Read On Her Six (Under Covers) Online

Authors: Christina Elle

On Her Six (Under Covers) (26 page)

BOOK: On Her Six (Under Covers)
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Chapter Thirty-Three

“To Officer Harper!”

Sam sat on a barstool at Max’s, surrounded by her family, friends, and coworkers, celebrating her achievement. She’d finally passed the Baltimore City police entrance exam. Just like the last six times she’d taken the test, she aced the written and physical parts. But this round, for the first time, she passed the shooting section, too.

Major Fowler sat beside her, grinning as he sipped his soda. He had to work the late shift, so he showed up to the bar in his uniform. He turned his attention from the O’s game on a nearby TV and slapped her on the back. “You did good, Sam. Lieutenant Pool told me you ranked second highest among all the recruits.” He beamed like a delighted poppa. “I’m proud of you.”

Calmness suffused her body. She’d been through so much over the last few months. She’d witnessed the worst of humankind in Viktor Heinrich and Lorena Serrano. But she’d also witnessed the best in her grandmother, Ash, and the ladies of the 19
Street Patrol.

He placed his hand on her shoulder. “Your old man is proud, too, ya know.”

Her smile dimmed, and she fought the onslaught of nerves and desolation. “How was he?”

Lou lifted one shoulder. “Same. Eyes are red and black. Still needs that paper to survive.”

When her smile vanished, he said, “Don’t lose hope, Sam. They’re going to figure something out.”

She nodded, even if she didn’t agree. It had been months, and the DEA hadn’t been any closer to learning how to help Dad. The DEA didn’t have an explanation for why Grandma didn’t turn, either. The hope was to find a breakthrough on one, which would shed light on the other. But it seemed hopeless.

Her arms wrapped around him in a big hug. “Thanks, Lou.”

He checked his watch. “I gotta run, kid. See you at work on Monday?”

“Absolutely. I still have a few weeks until I have to report to the academy.”

He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Have fun.”

As Fowler made his exit, Webb, Martinez, and Sinclair also waved good-bye.

“See you guys Monday,” she shouted.

Ash snuggled against her back, kissing his—and now her—favorite spot on her neck. “Congratulations, Officer.”

She smiled and craned her neck to place her lips on his. “Thanks. It wouldn’t have happened without you.”

“Bull,” he said, spinning her stool so she faced him. He stepped into the open space between her legs and lowered his face to hers. “It happened because of you. Everything is because of you.” He kissed her again, deeper, making her toes curl. He must have felt the same way because a sound of satisfaction rumbled from deep in his throat. “How long do you want to stay?”

“A little while longer. Why? You have something better in mind?”

His sly grin told her his answer.

She shook her head. “The doctors said you need to rest for three months with limited activity. You still have two weeks left.”

It drove them both insane. The sexual tension was growing unbearable. But Sam refused to let him do anything that might jeopardize his recovery.

“True,” he said, cupping her neck with his palm. He pulled her face forward to kiss her again. His tongue darted out and ran along the seam of her mouth. “But I seem to remember someone telling me to just lie back and let her do all the work.”

She laughed out loud at the memory. Damn Estelle and her how-to-be sexy lessons. “That’s when I needed something from you.”

He pulled back, his eyebrows raised in question. “And you don’t need anything from me now?”

She shook her head again, laughing.

In a flash, he gripped her hips, lifted her off the stool and threw her over his right shoulder.

She smacked his rear-end. “Your shoulder! Put me down before you hurt yourself!”

He grunted and slid her back onto her feet, rubbing his left shoulder. “Not the best idea.”

“Are you okay?” She massaged his injury the way the physical therapist had shown her. Her fingertips tingled as she reached under the sleeve of his T-shirt to feel the bare skin.

He closed his eyes and sighed. “Jesus, Sam. When you touch me…”

Grinning, she said, “I think I’m ready to go home now.”

His eyes opened and ignited into a deep, crystal blue.

“Just give me a minute to say good-bye to Grandma and the gang.”

“One minute,” he growled, slapping her butt.

She spun on her heels as a quiver tickled her belly. Her sandals practically bounced across the floor as she made her way to the end of the bar where her grandma sat with the ladies and Ash’s team members.

“Hey, Sammie!” Estelle exclaimed, holding a shot glass with clear liquid. “Great party!”

Tyke and Calder sat to her left, gripping shots of their own. The three of them clinked glasses and then tipped their heads back and swallowed.

Reese positioned himself to the far left of his teammates, expressionless, sipping amber liquid. He turned when Calder flagged the bartender for another round. He smiled and then returned his attention to his drink. Nice guy once she got to know him, but
quiet. Ash said it was just the way Reese was. But Sam wondered if it was more than that. No one could remain silent for that long and not go insane. Or at least she couldn’t.

Laughing at Estelle’s antics, Grandma extended her arms for a hug. “We’re so proud of you, sweets.”

Sam grabbed her favorite girl tight and spoke into her ear, “I’m scooting out a bit early.”

She pulled back, smiling. “Figured as much.”

Maybel reached for a bowl of peanuts. She cracked one open and popped the nut in her mouth. “You kids have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She winked.

Estelle snorted. “Are they supposed to play Parcheesi all night?” She turned to Sam. “Do
I would do.” She swung around on her barstool to glance across the room at Ash, then turned back, smirking. “And then some.”

Celia, seated far right, blushed and covered her mouth. “Oh, Estelle!”

Sam let out a huge belly laugh. “I love you girls.”

“Right back at you, sweets,” her grandmother said. “Now get out of here.”

“Later, Bryan,” Sam said. “See ya, Luke. Jason. Thanks for coming.”

“Sure thing.” Calder winked.

Reese lifted his glass.

“Wouldn’t have missed it,” Tyke said. He swallowed his shot, his Adam’s apple jumping as the liquid went down. “We’ll be back in a few weeks to check on you. Make sure you’re not slipping up in the academy.”

“Thanks, big guy. But I’ve worked too hard for this. There won’t be any slipups.” At least she hoped not.

She said her good-byes to the rest of the guys and gals from the precinct and a few neighbors. She turned and made her way to the front of the bar where Ash waited. He paced the hardwood floor, checking his watch every few seconds.

“Ready?” she asked.

His hooded expression was answer enough.

She placed her hand in his and pushed the door open.

They walked into the warm night, their steps in sync across the cobblestone street.

Could things get any more perfect?

“Tyke gave me a bit of news,” Ash said, staring straight ahead.


He gave her a sidelong glance.

“Good news or bad news?” she asked, her heart pounding. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” When he didn’t say anything, didn’t change his stiff expression, she said, “Oh man, it is bad. I knew it. I knew things were going too well. I—”

His laughter cut her off.

“What?” She halted on the sidewalk outside a small café. She pulled back and placed her hand on her hip. “Why are you laughing?”

Streetlights cast dark shadows over his face, making him appear just as dangerous as the first day they’d met. But she knew better. Sure, he was dangerous to anyone who threatened those he cared about, but to her he was warm and sincere.

“You’re cute when you’re mad, you know that? You get a wrinkle right here.” His finger touched a spot between her eyes.

She waited for him to tell her the news.

A second or two passed, and he didn’t say anything.

“Out with it, Cooper!”

He laughed again. “Tyke told me he talked to the director. He stepped down from team leader.”

Her muscles relaxed. So not bad news. “And that means you…”

He nodded, accompanied by a wide grin. “The job’s mine if I want it.”

“You’re going to take it, right?” She searched his blue eyes for an indication of his thoughts. “I mean, I know it’s not my decision, but if I were you, I’d take it. It’s what you wanted. And your men love you. You’re a natural leader. Anyone can see that.”

He reached for her hand, glancing down when their fingers interlaced. “I told Director Landry I’d think about it.”


“I’ll give the director my response in a few weeks.” He lifted their linked hands to his lips, kissing the back of hers. “I want time with you.”

“Oh,” she said, her heart beating even faster. “Oh, well. Good. I want time with you, too.”

His wide grin turned devilish. “We can start tonight.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

“Holy shit, woman,” Ash said from beneath her. His fingers dug into the skin at her waist, anchoring her in place above him.

Pleasure erupted inside her body, making her increase her speed. She rocked forward and then back, watching his expression darken with each stroke.

All the pent-up tension they’d fought with during his recovery had finally paid off. Being filled with Ash was more than euphoric. Stars exploded in her vision. She closed her eyes, relishing the sensation of his warm skin in hers.

“Goddamn, I love you,” he said through a groan. “So fucking much.”

“Me. Too,” she said, with each pump.

A cell phone rang somewhere in the room.

Sliding a stray blond hair behind her ear, she slowed her pace, figuring he needed to answer.

“Ignore it,” he growled, clamping harder on to her sides. He palmed the back of her neck and pulled her forward. His lips attacked hers, his tongue dipping into her mouth without reservation.

Against his lips, she asked, “But what if it’s important?”

He groaned. “Sam, I don’t give a shit if it’s the President calling to tell me there’s a new drug turning people into flesh-eating zombies. Nothing is going to stop me from having you right now.”

She chuckled.

In one quick motion, he flipped her onto her back, pinning her to the mattress with his weight. “Are you laughing at me?” His pelvis drove forward, his length hitting her just where she needed him. Hot currents of energy ignited, and she sighed.

“No,” she said through a ragged breath. “Never.”

A wicked grin curved his lips.

“But what if—”

He thrust again, coaxing another sigh from her. Her eyes fluttered closed. “You’re right, whoever it is can wait.”

His hand traveled down between her thighs, and his fingers applied just enough delicious pressure to start her climb. Her breath increased, and her heart beat in a swift rhythm with his. He was close, too. His back went rigid beneath her fingers, his muscles taut from the strain. Blue eyes bored into hers. His expression was complete and utter awe.

Oh God.
She pumped faster, reaching for what they both craved.

“Shit, Sam,” he said, gritting his teeth. “Tell me you’re close.”

She was. So close. She squeezed her eyes closed and nodded.

“Look at me,” he demanded. “I want to see you come apart.”

Opening, she watched his expression change. His eyes widened and his back arched. A growl tore from deep in his chest.

Three more pumps and her vision darkened at the corners. She was right there. “Ash,” she said. “Oh God. I’m—”

“Me too,” he said through a tight jaw. “Now, Sam.”

She let go. Her body erupted, giving in to the full force of the orgasm.

He dipped his lips to hers as his body shook with pleasure. His grip on her neck tightened, and he groaned her name.

His cell beeped from the nightstand, alerting him of a voicemail. Sam mumbled something in her sleep as he leaned over to grab the phone. Director Landry’s voice came through the receiver.

Cradling the phone onto his ear, he rolled against Sam’s naked form, his front to her back, and listened to the brief message. When Landry finished, Ash closed the phone and dropped it onto the carpet next to the bed.

Sam peered over her shoulder. “Everything okay?”

“Just the director,” he said, touching his lips to her bare shoulder.

A murmur of pleasure drifted from her lips. She smiled as her eyes closed.

The sheet had been tossed onto the floor at some point, so she lay on his bed in nothing but her heart-stopping smile. The one that heated his blood and made him never want to leave his bedroom. “Was he calling to bug you for an answer on whether you’re coming back?” she asked.

His tongue swept over the sweet skin of her shoulder. “No,” he said. When she moaned, his groin stiffened, ready for round two.

He kissed the side of her neck, just below her ear. When his teeth grazed her earlobe, she asked, “It wasn’t important, was it?”

His mouth hovered over her skin, wanting like hell to dive back in. “The test results came back on Rose.”

Her body stiffened, and she flipped onto her back, damn near pushing him off the bed. Her face whipped toward his with an eager glint in her blue eyes. “What did he say?”

Cocking his elbow, he placed his palm on his cheek and peered down at her. “Coumadin. She’s on it. Apparently there’s something in it that broke the drug down. It thinned her blood enough so the Vamp couldn’t take over her organs. It just passed right through her system. There’s no trace of it at all.”

Sam’s chest expanded, her bare breasts rising and falling with the motion, tempting him. “Thank God.”

His finger traced lazy circles on her firm abdomen. “Landry said the agency’s doing tests now to determine the amount needed to distribute to Vampers to counteract the drug.”

Her eyebrows crunched. “You mean…?”

Nodding, he said, “He thinks we have a real shot at weaning addicts.”

“Like my dad,” she said, her voice was almost a gasp.

“That’s the hope. Sounds like the tests are promising. They helped a new Vamper this afternoon. Her eyes turned back to brown within a day. Landry said she’s doing well so far. There’s still more testing to be done. We’ll stop by to visit your dad this afternoon if you want.” She gave him a smile that was less hesitant than it had been recently, making him smile in response.

“You’re not going to let me give up, are you?”

“Never,” he said.

Another wide, incredible smile spread across her face. “I love you.”

His insides warmed, escalating to molten levels. “I love you, too,” he said, nudging her onto her back. Positioning himself over her, he clasped her cheeks between his palms. Slowly, so he could look into her pale-blue eyes, he lowered his mouth to hers and savored the taste of what life was like with Samantha Harper in it. Forever.

BOOK: On Her Six (Under Covers)
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