One of the Guys (13 page)

Read One of the Guys Online

Authors: Ashley Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: One of the Guys
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Chapter 15




I’ve thrown back about five shots tonight ever since Sam told me she was fighting against a
guy. I’m pissed that Rocky even brought that up to her. If Wendy ever thought about it, I’d have kicked her ass. Sam has no idea what she’s getting into.


“Hey Trey, did Sam tell you what she’s going to do?” She shot me an icy glare but I just don’t give a shit right now. I want nothing more than to pull her into my arms and beg her not to do it but she’d hate me more than she already does I’m sure.


“No but I know what she’s doing tonight. She’s fucking cockblocking me. Take her somewhere.” He turned quickly to find her scowling and quickly added, “I’m kidding Sam, I love you.”


She rolled her eyes and I tried to keep my smile hidden. “She’s going up against a guy.”


Trey’s eyes grew wide and he threw his hand in the air. “Shit yea Sam! I’m totally cheering you on unless it’s me you’re against!” She met his hand for a high five and it was my turn to scowl. These two were impossible. Trey happened to spot one of the women from earlier and he smiled then told us goodbye as he went to try to master what he came here for.


That left Sam and I alone and as happy as I was, I don’t think she was at all. She stopped drinking earlier but I found it funny that she drank the panty dropper again. The thoughts of the first time we were in here crossed my mind and I had to readjust myself so she wouldn’t notice anything. If I could I would go back to that night and things would have gone much differently. No way would she have left my apartment and then disappeared.


“Sam,” As soon as I said her name she looked at me with those blue eyes and for a split second I almost forgot I was upset with her. “I’m sorry, I know it’s not my business but I just, I do care about you. I know you find that hard to believe and I’m sorry you had to see what you saw earlier. That was the old me. I’m not that guy Sam.” I ran my hand through my hair and wanted to scream out of frustration but instead let out a breath. “Look, I will fully support you but if anything happens to you, I swear…”


She placed her hand in mine and gave me a half smile, “Cole, please I’ll be ok I promise. You don’t have to worry about me. Look, I think I’m about to go. I’m tired. I told Trey I was only coming for a little bit anyways.”


“Come somewhere with me.”


She’s looking like she wants to say yes and I pray she does but she replies, “I have my truck here, I can’t leave it Cole.”


I couldn’t dare tell her that Trey brought me here and I admit he was a complete genius with this plan to get Sam alone with me. I ended up spilling my guts to him two days after she came home with me. I thought she left the gym entirely and I was crushed. I told him about the feelings I felt for her and he mocked me and the fact I even considered love. He understood me, or at least he said he did despite mocking me. I wasn’t ready to leave her tonight just yet.


“I rode with Trey. Just trust me ok?”


She looked pissed for about five seconds and when she realized her hand was still in mine, she tried to move it away. One small squeeze of reassurance is all it took and she kept her hand in place while my heart gently fluttered. What was this girl doing to me?


“Where are we going?” She asked as she started her truck. Whatever was playing on the radio, she quickly turned down.


“Go to the park up the road.” She didn’t ask any questions, she just simply drove there. Her face in the moonlight was enough to take my breath away. “You’re so beautiful Sam.”


Shit, I embarrassed her. She turned her head away and whispered a thank you. I stepped out the truck and opened her door for her. She placed her hand in mine as we walked to a bench that faced the perfect spot to see the stars.


“I wasn’t trying to embarrass you; I’ve wanted to tell you that since I first saw you.”


She was completely speechless and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. That and she hadn’t faced me yet. She had to know though. I couldn’t wait one more minute or one more second without telling her. I’m panicking; I just know I’ve screwed up. Why isn’t she answering me? My mind is racing in a thousand different directions as I wish myself to be anywhere but here. “You know it killed me when you didn’t come back to the gym? I thought you left for good. Please tell me you weren’t avoiding me because of something I did that night? I was going to ask you out on a date that day and you never showed up. Please tell me it’s nothing I did.”


She turned and looked at me, her eyes a little wide from the confession that just leaked from my lips. “You wanted to ask me out? I thought you didn’t date.”


“Things change Sam. I was and I still do want to.” I wanted to hang my head in defeat because I realized just how much I sounded like an idiot but she touched my face and stared deep into my eyes.


“That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.” And just like that, she brought her lips to mine and this kiss was more than our first. I crushed my lips against hers, taking her in.


She pulled away slowly meeting my eyes with hers. “Please don’t fight Sam.”


“I have to.” She whispered. As badly as I wanted to ask her to elaborate on that, I didn’t. I’ve gotten this far, I’ll be damned if I screw it all up prying more than I need to.


The pain in her eyes is intense and I find myself stroking the side of her soft face with my hand trying to offer some sort of comfort.


“Please don’t feel sorry for me. You shouldn’t be at all. This is my choice.” She spoke so softly, I almost missed it. I looked at her puzzled and tried to keep my mouth shut but the shots of patron wouldn’t let me.


“I just want to help you.”


“Only I can help me Cole. I’m sorry.”


I stared up at the stars hoping for some sort of sign. No idea what I was looking for but anything to help with her, I’d be fine with. Just then, a shooting star shot across the sky and I couldn’t help but smile. “Did you see that shooting star Sam?”


She pointed up smiling a smile that lit my entire universe.
Thank you Trey
. “I did! I already made my wish did you?”


Her blue eyes were on fire burning tiny little holes all over my soul. The intensity took me off guard considering they held pain just a few minutes earlier. “Of course I did.”


“Well, what was it?”


“I can’t tell you. If I do, it won’t come true. Come on, isn’t that something you should know being a girl and all?” I smirked as she rolled her eyes and began to stand up.


She walked over to a tree and leaned against it continuing to stare at the stars. Slowly, I made my way over to her and stood right in front of her. I raised my hand to stroke her face and slowly brought her lips to mine. She didn’t fight me; she crushed her lips to mine briefly parting them. My fingers became entangled in her hair and she let out a soft moan. Yep, that definitely got my attention. Her hands wrapped around my back and slid under my shirt as she tried to pull me closer. I completely didn’t mind that at all. This was the moment I’ve been waiting on. The moment I could hold her in my arms and feel her. My hand finds the small of her back and rests against her flesh. The second my hand touches her; she slightly jumps like she didn’t expect it and she leans into me a little more. Her soft hands move from my back to rest on my stomach and the aching grows stronger. I want this girl. I knew she could feel my arousal pressing against her thigh; she made that clear as she moaned a little louder continuing to deepen the kiss. She pulled away wearing a smile and whispered the words I really didn’t want to hear her say anytime soon.


“I should get home. I’ve got a big day to get ready for.”


As badly as I wanted to argue with her, I couldn’t nor did I want to. It was something I didn’t agree with and she knew that. I didn’t want to ruin this moment.


All I could do was nod my head ok. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I looked to see Wendy’s name. Why was she even awake right now?


Wendy: Where are you? We tried to stop by.


Me: On my way home. I rode with Sam.


Wendy: Oh lala!! Ok well, hope I wasn’t interrupting anything!


Me: Um, no you weren’t.


Wendy: Fine grumpy. I’ll ttyl. Oh hey ask Sam if she wants to go baby shopping with me tomorrow.


Me: I’ll ask but she probably won’t. She’s got a fight ….against a guy.


Wendy: What?!


Me: Yeah you heard right.


I didn’t feel like responding after that. The ride to my apartment was rather quiet. I wonder what’s going on in that pretty head of hers. One thing is for sure, I know what’s going through mine and it has everything to do with her. Sam parked the truck and looked over at me. I couldn’t help but take her hand into mine and kiss her knuckles as I savored this moment with her.


“Come inside for a few minutes?” I asked quietly.


She seemed hesitant at first but her blue eyes sparkled as she replied, “Ok.”


She sat beside me on the couch turning her body so she could face me. Her lips brushed against mine; eagerly I kissed her back as she lay down on the couch. Her back arched as I trailed kisses from her lips to her collar bone, savoring each and every inch of her. Her hands went under my shirt fumbling to lift it up. My lips left her for a split second to remove my shirt. She’s smiling, dammit she’s killing me. Her hands lock into my hair as she pulls me back into her sending my world into a spiral I’ve never known before. It’s intense and everything I realize I’ve been missing. It’s everything I want. Slowly, she pulls away smiling, but that smile is broken by a yawn. A very big yawn.


“You tired babe?”


She smiled, “Yeah, I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from.”


“It’s ok.” I said as I pulled up from her. God, I wanted nothing more than to continue kissing her but I pull her up next to me placing one more kiss on her temple. She’s resting her head on my shoulder but the more tired she got; the more her head leaned towards my lap. My hand gently stroked her hair as I listened to her breathing begin to even out. This moment was perfect. I could do this everyday with her and never get tired of it. She belongs here with me, I just know it. Every fiber in my being knows it; I just need her to know it.


“Thank you Sam.” I tell her as she’s beginning to relax more and more.


“For what?”


“Spending the evening with me. This is all I’ve wanted.” I continue to stroke her hair and I see the corner of her mouth slide upward into a smile. Her breathing gets back to an even state like it was earlier and soon I hear a light snore. It feels like for once we’re actually getting somewhere. She will be mine, I know it. This is it.


After a few minutes, she sits up almost abruptly rubbing her eyes and I know the inevitable is coming. She’s getting ready to leave. In my gut, I want to ask her to sleep over. I want to promise I won’t put any moves on her, not unless she wants me to. I want her to be beside me. I want to wake up and see those beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. I want so much but for once in my life I’m not sure how to get it.


“Can I ask you something Cole?”


“Of course you can.” I reply half hoping she’s going to ask to stay the night, but I know I’m pushing my luck with her.


“I don’t know what’s going on between us but can you please not treat me any different around everyone? Because I didn’t join the gym to meet a guy…”


Shocked, that’s what I am after she says that. I thought we were getting somewhere and suddenly my heart is being caged back up. I feel like the biggest asshole ever and all the progress I just made with her I’m sure is about to be gone. All because I can’t keep my mouth shut.


I can’t help but interrupt. “You don’t have anything to worry about. I won’t be stuck up your ass if that’s what you’re asking. I’ll act like none of this ever happened.” Shit. Why did I say that to her? Her face turned pasty white as she turned away from my view.


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