One Foot Onto the Ice (26 page)

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Authors: Kiki Archer

BOOK: One Foot Onto the Ice
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“You’re the lesbian! Everyone knows that lesbian sex lasts for

“Does it?” said Priggy.

“Yes! My magazine said it’s one long act of arousal without the obvious
start and stop points you get with penile penetration.”

“Oh,” said Priggy, thinking about the length of time she’d have
with Mischa at the disco. “Right.”

“Hours,” said Champagne, shoving Priggy back into the room.




Susan screamed out. It had taken less than two minutes to make
each other come. “You’re amazing,” she shouted, laughing as the echo sounded
back at her.

Jenna looked up at the sky that was starting to fade. “
amazing,” she screamed, matching the echo.

“You just fucked me,” shouted Susan.

Jenna laughed loudly listening to Susan’s expletive on repeat.
“And you loved it,” she screamed.

Susan shouted louder, merging their echoes. “I loved it!”

Jenna waiting for the silence to fall and spoke quietly, “And I
loved it too.” She rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow.
“Susan, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Susan tilted her head and looked into the big brown eyes. “I know,”
she whispered. “I feel it too.”




Marcus stomped down the stairs towards the boot room; maybe he
have to be strict and judgemental after all. Maybe he
have to
scoff and pour scorn. Susan
to hear it. She
to hear it
all. Jenna was a liar. A predatory lesbian liar, and in his eyes you couldn’t
get a worse concoction. He walked through the hall and made his way to the boot
room, dramatically throwing open the door. He looked around and sniffed the
damp heat. The room was empty. He looked up to the top shelf at the small white
sticker that said
Madam Quinn
and spotted her boots drying upside down.
He pulled on his moustache and spun on his heels, deciding to try the bar

“That was incredible,” giggled Susan, stepping into the warmth of
the hall.

“Mount Blanc was quite good too,” laughed Jenna, closing the door
to the small side exit.

Marcus stopped in his tracks and pricked up his ears. He’d
recognise those sordid, salacious giggles anywhere. He took a deep breath. This
was his moment. This was his moment of glory. He burst from the boot room in a
flurry of drama. “Susan, Susan, I’m so glad you’re safe.”

Susan looked up and blushed. “Pardon?”

Marcus spotted the damp clothes and the flushed face. “No, oh no,
where have you been?”

Jenna brushed some snow off Susan’s back. “We just nipped up to
the Pointe de Nyon. I showed Susan Mont Blanc. Lisa’s covering in the bar.”

Marcus flicked his thin hair and launched into his speech.
“Extra-curricular activities? Why wasn’t I invited?” He narrowed his eyes and
hushed his voice. “I’ll tell you why not. Because
,” he said pointing
at Jenna, “is a fraud.”

“Oh Marcus, please get over this,” said Susan.

Marcus made a low neighing noise as he shook his head. “Oh no, no,
no, no, it goes way beyond that—”

Jenna interrupted him. “I’m sorry, Marcus, but I need to go and
relieve Lisa. I’m sure Susan will fill me in on the revelations later.”

Marcus grinned with stubby yellow teeth. “Oh I’m sure she will.”

Jenna turned to Susan. “Are you okay? I’ve got to dash, but I’ll
see you tonight. I won’t make it to dinner as Amber and I need to set up the
toboggans. We’re only using the small nursery slope out here. That’s why we’ve
got the Ski-doo. We need to collect the sledges from the ski shop at the bottom
and haul them up the hill.”

Susan smiled. “Shall I save you some food?”

“No, I’ll grab something while I’m down there.”

Marcus watched the thoughtful interaction. “How pleasant,” he
sniffed. “I’m sure that’ll change.”

“Oh, Marcus,” said Susan once Jenna was out of ear shot. “What on
earth’s got into you?”

Mon amie
, let’s take a seat.”

“No, I’m fine standing. Please make it quick. I want to get
showered before dinner.”

Marcus nodded thoughtfully. “This will be hard to hear. I know
you’ve struck up a bond.”

“We’ve more than struck up a bond, Marcus. We really like each
other.” She paused. “Romantically.”

Marcus gasped. “No! I’m too late! She’s got to you!” He shook his
head frantically. “You’ve had sex in the snow!”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re all damp. You’ve been outside. You’ve earned her an A!”

“What are you talking about?” said Susan, folding her arms.

Marcus threw his hand to his mouth. “I should have waited for you
in the boot room. This is all my fault. You’re an A, Susan, an A.”

“Marcus, I’m leaving you to it.” Susan turned around and started
to walk away. “You’re not making any sense.”

“It was a dare,” he shouted. “A dare.”

Susan paused. “A what?”

“Amber dared her to,” he paused and wafted his hand, “oh, I don’t
know how they say it, to pull you.”

“To pull me?” Susan turned back around.

“Yes, to get involved with you.” He pointed at the door. “To have
sex in the snow.”

“Oh stop it now.”

“I’m serious,” said Marcus moving closer, “Amber dared Jenna to
snog you,” he lowered his voice, “to shag you,” he coughed, “and to have sex in
the snow. She gets a C for the first one, a B for the second and an A for the
grand finale.” He shook his head. “You’ve just given her an A.”

“Don’t be so ridiculous. We’ve just been looking at the mountain.”

“It’s hard to accept that you’ve been duped, Susan, but step back
and look at the bigger picture. What would someone like Jenna see in someone
like you? You’re the victim of their cruel game and I don’t blame you for
falling for it. You’re naïve, you’re virginal, you’re a dainty flower who’s
been picked by the wrong person. You’re just not her type. You’re far too
bland, bordering on the nondescript.”

Susan gasped, wounded by the words. “I don’t believe you, but even
if I did, I know what I’m doing.” She swallowed deeply. “If it’s a game, then so
what? I’ve enjoyed playing.” She nodded her head and pointed her finger. “And
just so you know, this bland and boring, naïve frump of a woman won’t ever give
a pompous prick like you the time of day.” Susan Quinn turned around and
stormed off.





Chapter Twenty-Five



Jenna was standing at the top of the nursery slope with her arm
around Amber. “So guys, we’ll have some practice runs first where you can pair
up with whoever you want. Then it’s the St Wilf’s girls versus the Mossyside posse.”

Susan squinted at the bright floodlights that were shining down on
the small slope. Jenna was smiling and joking and acting like normal. Susan bit
the inside of her lip and thought about it once more. If Marcus was wrong, then
everything was fine, and she could dismiss those nagging doubts once and for
all. But if Marcus was right, then everything she’d experienced up to this
moment in time was now tainted. She looked up at the two women debating who
she’d approach first. Jenna caught her gaze and started to wave.

“Madam Quinn and I will do a demonstration.”

The group cheered.

“No, no,” shouted Susan. “Use Amber, she’s closer.”

Amber jumped into the sledge. “Fine by me,” she grinned, raising
her voice to address the group. “Right, the person at the front controls the
steering with the rope,” she looked up at Jenna, “and the person at the back
wraps their legs firmly around the person at the front and controls the brake
on the left.”

Jenna climbed into the sledge. “You can pair up with anyone you
like for this first round. Just make sure you hold on tight.”

“Have fun, kids,” screamed Amber, using her left hand to shunt
them over the edge.

“Yay!” cheered the group, all racing round to pair up.

Susan heard Marcus cough quietly behind her. “Would you like to
share?” he asked.

“No I would not,” she said.

Marcus sighed. “You were hurt, you lashed out. I was your whipping
board. I know you didn’t mean what you said. There’s no need to be embarrassed
by your outburst.”

Susan turned around. “Marcus, I meant every word and I’m seriously
considering reporting you for inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment
when we get back to school.”

“Me? That’s rich!”

“Yes you, now leave me alone.” Susan walked towards the row of
toboggans and chose one with a single seat. She sat down and pushed off with
her hands, grabbing the steering rope and quickly picking up speed. Susan took
a deep breath and tried to relax, but even the rush of the cool evening air,
and the wails of giggling laughter, failed to calm her annoyance.

“Look at you,” shouted Jenna who had been waiting at the bottom of
the slope. “You made that look easy.”

Susan pulled on the brake and climbed out of the sledge.

“Would no one share with you?” pitied Amber.

Susan took a deep breath and looked at both women. “What do I have
to do to get an A plus?”

“Pardon?” said Jenna.

Amber laughed. “Uh oh, busted.”

“An A plus. I want to know what I have to do.”

Jenna glared at Amber. “You can’t be serious?”

“Hey, I didn’t tell her.”

“So who did?”

Susan shook her head. “So it’s true then?”

“No, it’s not true.”

Amber put her hand on her hip. “Err, yes it is.”

“No, it’s not.”

“So I didn’t dare you to snog her?”

“No,” said Jenna. “Why would you say that?”

Amber gasped in disbelief. “Oh come on, you’re taking it too far
now. Look at her. She actually thinks you like her.”

“I do.”

Susan managed to stay calm. “Did I get a C for our snog, a B for
our shag and an A for our sex in the snow?”

Amber snapped. “You’ve done all that? Already? With

“Amber, can you give us a minute, please?” asked Jenna trying to
stay polite.

“With pleasure,” barked Amber, reaching down for the sledge, “but
Susan, would you just wake the fuck up?”

“Am I an A?” she asked when Amber was out of earshot.

“Fuck,” said Jenna, “no, it’s not like that.”

“So she didn’t dare you?”

“No!” Jenna jumped out of the way of an out-of-control toboggan.
“Brake!” she shouted.

“She seems pretty sure.”

“She didn’t.” Jenna quickly thought back to their time at the
service station when they were waiting for their schools to arrive. “Maybe she
did, I can’t remember, but certainly not once I saw your name.”

You don’t know?
” said Susan. “Crikey I

“You’re wrong. This is real. I’ve not felt like this in a long
time. I want this to work. I want to see where this goes.”

Susan shook her head. “It must have been a pretty easy challenge.
Pull the stupid old school friend who no one ever really liked. How long did it
take you?”

“Susan,” Jenna stepped in closer and held the tops of Susan’s
arms, “it’s up to you whether you believe me or not, but this isn’t a dare.”

Susan shook off the hands and pulled a face. “But the fact is, you’ve
done it before and that’s horrific in itself.”

“I’ve done lots of things before. You told me my past doesn’t

Susan shook her head. “Those poor women.”

“No. I’ve never played games. I’ve never got emotionally involved.
Everything’s always been mutual. It was just like keeping notches on my bedpost.”
She lowered her voice. “I love you, Susan, and I want this to work.”

Susan sighed. “You love me? If I’m honest you’re not sounding too
appealing right now.” She shook her head. “Notches? On your bedpost?”

Jenna nodded. “Yes, and I want
to be my last.”




Marcus waited for Amber at the top of the magic carpet. “Thanks a
lot,” he sneered. “Now I’ve got NO chance.”

“Oh you never did, Marcus,” said Amber pulling the sledge onto the

“Was it true, what you told me? Susan lost her cool when I said it
and she didn’t believe a word.”

Amber walked away from the travelator and pointed her finger towards
the bottom of the slope. “Of course it was, and Jenna’s going for the A plus as
we speak.”

“The A plus?”

“Yes, the student snog. Getting the teacher to kiss openly in
front of their students. She’s only ever achieved it once before.”

Marcus shook his head. “I don’t believe you. And anyway, my
wouldn’t be so foolish.”

isn’t the woman you thought.”

Marcus moved backwards to let a group of raucous Mossyside Comp
kids pass by. “Yes she is, she’s perfect and now I’ve gone and ruined
everything because of you and your petty lies. I see what this is. You’re a
lesbian, Jenna’s a lesbian, what was it? You got jealous of the attention she
was heaping on Susan?”

Amber looked down to the bottom of the slope and felt her insides
clench as she watched the two women lock themselves into a warm hug. “It’s a
dare, Marcus. This whole thing’s one big dare.”

“You’re lying.”

Amber shook her head. “Do you have the school camera in that

“Yes, why?”

“I’ll prove it to you. I’ll show you it’s a dare. We’ve been
laughing at your precious
mon amie
this whole time.”

Marcus frowned. “What are you talking about?”

Amber signalled to the magic carpet at Jenna and Susan who were now
making their way back up the slope. “Let’s get some space. Come on. Get on with
me. I’ll tell you at the bottom.”

Marcus looked down at Amber who had climbed into the front seat of
the sledge. “If I must,” he sighed, relishing the thought of wrapping his legs
around her firm behind.




“I’m pretty sure
where it came from,” said Jenna,
pointing at the embarrassing vision of Marcus shooting down the slope and
smiling too creepily as he slid further into Amber’s back. “She’s got an axe to
grind. She wanted more and I didn’t; that’s why she’s trying to cause

“I thought you always kept things simple?” said Susan.

“I do. She knew it was just a bit of fun, and yes, you’re right, I
shouldn’t have given in that night at the bar. I sent out the wrong impression.
I knew she liked me and I let it happen. This is my fault, Susan, but I’ve
learnt my lesson.”

“I believe you,” said Susan, stepping off the end of the travelator
and pulling the sledge into the snow. “Let’s just leave it alone.”




Marcus pulled out the school camera and scrolled back to the
picture. “No!” he gasped. “It can’t be.”

“It is,” nodded Amber. “It’s a whole group photo without that
little albino kid.”

Marcus scanned the faces again. “Where was she?”

“I told you, left alone at the services. That’s why you had to
turn back. Jenna thought it was hilarious. She couldn’t wait to tell me. In
fact I think she called Susan a dozy old cow.”

“How didn’t I know?”

“That’ll be Jenna. She’s very good at pulling the wool over
people’s eyes.”

Marcus nodded encouragingly. “Yes, yes, she did take control. My
poor Susan, I can’t believe she went through that alone. It’s so out of
character. I must tell her I know.” He paused and smiled to himself. “But she
is rather naughty threatening
with inappropriate behaviour. She’s the
lead teacher. She’s the one who’d be disciplined if this ever got out.”

“That’s not my point. I’m just proving that Jenna’s not loyal. If
she really liked Susan then why’s she sharing her secrets with me?” Amber
tapped the camera screen. “It’s all one big dare, Marcus. I’ve told you

“Christ,” said Marcus, wiping his brow. “I need to convince her.”

“No, this time we wait. This time you leave it to me.”

Marcus looked up to the top of the slope where Jenna and Susan
were now lining up next to Priggy and Champagne. “I can’t have her making a
fool out of herself. I have to tell her.”

Amber grabbed his arm. “Do you want her to believe you or not? Do
you want her to come running back to you with her head hanging in shame, or

Marcus nodded. “Of course I do.”

“So you wait. You act as normally as you possibly can until the

“But that’s tomorrow night.”

“I know and if everything goes to plan we’ll both be getting our
last dance.”




“No cheating, girls,” laughed Jenna, taking hold of the rope.

“Please let us win,” whined Priggy. “Mischa and Phats are at the
bottom and if we look good they might share their sledge.”

“I thought they’d already agreed to that?” said Susan, sliding
into position behind Jenna.

Champagne plumped up her fur hood. “They did, but now we’re here
they seem to be avoiding us.”

“They might be ashamed,” said Priggy, taking hold of the brake.
“We might be too posh for their mates. They might get teased.”

“No one’s ashamed of me,” huffed Champagne, “and anyway, we
improve their street cred.”

Jenna glanced over at the pair of preened beauties. “I just think
they’ve never experienced women like you and they’re not too sure where to

“He can start anywhere he wants,” smiled Champagne.

“Yeah, so can she,” said Priggy with less conviction.

“Can WE start?” laughed Jenna, moving her hand to the snow.

“Let’s go!” wailed Priggy, pushing off from the back.

“Hey, you cheats,” shouted Jenna, trying to catch up.

 Susan held onto Jenna’s waist and shouted into her ear. “Take it

“No way. We need to win.” Jenna crouched lower in her seat trying
to improve their aerodynamics. Nothing was working; the girls were still ahead.
“They’re heavier. It’s making them faster,” she yelled.

Champagne caught the insult and turned her head. “We are not,” she

Jenna used the distraction to gain some ground. “We’re coming for
you now, girls. Who’s going to take it?”

“Us!” shouted Priggy, turning around in her seat.

“Priggs! You’re making us off balance,” screamed Champagne.

“Metres to go,” shouted Jenna, nearing the bottom of the slope.

“Priggy!” screamed Champagne, struggling to keep control. “Use the

Priggy yanked on the handle, curving the sledge to the left.
“Nooooooo!” she wailed as the sledge started to tilt.

Jenna didn’t have time to react. The girls had lunged right into
their path. “Hold on,” she stammered as their sledge hit the one in front,
knocking the girls completely off balance.

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