Once More From the Top (The Women of Willow Bay) (17 page)

BOOK: Once More From the Top (The Women of Willow Bay)
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She didn’t want to have this discussion tonight, not when she wanted him so bad she was trembling. “Liam, let’s not waste our time alone tonight on
.” Moving over beside him, she started on the buttons of his shirt. “Can’t we just wait until you’re done with the benefit before we make any decisions?” Her hands found the crisp hair on his chest, the warmth of his skin, the hard nubs of his nipples. She pulled his mouth down to hers, seeking the warm coffee-sweet cavern with her tongue.







Liam met Carrie’s lips fiercely, opening his mouth to her searching kiss, meeting her tongue with his own. Desire rose in him. Several long nights had passed since they’d made love—he was aching to be inside her. Sliding one hand down her leg to the hem of her dress, he slipped it under the fabric to stroke her soft thigh. She moaned, reaching for the snap of his jeans. His mind clouded, his senses became intoxicated, but a voice inside him wouldn’t be silenced.

No! We need to talk about this. Now! Tonight!

Easing away from her, he ran his thumb over her full lower lip. “Talk to me, baby. What are you so afraid of?” he murmured. “Do you think I can’t have my career and take care of you and Jack, too? Are you so terrified of change that you’d be willing to stay in this little town forever and keep him from the world?” He caught her hand in his, lacing their fingers. “Can’t we find a way to compromise?”

“How?” Her voice was husky as she pulled away from his. “I don’t want to live in the city. I love living in Willow Bay. What’s so wrong with that?”

“Nothing’s wrong with this town. It’s wonderful. But I need more, and Jack does, too. He’s got incredible talent. He should be developing it. I’m certain Currado would take him on, but he’s in Chicago.”

“What about baseball and sailing and all his friends here?” She asked, a tear edging out of the corner of her eye. “I don’t want anyone in the city trying to put him up on a stage. He’s too young for that. I couldn’t face fighting drugs and alcohol and those kinds of problems.
know how show business is!” She choked, then swallowed hard. “And yes, I’m scared I’ll lose him... and you, to touring and audiences and all the... celebrity.”

He was touched by how she struggled not to cry. “Carrie. Sweetheart. Listen to me.” Liam pressed a gentle kissed to her lips. “First of all, this is the symphony. You know? Classical music? As far as I know, drugs aren’t a big issue with conductors or pianists. And I swear to you, I’ve never seen a violin section trash a hotel room.” He added a wink, “Um... the horns, I’m not so sure about.” Grinning, he was encouraged that she smiled through the tears. He pulled her closer. “Besides, Jack isn’t nearly ready for touring. He has years of study and preparation ahead of him. I’m not going to let anyone exploit him.”

“I know that, but—”

Pressing his finger to her lips, he stopped her words. “Stop creating mountains and monsters. My career is pretty innocuous as entertainment careers go.”

Liam watched her closely as she knit her fingers in her lap, her eyes downcast. She was clearly scared and confused—but he was dammed if he knew what to say to convince her how groundless her fears were.

She’s closing up again. Shit.

He blew out a frustrated breath. “What did you think was going to happen after I got done with the benefit?” With difficulty he kept his voice even. “Did you think we’d get married and just continue to divide our time between this apartment and my boat?”

She sat straight up, hugging herself. Her dark eyes flashed. “Frankly, I hadn’t gotten that far yet. I’m still working on believing that you aren’t just going to cruise away after the benefit.”

“Okay, now that was below the belt.”

“I really don’t care.”

He went on offense. “Dammit, I have a career to consider here.”

“I have a business to consider
.” Her tone turned even cooler. “And my son.”

son!” he snapped. After a long moment of silence, he raised both hands in surrender. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m fully aware of your business.” It seemed impossible to address this without sounding patronizing, so he started over. “I love this town too, but
have to go out into the world to make my living. I can’t do it here. I also love you and Jack. I want you with me, not sitting up here waiting for me to make an appearance between concerts. You’re a wonderful photographer. You can make a living taking pictures wherever you are. Jack deserves the best. I can do that, but I need to keep working.”

“I’m sorry
, too.” Carrie leaned over to put her hand his chest. “I want to be with you. I want us to be a family, but it’s important to me for Jack to be
where kids fish and sail, not in a big city where there are drugs and gangs and guns and violence.
there’s my studio. I worked hard to make it a success. I’m not ready to go out and start over in a new place. The competition in Chicago would be fierce.” Sliding her hand over his belly, she stroked the hair there, raising goose bumps—and more—with each touch. “Besides, what about my own playing? Where would I do my lounge act?” She gave him a sly smile.

That drew the chuckle he was certain she’d been going for, and with a sigh, he put his arm around her, resting his chin on top of her head.

God, I never expected this much of a battle. Would the conversation have been the same sixteen years ago?
Am I
being selfish expecting her to just pack up and come with me?

But he
thinking of her and especially of Jack—he needed a master like Eric Currado and the stimulation of the city. On the other hand, the kid loved it here. This was the only home he’d ever known and he’d already been thrown for a loop by meeting his long-lost father. Was it fair to pack him up and take him away from everything familiar while they were getting to know one another? Interlochen would give him what he needed for now, probably as easily as studying with Currado.

What about after he graduated from Interlochen? Could Carrie handle it if Jack went as far away as, say, New York?

She slid her fingers under his unbuttoned shirt, running her hands over his ribs and reaching around to massage the tense muscles of his back. Moving almost automatically, his fingers traced her spine down to her waist. Thoughts tripping over one another, his mind raced as both sides of the argument tumbled around and around in his head.

Her breath warmed his neck. The soft mounds of her breasts pressed into his chest as he settled back on the sofa and pulled her against him.

perfect now—the three of them together in this lovely place. Turning his head, he stared out the big window at the moonlit bay. Carrie pressed feather-light kisses into the hollow of his throat. Hell, he already had enough money invested to keep them more than comfortable for the rest of their lives. The concert circuit
getting tiresome—rehearsals, airplanes, lonely hotel rooms, bad room service...

Maybe retirement isn’t such a bad idea.

She explored the waistband of his jeans, her fingers dipping below the low-riding denim to find his burgeoning erection, her fingertips stroking his heated flesh. He relaxed deeper into the cushions, taking pleasure in her warm breath on his skin, her hands on him.

fair to ask her to pull up stakes and follow me.

She obviously needed the security of being here. All
really needed was her and Jack. It would be great to have time to work with Jack himself. The kid was like a sponge, absorbing everything set before him. He smiled as he thought about the piece they’d been working on together since his trip up to Lawson—a little surprise for Carrie. He knew she’d be overwhelmed—just thinking of her reaction excited him.

I’ll retire. Let the touring go.

Will mentioned a movie score—he’d been dying to try that. And didn’t he say he had other ideas? Maybe he could teach at Interlochen. How great would it be to be near Jack every day? He could do some more composing and arranging—try his hand at some choral music. He didn’t
to be on a podium anymore. He had plenty of other ways to use his talent.

As her tongue touched his nipple, a lightning bolt of desire shot through him
and any attempt at clear thinking was over. His hands moved to her head. He tangled his fingers in her hair, gently pressing her head down while she kissed and nipped his belly and opened the snap and zipper of his jeans. When she’d freed him and her lips and fingers were on him, all clear thought took flight. Her mouth and tongue worked magic.

He was hard as a rock, in a throbbing heavenly haze, mindless with the stroke of her tongue and the rasp of her teeth. “God, Carrie, how do you know—” He gasped.

She lifted her head long enough to glance up at him, dark drowsy passion in her eyes. “I read.” Her voice was sultry, turning into a little moan as she returned to the task of driving him completely wild.

He slid his hand down her hip to bunch the knit fabric of her sundress in his fist and got the shock of his life.

As thrilling as her mouth was, his prim and proper Carrie panty-less was impossible to resist. Groaning, he tugged her head up. “I can’t believe you’re going commando, you wanton wench.”

She gave him a mischievous wink as he hauled her onto his lap. “Not all night, just for the last hour or so. I thought I’d surprise you.” Kneeling over him, she straddled his thighs.

“I’m surprised... very pleasantly surprised.”

He groaned as he guided her hips down. She settled onto him, rotating sensuously while he skimmed his hands up under her dress, sliding his fingers beneath the soft built-in bra. The hardened tips of her breasts pressed against his palms.

She dropped her head back, catching her breath as he brushed her nipples with his thumbs, then rolled them between his fingers. He kissed her, his mouth opening to hers while his hands moved around, down her warm spine to her pumping hips. Her tongue met his and he rose up to grind his pelvis against her.

He was dangerously close to bursting, trying to manage that heat until he was sure she was closer to climax. But it was impossible to regain control. She was in charge, leaning back as she moved on him, slanting into him slightly to change position and allow him to drive deeper into her.

Pulling her mouth away from his, she found his ear with her tongue and whispered, “Now, Liam...”

His name was a caress. The breathy sound tipped him over the edge. Gripping her hips, he exploded with a tortured cry while he held her down. Seconds later, she contracted around him as she moaned and whimpered against his neck in her own release.

He slumped back against the sofa cushions, eyes closed. Her head was on his shoulder, her lips on his neck. Still connected, they were both breathing hard. He didn’t speak, simply enjoyed the quiet, sated aftermath, the warm woman surrounding him.

It might be perfect to have only this forever. Carrie, Jack, this peaceful, beautiful setting. Perhaps they could even think about adopting more kids. Plenty of kids out there needed good homes, and she was such a great mom. Liam cupped her face, tunneling his fingers into her hair.

“Carrie, I need you,” he said hoarsely. “I love you. I want you. Let’s do it—let’s just stay here. I’ll retire from conducting. We’ll build a house up by Eliot. Jack can go to Interlochen. You can keep your studio open.” He pulled her face down to kiss her. “Hell, I’d hate to disappoint your fans at the bar. They might come after me with tar and feathers.”

“Liam.” She frowned. “Wait. What are you talking about? Retirement? I’m not asking you to
I just want this to be your home base.”

“No, listen for a minute. This makes sense.” His eyes focused somewhere past her head. “If we stay here, Jack can go to Interlochen—either as a day student or a boarder. If he boards, we’ll go get him on weekends. I can work with him. Eliot, too and even Dave Lawson if we need extra help. Touring’s getting old anyway. I think I’m ready for a change and—”
He broke off, gazing out at the moonlit water. “This is a beautiful place. I see why you love it.”

Carrie sat up and moved off of him. Curling her legs under her on the sofa, she watched in silence while he zipped up. Finally, she took his chin and turned his face toward hers. Biting her lower lip, she looked him full in the face. “You would stay here for

“I would stay here for
.” His voice was husky with residual passion.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Her brow furrowed. “You’re ready to let go of the audiences and the orchestras and the travel? It’ll be a huge change.”

“I’m ready. I can handle it.” A heady sense of abandon filled him as she brought his mouth down to hers for a deep kiss.

handle it. Conducting had been his whole life for too many years. Now it was time for Carrie and Jack to be his life. Her lips parted under his, their tongues met, and that faint niggling of doubt got shoved to the furthest corner of his mind as intoxicating pleasure took over again.

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