One Last Shot (Pub Fiction #3) (5 page)

BOOK: One Last Shot (Pub Fiction #3)
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“God, he must hate me,” I mutter.

“What did you…who hates who?” Kat asks, confused. “Hello? Dude, are you even there? Hellllooooo?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Sorry, I got in my head for a second. Yep, I’ll be there by three. Traffic is surprisingly good for a Friday long weekend. Do you still want me to meet you at The Locker Room to get the key? Or you can leave it for me at Pub Fiction. It’s on the way, too,” I offer, before merging back into the highway traffic.

“Heck, no. I need to see you. Come here to get it, please. Is that okay?”

“Of course it is, silly. I’m dying to see your face. I might just hump your leg, I’m so excited to see you.”
Is Matt going to be there, though?
I want to ask, but don’t. I’m not ready to see him yet. Let’s just pray to the goddesses of Team Claire that he isn’t. ’Cause I need a plan first.

Shaking my head free of thoughts of Matt, I focus on what Kat’s saying now: “I know you probably want us to head straight to the house but I told Ryker I’d help out with inventory today, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was moving day at the time, and he really needs my help. But I promise I’m yours tonight to help. He’s just got to make sure the place is well-stocked before he leaves for the next three weeks. Damn men and their leaving things to the last minute…”

I laugh. “Yeah, it’s no problem. It’s on the way to my place and besides, I need to see your little Honeybutter, too. I’ve missed you guys so much,” I sigh. “It’s been way too long, Stressor.”

“‘Stressor’, eh? We’re pulling out the old school titles now, are we? Well, I’ll have you know I’m totally not a
anymore. That bitch is gone, and in her place is me:
” she giggles.

“Oh, God, Kat, that was so lame. I can’t even, right now.”

“Okay, I know, I know. I tried. It was lame. Can I be Kat-the-Soon-to-Be-Mrs-Eddison, who is way beyond happy?” she practically squeals.

“Yes! You can definitely call yourself that.” I laugh along with her.
God, I really have missed this girl.
“Kitty Kat, I’m so pumped for this wedding. I cannot believe you tamed ‘
Ryker Eddison’. But you had it in you, you sexy little minx. I’m not gonna lie, I think it was the excellent coaching from
that really helped,” I say, knowing full well that my little bestie did it all on her own. “And one more thing, did I mention how I’m way too excited for the bachelorette party?”

Kat snorts. “Big shocker there, Claire Bear. You, excited for a party? No way. Knowing you, you’ll probably make this party bigger than the wedding itself.”

“Oh, shush, you. Just you wait, it’s going to be so epic that even you, missy, are gonna love it. It’ll be perfect. I’ve cleared everything with Levi. He said we can have Pub Fiction to ourselves next Thursday, he’s even shutting it down for the night. Can you believe it?”

“I know! I was shocked when Braun told me he was closing it for us. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m excited to see everyone. I just got off the phone with Radha and Kymmie and they’ll be here Wednesday. And Amanda, Jenn and Laurie are coming in on Thursday morning. It’s going to be a blast, just like old times. It’s been way too long.”

“It will be
.” I smile, thinking of how much fun I used to have trying to force Kat out of her shell. “Levi told me he’s going to bribe Luke to bartend for us that night, too. I think Braunwyn was the best thing to happen to Levi, I would never have believed he’d ever shut his baby down for a night, or not feel the need to bartend himself. Wook at our widdle Wevi, all grown up and happy.”

Kat laughs at the other end. “I know, I was just teasing him about it this morning. He and Braun popped by for coffee with Emme and Parker. That family is too damn cute. Ryker and Matty were teasing him someth—” she goes radio silent for a beat. “Shit, I’m sorry, Claire. I didn’t mean to bring Matt up.”

“It’s fine. He obviously knows I’m coming in for the wedding. I’m going to have to see him sooner or later, but I just don’t want him to know I’m coming home for good yet,” I share, switching lanes toward my next exit. “I need to figure out what to tell him.” There’s a pause at her end again, and I know it without even having to ask. “You traitor. You spilled the beans, didn’t you? Kitty Kat, you’re my bestie, what about girl code?” I scoff.

“I know. I just couldn’t help it. We were all sitting around our backyard—the guys had just finished the lower deck so we’d invited everyone for a barbecue—and it came out. I’m sorry.”

Suddenly my palms feel sweaty, a million questions overtaking my mind.

How did he react?

Was he happy? Mad?

Did he ask about me these last two years?

Does he have a girl? Was a girl there?

Have I been replaced?

Do I have a chance? Do I want a chance?



“The smile that crossed his face at the news could have lit the darkest night.”

Just like that, it’s like she knows what I needed to hear. God, this girl is the Carrie to my Miranda, the salt to my tequila…
my sister from another mister.

“Thanks, Kitty Kat. I love you. See you soon.”

“See ya sooner, ma sistah.”

With that, I click off.

Chapter 7


alking into Ryker’s
office, I know
been here. I can smell her. She smells like a whisper—soft, subtle and sexy.

“She was here, wasn’t she? I fucking missed her, didn’t I?” I say, barking more than I mean to, as if it’s Kat’s or Ryker’s fault she didn’t want to see me.

They don’t deserve my tone, but I’m pissed. Ryk and Kat look at me like I’m fucking crazy. And, hey, maybe I am, but I can’t control having been wildly fucking attuned to Claire ever since the day I met her sexy ass. She’s got a presence that ghosts through me whenever she’s in my vicinity. So, yeah, I’m going out of my goddamn mind waiting to see her again. Not seeing your girl since what feels like forever will do that to you.

Moving into Ryker’s office, I place the tray of coffee down with a little too much of a slam, causing one of the cups to slosh onto the wooden table.


“You need to relax, Matt. She just got here, give it time. You’ll see her soon enough, I’m sure,” Kat offers, trying to soothe (or maybe reason with) me.

“Fuck, I hope so.” I grab my coffee before pulling out a chair at the small worktable. “I can smell her,” I admit out loud. These two have had to put up with my moody bullshit ever since she left and therefore I have no bloody shame. “I’d know her perfume anywhere. It’s in the air like a taunting little bastard.”
She still wears my favourite.
I take in the soft notes of amber musk and honey which linger in her absence.

“Obsessed much?” Kat mocks, her green eyes glinting with amusement as she reaches for her cappuccino.

I shake my head in frustration and let out a groan, unable to silence the questions that are running through my mind. “I’m going bat shit crazy. I gotta ask, guys, did she ask about me? Mention me at all? Does she want to see me? Was she disappointed I wasn’t here?” I spit out rapid-fire, not giving them a chance to respond. “Jesus, I’m worse than a teenage girl.” I laugh at myself, but the room stays silent. “Fuck, I knew I should have sent Justin for the coffees. I knew I should have stayed here.” I rub my hands through my short brown hair, pulling at the longer pieces on top. I’m gonna drive myself to drink. I settle for a sip of my Americano instead.

“Are you fuckin’ done with the nut show? You able to calm your mangina down, brother?” Ryker asks. He gives me a questioning look from behind his desk where he’s been fiddling on his phone. I’m amazed he’s been quiet for that long. Usually he’s the first to ride me for being “broody”.

Clearing her throat, Kat gives me a sympathetic look. “Sorry, Matty. She literally left five minutes ago. I’m surprised you didn’t see her in passing.”

“I came in the backdoor,” I grumble, pissed off that I didn’t think to park in the front today. I always park in the back lot to leave room for clients, it’s a habit. I didn’t think.

“Well, she wasn’t here long. She said hi, then grabbed the keys and—”

“—pretty much bolted, like she was afraid of seeing a boogeyman,” Ryker says, cutting her off. “Matt, I think Claire’s freaking the fuck out as much as you are,” he laughs. “I’m getting the popcorn ready ’cause I can’t wait to see how this shit show is gonna go down.”

“Ryker!” Kat turns and gives him a stern look. “Don’t be an ass, they need us right now. This is hard for both of them. The last thing Matty needs is you being…
. Claire is still in self-preservation mode, and we need to help Matty knock some sense into that girl. This isn’t the Claire I know; she’s smarter than this. She knows deep down it’s a contradiction, that you aren’t guaranteed to lose everyone you love. Sheesh, she hasn’t lost me, or my parents. It’s time to ditch that stupid manifesto of hers. It never applied to Matt, anyway. She knows it and we know it, too. I love her and all, but it’s time she cuts the shit. It was an accident; it was years ago. She needs to wake the hell up and get over it,” Kat huffs, and I’m surprised at her frankness. I’d always just assumed she blindly supported Claire and her stupid reasons for shutting me out.

“Shit, you’re sexy all fired up, babe,” Ryker teases, and I roll my eyes.

“Not the right time, Ryker,” she scolds again.

I can’t hide my smile watching these two. This is one of the things I miss most about not having Claire in my life, our volley of banter. We always gave it to each other as good as we got; we’d had a lot of fun when we were together.

“Shut up and let her finish, man.” I cut a look to Ryk, and the bastard smiles wider.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong,” Kat continues, “I get it. I can’t imagine losing my parents but she’s using it as a crutch a little too much. Life is unpredictable,” she waves her hands in the air from behind her laptop, “things can change in an instant. Loving someone isn’t the only way to get hurt in this life. It’s about time Claire Knox learns that and admits she’s made a mistake by running. It’s time she claims the man she loves:
. And, Ryker, you and I are gonna help.” She crosses her arms across her chest, satisfied with her decision.

“Hell, yeah! I love it when Hot Girl is fired all up,” Ryker says, before giving her a wink.

Looking down, Kat notes the time and closes her laptop. “Okay, I’d love to stay and plot how to blowtorch Claire’s heart and melt it into a pool of Matt love, but I promised her I’d head over to help her unpack after doing these supply orders. I put a rush on the kinesiology tape, too. I noticed you guys are almost out.”

“Thanks. Appreciate you making sure we’re fully stocked while we leave the part-timers in charge next week,” I say. Kat’s been a huge part of this place running so smoothly. I have no idea how this girl works full-time as a teacher and still finds time to help out here. I’d be a miserable ass.

“Bye, Honeybutter,” she says sweetly, walking back toward Ryker who, of course, is already rising from his desk to meet her. “See you in a couple of hours.” She leans up and kisses him, eliciting a growl. He pulls her closer.

“Dudes, get a room!” I call out, “I’m miserable over here and don’t need office porn starring my best friends as a cure. I need a fucking action plan.”

“Okay, sit the fuck down, ya melancholic bastard. Give me a minute with my woman, then I’ll help your sorry ass,” Ryker orders, walking Kat to the door, obviously reluctant to let her go. He kisses her forehead before holding the door for her to leave, watching her every move as she walks to the exit. “I can’t believe she’s going to be my wife,” I hear him mutter.

He sighs and shakes his head, regarding me with amusement. “So, you pissy motherfucker, what are you gonna do about getting your Claire back? It better be good and work fast, ’cause I’m not putting up with you like this for much longer. You’re turning into a moody little bitch.”

“Remind you of someone you used to know? Wasn’t too long ago, buddy,” I respond.

“Right. Shit. Yeah…” he pauses, looking serious. “Okay, man. Let’s go get you your own Holy Grail,” Ryker growls, rubbing his hands together.

Chapter 8


re you frickin’
kidding me? The last box. Of course it’s in the last box.” I hold up the metal corkscrew in triumph.

“Yay, go team Claire! I thought we were going to have to Google how to open that bottle of wine,” Kat teases, continuing to unwrap my glassware.

“Har, har, you’re funny, Rollins. Next time I move, this puppy is going in my purse! Don’t ever leave me like that again,” I laugh, kissing the opener as Kat passes me two wine glasses she’s just unpacked. We’ve been at it for hours now, and I have to say the house is looking good.

“Soooo, have-you-decided-when-you’re-going-to-see-Matt?!” she explodes, like a volcano which waited too long to blow. Now that it’s out, she takes a deep breath and leans against the counter eyeing me intently, waiting for an answer.

Too bad for her that I’m more excited about finally finding the corkscrew than anything else. The last thing I want is to start
conversation with the bottle still closed, especially now that I hold the power which will unleash the goodness. Tossing her some stink eye, I ignore her, proceeding with my main foci: pouring the wine and avoiding her questions.

“Do you think I should leave the yellow or paint it that lime green I showed you?” I ask, looking around the cozy kitchen while turning the screw in the bottle’s top. “Oh, and what do you think about these white floral curtains? Don’t you think I need a brighter set to match my amazeballs personality? This flower theme isn’t doing it for me.”

“Really? That’s how you’re going to play this? Fine. I have time.” Kat rolls up her sleeves, annoyed, knowing what I’m doing.


The cork comes out with a satisfying pop.

“Paint it. This is boring. Reminds me of that story from lit class, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’,” she shrugs, “and definitely new curtains. These are like Grandma’s.” She lifts her chin toward the offending floral pattern.

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