One in a Bear-llion (Polar Heat Book 3)

BOOK: One in a Bear-llion (Polar Heat Book 3)
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One in a Bear-llion
Terry Bolryder

© 2015 by Terry Bolryder All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers


cott Weston wasn’t
sure what he was going to do about his father’s latest matchmaking plan.

This time he’d officially gone too far. He’d flown out three different women as part of a giveaway and scheduled them each to do activities with his sons.

As a result, the quiet little artist sitting patiently in his lobby was waiting for him to finish his hotel duties and take her on a tour of the island.

He rubbed a hand through his short blond hair, liking the spiky feel of it. Like his brothers, he was tall, with tanned skin, muscles, and blond hair. Unlike his brothers, he enjoyed conducting most of his life inside the walls of the hotel.

So he really wasn’t the best option to show anyone around.

He felt a prickle up his spine and saw Mara was watching him. Of course she was. He could smell her scent on the air. She was a bear, like him. Of course his father would bring out a bear, in the hopes that Scott would finally pick a mate. He sighed.

There was nothing wrong with her, she seemed like a nice person. But they were right in the middle of their busy season and he just didn’t have time for this sort of thing.

She bit her lip and looked away as if she could sense his thoughts, and he immediately felt contrite. It wasn’t her fault she’d been tossed into this situation. But why had she agreed to it? Surely she’d known there was something a little weird about winning a contest you didn’t enter.

He folded his arms and studied her while his clerks took care of the rest of the guests checking in. She was short and curvaceous, just how he liked females, and her dark hair was pulled back from her pretty face. She had dark, smooth skin with flushed cheeks, a warm, patient smile, and kind eyes.

Even with that calm expression, there was something dancing in her eyes that unnerved him. Made him want to ditch his duties and get to know her. His eyes begged to wander over her lush body, but he forced himself to resist.

He didn’t need complications like that right now. He just needed to see that another season on the island ran smoothly under his care.

And make it clear to his father he wouldn’t tolerate any more matchmaking efforts. When he was ready to settle down, he could do it himself.

Even if his father had brought out a fairly delectable female this time, one who tempted him more than usual to put aside his work, just for a day. All the more reason she was dangerous.

He finally sat in a chair across from her, ready to state his case. “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice woman, but I don’t really have time to take you around.”

She eyed him steadily, and a rock formed in the pit of his stomach. Guilt, he supposed. “Fine,” she said. “Then just go tell Sam you can’t do it and arrange another guide for me. I believe he’s your father, so he should understand.”

He gritted his teeth. She knew Sam was his father, as well as the owner of the hotel and several other businesses on the island. She also knew that he couldn’t get out of this. Not without her agreement.

He folded his arms. “Are you that set on being with me? Why don’t you let me arrange something else for you?”

She raised her eyebrows. “I want the vacation I was promised. Do I need to go talk to Sam myself?” She put her hands on the arms of the chair and stood so she could look down at him.

“No,” he said. “Wait.”

“What?” she asked, impatient. He could see heat burning in her brown eyes. She wasn’t happy with his attempt to put her off.

“Look.” He put a hand up to the bridge of his nose and walked forward so he could talk to her in a quiet voice. “I’m sorry for being rude. I’m not myself lately. I know this isn’t an easy situation for you, either, but you have to remember I didn’t agree to any of this.”

“Isn’t this your job, though?” she asked, pinning him with those cool brown eyes. Her lips pursed in a frown.

Damn, she had pretty lips. Pretty everything really. It was all he could do to not pull her against him and take her mouth in a deep kiss.

He shook his head. “No, my job is to take care of the entire hotel and everyone in it.”

“Wow,” she said. “I guess the rest of the staff does nothing.”

“Look, I’m not even the right guide for you. I don’t spend a lot of time on the island.”

That got another raised eyebrow from her. “Why wouldn’t you? It’s absolutely beautiful out here.”

He bit his lip and looked at the growing line at the front desk. Damn, he hated tourist season.

“I have things to do,” he said.

“Ah, one of those,” she said. “A workaholic.”

“Excuse me?” he asked.

She shrugged, and the silky wrap she wore fluttered lightly in the breeze that blew through the lobby. “You hide in work. It’s the only explanation for you to not be out there enjoying the beauty all around us.”

He didn’t like how close that hit to the truth. “Well, I’m no artist, honey. I don’t get to flounce around looking at the beauty around us. I have to stay in here and make sure everyone else can enjoy it.”

“Well, I want my tour of the island, and I’m not letting you make some careless substitution.”

He hadn’t expected her to be so fiery. He had to admit he liked it, and couldn’t help wondering if she’d be as passionate in bed as she was now, fighting for her vacation.

“Fine,” he said. “So what about a compromise? How about I take you around a few days this week? The others you can hang out at the beach or just relax. Maybe even get some painting done.”

Her expression fell, but then her chin snapped up to a stubborn position again. “Sure.”

Something in him felt uneasy, but he nodded. “All right, then.”

“So are we not headed out today?” she asked.

His jaw tightened. “No. But we’ll go out tomorrow morning.”

She sent him a glare that was half offense, half promise of retribution. “Fine. See you tomorrow.”

He raised an eyebrow. He almost looked forward to it. He watched her as she sashayed away, luscious hips swaying as she went.

Then he jerked his eyes away, cursed his body for responding, and went back to work.

ara seethed
as she walked back to her room. She’d met some truly arrogant men in her day.

But she had really hoped for more from Scott Weston. His father had described him as someone professional. Dutiful. Maybe toward the hotel, but not toward her.

She hadn’t been surprised to find out that the vacation was part of a shifter matchmaking plot. She was a bear shifter, and her species was rare and desperately trying not to go extinct.

But she’d taken the vacation to get a badly needed break. To go somewhere she wouldn’t have to think about what was really bothering her.

When she’d opened up her welcome packet and found out her vacation package included touring beautiful vistas with a certified grade-A hottie, she’d been more than a little excited.

But now that was fading, and she found herself crumpling the day’s schedule as she paced outside her room, trying to decide whether she should really accept his terms.

Scott’s eyes flashed in her mind. Damn, they were a beautiful blue. Like a calm, tropical ocean. He was a prime male specimen. Tall enough to feel giant to her. A face chiseled from granite. Beautiful, smooth tanned skin.

Those muscles showing perfectly beneath that tailored suit. She even loved the habit he had of adjusting his cuffs.

He wore his hair short and severe, carefully styled to look tousled but not too mussed. It looked thick and glinted in many shades of gold.

Yes, he was beautiful all right. A beautiful disaster.

But even without him, she was still here on an island, far from her stalker and safe. But what to do for the rest of the day? It’d been a long time since she’d been able to relax.

Scott had told her to go paint, but she couldn’t. She hadn’t been able to since…


She paced and then entered her suite. It was empty, and it made her feel slightly insecure. She liked having people around, and it sucked being alone.

The other girls were out with their guides. Scott’s brothers weren’t workaholic jerks, apparently. He’d treated her like she was a rock stuck in his shoe.

But his eyes… His eyes had burned for her. She narrowed her eyes and smiled to herself as she settled into a hammock to relax.

No, she couldn’t paint, which was a shame, because the beautiful sunny day in front of her was just begging to be captured on a canvas.

But she could think of how entertaining the next day would be. She’d make him pay for blowing her off.

She wasn’t going to be pushed around anymore. She wasn’t.


cott checked
his watch as he waited in the lobby. She was late. Of course she was. She seemed like the type that just sort of floated through life as if nothing could bother her.

She’d been upset with him, rightfully so, for blowing her off. But all in all, she’d let him off pretty easily.

He checked his Rolex again and sighed. Another ten minutes and he’d go looking for her.

Then a flash of color had him looking up, and he saw her walking toward him in the lobby.

And his mouth went dry.

Today, she was wearing a tight black wrap dress that emphasized each curve and strappy sandals that extended her curvaceous legs. She was so gorgeous that for a moment he forgot she was here disrupting his schedule.

His bear growled inside him, but he stifled the beast and strode forward with his hands in his pockets.

Her lips were shiny and red, her pretty hair pulled back in a sleek knot, her dark skin glowing in the warm island air that blew through the lobby. She was trying to tempt him, and he wouldn’t disappoint her. He walked until he was directly in front of her and then let his gaze roam over her in a long, slow appraisal of her charms.

Damn, that was a bad idea. He turned away from her to hide his body’s reaction. “Are you ready to go?” he asked, sounding sterner than he meant. Then again, sounding stern had been all too easy for him lately.

He resisted looking back at her as he waited for her to answer.

When she did, it was in a calm, sultry voice that shook him to the soles of his feet.

“I’m ready. Where are we going today?”

As if she didn’t know. She had a schedule.

“Going to the west end of the island,” he replied.

“Sounds good,” she said, walking ahead of him and holding the schedule she’d been given. He noticed it was wrinkled. “I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”

He followed her, grinning slightly at how straight her back was, how tall she tried to walk despite being tiny compared to him. She was pissed about yesterday. He couldn’t blame her. But he also wasn’t going to cave and give her more time than he’d promised.

He’d get this over with and then try to go back to work and forget that gorgeous body.

If she’d just come at a different time…

But was that really true? To be honest, Scott had never had a real relationship. Work had always gotten in the way.

He shook away the thought. He just hadn’t met the right one.

“Are we taking a taxi?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “We’ll take my car.” He put out an arm for her to put a soft hand on his bicep and walked out into the parking lot, trying not to think about how good her warm touch felt. To protect her, he positioned himself on the side the cars were driving, and she gave him a grateful, appraising glare.

He didn’t meet her gaze. He didn’t need her getting the wrong idea. He’d played concierge to many a spoiled guest who thought they were getting more than a tour of the resort.

But he had to admit he sort of wanted to give her much more than a tour.

It was good he was limiting their time together.

He helped her into the passenger side of his sports car and tried not to look as her dress raised slightly, baring more curvy, delicious thigh.

He was sort of regretful her hair was pulled back. He’d like to look over and see it waving in the wind.

Why was he even thinking these things? He had a tour to give, and then he needed to get back to work. He set his phone in the dock. The map was loaded. They were going to the other side of the island to visit Seven Mile Beach, a major tourist location.

She buckled up as he started the car. She was quiet, but he was getting used to that. She wasn’t much of a talker it seemed.

“What do you think of life on Grand Cayman?” she asked quietly, once they were on a main road.

He shrugged. “It’s a life.” What was there to say? Since he mostly worked inside, it wasn’t that much different from living anywhere else.

“I sensed you’re a polar bear,” she said. “How is it you can survive out here?”

He snorted. “Same way they survive in zoos. Different diets so we don’t put on the immense amounts of fat needed to survive in arctic environments.”

“Gotcha,” she said, giving him a sidelong glance and smiling slightly. For some reason, the action made him a little warmer.

The wind was cool and refreshing as they drove.

He felt his mood improving, which was different because, usually, being away from work made him stressed and unable to think about anything but the bottom line. A new resort had opened down the beach from them and had lessened their guest count slightly, and he hadn’t yet come up with a solution to remedy it.

“So you’re an artist,” he said.

“Yes,” she said.

“I’ve seen your work.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Who hasn’t?” he said. “Your seascapes are really something.”

“Thanks,” she replied.

“If you paint something here, I’d be happy to buy it for the hotel. It would probably be a draw for the guests.”

She nodded politely, but the smile on her face seemed strained. What was the story there?

“I noticed you didn’t bring any art supplies today,” he said.

“My wrist hurts,” she said.

Again, something about that rang false, but he didn’t call her on it. “Did you bring a swimsuit?” he asked.

She blinked. “No, I didn’t know we’d be going in the water.”

“Honey, we’re in the Caymans. Most of what you do out here to have fun involves water or the beach. And it’s warm and clear. If you’re the type that likes swimming, you won’t find better anywhere.”

She snorted. “Who doesn’t like swimming?” she asked.

He laughed. “Crotchety types like me that don’t know how to leave their desk.”
Even when they have an opportunity to spend time with a gorgeous woman.
“So what kind of bear are you, then?”

She glanced at him like she was deciding whether to tell him. “Brown,” she said. “Like my cousin Kim.”

“Ah, gotcha,” he said.

It felt like every time they lapsed into silence, it was hard to get the momentum to pull out. At the same time, her light, fruity perfume kept wafting toward him on the wind, and he was all too aware of her curvaceous body. He tried in vain not to sneak peeks at her ample cleavage revealed in that tight black dress. Damn, the things she’d been hiding under all those loose silks.

If it were up to him, she’d dress like this all the time.

But it wasn’t up to him. He didn’t even want to spend the time he was supposed to spend with her as part of her trip.

He was tired of his dad’s stupid plans to find mates. The old man needed to butt out.

“So your dad…” she said as if she could read his mind. “Is it usual for him to fly women out to the island to meet you?”

“No, often it’s just whatever shifters happen to vacation, or even just locals, though they’re often human. He’s lonely. His mate left him, and ever since, he seems to be living vicariously through his sons.”

“He’s handsome,” Mara said, making Scott feel an uncomfortable prickle of jealousy. “Why doesn’t he find someone else?”

“It’s not that simple with mates,” he said.

She shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”

“Never felt that with anyone, then?” he asked, still feeling that awkward twinge of envy.

“Based on what I hear about fated mates, if I had, I wouldn’t be here.”

“Why are you here?” he asked. “You had to know this was some kind of harebrained scheme.”

“I know,” she said.

“You could have said no. You could have scheduled a vacation anywhere and on your own time.”

She shook her head. “When I found out Kim was invited, I couldn’t resist. I had to see why someone would bring out bear females. And besides, it was time for a vacation.” She rested her cheek on her palm and looked out at the scenery passing them by. There was something tense about her as she said that, and his dormant protective side came awake to poke at him.

His bear rumbled in a low growl, and he told it to shut up. “Something going on at home?” he asked.

She shrugged, not eager to talk about it. But he knew deep down a part of him wouldn’t let it go until he found out what was bothering the small, luscious woman.

She wasn’t his mate. It just didn’t sit right with him to see females mistreated or afraid.

“So your wrist? Too much painting?”

She opened her mouth in surprise and then nodded. Damn, she really was hiding something. He shifted in his seat, suddenly eager to get her to trust him with what was bothering her.

Which was laughable given how he treated her so far. Like something that was in his way.

“So anyway, is there a shop around here where I could buy a swimsuit?” she asked.

“Sure,” he said, taking a turn that took them into a small tourist town. He pulled up in front of a shop that displayed brightly colored swimwear in the store window, and she got out before he could get over to open her door.

Fine, then.

He opened the door to the shop at least, and she walked in under his arm.

The store was relatively empty. Most people were already out on the beach. A bored-looking clerk glanced up from the magazine he was reading to greet them, and Scott gave him a polite wave.

It was easy to be polite to strangers.

Mara went straight to a rack of swimsuits and started leafing through them. She pulled several extremely modest swim dresses off the rack, all in solid colors like black or dark blue with some kind of spandex wrap in front, and started for the dressing room.

He frowned, imagining how the suits would disguise her beautiful curves.

He was pleased when she stopped to look at a mannequin in a bright, happy-colored bikini in shades of turquoise and orange and pink that would look amazing against her skin. But to his chagrin, she shook her head and went into the dressing room.

Now, that just wouldn’t do.

ara struggled
to pull on the tight, full coverage, one-piece swimsuit she was used to wearing back home. She wished she was brave enough to wear the beautiful, colorful bikini she’d seen on the mannequin outside.

She looked in the mirror and frowned at the black suit. It fit. That was about all she could say about it. What would the man outside think?

She shook her head. That shouldn’t matter. He was attracted to her now that she was putting herself on show for him, but he was still probably going to go back to treating her like she was a pain in the ass when the day was over.

She couldn’t get attached. Even though she’d badly wanted to confide in him when he’d poked to find out what was bothering her.

But she had to remind herself that, despite his godlike good looks and perfect blue eyes and that tight, hard body, too tall in the suits he always wore, he was only doing his job. Nothing more.

She came out to see him just finishing ringing up at the counter. He took a black bag from the clerk and turned to her with a grin. It caught her off guard.

“Find something you like?” he asked, holding the bag at his side.

“Sure,” she said, handing the black swimsuit to the clerk. At least they’d be going in the ocean soon. She was looking forward to being out in the tropical sunlight and beautiful weather.

Outside in general—and
. How long had it been since that had happened?

“Did you get a suit, too?” she asked, taking her purchase from the clerk and holding it against her.

“Mine’s in my duffle bag.”

She looked in the backseat as they got back in the car. “Ah.”

“I packed it last night after work so we wouldn’t have to waste time before heading out. Which was good because you were late,” he said. His tone was half chiding, half teasing, and she turned up her chin as he started the car and continued to give her amused looks.

Just because he could be charming when he wanted to, it didn’t mean she had to cave to him.

Though, she had to admit it was very hard not to.

“So I noticed you passed up the bikini for the one-piece. What’s that about?”

“I like one-pieces,” she grumbled, which was a total lie.

“Doesn’t it make it harder to pee?” he asked. “I mean, you have to strip off the whole thing.”

Her face burned with a flush and she pinned him with an offended glare. “Excuse me?”

He waved a hand. “Sorry, I see a lot of swimsuits throughout the day. It always seemed to me that two-pieces look infinitely more comfortable.”

“Well, this one will be more… flattering.”

He scoffed. “By hiding you?”

She gaped at him. Was he really suggesting she should wear less? Wasn’t he the who wanted to keep this all business?

She wouldn’t let herself hope for a connection like she had when she first saw him from the balcony of her hotel suite.

She’d had fantasies about him when she found out he would be the one to show her around and keep track of her during the week. Who wouldn’t fantasize about spending time with a man like that?

But he’d quickly doused those fantasies with his attitude, and even though he was behaving now, she knew he could easily flip back to his other, grumpier self. At least if she expected it, it wouldn’t hurt her feelings when it happened.

She wasn’t sure what happened to change his mood so much, but he was humming happily to the radio as they drove.

When he stopped, she looked out to see a path that led out to a wide, long beach with pale, soft sand. People dotted along it, relaxing on towels or running into the pale blue-green water that matched Scott’s eyes.

She wondered if everyone in his family had those amazing eyes.

He grabbed her shopping bag from the back, along with his duffle, and led her toward a small building that housed bathrooms where she could change. “See you in a bit,” he said, handing her the bag and disappearing into the men’s side.

She sighed and reached in, ready to pull out that stiff swimsuit and start the arduous task of putting it on, but when her hands touched something soft, she gasped and pulled out the bikini she’d admired on the mannequin.

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