One More Night (5 page)

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Authors: Mysty McPartland

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: One More Night
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When she came even with him, she blasted him with a glare of condemnation before she turned away and sailed out of the door. She shouldn't have been surprised that he would wangle himself an invitation, or that it was Kate he came with. She smiled, wondering if he knew what he got himself into, but somehow she didn't think he did.
Suddenly, she was starting to look forward to the reception.

Not at all put off by the look he received from Cooper, Nate, with Kate at his side, followed everyone else outside. Not even caring if Kate stayed with him, he moved off to the side away from the crowd. Under the shade of an elm tree, he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his Armani black pants he rocked on the heels of his shoes as watched the photos being taken.

Kate took a few moments to show off in front of her friends before she hurried over to Nate. “Oh wasn't that just a beautiful wedding and Jackie's gown is divine. Of course the bridesmaids look adorable as well; such a lovely shade of green.”

Nate dragged his gaze from Cooper to stare at Kate who was watching the wedding party with calculation and admiration.
He better work fast, he thought
. “Yeah well the ceremony is always the best part. It's all goes downhill from there.”

“What do you mean?” Kate turned to face him with a frown on her brow.

A shrug of his shoulders, he explained in a bored voice. “Well once a woman has a ring on her finger, she thinks she owns the poor bloke. Nags him day and night, after that the inevitable.

Kate could only stare at him in shock, but she soon shook herself out of it, placed a hand on his arm and moved closer. “Oh Nate it doesn't always end that way for everyone.”

“Don't get your dreams or hopes up. They'll only come crashing down around you,” he gave another roll of his shoulders. “
. I intend to steer clear of marriage. No woman is worth giving my freedom up for.” At last, he saw that she understood, and gave her a grin when she snatched her hand away.

Kate wanted to shout in disappointment, but she kept it locked inside and turned back to the wedding party. “You say that now Nate but perhaps you haven't met the right woman yet,” she swung back to gaze at him, giving him a bright smile. “She could even be right before your eyes, but you just don't know it.”

, Nate thought it seemed he would have to be even more brutal, but before he could say anything else half a dozen women descended on them, and he became the center of attention. He stuck to the same story he gave Kate last night, that he was an old friend of Coopers who was just passing through town. He was relieved when the wedding party drove off and the women trickled away.

“Come on Nate, time to head for the reception. I can't wait to dance with you. I reckon you'll be a terrific dancer.” Kate grasped hold of his hand and led the way back to the car.

Grumbling under his breath, Nate had no other choice but to go with her. He had no intentions of dancing with her, but he remained silent over the issue, not wanting to miss his chance of going to the reception and seeing Cooper. Once again, he didn't bother to open Kate's door and seeing the annoyance on her face, gunned the engine and drove out of the parking lot and followed the line of cars heading down the road.

He knew he would have to sit next to Kate, but hopefully once the meal was over he could escape and latch on to Cooper. After a few dances, he hoped he could persuade her to go home and they could crawl into bed and make love again
. Even just thinking about it, the front of his pants grew tight.

Damn, what was it about that little spitfire that set his blood aflame, and could stir such unmitigated lust through him. Well, whatever it was he intended to feed it tonight and hopefully it would be enough to satisfy him.
Because there wouldn't be anymore
. It was addictive enough now, and it would be utter madness if he let it continue.
, tonight would be the last and tomorrow he would be gone.
The end

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No matter how many times she told herself not to, Cooper couldn't stop herself from watching that annoying man while the toasts were said and the meal eaten. Every time she set her glance on him, he was staring back and giving her that wicked grin that curled her toes. She knew from the expression on Kate's face that she was far from happy.

Who could blame her though, her date was rudely ignoring her. Abruptly Cooper sat up straight, her eyes alight with enjoyment.
Oh, this should be good
, she thought in anticipation when she saw Kate's ex-boyfriend barreling down on them.

“Damn it Kate, who is this prissy fella and where in the hell did you find him?” Grizzly growled as he glared at the fancy man seated next to his woman.

Nate stiffened and spun around to eye the mammoth man standing between him and Kate. He always thought he was a large man, but this giant beside him was massive and apprehension skidded up his spine. “Actually I'm a friend of Cooper's.”

“You have no right to ask me anything Donny. Now go away.” Kate snipped out, but secretly she was pleased that Donny was jealous.

For a split second, Grizzly rubbed his jaw before he dropped his hand and held it out to the stranger, ignoring Kate's anger. “Friend of the Doc's? Well glad to meet ya. I'm Donny Griz but everyone calls me Grizzly.”

Thankful for his quick thinking, Nate smiled back and shook the other man's hand. “Glad to meet you. Now if you don't mind I think I'll go and speak to Cooper.” He rose to his feet and without another word strode determinedly away.

With a dissatisfied grimace, Cooper watched Nate move across the room.
Darn it
, he looked so sexy that she just wanted to drag him of somewhere and make love to him again. She made a low growl when her sister elbowed her in the ribs, reluctantly she drew her gaze away and eyed her sister with annoyance.

“Do you know who that gorgeous man is that's coming towards us Coop? I swear there's something familiar about him.”

“That little sister is cousin to the man who lied to you, seduced you and left you.” Cooper wished she hadn't sounded so angry when Sandie paled.

“Nate didn't lie to me, he didn't seduce me and he had to leave because of his job. He promised he would come back.”

Cooper placed her hand over Sandie's and squeezed gently. “Ah honey forget what I said, we'll talk about this tomorrow, now smile,” when her sister once again looked happy, she turned around to see Nate standing in front of the table. “Ah, hi George. Nice of you to come.”

Confused Nate frowned at her. Now what was the confounded woman up to?

Before he could utter a word, Cooper spoke up again. “This is my little sister, Sandie.”

What game was she playing now Nate speculated, well until he found out he would play along, he switched his gaze to the woman seated beside her and did a double take. She was a complete contrast. Tall, red hair and beautiful enough to be a model, but there was something in her eyes that told him this woman was as innocent as a child. “Hello, it's nice to meet you.”

Sandie smiled back. “It's nice to meet you too George. You're the first man Cooper has ever introduced me to.”

That sent his eye brows lifting and his mouth twitching in amusement. “That's good to know. But it doesn't mean she doesn't have any male friends.”

“Oh Cooper's way too busy working to worry about men. I hope you're going to stay awhile?” Sandie laughed and still smiling stood up, “I'm off to speak to some friends. Why don't you sit here next to Cooper?”

Only wanting to perish with embarrassment, Cooper watched her sister leave and the irritating man sit down beside her.

“Would you care to explain why I'm suddenly George and why you had to pick such a deplorable name for me?” Nate whispered close to her ear and noticed her tremble, and was more than satisfied that he still affected her. He breathed through his nostrils and filled his lungs with the light scent of vanilla, and his body pulsed with hot desire.

The searing breath below her ear sent a spear of longing to the pit of her stomach, and Cooper dragged in a gulp of air hoping to quell it. “Because, your dear conniving cousin told my sister his name was Nate. Don't you remember?”

Once more rage swept through him and it took every effort to contain it. “The damn little weasel. I'm going to beat him senseless next time I see him.”

Cooper wasn't surprised that he was angry. “Well if you don't, I certainly intend to.”

Her reply made him grin. “Now that doesn't surprise me at all.” When she blessed him with a saucy smile, his own anger faded and his eyes shone wickedly. “Did I tell you that you're wearing a lovely gown?”

Cooper burst out laughing over the description of the horrible dress. “Oh it certainly is that.”

The soft purring laugh rocked his boat
, and he needed to grit his teeth to stop a certain part of his body from reacting. Relieved to hear the music startup, he dragged his eyes from hers and watched the bride and groom dance.

Released from those burning dark gaze, Cooper blew out a breath and watched the couple glide around the dance floor. What was it about this man that had her in a sensual spin? All day, thoughts of him interfered with her work and she desperately needed to get a grip on herself. He would be gone tomorrow and out of her life. She couldn't afford to have any emotional entanglement with him, it would be too perilous and very, very foolish. No, this was just sex and nothing else,
hot wild steamy sex and that's all

When other couples started drifting on the floor, Nate stood up and held out his hand. “Come on let's dance.”

Reluctantly she placed her hand in his and rose to her feet, on the dance floor she didn't hesitate in going into his arms, their eyes met and held as they slowly moved around the room.

It seemed they only just started to dance when the music stopped and tearing his gaze from hers, Nate mumbled a curse. He was about to lead her back to her seat when the music started again and the jukebox played another slow song, and once more they drifted around the floor. Pulling her closer so they were firmly together, he leaned his head down and whispered in her ear. “I want to take you home and peel that hideous gown of you. God, who was the idiot that picked it? They certainly didn't know what they were thinking. You shouldn't have let them dress your glorious little body in such an ugly gown.”

Every nerve in her body tingled from the warmth of his breath, she laughed softly at his comment, but she couldn't help be turned on by the thought of him stripping the gown of her. Because she undoubtedly knew what it would lead to. “I have responsibilities and can't leave yet.”

Nate nuzzled her neck and breathed in her sweet intoxicating scent. “Mmm pity. You know I'm hot for you don't you?”

His words melted her bones and she clutched tightly to him. “Behave yourself.” She whispered back breathlessly.
Oh yes, there was no doubt left that he was horny,
she could feel the hard length of him pressed against her and her own panties were dripping wet.

A light kiss just below her ear, Nate lifted his head and smiled knowingly at her. “Sure baby.”

Oh, he was slick and dynamically sexy and she could feel her insides melt under that sensual smile, she tore her gaze away from his and glanced around the room and felt her face grow warm seeing all the knowing looks they were receiving. It wasn't hard to guess what they were all thinking, but still she hated everyone knowing her business. Her gaze went back to his and arched a brow. “What did you say to Grizzly to make him back off and turn friendly?”

His own brows lifting, Nate grinned at her. “Oh I just told him I was an old friend of yours and that seemed to have calmed him down.”

Yes definitely slick and a quick thinker
, well as rich as he was, he would have to be she concluded. “You didn't seem to be treating Kate very well.”

Nate's arm tightened around her waist holding her even tighter against him. “I knew from the moment she asked me to accompany her here what she was after. It was better to let her know from the start not to get her hopes up.”

“That's some ego you have Mister.” She snipped but still smiled.

“Not ego baby, self-preservation.”

His answer annoyed her. “Well just to set the record straight I positively don't have any plans towards you.”

Chuckling, Nate leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I hope those “no” plans don't include us not ending up in bed together tonight?” he caught his breath when she rubbed against his burgeoning arousal and she trembled in his arms. “I take that as a yes, you don't have any objections about us going to bed?”

The man was definitely good
, and Cooper didn't have any resistance against the sensual pull he had over her. She could feel him growing even more aroused and let her eyes drift shut as memories of last night floated through her mind. One more glorious night that was all she would allow herself, and greedily she intended to take it and not have one ounce of regret.

Lord knew how long she would have to wait for another opportunity like this again.
Men like this one don't grow on trees
, and God knows there wasn't a man around here that would even come close to Nate.

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Close to midnight, Nate followed Cooper into the house and as soon as the door closed behind them, he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately.
Frustration ate away at him all night,
and he couldn't stand it a second longer. His mouth left hers and drew a long her jaw line, and he let out a growl of annoyance when the damn ugly collar blocked his way down her neck.

He pulled away, spun her around and started tearing open the buttons down the back of her gown. “Whoever dressed you in this deplorable gown should be shot. Every time I look at it I start to turn the same color.”

Cooper thought she might fall to the ground after the devastating kiss, but she laughed at his irritation. When the gown slipped down and fell around her ankles, she stepped out of the puddle of material and turned to face him. A sensual smile drifted over her lips when she saw his eyes bulging with hot raw hunger.
It made her feel sexy and beautiful.

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