One April Fool (5 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: One April Fool
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“Yes, sir.” She accepted that he was in charge, and that was all Horace was waiting for.  He spanked her hard, and he made sure her sit spots were stinging before he stopped.  Once it was over, she tried to get up, but Horace held her down.  “Horace, I thought you were done…?”

“I’m finished spanking you for the way you acted at work.  I know you’ve learned your lesson… right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Now we are going to discuss us.  I love you, Penny.  You love me, too.  I’m sick of hearing that you are too set in your ways.  There is more to this, and I am not going to take ‘no’ for an answer when I ask you to marry me.  When you are ready to say yes, then I’ll stop paddling you.  It’s time, Penny.  We’ve wasted years that we could have been together.”

“Noooo!” she protested, but the paddle came out and Horace put some emotion behind each firm smack against her backside.  “Don’t do this, Horace.  I can’t marry you!”

“Why?” he demanded, the paddle popping on her sit spots.  “This paddling isn’t going to stop until you explain yourself.”  He shook his head when she remained stubborn, and increased the strength of his swats as he reddened her upper thighs.  Penny wasn’t going to be able to sit at this rate.

“Please, stop!”

He didn’t.  He continued paddling her with crisp smacks that burned her skin in spite of her panties.  “Those panties are about to come down, young lady,” he warned her.

“No, you mustn’t do that to me, Horace.  I’ll talk.  Please… I’ll be terrified if you do that!”

Horace stopped and gently helped her up.  “I would never do something to terrify you, Penny.  For the love of God, dear, what is wrong?  You are shaking.  I’m so sorry.  Please forgive me, sweetheart.  I am so sorry I frightened you!”

Chapter Five




“No, not you, darling.  I promise.  It was a long time ago.  He was hiding in the bushes on campus…”

“Shhhh.  You don’t have to tell me anymore, unless you want to, sweetheart.  You are safe with me, and I swear before God I will be gentle and give you all the patience you need.”

“I am so ashamed, Horace!”

“You haven’t done anything to be ashamed of, sweet Penny.  That awful man is the one who should be ashamed.  Do you hear me?”

“How can I marry you when…”

“Do not finish that sentence or I will take off my belt and wear you out, as my Pop would have said.  You are not any of those things.  You are the woman I love and want to marry.  This is the time I want to hear a sweet yes, my love.”

“Yes, Horace,” Penny smiled through her tears.  “I love you, too.”


“I can’t believe that Mr. Brimley and Miss Winslow are getting married!  They’ve probably been carrying on for years while Mrs. Brimley battled cancer!” Charity grumbled in the break room.

“That just isn’t so, Charity.”

“Oh, that’s right.  I forgot.  Miss Perfect is dating Miss Winslow’s darling nephew and can do no wrong.  Perhaps Maureen and I should be careful what we say around you…?”

“Charity, you’ve been hateful towards me ever since I came back to work.  I’d like to know why?”

“You’ve changed.”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Yes, you have.  You are always smiling and talking about Derrick.  It makes me sick.  You aren’t one of us.”

“Why?  Because I’m in love with a nice man?  You and Maureen are both married.  Why shouldn’t I have someone to love?”

“Because the man you’re with is the boss’ nephew.  If cutbacks happen, Maureen and I will go first, even though we’ve been here longer.”

“That is silly.”

“No, it’s the simple truth.  And the first time one of us makes you angry, you’ll get us fired.”

“Charity, I think you need to get back to your desk,” Penelope said firmly.  Once she stormed out of the break room, Penelope turned to April.  “What is going on with her?”

“I honestly don’t know.  She seems to think I suddenly have some sort of magical powers with you and Mr. Brimley, and I’ll use my influence against her.  How silly is that?”

“I take it you haven’t told either Charity or Maureen that you are going to go and work for Derrick and his brothers and attend the culinary school of hard knocks in their restaurant…?”

“No.  I don’t want to hear any negative comments.  This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I can’t afford to go to a school.  No matter what happens with Derrick and I, this will be a good learning experience.  I still blush when I think of how I told him he should be a Chef!”  She giggled.

“Derrick was pretty amused, but also pleased that you thought him an excellent Chef.  With two older brothers who have already made a name for themselves, he is still the kid brother.  That is why they sent him here when I was so upset.  They felt he was expendable.”

“I think it was because they knew how much he loves you, and how determined he would be to see things righted.  I’ll be sure he knows that the next time I see him.”  She looked at Penelope, and then said, “Derrick told me what a loving and special woman you are, and I am ashamed I didn’t see that on my own.”  She gave Penelope a hug, and then said, “I need to get back to work.  I haven’t left yet.”

Penelope smiled and nodded.  Derrick and April were perfect for each other.  Now, she needed to set that Charity and Maureen straight.  She knew full well those two were behind April, prodding her to pull that prank, and helping with the details to make it as mean as possible.  They both could do with a good dose of hairbrush, and Penelope couldn’t help but wonder if guilt was the reason Charity was acting so hateful with April these days.

April was surprised when Charity’s husband showed up to take her out for lunch.  It wasn’t an everyday occurrence, and it seemed to make Charity nervous.  Penelope seemed to show up right when Drew was there and she gave him a huge smile and told him there was no need to rush back.  April looked at her in surprise, and once she walked away and Charity and Drew were gone, Maureen walked over to her desk and asked, “Do you know what is going on with Charity and Drew?”

“No, I don’t have a clue,” April responded, and it was the truth.


“I’m surprised to see you, Drew.  Is there something you wish to discuss?”

“Yes.  I’ll drive through and get us a sandwich, and we’ll go on home to eat it where we can have some privacy.”

“Is something wrong, honey?” she asked in trepidation.

“I don’t know; I was going to ask you the same thing,” he said, sparing her a glance as he turned into McDonald’s to go through the drive-thru.  “What would you like?”  She answered him, and he called their order over the speaker.  “You’ve been distant for the last few weeks, ever since the thank you dinner at church.  I’ve been wondering if there was someone else.”

“There isn’t anyone else!  What would make you think such a thing?” Charity angrily demanded, only to be interrupted as he paid for their food and was told to pull to the next window.  Finally, food in hand, Drew drove toward their home.  “Why would you think there was someone else, Drew?  I am insulted.”

“You’ve been acting like a bear with a toothache or a sore paw, Charity.  I’m tired of the attitude.  I want to know what is going through your head.”


He leveled his gaze on her, but said nothing as he headed for the house.  They were there a within a few minutes, and he grabbed the bag of food while she grabbed the drinks.  “I suggest you eat your meal, wife, because we are going to talk this through in just about fifteen or twenty minutes.”

“I don’t eat as fast as you do!” she warned him.

“You could eat faster if you kept your mouth quiet and stopped fussing with everything I say, young lady.”  She glared at him again, but sat down at the kitchen table and ate when they arrived home.  Charity wasn’t going to say one damn word to Drew.

“Okay, it’s time for talking, Charity.  What has had you so upset?  And don’t waste your time telling me nothing.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Drew.  I’m perfectly fine.”

“No you aren’t.  You are always snipping at me, and according to Miss Winslow, you are the same way at work.  She says that you are being mean to April, and even hateful toward her.  Did the two of you women have a fight?”

“No, and I think you are awful for suggesting such a thing!  Maybe you are the one who is so unhappy you are hoping I want out of our marriage!”

“Your boss lady seems to think that you are upset about something to do with April; perhaps you encouraged her to play that prank at the church…?”  Drew watched as his wife’s pretty face crumple as she started crying.  “Talk to me, honey.  I can’t fix it if I don’t know what is wrong.”

“Both Maureen and I encouraged April to play that trick, and April didn’t once implicate us or drag us into it.  She could have, but she didn’t.  She took all the flak, and yet, there is an evil part of me that keeps waiting on her to point a finger in some way, or to say that she doesn’t want to do a certain job and if one of us doesn’t do it, then she’ll tell.  It’s silly, but I have bad dreams all the time.  I am awful to April at work, and I am so sorry.”

“You’re feeling guilty, aren’t you, Charity?” Drew asked, glad that Penelope Winslow had called him to confide that she felt there was something going on with his wife.  Now that he knew what was ailing Charity, he could deal with it.

“Maybe… Just a bit,” she answered, knowing full well what was going to happen next.  She was going to find herself over her husband’s knee, and when he released her, she wouldn’t be feeling so guilty.  But, she didn’t really want a spanking.  Drew was a construction worker, and he didn’t know his own strength.  He didn’t do things by half measures.

“Just a bit…?  Okay, honey.  Then, we’ll have just a bit of a spanking.  I want you to stand up right now and take off your skirt so that it doesn’t get all wrinkled.  Do it now, and obey me from now on or this spanking will become more than a little guilt release spanking and turn into a punishment instead.

Charity took him seriously and stood up to remove her skirt.  She certainly didn’t want it wrinkled since it would have to be dry-cleaned again and she just got it back from the cleaners. 

“Now you may remove your panties.  Turn around so that I can see you wiggle your butt as you take them off.  You have one sexy ass, wife.  Very pretty,” he remarked, knowing how much it embarrassed her, while also turning her on.  I am going to give you a ten minute spanking, Charity.  I figure I should be able to create enough sting in that length of time that you will release your guilt.  If not, I know of something else I can do that will ease your guilt.  Pick out something that you want to feel on your pretty butt, honey.  Plastic, wood…?  Just make sure it is something that won’t break during the spanking.”  He added the last little bit because she was reaching for a very thin wooden spoon that would snap in two within the first ten spanks.  “Hurry now, Charity, or I will do the picking, and I will get a heavy wooden spoon.”

“Noooo!  Not that!” she objected. 

“You have one minute, wife.”

Charity was frazzled.  The wooden spoons she owned, with the exception of one, were all heavy, with thick bowls and handles that wouldn’t break.  She wasn’t about to hand him a cutting board.  The only thing remaining was one of her plastic spatulas.  She grabbed one from the drawer, and was told to bring it to him immediately.  “Now set the timer on the microwave for ten minutes and come right back here and bend over the table.  If you dawdle, we’ll add five minutes.”

Charity knew that arguing with Drew while he was in this mood would be a huge mistake.  She set the timer on the microwave and walked back to the table and bent over, presenting her bare butt for the spanking he wanted to give her.  As much as she dreaded the next ten minutes, she knew that she would be in a much better mood when he was finished spanking her.  The spatula was thin.  She used it to frost layers of cake, but when used on her buns, it was stingy as could be, and it wasn’t long before she was begging for it to be over!  When she tried to get up, Drew’s large left hand moved to the small of her back and held her down while he continued to sting her cheeks, thighs, and her sit spots.  Charity kicked her feet and screamed at him to stop.  He warned her to settle down and take the rest or she would be wearing a plug all afternoon.  Charity hated wearing a plug more than she hated a spanking, but her butt was on fire.  Somehow she got through the rest of the ten minutes without another warning, and when the timer went off, Drew said, “Five more, wife.  Take them well, and I won’t order you to fetch the box of plugs.”

Charity knew that arguing or pleading with him would get her spanked as well as plugged.  He released her, and then used his hand to give her the last five scalding spanks, which she accepted without a single complaint and without trying to get up.  “Well done, Charity.  Come here and let me hug you now,” he offered, and then smiled when she threw her arms around his neck and cried, releasing the guilt that had tortured her for the last few weeks.  Finally, when she quieted, he told her to get ready to go back to work.  She would rather not go back, but to argue would be to ask for more punishment.  Drew rarely mentioned taking out the plug, but when he did, she knew it was best to tow the line unless she wanted to suffer mightily.

April was busy in the copy room when Charity got back to her desk, and Maureen was taking her lunch break.  Charity got busy, and when April came back to her desk, Charity smiled at her.  April smiled in return, and things were once again normal.


“Seriously?  You are leaving us, April?” Charity asked and was suddenly sniffling.  “Why?  Were you let go?” she demanded.

“No, of course not.  I am embarking on a new career.  You know how much I love to cook, and I’ve told both you and Maureen how much I wished I could go to culinary school, but can’t afford it.  Derrick and his brothers are going to apprentice me and teach me as we go.  There is an apartment above the restaurant, and I can live there for less, and take my meals in the restaurant.  They won’t pay me all that much, but I’ll have what I need.  It is a golden opportunity, and if not for Miss Winslow, I wouldn’t have this opportunity.  I am so excited.”

“How does Derrick Winslow figure into this?” Charity demanded.  “He isn’t trying to take advantage of you, is he?”

“No.  He gave his word that he wouldn’t do that.  We’re dating and getting to know each other.”

“Uh-huh!” Maureen, the skeptic muttered loudly.  “What are you going to do when he creeps up those steps some night and says ‘pay up or get out’?  Then what?”

“I’ll probably ask him what took so long!” April whispered, and then giggled at Maureen’s shocked expression.  “Please don’t worry about me.”

Before she was settled in and before she was handed her very own chef coat to wear, Derrick’s older brothers put four ingredients in front of her, told her they must be in the appetizer, and gave her twenty minutes to wow them.  April was thrilled that the kitchen wasn’t open for business as of yet, because she ran like a mad woman to find other items she needed to make a dish that was worth eating.  When they called ‘time’, she served them an appetizer they told her they would be happy to put on the menu.  That was when Derrick returned from picking up the paper supplies they needed.

“What’s going on in here?” he asked.  “I thought you said you were driving down this afternoon, April?”

“I asked her to come early.  We know how you feel about April, but this is business, little brother.  We gave her a
test, and she blew us out of the water.  Too bad there isn’t any left for you.”

“She has plenty of talent.  Welcome aboard, April.”

“April, I want to see you upstairs, right now.”

“Aw, come on, little brother.  She doesn’t deserve a scold because…”

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