Omega's Run (17 page)

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Authors: A. J. Downey,Ryan Kells

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #werewolves, #Romance

BOOK: Omega's Run
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Remus’ eyes lit up, a dark and hungry light that had nothing to do with food and everything to do with lust and sex. I was okay with that. I wanted him, too. I wanted to know if what I’d felt last night was a one off thing.

“God you smell phenomenal,” he uttered when I raised myself up to roll the condom down his length. I paused, and he smiled up at me, that wicked grin that I’d found made me just that much more wet, firmly in place on his lips.

“What do I smell like?” I asked, and fitted him at my entrance, I glided down his length and his eyes slipped shut, his back arching slightly, fingers digging lightly into my hips.

“Like jasmine and gun oil,” he grunted, quietly.


“If grace had a scent, it would smell like you, Ava.”

The compliment completely caught me off guard. I froze, and he sat up, pulling me to him and before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine and we were kissing. I stiffened, but he remained patient, brushing his lips lightly against mine, his cock rubbing against the inside of my walls, suffusing me with that golden glow, until I yielded in his grasp and kissed him back.

What was happening to me? Was I seriously falling for one of them? How could this

“Shh, I got you, Baby,” he whispered into my mouth and drove his hips up into mine ever so slightly. I cried out, an impassioned plea for him to do it again, and he smiled and obliged and I wondered just when I had ceded control to him.

Remus Reese had seriously knocked me off my game. More so when he rolled us suddenly, so that I lay on my back in the cage of his gigantic arms. He pressed his cock deeper inside of me and I moaned, eyes slipping shut.
He felt so, phenomenally, good.

“Look at me, Ava. I want to see those gorgeous fucking eyes of yours looking at me, while I do this,” he practically growled, but it was still a human kind of sound.

I opened my eyes and stared into his as he moved inside me and there wasn’t any denying it. I was fucked and it had nothing to do with his cock, and everything to do with the care he was taking with moving inside and over my body.

“Hey, no, fuck! What the hell is this?” His hands went to either side of my face his thumbs gently grazing through the wet at my temples. He stopped moving altogether and stared at me intently, and I knew he wasn’t going to let me go until he had his answer.

“I don’t know,” I said and his lip curled in derision.

“Lying is a bad idea, Princess. Especially since I have you at a slight disadvantage.” He thrust his hips gently between mine to illustrate his point.

“I didn’t expect this,” I said and was surprised that I
being honest with him.

“Expect what?” he arched a brow and the demand for clarification was crystal clear.

“I expected to fuck, I didn’t expect you to be gentle about it, or that we’d be…” I swallowed hard; I didn’t exactly want to say it out loud. It was real, but somehow, saying it out loud was going to make it more real.

“Be what? Good together?”

“Yeah.” Sure, okay, we’d go with that.

“Is that a bad thing though?” he asked simply.

“I… I don’t know.”

He rested his forehead against mine and breathed out, a frustrated sigh, “Why you fighting it? I’ll never understand that instinct some people have to fight something that should be simple. It feels good, right?”


“Then that’s all this needs to be for right now, right? Just something that feels good.” He rocked his hips and I gasped, shivering with delight beneath him. “If it isn’t anything more than it isn’t anything more, it’s that simple.”

“Sure, yeah, okay…” I whispered.

“Can I kiss you some more?” he asked and my breath caught, I found it both strange and wonderful that he would ask.

“Yeah,” I said evenly and then we were kissing again and
that added to it, deepening the pleasure, adding another dimension to his touch. People weren’t kidding when they said kissing was intimate. For some reason it felt more personal to be kissing him than just a quick fuck would have been. He moved slow and deliberate, until I think we were both floating on that euphoric cloud of pleasure with no telling how much time passed. To be honest, I didn’t care. I kind of wanted to stay this way forever.

We took our time this time, and when he finally slipped his fingers between us to tease my clit, to shove me off of that edge into a shining free fall, it didn’t surprise me in the slightest when he was at the bottom of the cliff waiting to catch me
that fall. It didn’t surprise me, but it did unnerve me.

We stared into each other’s souls from inches away, breaths mingling as we struggled to catch them, hands on each other, holding one another close and I was speechless. Remus dipped his head forward and pressed his lips to mine and I kissed him back, because I wanted to, because it felt right, and I wondered where the fuck along the line I’d lost myself, but then that ever present niggling voice of doubt entered the picture and, of course, shook me up even further by asking me:
Are you sure that you don’t have that backwards? What if you aren’t lost? What if you’ve been found?

Well fuck, wasn’t that an interesting question?

Chapter 17



The problem, I’ve always found, with using a fucking condom is there’s always a delay from finishing sex, to relaxing in the post euphoria. There’s a cleanup period of removing the damn thing and disposing of it that is just annoying, but in the end, she slid off of me and I was able to quickly take care of the raincoat and then pull her against me again. She lay along my left side and I was stretched out on my back so I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her, unprotestingly, until she was half sprawled across my chest, one slim leg thrown over mine.

We didn’t say anything, neither of us could really think of anything
say, I guess. But after a few moments I felt her tapping on my chest with her fingers.




It took me a minute, but I finally figured it out.

“Are you following my heartbeat?” I asked and the tapping stopped for a moment, her fingers freezing in the air before resuming their motion.



“Maybe,” she muttered and I held back a quiet chuckle. When did the bad ass bitch, Ava become... cute? I kept my observation to myself; she would probably have grabbed my balls and twisted them into a knot for me if I’d mentioned it. Instead I just pulled her a little closer, settling her across my chest and let my hand trail lazily up and down her back.

The sensitive tips of my fingers found numerous imperfections in her skin. Scars. And I traced each one that I could reach, mentally mapping them out as a history of Ava Martine. Each scar told a story about the path she’d led in life and they were as much a part of her as her jade green eyes or her dark hair.

“How long do you intend to stay here?” I asked.

“Until you’re healed enough to travel. Then we should get moving,” came the immediate response. She didn’t even have to think about it so this was a plan that she had already considered. I imagine there were also back up plans and contingency plans mapped out in her ever active mind as well, but I decided not to ask and instead focused on the first plan.

“And where do you think we should go?”

“I want Mathias. Whatever he’s doing, whatever he’s done, he needs to be stopped. And he lied about my brother. He sent him to his death, or he had him killed, either way he lied and James died for it.”

“Romulus too,” I muttered before I could stop myself and she turned her head to look at me, a question reflected in her eyes. I sighed and settled myself more into the thick mattress. “Romulus would never have been put into the situation that he was in if it hadn’t been for Mathias. We might have made our own choices, our own decisions; but the path was set before us by that manipulative son of a bitch. He wanted William to die. He wanted his own daughter to die. And instead, because of his half-baked schemes my twin died and I was banished from my pack.”

I didn’t realize that my voice had been rising until the end when I almost barked out the last couple of words and I took a deep breath to settle myself and let some of the tension ease out of my shoulders.

“Mathias has a lot to answer for. Whatever he’s done to us is nothing in comparison to what he’s done over the years, I can promise you that much. If ever there’s a person that just needed to die, it’s Mathias Young.”

“You’re preaching to the choir here, Fido.” I arched an eyebrow at her at that but she simply gave me an entirely unapologetic smirk and continued blithely on. “But how are we going to do that?”

“I thought you had a plan.”

“My plan stopped at getting us here so you could heal up. We need to keep moving after that because I honestly have no idea if they have other ways to track us and we’ve been sitting here for more than a minute. When you’re on the run it doesn’t do to sit still.”

“So you don’t have any idea where we should go when we leave?”

“Not in the slightest. I was just going to get us as far away from here as I could and then try to see if I can get ahold of any of my contacts in the Order. I’m pretty sure there are at least a couple that might still be loyal to me and we need all the information we can get.”

I considered that for a moment, mulling it over and over. “Not entirely a bad idea. But there are a few flaws.”

“Such as?”

“So you get the information you need. Like when and where Mathias is going to be so we can try to take him down, for example. How do you intend to do it?”


I nodded at the silence and let my hand continue sliding along her skin for a moment before I gave her bare ass a tiny slap and started to sit up.

“Come on, let’s get dressed and head downstairs.”

She seemed startled by the sudden shift in position and gave me a wary look. “Why?”

“Because I’m starved and we have planning to do, we can do that while I cook and we can eat while we hammer out the details.”

I threw aside the blankets and swung my legs out over the edge of the bed, pushing myself to my feet before it even occurred to me to worry about my wound. I froze but the pain and weakness wasn’t there. Well, it was, but not nearly as bad as I had expected. I was healing,

“You’re looking better for a guy that kinda seemed like death warmed over the other day,” I heard her say behind me and I could almost hear the smirk in her voice.

“You’re staring at my ass, aren’t you?” I muttered and she laughed quietly but made no further comment. “I’m finally starting to feel a bit more like myself. Looks like the silver is totally out of my system. The wound itself is still gonna take a while to heal, but I’ll be able to really move in a day or so.”

“Thank god, I hate sitting still.”

“You’ve mentioned.” I pulled on my sweats and turned to face her. She was sitting up in the bed, blankets pooled in her lap with her breasts bare to the world, or to me, at least. And she seemed either unaware or just supremely uncaring that she wasn’t bothering to cover up at all. I couldn’t decide if that meant she was finally getting comfortable around me or not, but I didn’t want to push things so I let it go and started toward the stairs. I briefly considered the broom handle I had been using as a crutch but decided against it. I could limp around just fine on my own.

“Come on, breakfast awaits us, Babycakes,” I called over my shoulder and I grinned as an irritated growl floated from her lips after me.

In the small kitchenette I pulled out pots and pans, pulling open every drawer and cupboard in the place to find the essential tools I would need to complete the breakfast I had in mind. The food stores she had bought were relatively simple, so breakfast wasn’t going to be anything fancy as I turned on the oven and cranked up the heat a bit.

While the oven was heating she came down the stairs behind me and seated herself on the couch, dressed once again in her black pants and shirt, watching as I busied myself with cooking.

“If we’re going to get back at Mathias then we’re going to need help, agreed?” I asked as I placed bacon and sausage on a cookie sheet covered with foil and shoved it all in the oven.

“Agreed,” she said, a somewhat bemused tone to her voice as she watched me. I ignored it and grabbed a carton of eggs quickly cracking three into one bowl and six into another.

I started hunting around for a whisk. “You think you might have one,
two contacts still on your side within the hunters, right again?”

“Right again,” she said and I let out a quick cheer as I finally found a whisk and started mixing the eggs together in their separate bowls. A bit of milk poured into each bowl later and I whisked them again until they were smooth.

Two frying pans made their way onto the stove and I turned on the burners, butter melting slowly as the metal warmed. I bounced on the ball of my left foot, keeping a great deal of weight off of my still injured right leg while I waited impatiently and checked on the sausage and bacon in the oven. Coming along nicely but nowhere near ready to pull out, so I turned everything over on the sheet and by the time I finished it was time to pour the eggs into the pans.

I noticed her watching me intently out of the corner of my eye but I ignored her scrutiny, choosing to focus on cooking so I didn’t burn anything. The eggs were cooked carefully, I sprinkled some cheese in the middle and folded them both over into a pair of omelets. More cheese was sprinkled on the outside and within ten minutes I had two plates of omelets, and two plates piled with sausage and bacon dished up and set on the small table in the corner of the room.

I sat with a sigh and a slight groan and stretched my leg out in front of me. It really had started hurting more as time went on but I hadn’t really noticed, so focused was I on the task at hand. On the plus side, it was almost completely healed. A few more days and it would only be a minor annoyance at best. A few weeks and it would be gone.

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