddon. He was preparing me

We reached the top of the wall. The air was
fresher, the night sky sparkling with stars. I was hurting from the
climb and pretty sure the warmth sliding down my leg was from a
soaked bandage.

You need to see the doctor first thing.

I rolled my eyes. “Like Cleon’s not going to
wonder how I ended up stabbed?”

I forgot you couldn’t lie to save your

You say it like it’s a
bad thing.”

His wings flared out on either side of his
grotesque body, and I hesitated. He was absolutely incredible in a
really freaky way.

Mismatch held out his hand. I took it, and
he drew me to him then released me. I didn’t move, not wanting to
breach whatever sort of protocol involved in flying with him. And
just a little unnerved by the excitement and heat in my blood.

It’s a rough ride with
someone else,
he warned.

I’m good with heights.
Generally okay with flying.”


You probably don’t want
to do any quick ascensions or loops again,” I replied.

You’d rather walk?

I sighed. “Don’t be cranky. Just get me
home. I’ll warn you if I’m going to throw up.”

Much obliged.
He slid an arm around me and pulled me into his
hard body.

My breath caught in my throat. Staring at
his chest, I ordered my face not to turn pink.

Not used to men touching
He was amused.

Stop it. Fly me home, you
stupid oversized bat.”

His other arm went around me, and I lifted
my arms to circle his neck. Mismatch lifted me first then sprung
into the air. I squeezed my eyes closed, half expecting him to mess
with me and twirl or dive or something, and breathed in his calming

He didn’t. He didn’t fly
too high and kept us steady, my legs between his and his arms
firmly around me. I ventured a look over my shoulder once and not
again, equally amazed and horrified to be

His grip around me loosened, and I clutched
at him tighter.

We’re there.

I risked a peek over my shoulder and saw the
balcony overlooking my gardens. He flew as close to it as possible
then released my legs and lowered me to the marble flooring. The
horizon was lightening, and I began to hope no one had plans for me
so I could sleep for a day.

My dangling feet met the balcony, and I slid
down his arms until I was standing on two feet. “Are you leaving?”
I asked without thinking.

Unless I’m invited to stay.

No!” I replied too
quickly and moved back. “Stupid question. Thanks for the ride.”
Even so, I wasn’t able to look away. I also had the distinct sense
of disappointment that he was leaving. As if the bond between us
was becoming stronger or at least, more insistent than it had

Mismatch said nothing more. One gravity
defying stroke of his wings sent him into the sky. Rather than
retreat for what little sleep I could get, I stood at the balcony
and watched him. He soared overhead, wings dipping and form
circling, floating on invisible currents briefly before he twirled
and tucked his wings for a steep dive towards the side of the city
where his compound was. He disappeared from sight, and I returned
to my bed. Seconds after my head hit the pillow, I was out.


Chapter Twenty Three


any moment might be our
last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.

You will never be lovelier
than you are now.

We will never be here




You were here all

I was a terrible liar, and the Magistrate
wasn’t buying anything I said. “I told you already, yes.” Tired and
bruised, I was trying not to move too much because it hurt to

And this?” He indicated
the cut in my thigh the doctor was stitching up after it tore when
I fell out of bed. I’d forgotten it and made too quick an attempt
to stand.

I fell. Into my
nightstand,” I replied.

He pursed his lips, managing to judge me
without losing his pleasant expression. Herakles’ story played
through my thoughts as I studied the regal politician. I didn’t
know how anyone could torture another to the extent Herakles had
been tortured. Nothing – not all the fame, honor and money ten
Olympics brought – would tempt me.

I was also all too aware the people around
me didn’t have the same moral boundaries. Not Niko, not Adonis, not
Lantos or the Silent Queen, who gave off vibes of being able to do
so much more than I cared to imagine. I didn’t know where Dosy

We have a luncheon
planned for you at one,” the Magistrate said.

Sounds good,” I replied
with no enthusiasm.

My apologies for doubting

I searched his face. He had relaxed. Either
he believed me or was willing to move past it, a reaction I wasn’t
certain how to take. “It’s okay. I was up partying too late last
night. I should’ve answered your calls.”

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