On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past, Religion, Fault Lines - and Future (42 page)

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Authors: Karen Elliott House

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Princess Adelah bint Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz

Prince Abdul Aziz bin Sattam bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Abdullah bin Musa’id bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Abdul Rahman bin Musa’id bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Bandar bin Saud bin Muhammad al Saud

Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Faisal bin Abdullah

Prince Faisal bin Mishal bin Saud al Saud

Prince Khalid bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Mohammad bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Mugrin bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Muhammad bin Nasir bin Abdulaziz

Prince Saad bin Muhammad bin Abdulaziz al Saud

Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Saud Abdul Mohsin bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Sultan bin Fahd Abdulaziz

Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Talal bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Turki al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz

Prince Turki bin Khalid

Prince Turki bin Muhammad bin al Kabeer

Prince Turki bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz

Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz

Dr. Salah al Aayed

Abdulaziz al Abdulkader

Mohammed Aboudawood

Elliott Abrams

Dr. Hussein Muhammad Ageely

Muhammad al Ahmari

Jenan al Ahmed

Bandar al Aiban

Abdul Mohsin al Akkas

Fawaz al Almy

Monera al Aloula

Salah al Amr

Thuraya Arrayed

Abdullah bin Muhammad al Ashaikh

Noura al Ashaikh

Munira Ashgar

Sheikh Salman al Awdah

Awada al Badi

Omar Bahlaiwa

Fawzia al Bakr

Muhammad al Balawi

Alia Banaja

Abdul Rahman al Barrack

Khalid al Bawadi

Hussein al Bayat

Mohammed al Blahei

Christopher Boucek

Brad Bourland

Noura Bouzo

Osama Bunyan

George H. W. Bush

Christopher Clayton

Anthony Cordesman

Abdullah Dabbagh

Amr al Dabbagh

Soad al Dabbagh

Sheikh Salah al Dawish

Nawal Abdullah al Egagi

Muhammad Abdul Kareem al Essa

Salim al Fafi

Abdulaziz Fahad

Abdul Wahab al Faiz

Norah al Faiz

Manal Fakeeh

Adel Fakieh

Khalid al Falih

Najla al Faraj

Samar Fatany

Maha Fitaihi

Maha Fozan

Muhammad Fozan

Charles Freeman

Abdulaziz al Gasim

Sheikh Ahmad Gelan

Michael Gfoeller

Khaled Mohammed al Ghefaili

Ghazi al Gosaibi

Abdulrahman al Hadlag

Steve Hadley

Suhaila Zein Al Alabdein Hammad

Mansour al Harbi

Madawi al Hassoun

Dr. Sulaiman al Hattlan

Dr. Selwa al Hazzaa

Abdullah al Heedan

Thomas Hegghammer

Steffen Hertog

Sheikh Salah bin Abdullah bin Homaid

Khalid Sulayman al Hubayshi

Abdulwahed al Humaid

Abdul Rahman bin Humaid

Alya al Huwaiti

Sarah al Huwaiti

Somayya Jabarti

Saad al Jabri

Adel al Jubeir

Sadeem al Kadi

Ayman Kanaan

Gilles Kepel

Abdullah al Khalaf

Haila Abdullah al Khalaf

Haifa Khalid

Khalil al Khalil

Amr Khashoggi

Jamal Khashoggi

Salwa Abdel Hameed al Khateeb

Saleh al Khathlan

Abdulaziz al Khayyal

Qsai Khider

Omar Kholi

Nabil al Khowaiter

Henry Kissinger

Abdullah Ibrahim el Kuwaiz

Stephane Lacoix

Khaled al Maeena

Sadig Malki

Salman al Malki

Khalid al Matrafi

Saker al Mokayyad

Majid Abdullah al Moneef

Mazin Motabagani

Faisal bin al Muammar

Dr. Maha al Muneef

Sheikh Abdullah al Mutlag

Nadme Nasr

Aisha Natto

Mohammad al Negir

James Oberwetter

Muhammad al Ohali

Lubna Olayan

Basmah Omair

Yousef al Othaimeen

Ali al Qahtani

Muhammad Quanibet

Fahd al Rasheed

Haifa Rasheed

Turki Faisal al Rasheed

Naif al Romi

David Rundell

Ahmad Sabri

Abdulrahman al Saeed

Abdulaziz Sager

Tawfiq al Saif

Mujtaba Tawfiq al Saif

Moddi Saleh al Salem

Turki Saud Muhammad al Saud

James Schlesinger

Brent Scowcroft

Abdulaziz al Sebail

Fahd al Semmari

Maha al Senan

Hamza Serafi

John Sfakianakis

Abdulaziz al Shamah

Mansour al Ammar al Shammary

Mekhlef bin Daham al Shammary

Jafar al Shayeb

Authug Sultan al Shehail

Hussein Shobacshi

Ahmad Shugairi

Turki Suderi

Suliaman al Sulaim

Muna Abu Sulayman

Khalid al Sulaiman

Amal Suliman

Nashwa Taher

Fahad al Tayash

Samir Tubayyeb

Khalid al Turki

Noura al Turki

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