On the Story Sea (9781743583531) (4 page)

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Authors: Danny Parker

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Lola and Sal laughed. Then Lola gave Sal a cuddle. She was soft and furry, and she smelt of the sea.

‘Thank you,' said Lola, holding the gold earring. ‘I will treasure this.'

Then she had another idea. Reaching into her pocket, Lola pulled out the story Pirate Sal had given her earlier.

‘Do you mind if I take a story back home with me?' Lola asked.

Pirate Sal beamed. ‘Take your pick,' she said.

There were stories all around them, but Lola quickly made her choice.

Then, it was time to go home. Lola, Buddy and Sal walked over to where all the treasure chests were lined up.

There were so many that it took a while to find the right one!

But only one of the chests was Lola's magical toy box.

When they found it, Lola and Buddy said their goodbyes, and promised to return.

Then they climbed
the treasure chest. But Lola climbed
out of

Lola climbed
out of
her toy box. She was safe and sound, back in her bedroom.

She was happy to be home. But she was also sad that her adventure was over.

She gave Buddy a cuddle. He still smelt of the salty Story Sea. She popped him on her pillow.

Just then, she noticed that her cupboard door was still open.

Of course! The fancy-dress party. But now Lola knew exactly what to wear.

She grabbed the stripy socks and a scarf. She ripped the bottoms of her old jean shorts so they looked a little ragged.

There was just one more thing she needed. Pirate Sal's gold button earring!

Lola looked at herself in the mirror and laughed.

Looking back at her was
First Mate Lola!

Then she heard Nick crashing up the stairs. He stopped when he saw Lola in her pirate outfit.

‘Oh,' was all he could manage.

Lola knew that meant she looked great.

‘Nick,' she said, ‘you were getting your stories all muddled up earlier. So I got you these.'

Lola gave Nick the two stories she had brought back from the Kingdom. He looked very pleased indeed.

Mum called up the stairs, ‘Lola, have you got a costume yet?'

Lola laughed. There was only one answer to that question.

‘Aye, aye, Captain!'

Danny Parker is a writer and drama teacher who lives in Perth with his family. His previous books include Tree and Parachute. Danny is a keen juggler, singer and performer – just like Buddy!

Guy Shield is an illustrator who lives in Melbourne and is obsessed with drawing. When he was a kid, Guy loved building palaces and cities with his toys, just like Lola – and Nick!

On the Story Sea

published in 2015

Hardie Grant Egmont

Ground Floor, Building 1, 658 Church Street

Richmond, Victoria 3121, Australia


This ebook is also available as a print edition in all good bookstores.

A CiP record for this title is available from the National Library of Australia.

eISBN 9781743583531

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers and copyright holders.

Text copyright © 2015 Danny Parker

Illustrations copyright © 2015 Guy Shield

Series design copyright © 2015 Hardie Grant Egmont

Design by Stephanie Spartels

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