On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2)

BOOK: On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2)
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                                        Nathan L. Flamank

                                              Copyright 2015.

                                         © Nathan Flamank


The right of Nathan Flamank to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any format without written consent from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for insertion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.





Also By The Author:

Rage Against The Machine (the best-selling erotic thriller)

Second Chance (the number one best-selling erotic thriller)

Hummingbird (an erotic thriller)


A Darkness of the Soul

A Lesson In


In Amongst The Shadows



The Seth & Amber Series:

The Book Of Twenty Four.

By The Light of The Moon.

Pearls By Candlelight.

Seven Days, Seven Nights.


A Bird Aflame.

Unwrapped (a Seth & Amber Christmas Erotic Encounter)

Unwrapped: Boxing Day (a Seth & Amber Christmas Erotic Encounter)

Bad Valentine (a Seth & Amber Valentine’s Erotic Encounter)

Midnight (a Seth & Amber Halloween Erotic Encounter)

Three Little Words.

Whispering Sands.


White Lace & Promises.

Short Cuts.


Bad Valentine 2 (a Seth & Amber Valentine’s Erotic Encounter)


Author’s Note:


I’d like to offer my thanks to my loyal fans who have been with me from the very beginning.

A special thank you to the following pages on FB who have helped to spread the word: KORNER KAFE EXPOSED, WHAT TO READ AFTER FIFTY SHADES OF GREY and many others that promote indie authors like me...and they do it all for FREE.


















      This one is dedicated to “the last good man I know”, you

          know who you are, and to another, who is no longer.














Note from the author:


ON DEADLY GROUND is the second title in a planned series of three. The first in the series RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE introduced readers to Dan and Chloe. Although the following novel can be read (and hopefully enjoyed) without the reader having read the first book I personally wouldn’t recommend it. ON DEADLY GROUND makes references to some events covered in RATM and readers unfamiliar with Dan and Chloe could find themselves scratching their heads and muttering “what the fuck?”.









When sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions

William Shakespeare.






Sweat poured from Chloe Constantine’s
body in tiny rivers of salt, her hair was plastered to her face and neck, she could feel the sweat pooling between her breasts and at the base of her back.

Chloe spun a 180 degrees and propelled an elbow at her attacker. He managed to deflect her elbow strike with his right forearm and Chloe followed up with a sweeping kick. She brought her foot in towards her body and projected her knee towards her assailant. Chloe caught him on the outside of his right thigh and he staggered backwards trying to put distance between them.

Sensing triumph Chloe pushed forwards, chopping sharp, short hand strikes at her opponent, but he parried her blows as she moved in closer and as she threw all of her force in to an open-palmed strike at his exposed throat she saw the flash of triumph in her opponent’s eyes.

Chloe instinctively realised that her attacker had fooled her in to launching the punch and she hurried to alter her attack but she knew it was already too late.

The man twisted his upper body to the left and her palm strike sailed harmlessly past his head. He turned his body away from her, powerful hands grasped her by the elbow and the muscles of her upper arm. He instantly leaned forwards so that her attacking momentum now worked against her.

Chloe could feel the hardness of the man’s hip against the flatness of her stomach as he adjusted his stance, angling his hip, taking her weight. Chloe was pulled off of her feet and her assailant launched her over his shoulder in a perfectly timed judo-originated throw.

Chloe watched as the barn whirled around her. A moment later and she slammed down on to the padded flooring, the air in her lungs exploded from her mouth and she struggled to catch her breath. She blinked the sweat from her eyes as her attacker twisted her hand. He pressed against the pressure points on the back of her exposed hand and she slapped her left hand down on to the mat. Two slaps of her hand and Chloe’s attacker released her. He held his left hand out, offering her his assistance.

Chloe linked her fingers in to his and allowed him to pull her to her feet. Through her heavy panting she said, ‘I almost had you baby.’

Her husband nodded his head.

Dan walked across the work-out mats to a table set up beneath a window. He picked up one of the clean towels and tossed it to Chloe. She snatched the towel from the air and wiped at her sweat-soaked face and throat.

Dan looked at Chloe’s chest, the rise and fall of her breasts beneath the black vest held his captive. Chloe’s sports bra did little to hide the size and shape of her breasts.

Chloe looked up from where she was wiping more sweat from her thighs and she caught her husband’s lingering gaze, she started to chuckle.

‘Perhaps in future I should spar topless, that would give me an edge.’

Dan laughed as he picked up a bottle of water and uncapped it. He downed the small bottle in three long swallows, he tossed the empty bottle in to a trash bin.

‘If you were topless honey you would have kicked my ass all over this barn.’

Barefoot Chloe crossed the mats, she picked up one of the bottles of water and downed it in one long continuous swallow. Chloe sighed before belching loudly.

‘Is that right?’ Chloe asked and Dan nodded his head.

Chloe smiled at her husband, she gripped the bottom of her vest and in one smooth motion she tugged the vest upwards, as her fingers felt the sports-bra she gripped that too. Chloe continued her fluid disrobing until the bra and vest were over her head. She tossed the clothes underhand towards the top of the wooden staircase (the staircase led down to the ground floor of the newly-converted barn).

Chloe kept eye contact with Dan, she slipped her fingers inside the waistband of her workout shorts. Her fingertips snagged the black sports thong that she was wearing and she pushed both down over her hips.

Chloe turned to face away from Dan as she worked the garments down over the curves of her buttocks. She wiggled her ass and let the shorts and thong drop down her legs. Once they were pooled around her bare feet she stepped out of them, and with her left foot she flicked the soaked garments towards the stairs. The shorts and thong landed on top of her discarded vest.

Chloe stretched, she arched her back and ran her hands down her sides. She looked back over her left shoulder and smiled invitingly at Dan. Her eyes flicked down to the front of his sweat pants and she was pleased to see that his cock was pressing hard against the soft cotton material.

Chloe watched a rivulet of sweat trickling down Dan’s sculpted abdomen. She could clearly see the myriad of scars that peppered her husband’s torso; so far it had been a hot summer and Dan’s tanned flesh highlighted the pale surface of his scars.

Dan dropped his towel and reached out to grab Chloe’s ass and it was what she had been waiting for. She felt Dan’s fingertips brush her hip and she stepped back in to him.

Chloe grabbed his extended right hand and pulled him forwards and up, she pushed her ass back in to his groin, cocked her hip and launched Dan over her side in a perfectly executed throw.

Dan groaned as he slammed down on to the matting. He stared up at his wife as she stepped over his face, her toes dug in to his shoulders and she grinned down at him.

‘Now what do you say?’ Chloe asked, her shit-eating grin saying far more than her words.

‘I love the view?’

Chloe quickly realised what Dan meant, he now had the perfect view of her glistening cunt.

Chloe playfully kicked him and walked around his body. She stepped over his legs, her bare feet either side of his hips and she motioned her head at his groin.

‘Drop ‘em baby.’

Dan pushed his sweatpants down over his thighs and his hard cock sprang up. He kicked his legs until his bottoms were free.

Chloe lowered herself down on to his lap; squatting over him she grasped his hardness in her left hand. She smiled at Dan and she pushed her wet cunt lips down on to his throbbing cock. His hardness parted her lips and Chloe moaned. She closed her eyes as she took all nine inches of him up inside her and when he was fully inside her Chloe clenched her vaginal muscles.

Chloe swept her hands back through her soaking wet hair, hair that she had recently dyed neon pink (after she had seen a music video featuring one of her favourite singers she had commented on the vibrant pink, like a neon light, and she had told Dan that she was going to do the same to her hair. Dan was accustomed to Chloe’s flights of fancy when it came to her hair so he had simply nodded his head).

Chloe felt Dan’s hands cradle her large, rounded breasts and she smiled in contentment.

Chloe opened her eyes and looked down at Dan.

‘I’m going to fuck you until you beg me to stop.’

Dan started to beg two hours later.






Dan sat down on the
large padded swing seat and looked out at the meadow. He could see Weiser and the other horses grazing in the early afternoon sun.

Dan was fresh from a shower, dressed in pale blue jeans, an unbuttoned checked shirt of multiple blues. His eyes were shaded from the overwhelming heat and glare of the sun by the wide brim of a cowboy hat, and on his feet were a pair of well-worn tan coloured cowboy boots.

Chloe called it his “shit-kicker” outfit.

‘You love it out here, playing Clint Eastwood on your own private range,’ she had told him many times, he would always reply the same way. Dan would lift the brim of his hat to reveal his eyes before giving a single nod of his head.

Dan heard heels clicking on the wooden planks of the porch, a porch that now ran the entire circumference of the ranch house. He’d spent the previous fall completing it. Barnie, a local carpenter and good friend, had helped out.

Barnie had refused any offer of payment but had welcomed the nightly invitation to stay for dinner once they had finished working for the day. Sometimes Ruth, Barnie’s wife, would join her husband for dinner with Dan and Chloe.

Dan turned his head and smiled at Chloe. He let his eyes roam her body before he patted the cushion next to him. Chloe joined him on the swing-seat.

Chloe had made a promise to her husband when they had first moved in to the ranch that if he cooked dinner whenever they were at home that she would be his “sex-slave”, and she would make sure to look sexy for him at all times. Dan would often tell her that she could wear a hessian sack and he’d find her sexy but he had to admit that watching his wife parading around the ranch in next to nothing always made him smile.

The way Chloe would dress at home never failed to arouse him and there were many other positives to having Chloe as his wife. Dan had long ago grown accustomed to the fact that his young wife was a nymphomaniac and keeping up with her sexual appetites was made all the easier by the way she dressed when they were alone on the ranch.

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