One Plus One (2 page)

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Authors: Kay Dee Royal

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance

BOOK: One Plus One
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“Yes, make sure you keep any straggling males away from her, including you. I’ll let her know tonight she is the grand prize winner. The ship should arrive at the island tomorrow afternoon. Lacinda and I will stay there for two and a half weeks as planned. She’ll be expecting someone other than me. That should give me some time to get to know her. Got that?”

“Yes, sir. Don’t worry, I’ll keep her occupied.” Travis grinned.

“I’ll keep her occupied. You’ll keep the strays away.” Blade glared.

“Got it, sir.” Travis saluted and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Blade went back to the nightstand where Lacinda’s face looked at him from the small picture. Her parted thighs drove him into the shower where he took matters into his own hands. Vivid images of what he’d do with her during tomorrow morning’s massage filled his thoughts and it didn’t take long before he bellowed in release.

He came out of the shower relaxed and ready for the evening’s play. The phone rang. Blade wrapped a towel around his waist and ran for the phone on his nightstand.


“Hey, your P.I., Wisen, contacted me,” Mazie said. “He didn’t find anything other than what you already know. Lacinda is clean through and through. You already knew she ran an animal rescue refuge funded by grant money or donations. This girl hasn’t even had a parking ticket.”

Blade sighed in relief. He didn’t want just anyone walking into his life again. His past relationships were spurred by his reputation or his money. He wanted no ulterior motivations in his next relationship.

“Thanks, Mazie. You’ve really thrown yourself into this whole cruise get up and I truly appreciate it.”

“Well, it wasn’t just for you. I’ve had my heart stomped on enough. It’s time to do something for myself as well. You aren’t the only one who’ll enjoy this cruise.”

“Good to hear. You’re definitely deserving of it.” Blade held a deep respect for Mazie. Wild in her own right, she was a good fit for their business. She won the title for Girl Wonder.

“As are you. Oh, completely off that subject, at dinner tonight everyone will have a personal envelope at their place setting announcing who their match will be for the duration of the trip. What shall I do about Lacinda’s?”

“Already taken care of, she’s dining with the captain…me, in my quarters.” Blade chuckled. He liked being in control and this gave him complete control over Lacinda’s trip.

“You sly wolf. I can hear you drooling. Roll your tongue back inside your mouth and take a lesson on how to play nice. You won’t get another opportunity like this, Blade. Play it good, but play it right.”

“Got to run. I’m going to play inconspicuous P.I. for awhile.”

“More like stalker.”

Blade chuckled and hung up the phone. He thought of Mazie and their attempt at a more-than-friendship relationship. Thank God it didn’t take them too long before they realized their relationship worked best as business partners and good friends. He chuckled again over Mazie’s sense of humor, thankful for their close friendship and trust.

He planned on watching Lacinda, see her mannerisms, how she interacted with women, men, everyone. Thinking of her brought his lower extremity to attention, just when he thought he’d taken care of that for awhile. He picked up her picture again. His belly warmed, his testicles tightened, and his cock pressed against the restricting towel.

Damn, I’ll be dead of testosterone overload before I even get the chance to kiss this woman.


Chapter Three



Lacinda noticed her two suitcases and one carry-on bag stacked at the end of the bed. So, the limo driver managed to roll everything inside her room before he changed himself into the steward. A smile crossed her face at the thought of her limo driver ripping off his black uniform and donning the steward’s white one before she came on board. He had looked handsomely well put together as the steward. She pictured his midnight blues and the familiar way he scanned her body with them.

Damn they could melt a rock.

Heat plunged through her belly and settled moistly between her thighs.

“What are you, a teenager?” Her words, spoken aloud, expelled his momentary hold on her, but the wet heat remained.

Lacinda picked up the cruise events guide that lay beside the phone. A ‘welcome aboard poolside social’ started as soon as the ship departed, lasting until dinner time. Cocktails served free all day. Hmmm, sounded like a good idea and might get things rolling, feeling more relaxed with a little cocktail.

She quickly threw everything into the small dresser and closet, leaving out her string bikini. It only took a few minutes changing. She grabbed her beach towel, suntan lotion, and a crocheted swimsuit cover-up Avery must have packed. A large mirror hanging on the wall next to the door caught her image. She had never worn anything so revealing as this silly swimsuit Avery made her buy for that ridiculous photo.

“Avery, how could you take all my swimsuits out of my luggage with the exception of this one?” She spoke as if Avery stood on the other side of the mirror.

Tap…tap…tap, someone at the door. Everything fell from Lacinda’s hands, dropping on the floor with a soft thud. She watched the blush form over her cheeks and run down the tops of her breasts in her mirrored image.

Tap…tap…tap. “Miss Gainesly, are you in there? It’s Travis here, the steward.”

Lacinda didn’t recognize the voice as that of the limo driver. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Travis stared at her, first at her breasts and then below. His eyes climbed her body before landing on her face. His smile looked fragile, like maybe he’d got caught in the act, which he did.

“What did you need?” Heat climbed from her toes and burned her face.

“I…I…I have a delivery, this special personal invitation.”

Travis passed her a beautiful linen and foil envelope with her name scrolled across the front. He stood as if at attention. She assumed he waited for her answer. Perhaps the invitation needed a response. Her finger slid under the smooth flap. Travis’ continued presence gave her insides an anxious flutter of urgency. She quickly scanned the words; dinner, formal, Captain’s quarters, 6:30 p.m.

“Will you be attending, Miss Gainesly?” Travis continued his attention-like stance.

“Will there be more than just me in attendance?”

“No, Miss, the honor tonight is all yours.”

Lacinda looked at the words on the small card again. A formal event with the Captain, she should be honored, instead her belly was doing flip-flops. She wasn’t a social person, only the silent mingling type with no action, like around the pool. What the heck would she talk about with a prestigious Captain, and why would he ask only her? Avery’s words blasted in her ears, “Damn, Lacinda, you need your ass out there again.”

“I’m not sure why the Captain chose me, but tell him I am honored to accept his invitation.”

Travis’ body relaxed, and he exhaled as if he’d been holding his breath.

“Miss, I’ll be back at six-twenty and escort you to the Captain’s quarters.” He nodded, and added, “May I say you look ravishing. All eyes will be on you at poolside.” His lips turned up in that shaky little smile again before he sprinted away.

Lacinda looked once more in the mirror. She stood tall, turned her body right, then spun to the left. She threw her long brown curls over one shoulder and swished it over the other.

“You weirdo, no one knows you, no one cares. You could go out there naked.” She chuckled at her image, picked the stuff off the floor, and left for the pool. Halfway there she realized she’d forgotten her sunglasses and sunhat. Either would have worked for hiding behind. Everyone she passed, women and men alike, stared at her like she was naked. It made her feel naked.

Lacinda found a lounger beside the pool. More women than men sat around the pool area for some reason, but that made her more comfortable. Some of the women had suits similar to hers, some sat facing the sun topless, and others wore more for cover.

“Excuse me, Miss Gainesly.”

Travis stood in front of her. Lacinda gave him her full attention.

“Did we forget something earlier?”

He folded his hands in front of his fly. Lacinda glanced down at his hands and he turned away from her.

“No, miss, but would you like a cocktail?” He lowered his gaze, taking in the topless woman who plopped on the chair beside Lacinda. Travis looked back at Lacinda, his body turned but still not facing her. Lacinda could see the woman’s naked breasts beckoned Travis. He barely kept his focus on anything else.

“Yes, please. I’d love a no-salt Margarita on the rocks. That sounds tropical, doesn’t it?”

Before Travis could respond the half-naked woman asked him to bring her a frozen Pina Colada.

He nodded and left without a reply.

“I’m Mazie.” The half-naked woman didn’t sit up, but shaded her eyes with both hands and looked at Lacinda.

“I’m Lacinda, and at the moment I’m feeling like a fish out of water.”

Mazie chuckled. “You’re beautiful. What a lovely suit, and what a lovely body. It’s made to flaunt.”

Mazie slid her bronze legs over the side of the chair and sat up with perfect poise. Her large firm breasts with ripe strawberry-colored nipples stood out proudly. “You, my dear, are made for stuff like this. Enjoy it. Flirt. Have fun. Live on the wild side.”

“You sound a lot like Avery, my best friend.”

“I believe I like Avery.”

Travis came back wearing an apron around his waist and carrying the drinks. He handed Mazie hers first. She jumped when drops of condensation from the outside of the glass dribbled down her right breast. Travis reached toward her with a napkin and stopped midway.

“Don’t even think about it, Travis.” Mazie grabbed the napkin with her left hand and wiped the top of her breast. She made it look so erotic with smooth long strokes.

Travis handed Lacinda her drink and left quickly. She could pretty much guess why. Poor guy.

“About Travis…you gotta love his naïveté. He’s probably been packing a hard-on ever since we left the dock.” Mazie giggled, a light feminine tinkle. “Tell me more about Avery. I have a feeling she’s part of the reason you’re here.” Mazie took a sip of her drink and set the glass on the table next to her chair. She settled back against the lounger.

“She helped me fill out the killer questionnaire, made me buy this ridiculously small bikini, and got everyone together to help pay for everything I’d need here, including manning my business for the next three weeks. I had no idea the questionnaire would lead to One Plus One Equals Fun Cruise. I’ve never done anything like this. I need lessons on how to act, or maybe a better way to say it is how to play.”

Lacinda sipped her Margarita.
Whoa, strong drink
. She made a mental note to go slow,
maybe a few more might relax her for the Captain later. She pulled her chair closer to Mazie’s and settled into it, taking a number of big swallows from her drink, hoping to stop shaking.

“Okay, you want a lesson? Watch and learn.” Mazie stood up and waved Travis over. Her backside faced Lacinda and showed off Mazie’s tight round butt with the exception of the string down her crack.

Lacinda watched Mazie perch on the end of the lounger, her thighs parted slightly. It reminded Lacinda of Avery’s instructions for the photo pose. Lacinda drained the Margarita, smacking her lips afterward. She watched Travis stop in front of Mazie, his body physically shook along with a tremor in his voice.

“Miss Blume, what would you like?”

“You, Travis.” Her flirtatious giggle came across like a soft melody.

Travis looked like he might faint. Lacinda sat up to catch him if he did, which made her giggle thinking she’d play hero. The drink gave her a feeling of empowerment, and she suddenly wanted another.

“Would you mind lathering me up with a little tanning lotion?” Mazie pushed the lounge chair flat and climbed onto it, laying breast side up, again her thighs slightly parted.

Travis’ legs shook so hard, Lacinda thought she could hear his knees knocking. His breath came in shallow rasps. She handed him her lotion.

“Here, Travis, use mine for Mazie.”

He squirted a glob into his palm and then rubbed them together. He stationed himself on the other side of Mazie’s chair. Lacinda had a perfect view, not that she meant to watch, but she couldn’t stop herself.

Mazie closed her eyes as soon as Travis touched her shoulder. She sighed, parting her full lips and showing the tip of her pink tongue. She was the sexiest woman Lacinda had ever watched, including all the R-rated movies she’d seen.

Travis smoothed the lotion over her shoulders and down her arms, one at a time. Mazie arched her back, raising her breasts.

“Miss Blume…”

Before Travis finished his sentence Mazie guided both of his open palms, steering them around her breasts, careful not to include her nipples. Travis fell onto his knees. Her hands left his and slid around the back of his neck. She pulled his face over her closest nipple. Travis’ lips latched on, suckling loudly.

Lacinda arched her back and parted her thighs in response as she watched Travis licking and panting over Mazie’s beautiful breasts. Mazie pushed Travis’ head lower, down her belly. He crawled along the outside of the chair. Mazie slid her body lower for him. Her beaded wet nipples glistened in the sunlight, begging for more attention.

A small crowd collected around the erotic display, and Lacinda suddenly felt as exposed as the couple next to her. Gentle fingertips combed through her hair, sending sparks of sensation down her spine; an anonymous someone behind her. He bunched Lacinda’s hair and flipped it forward over her shoulder. His palm rubbed lotion over her shoulder blades. A strong manly hand kneaded her muscles, removing any building tension.

He crawled behind Lacinda, pulled her against his sculpted chest and handed her another Margarita on the rocks, which explained why there was only one massaging hand earlier. She watched the show going on next to them and assumed her faceless masseuse did the same.

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