One Hot Winter's Night (5 page)

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Authors: Serenity Woods

BOOK: One Hot Winter's Night
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“It’s beautiful.” Her fingers tingled at the thought of how old it was.

“It’s allegedly from the twelfth century.”

Ah, yes. She wasn’t supposed to know anything about it. “Really?” She didn’t have to fake the awe. “Where did you get it?”

“It was supposedly made by a Swedish queen from the quartz band in Blekinge,” he said, neatly sidestepping the question.

“The Runamo?”

“That’s the one.” Her knowledge obviously impressed him. If only he knew. “It’s supposed to mirror the necklace the goddess Freyja wore. Apparently the runes spell out an ancient charm that grants the wearer the potent sexual power to ensnare any lover she chooses.” He undid the clasp and, leaning forward, placed it around her neck and fastened it. “There.” Pulling her back down under the bedclothes, he drew the furs close around them, kissing her nose. “You’ve ensnared me. Not that you needed the necklace to do that.”

She stared up at him, rolling the stones between her fingers. Now she could pretend she needed to go to the bathroom and make a quick escape. She had what she came for.

However, the look in his hazel eyes took her breath away. And suddenly she knew she’d been kidding herself all along. This wasn’t about the necklace. He fascinated her, and she wanted him. Just for one night. She wanted to find out what it was like to be loved by a man like this, who touched her as if he were cleaning dust from a precious artefact. It wasn’t love, it wasn’t a relationship, it wasn’t anything except lust, desire, sex. She’d never had this in her life, and she knew it wasn’t for keeps. But what harm could come from having a little, tiny taste?

“Just for tonight.” He smiled and lifted the necklace. “Tomorrow it’s going to Te Papa.”

“Of course. It must be very precious.”

“Like you.” He rolled her onto her side again, curling back around her, and started to kiss her neck.

She stiffened. “Heath, I just thought, I haven’t any condoms.” She’d never bought any—had never needed them.

“Don’t worry.” He started to nibble her ear again. “I’ve got one in my wallet.”

“Just in case?” If she hadn’t turned up at the Ice Bar, there would probably now be another woman in this bed with him. The thought stung.

“Hey, a man never knows when he’s going to come across a beautiful blonde.” He sucked her earlobe. “Pun intended.”

She couldn’t help but giggle at that. He was a young, handsome, single guy—why wouldn’t he take advantage of any woman who threw herself at him? But he was here with her now, and he quite obviously found her attractive and wanted to have sex with her. She was using him. Why was she so insulted he was using her?

She sighed as he began to play with her, arousing her slowly with kisses and gentle strokes of her breasts.
This is bliss
, she thought, unable to believe she was actually in bed with this sex god, letting him touch her in places she hadn’t been touched since man learned how to use fire.

After a while, he slid a hand down her thigh and hooked it into the back of her right knee. He pulled her leg further up, leaving the soft, sensitive skin of her left inner thigh exposed. Tracing his fingers across the thin thermal fabric, making her shiver, he cupped her butt and ran his fingers down the seam of the pants, right underneath her. She was already wet, and the thin cloth was soon soaked with moisture as he caressed her, making her sigh heavily and him grunt with pleasure.

Slipping his left arm underneath her shoulder, he tightened his grip around her, stroking her breast. He moved his right hand around her waist and dipped beneath the fabric. She caught her breath as he traced patterns in her pubic hair. Everything felt sensitive, and she ached with want and desire.

Slowly, he slid his fingers down into the hot, sensitive part of her. She gasped at the unfamiliar intrusion and his skilled touch. There had been very little of this in her previous attempt at sex. The guy had kissed her for a while, groped her breasts, forced his hand inside her panties and shoved his fingers inside her. It had hurt, and when he climbed on top of her within minutes and tried to get inside her, she’d known even before he rolled off in frustration that it was never going to happen.

But this… This was something different. How did Heath know exactly where to stroke her? How did he understand what would turn her on? He caressed her slowly, continuing to nuzzle her neck and ear, and gradually she relaxed against him as she forgot about trying to do the right thing, forgot about wondering how to please him. Thought instead only about how he was making her feel, and about the glorious sensations rippling through her.

He slipped his fingers gently inside her to gather her moisture, then brought them up to caress her, sliding easily through her folds so that she knew she must be swollen and wet. Gosh, what an expert. It wouldn’t surprise her if he had a qualification in foreplay. This must be what it was like to go with one of those men you could pay for sex, who knew how to pleasure women. Maybe he was a gigolo in his spare time.

She tipped her head back on his shoulder, sighing with pleasure as his fingers continued to explore her slowly, gentle and yet firm at the same time, his other hand teasing her nipple. Her climax wasn’t far off—her muscles were beginning to tighten, pleasure shimmering through her.

She caught his hand, trying to turn in his arms.

“Where are you going?” he asked, amused.

“I, um, need you inside me,” she said, breathing heavily. Wasn’t this when the guy was supposed to climb on board?

“Not yet,” he murmured. He refused to loosen his tight grip and continued to stroke her.


“Later, sweetheart. No rush, remember?”

He wanted to pleasure her first. Dear God, she hadn’t thought such men existed. She turned her head to look up at him, and the heat in his eyes was enough to make her orgasm radiate through her. Everything tightened, and as she exclaimed, he covered her mouth with his, swallowing up her cries, stroking her gently until the pulsing of her muscles finally calmed.

He lifted his head to observe her, his fingers coming up to trace circles on her flat stomach. She knew she was blushing. It was the first time a man had ever given her an orgasm. She couldn’t look at him, she just couldn’t. She’d lowered her guard, and if he looked her in the eye, he’d be able to see right into the depths of her, into the most vulnerable part of her soul, the part she kept hidden from everyone.

Chapter 7

Heath watched his beautiful blonde temptress with amusement, propping his head on his hand and studying her flushed cheeks as he stroked her abdomen lazily. Her pulse beat rapidly in her throat, and his fingers were deliciously sticky from her arousal. She was so hot he was worried the bed would melt.

She still wouldn’t look at him, however. He brought his hand up to tuck under her chin and lifted it, forcing her eyes up, puzzled as to why she was embarrassed. She’d been pretty forward in the bar. Presumably this wasn’t her first one-night stand.

He placed a light kiss on her lips. She finally opened her eyes and looked at him. Her silvery-green orbs shone in the light from the carved stars above their heads, reminding him once again of cat’s eyes, reflecting in the darkness.

“Was that nice?” he asked innocently.

Her lips curved. “Yes, thank you.” So polite with her British accent.

He smiled back, studying her curiously. An emotion flickered at the base of her gaze like a candle left in a window, caught in a draught, but he couldn’t place it. Her hand came up and slipped through his hair, and she admired the colour.

“It’s beautiful.” She brushed it with her fingers.

“In a manly way, I hope.”

“Oh, definitely.” She traced her fingers down his neck, then slowly down his chest, and even lower, brushing his erection lightly. He raised an eyebrow and she brought her hand back up to rest on the buttons between her breasts. “Am I allowed to take this off now?”

“By all means.”

She undid the buttons slowly, keeping her eyes on him, and sat up to push it down her arms. She returned with a shiver as the cold air bit into her skin.

He pulled the sleeping bag and the thick furs close around them. Her breasts were generous and firm, the sight of her light pink nipples making him even harder. “Here, let me warm you up,” he suggested.

He traced his tongue up the valley between her breasts, enjoying the way she inhaled as if she’d forgotten how to breathe out. He covered her upper body with kisses, placing them above the necklace, then beneath it, only then returning to close his hot mouth over a nipple. She gasped and clutched her fingers in his hair.

He loved how responsive she was, almost as if this was all new to her. She didn’t act being turned on like a porn star like Vanessa used to do, with faked, exaggerated moans and groans. Nor did she lie unresponsive and limp, waiting to be aroused. Her pants and sighs seemed genuine, and he loved her startled little gasps as his mouth and fingers explored.

Before long, they’d both got rid of the rest of their clothes and then it was only skin upon warm skin, heated to sizzling beneath the thermal covering and the reindeer fur blankets.

He returned his fingers to the beautiful, moist part of her, and began to arouse her once again to the point where her breathing quickened and the pulse in her neck increased in pace. This time, however, he stopped for a brief moment, retrieving the condom from his wallet and putting it on before moving on top of her.

Her eyes were wide, startlingly green, but she didn’t say anything as he settled between her thighs. He hesitated for a moment, sensing her indecision. Had she changed her mind?

He went to ask her, but she pulled his head to hers and kissed him eagerly. Desire coursed through him. She wanted him—that much was clear. And he wanted her, more than anything. Maybe it was just because he hadn’t had sex for a while, or maybe it was because she was gorgeous and enthusiastic, but at that moment he couldn’t think of anything but burying himself in her moist warmth.

He pressed the tip of his erection into her, and pushed forward.

Beneath him, her whole body tightened and she exclaimed before biting her lip as if she hadn’t meant to say anything.

Heath stopped and stared at her, shocked. He’d hardly entered her. It was almost as if…

And suddenly her intriguing blend of confidence and shyness made sense.

“You’re kidding me,” he said. “How old are you?”

She blinked furiously. “Twenty eight.”

“Sweetheart…” Words failed him. Twenty-eight? How the hell was she still a virgin at twenty-eight?

He’d never slept with one before. His first love had been an older girl who’d been happy to teach him a thing or two, and since then all his partners had been experienced. She’d been so eager to get him into bed—this was the last thing he’d expected. “You should have told me,” he scolded, worried he’d hurt her.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice was husky. “I know I should have but I thought I could hide it.” She bit her lip. “Are you going to stop?”

He hesitated. She was tight around him, wet, swollen, and incredibly luscious. He had to fight not to push his hips forward, to plunge into her. “Do you want me to?”

Once again her pupils were so dilated her eyes looked black. “No.” She looked hopeful and so unsure of herself that his heart went out to her.

He kissed her tenderly. “Why me, honey, when you’ve waited this long? Why now? Tonight?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered. She ran a hand through his hair. “I like you.” Almost imperceptibly, she moved her hips beneath him, as if trying to encourage him further in.

His lips curved. “I like you too.” He bent his head and kissed her, long and deliciously. Now he understood why she’d looked so embarrassed when she’d come in his arms. He was probably the first guy to ever give her an orgasm. He was the first man inside her.

Something stirred within him at that thought. He didn’t want to stop—he wanted to show her how fantastic sex could be.

He raised his head, then kissed her nose. “If you’re sure… We’ll take it slowly, okay?”

She nodded and swallowed. “Okay.”

Luckily she was still wet and swollen from her orgasm—that would make it easier, surely? He kissed her again, and then, his lips still on hers, slowly pushed into her.

She gasped and opened her eyes. “Oh!” There was no pain on her face, just surprise and a sense of wonderment.

He paused, waiting for her to adjust, placing light kisses on her lips and cheeks. After a moment, he said, “All right?”

She nodded, eyes still wide. “I feel…full.”

He chuckled and pushed forward a little more. “To the brim.”

“Oh…” She closed her eyes, tipping her head back, exposing her long, pale neck, the necklace glittering around the base. “Oh that’s…wow.”

“Nice?” He curled his hands into fists, fighting the urge to thrust. She was so soft and tight, wrapped around him, her skin like velvet. As slowly as he could, he pulled out, then moved forward again, easier this time, up to the hilt.

She moaned, slipping her fingers into his hair. “I didn’t expect…oh…it to feel like… Oh…”

He began to move inside her, pressing light kisses to her lips and cheeks. “Like…”

She opened her eyes. They were feverishly bright, intense. “So fantastic.”

He knew what she meant. He felt as if he were dreaming. Had he died and gone to Heaven? He was dizzy with passion, although the vodka probably had a little to do with it. Or maybe it was the necklace, working some kind of magic. The more he moved, the more his thoughts spiralled like jazz music, refusing to follow a pattern. Her mouth was hot and sweet, her tongue warm and soft as it played with his. His body was beginning to ignore his brain’s attempts to control it, his hormones taking over.

But he forced himself to slow down, concentrating on her, wanting her first time to be good. He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked, stroked her body, whispered in her ear how beautiful she was.

“Heath…” She bit her lip, her eyelids fluttering.

He kissed her. “Come with me.”

Her eyes opened and she looked startled. “Oh…” Excitement and delight filled her features, and it pushed him over the edge.

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