On My Own: Book Three in the Who's Your Daddy series (6 page)

BOOK: On My Own: Book Three in the Who's Your Daddy series
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“It’s complicated son, and something I can’t talk to you about.”

“Can’t or won’t?” JJ looked him dead in the eye and Dirk had to stop himself from smiling. The expression on his face reminded him so much of his father. That look he had when he faced down the city council on a monthly basis. Dad would have been so proud of this boy.

“I ma
de an agreement with your mother not to talk about certain subjects. And I’m going to follow her lead. But let me tell you this, I’m going to be in your life from here on out. We will get to know one another, okay.”

“Okay, Dad.” JJ glanced at the clock on the wall and started for the door. “I guess I’d better get back to class before my teacher starts looking for me.” Just as he reached the door, he whirled around and launched himself into Dirk’s arms. Father and son hugged each other, neither one wanting to let go. Eventually, JJ
pried himself loose and rushed out the classroom, leaving Dirk tearing up for the second time today.

After getting himself under control, Dirk exited the school and headed for the limo. Monique gave him a curious stare but said nothing.

“Drop me off at the library,” Dirk said to the driver.

“Don’t you have a workout this afternoon?” Monique asked.

“This won’t take long,” he replied. He hoped.


Caroline had just returned to her office and booted up her computer when the door opened. Without looking up, she said, “Can it wait, Deb? I need to finish this report.”

deep, rumbly voice replied, “It can’t wait.” Her head jerk up and she found Dirk leaning against the door frame, a half smile on his handsome face. She inhaled a lungful of air and willed her heartbeat to slow down. When would she ever be able to look at him without having this reaction?

“Come on in before anyone sees you,” she said while waving him inside. Once he t
ook a seat in the too-small chair across the desk from her, she started. “What brings you here, today?”

“I just finished my speech at the school. It went well.”

“That’s great, but you haven’t answered my question. Why are you here in my office?”

“Can’t I stop by and visit with an old friend?”

She narrowed her eyes and let out a loud puff of air. “I don’t have time for a visit, Dirk. As you can see, we’re running a bare bones operation here, and I need to do some work on the computer.” She stood and began to walk around her desk. “So if you’ll excuse me.”

“I need to talk with you about JJ. I mean, I want to start seeing him on a regular basis.”

Caroline stopped in her tracks put her hands on her hips. “I thought we’d agreed to discuss all this later, after you left town.”

Dirk stood and walked over to her. He had always been taller than her, but he must have grown at least another four inches since high school. She took a step back so she didn’t have to tilt her head back so far to look into his eyes. She also had to move away to keep herself from reaching out and touching that rock hard body of his.

“Being around all those children today made me realize that I want to see my son sooner, rather than later, that’s all.” He slowly inched his way closer to her, then reached out to touch her hair. “I’m glad you haven’t cut your hair.”

Caroline trembled as he fingered her curls. Heat shot through her body from her scalp all the way to her feet. One look into his eyes let her know he’d felt it too.
That connection between them was still there, still hot. He leaned down slowly, his gaze zeroed in on her quivering lips. She licked them in preparation for the kiss she’d been craving. When their lips met, she let out a little sigh and melted into his body. Dirk’s tongue wasted no time slipping inside her mouth and sweeping every part, getting acquainted after a long absence.

They took their time with this kiss, changing the position of their heads and clinging to each other like their lives depended upon it. Eventually, she needed air and broke contact first. They stared at each other, their chests heaving as they sucked in some much needed air. Before he could reach for her once more, she retreated to her side of the desk and slid into her chair. He sat in his chair too, neither one of them saying a word.

The out of control attraction. The heat. It was if they’d never parted. She wanted him now just as much as when she was a teen. But just as quickly, the memory of when he left town doused the fire building inside. “I can’t, we can’t do this, Dirk.”

“Why not
, Caroline? Don’t even try to deny this. The attraction is still here.”

“This is not about just us. We have a child to think about.
He’s my focus now. And I don’t want him to be hurt.” Like I was. “What if you decide one day to stop seeing him? How do you think that will affect him?”

“That won’t happen. He’s my son and I’ve missed so much already.”

Caroline tried to ignore the tendrils of guilt and focused on JJ. “I won’t let JJ get hurt, Dirk.”

“And I promise you I won’t hurt him.” He pulled out an envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. “Here are some tickets for Sunday’s game.
For you and JJ, your folks and some of JJ’s friends.”

She took it and placed them on the desk. “Thank you. JJ will be thrilled.”

“How about you?”

“You know I’ll be pulling for my team,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

“That’s my girl.” He stood and turned to go.

Before she could stop herse
lf, she blurted out, “Every other weekend, alternating holidays, and part of the summer!”

He smiled and gave her short nod of his head. “Thank you.” Then he was out the door, leaving her wondering what happened.

Chapter Seven

smile the width of the Monongahela River spread across Dirk’s face as the waved to the crowd lining the parade route up Main Street. Kids ran along the sidewalk, keeping pace with the convertible he rode in with Caroline and her father. Man, it was good being home. Yeah, he’d forgotten about this part of living here. The people and the excitement they felt on game day. Home.

It looked like every citizen of Devinne was out this evening. As long as he could remember, the band, majorettes and cheerleaders marched from the high school to the stadium, with everyone else taking up the rear. Then they’d file inside the stadium and cheer for the hometown team. The visitor’s side sometimes was a bit sparse, but never on the home side of the field. Devinne Stadium was the place to be on a Friday night during football season.

“So, you finally returned home to the little people, huh Benedict?” The snide remark from Ty Jackson quickly deflated Dirk’s mood. He thought the man’s offer to allow Dirk to ride in his convertible was some kind of peace offering. Obviously not.

“You of all people know why I haven’t been around, Jackson,” he responded. “This is
not the time nor place for this.” He turned to find the film crew following closely behind their car, getting footage for the story.

“Well, I’m just making

“No you’re not, Dad,” Caroline cut in. “You want to start an argument.”

“So you’re taking his side, huh? After all your mother and I have done to help you in raising his child.”

Keeping his voice low but deadly, Dirk leaned forward so only Caroline and her father could hear. “And she wouldn’t have had to do so if you hadn’t interfered and destroyed the letter I left for her.”

“You weren’t good enough for my daughter, and you’re still not even with all your millions.”

“Dad, stop it!” Caroline hissed.

“I get it,” Ty responded. “He’s gotten to you and you’re gonna turn your back on us.”

By now, despite their efforts to speak quietly, others gave them some strange looks and Dirk clamped his mouth closed. He didn’t want anyone to get a w
hiff of any controversy, real or imagined. “We can hash this out some other time, okay.” He dipped his head in the direction of the film crew.

“You’re damned
right we’re not done.” With that, Ty returned his attention to the road and didn’t say a word for the rest of the trip. Caroline gave Dirk an I-don’t-know-what’s-happening look and settled back in her seat.

What a way to dampen the mood. Dirk knew the man didn’t like him, but to actually say he wasn’t good enough for his daughter was a bit disconcerting. Yes, his family was not as well off as the
Jacksons, or most other families in town as a matter of fact. They did the best they could considering his father’s physical disability. Mom worked two jobs most of the time to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Dad fought tirelessly for his VA benefits, appealing each time they issued a denial.

Just thinking about how his father died at the beginning of his senior year in high school made his throat tighten. And for his dear, sweet mother to pass just two months before graduation almost put him over the proverbial cliff.

Maybe it was the culmination of everything that happened to him his senior year that made him transfer colleges and head for the west coast and USC. He wanted to get as far away from the place where the most traumatic events of his life occurred. Even if it meant that he ultimately had to leave Caroline, the love of his life.

But would he have left if he had known she was pregnant? Hell no! Even if it meant he had to hold down a job while attending college, he would have stayed and taken care of both of them.

Lost in thought, he failed to notice they’d arrived at the stadium and the car pulling into a parking space. Ty immediately jumped out once he cut the engine and stormed off without a word to Dirk or his daughter. “I’m so sorry for my father’s behavior,” she gushed.

“No problem,” he sighed. “I’m used to it.”

“But that’s just it. You shouldn’t have to experience this, not in your hometown.”

Dirk’s heart warmed looking into her face. He had a lot to make up for with her. And starting tonight he was going to give it his all.


Caroline glared at her father’s retreating figure and for the first time in her life she felt ashamed to be Ty Jackson’s daughter. How dare he talk to Dirk like that! This was supposed to be a joyous
occasion for all involved. Now all she felt like doing was returning home, going to bed and pulling the covers over her head.

But that was not possible. A deal was a deal, and she needed to be available for this last public event for Dirk. Then she’ll have to hold up her end of the agreement and allow him to have contact with JJ. A shiver travelled
through her body at the thought. Yes, he said he’d be happy with the proposed schedule she threw out yesterday, but what if he changed his mind and wanted more time?

She trailed behind him as they entered the stadium, pausing along the way to accept congratulations from folks from Devinne and the fans of the opposing team. Maybe it was wrong for them to turn their back on him all these years? Better late than never, she supposed.

But then she thought about her personal relationship with him. She had found out the day before he left town that she was pregnant. Instead of telling him immediately, she put it off, trying to come up with the right words. When he left town earlier than expected and failed to say goodbye to her, she lost it and closeted herself in her room. Nothing her parents said could console her, and eventually she made herself sick from crying.

Dirk’s revelation that he did attempt to contact her before leaving made a lot of what ifs  swirl around her head. What if she could have talked him into staying? What if she
had left town with him? What if she had told him right away about the pregnancy? She shook her head and took her seat next to Dirk in the stands. What good did it do to think about how things might have been. She needed to live in the here and now, for her son’s sake.

Caroline’s head whipped around to see a small gaggle of girls running in their direction, with a couple security guards close behind yelling at them. They were headed straight to Dirk, and the film crew diverted their attention from the action on the field to what was happening in the stands.

“It’s okay,” Dirk said, holding out his hands
, palms up. “They just want to meet me.”

Warmth spread throughout Caroline’s chest, watching the way he greeted the girls and even allowed them to take some selfies. Soon a steady stream of people headed in their direction, and he took pictures with all of them until kickoff.

“That was nice of you,” she told him after things settled down.

“You sound surprised.”

“Well, actually I am. I’ve seen so many famous athletes do everything they can to separate themselves from their fans.”

“Not me,” he countered. “I love them all.
Especially the young ones.”

“That’s why you have the football camp every summer, huh?”

“Yeah. It’s good to give back. I just wish I could have set one up back here.”

“You can now,” she replied with a hitch in her voice. “Can I tell you something?”


“For the past two years, JJ has been bugging me about sending him to one of your camps.”

“That would have been so cool.”

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