On the Ropes 2: Insidious Obsession (4 page)

Read On the Ropes 2: Insidious Obsession Online

Authors: Michelle Cary

Tags: #Contemporary; Suspense; Fetish

BOOK: On the Ropes 2: Insidious Obsession
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“But you really hurt him, Cole. If I wasn’t here…”

His hands moved to cup her face, and upon contact, she let her sentence fade. His gaze bore through her like a poker heating her from the inside. “If you weren’t here, it would just be some other Vixen. You have no reason to blame yourself in this situation, baby.”

His endearment wasn’t lost on her, and she stared at him while her emotions prepared for battle. She had no business getting involved with Cole Collins or anyone else, yet she couldn’t deny the fierce attraction she felt for him. Beyond his good looks, the man exhibited every quality she’d ever envisioned in her perfect guy.

He was sensitive and caring. He’d defended her honor and was here now checking on her because he was worried. Falling for him wasn’t part of her plan, but it was most certainly happening. “How can I not blame myself?” She choked as a sudden irrational fear took hold. What if Sean refused to play ball with Mark? What if he filed charges against Cole? “You wouldn’t have lost your cool if it wasn’t for me.”

“Maybe.” He leaned down, closing the remaining distance between them, his face mere inches from hers. “But you didn’t force me to do it.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “And I’d do it all over again if it meant protecting you.”

Chapter Five

At a table in the corner of catering, Amber sat alone, staring into her coffee. Unable to sleep, she’d risen early, skipped breakfast, and headed to the arena as soon as she could. Maybe it was cowardly of her to leave the gang hanging, but she needed time to think.

Brooklyn slid into the empty seat across from her and waited. When Amber didn’t look up, Brooklyn spoke. “You look like hell.”

Amber flicked her gaze toward Brooklyn but didn’t otherwise move. “Gee, thanks.” If she looked half as bad as she felt, she must be one horrific sight.

“You’re welcome. Tough night?”

“You could say that.”

Brooklyn leaned across the table and whispered, “It wouldn’t have anything to do with the rumor that Sean Sable was carted out of here last night in an ambulance, would it?”

Amber did her best to keep her expression neutral. Lexi had warned her that the rumor mill would be churning full tilt. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I think you do.” Brooklyn curled her fingers and appeared to study her nails. “Because I have it on good authority that Cole beat Sean unconscious protecting you from the scumbag.”

Amber leaned back in the chair. “Sounds like you already know what happened, so why are you trying to pump me for information?”

“Because I wanted to know if it was true.” As soon as she finished the statement, a curious expression crossed Brooklyn’s face. “Wait. Where is the rest of the gang?”

“I’d assume they’re back at the hotel,” Amber replied. “I’m not their keeper.”

Brooklyn’s brow arched in surprise. “A bit testy, are we?”

“As a matter of fact I am.” Feeling tired, achy, and ever so slightly nauseous, Amber wasn’t in the socializing mood. She narrowed her eyes. “You have a problem with that?”

Before Brooklyn could reply, a shadow fell upon the table, causing Amber to look up.

Logan towered over her, and he didn’t look too pleased. “Mark wants you in his office. Now.”

In an instant the anger she’d been carrying dissolved into thin air, only to be replaced with a fresh batch of fear. She wasn’t worried about herself as much as she was for Cole. She’d gladly take all the heat and leave if it meant Cole could keep his job. Realizing Logan was waiting, she pushed up from her chair. “Lead the way.”

They stepped out into the hallway, and Logan looked down at her. “You didn’t meet us for breakfast.”

“I wanted to be alone,” she replied, her voice monotone.

“Cole was worried sick. Especially when you didn’t answer your door. If it hadn’t been for one of the other wrestlers seeing you leave, I’m not sure what he might have done.”

Logan’s statement caused guilt to wash through her. He and the others had done nothing but be nice and watch out for her, and she’d repaid them by ditching them and being snarky. “I didn’t mean to worry him. I just didn’t feel like eating breakfast or socializing.”

He stepped in front of her and stopped, forcing Amber to look up at him. “Cole is my best friend, and I don’t want to see him get his heart broken. If you don’t have feelings for him, you need to say something now.”

“I do have feelings for him. Actually, I like him a lot, but with everything going on, especially last night, I’m just not sure a relationship is wise.”

“None of this is your fault, Amber.”

She let out a sigh. “I keep telling myself that, but in my head, accepting the blame is easier than accepting the truth.”

For a moment, he widened his eyes; then Logan shook his head, stepped out of the way, and continued on his trek toward Mark’s office.

The moment she stepped inside the room, the air changed as all eyes turned on her. She lifted her head and met Cole’s gaze. Worry and pain stared back, and for the second time that day, guilt washed through her. It was so wrong of her to have bailed on him when he’d gone out of his way for her. She’d obviously hurt him by her absence this morning. How could she possibly make him understand that the closer he got, the more confused she became?

“Good,” Mark began. “Now that we’re all here, let’s get started.” He folded his hands on his desk. “I have some good news and some bad news. First the good news. Sean’s injuries aren’t nearly as bad as they appeared last night. So he’ll make a full recovery.”

“That’s the good news?” Lexi grumbled.

Mark shot her a chastising look. “Despite your personal feelings toward Sean Sable, it
in fact good news, because after speaking with him, we won’t be involving the police after all.”

Amber let out a sigh of relief. “So does that mean Cole gets to keep his job too?”

Mark nodded. “It does.”

Relief flooded through Amber even as Lexi asked, “What’s the catch?” Her expression filled with suspicion. “What does Sean get in return?”

“Nothing.” Mark grinned.

“What do you mean nothing?” Logan questioned. “Sable is an opportunistic little weasel. He’s not going to let this go by without gaining something.”

“Sure he will,” Mark replied. “Especially after I explained to him that we have pictures of the marks he left on Amber’s arm and video of him harassing her in the hallway.”

For the first time during the conversation Amber looked up, wide-eyed. “You do?”

Mark chuckled. “No, not really, but Sean doesn’t know that. I simply told him that if he let this go, then you would too. Otherwise you were filing charges against him for stalking, harassment, and assault. If he sent Cole up the river, then he was going too.”

While she was more than a little relieved to know Cole’s job was safe, Amber was still a bit bothered by the fact that Sean was also getting away with attacking her. Still, for Cole’s sake, the best thing she could do was think positive and put it behind her.

Logan wrapped an arm around Lexi and grinned. “Brilliant.”

“Thank you,” Mark replied. “I try.”

“That’s why you get paid the big bucks,” Jason added.

“Possibly.” Mark’s smile faded. “We still have a problem, which is where the bad news comes in.”

“What’s that?” Cole asked

“Just as I feared, rumors are flying all over the company. Apparently some of the crew has been flapping their gums about what they saw. So in order to squash the rumors before it gets completely out of control, we’re writing this into a story line for you guys. The press will dismiss anything that they don’t believe is real, and in turn, the rest of this problem will simply fade away.”

Amber looked from her friends to Mark and back. “So what exactly does that mean?”

Mark leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. “It means, Amber, that at least for a little while, you’re going to have to turn heel and become part of The Tribunal.”

Chapter Six

Amber ducked under the clothesline Lexi tried to administer. “So do I have to dye my hair black?”

Lexi laughed. “Not if you don’t want to. Though black streaks might look cool against all that blonde.”

Amber turned, bounced off the ropes, and launched herself at her friend. She caught Lexi in the stomach and took her to the mat. They hit with a
, and Amber counted to three in her head, then rolled away. “I’ll think about it.” Sparring with Lexi seemed to help release some of the pent-up energy and frustration she’d carried since the incident with Sean.

“That was a good move.” Lexi stood up and rubbed the spot on her head that had made contact with the mat. “I’m glad you’re going to be on my side in the ring. I’d hate to have to face you for real.”

A small sliver of pride settled inside her as Amber acknowledged her friend’s compliment. “Wow. That means so much coming from you.”

“You’re welcome.” Lexi reached outside the ring to the aluminum steps and grabbed their water bottles, then tossed one to Amber. “I know you were looking forward to a singles career, but I think this could be a lot of fun and a huge boost for you.”

Amber caught the bottle. “You think?”

“Sure. You’re getting a lot better, and with management aligning you with one of the hottest stables in the business right now, how can you possibly go wrong?”

“Thanks. I didn’t think about it like that.” Amber took a long, slow drink. She glanced over at the guys, who sat in the currently empty crowd seats strategizing for the upcoming match. Finding out she’d be playing Cole’s love interest in the story line certainly didn’t help abate her current feelings. How in the world could she possibly stay focused on her career with him always being so close?

“You ready to go again?” Lexi asked. “Hey, you okay?”

Still feeling less than 100 percent but not wanting to stop, Amber returned the bottle to the step. “Sure. Let’s go.” Just like she’d done on other occasions when her stomach bothered her, Amber would work through the nausea. There wasn’t any room in wrestling for wimps, and she doubted it was any different in the big leagues.

For the next ten minutes, they worked on submission moves. The entire time Amber battled nausea, determined not to let it get her down. Lexi performed an Irish whip. Her back landed against the padded turnbuckle, and she paused as a fresh wave of nausea, stronger than the ones previous, coursed through her. She sucked in a quick breath and closed her eyes. Damn it, she wasn’t going to throw up.

Lexi started toward her, then slowed. “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Uh? Um…yeah.” She sucked in another quick breath and pushed the feeling away. She hadn’t eaten lunch yet. Maybe she was hungry, or maybe it was all due to lack of sleep. “Our allotted time for the ring is almost up, so let’s do it again.” She moved back into position; Lexi grabbed her arm and turned her toward the turnbuckle. Before she realized what was happening, Amber’s world began to spin, and she stumbled forward, her legs giving out beneath her. She crashed into the corner post and immediately crumpled to the mat.

“Amber!” The sound of men’s voices and chairs moving mixed with the white noise already whooshing in Amber’s ears. Too nauseous and dizzy to move, she lay on her side with her eyes closed as the voices grew closer.

“I’ll get the medics,” Jason said.

“Amber, honey?” Cole’s concerned voice pierced the haze fogging her brain. “What’s wrong?”

She didn’t dare open her eyes. “Dizzy. Feeling sick,” she managed to gasp.

“Move her this way,” Logan ordered. Unable to find the energy to help, she tried to relax and allow the men to move her until she lay cradled in Logan’s big arms.

“I’ll take her,” Cole ordered. Then as if she weighed nothing more than that of a doll, she was shifted from one set of arms to another. “I got you,” Cole whispered against her hair.

They made their way backstage where Dr. Martin met them. “This is getting to be a habit with you guys,” he half joked as Cole placed her on top of something soft. “Amber, can you hear me?”

She nodded but kept her eyes closed.

“Tell me what’s going on with you.”

“I feel dizzy and nauseous,” she murmured.

“Anything else?”

“Tired.” She let her head lull to the side. “Very tired.”

“Did you not sleep well last night?”

“Not at all,” she replied. “Too stressed about what happened.”

“Have you been sleeping well otherwise?”

“Not really.” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten a complete night’s sleep without waking at least twice.

“Okay. Have you been feeling sick before now?”

She shook her head.

“What did you have for breakfast?”

“I didn’t,” she managed to reply. “I wasn’t hungry.”

“You haven’t eaten at all today?”

She ventured to open her eyes a slit and shook her head.

“What did you have for dinner last night?”


His face screwed immediately into a frown. “When
you last eat?”

She took a moment to think. “Lunch yesterday.”

He pursed his lips, causing his frown to deepen. “Take her to the infirmary.”


PANIC SHOT THROUGH Cole, and he grabbed Dr. Martin’s arm. “Doc?”

The doctor patted his hand. “No worries. I don’t believe it’s anything serious.”

Cole turned his attention down the hall and watched the medics disappear around the corner with her. “Are you sure? She looks so pale.”

“Positive.” Dr. Martin smiled. “She’s exhausted, but I doubt it’s much worse than that. I’m going to administer an IV and make sure she’d hydrated. I need you to go to catering and bring some food over to the infirmary. Once she’s well hydrated and nourished, you can take her back to the hotel for some much needed sleep.”

Relief flooded through him, and he gave the doctor a nod. “Got it. I’ll be there shortly.”

He turned back to Logan, Lexi, and Jason. “So who is going to tell Mark about this?”

Lexi rolled her eyes. “After what happened last night, the poor guy will have a freaking stroke.”

“Regardless,” Cole replied, “he needs to know. Amber won’t be able to wrestle tonight, which means our entire segment needs to be rewritten or replaced. Better to tell him now while there is still time to change the program.”

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