Read One Stubborn Cowboy Online

Authors: Barbara McMahon

Tags: #Romance, #rancher, #western, #cowboy

One Stubborn Cowboy (22 page)

BOOK: One Stubborn Cowboy
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"Besides, Kit wants his room back."

"I never said that," he replied.

"No, but it can't be comfortable sleeping on a couch."

"I was fine last night."

It was all Kelly could do to keep a straight face. Sure, he'd been in his own bed. Why wouldn't he be fine?

"I appreciate you all taking care of me."

"You aren't any trouble. And it's nice to have someone else around who doesn't talk cattle or beef prices all the time," Sally said.

"Surely not all the time?" Kelly asked, wide-eyed.

"No," Kit said.

"Yes," Sally said.

"Let's make a pact that tonight we don't talk about beef, cattle or ranches," Kelly suggested, looking back and forth between Clint and Kit, the challenge clear in her eyes.


"Okay with me."

"They'll never be able to make it," Sally predicted.

The evening turned out to be fun. The topic of conversation ranged from current movies, to books, to various places to see in California that none of them had ever visited. They discussed their various tastes in music, Clint and Kit predictably liking country and western, but unexpectedly liking some classical, as well. Kelly told them about being on a committee for the San Francisco Symphony and there were lots of questions about that.

They moved to the deck after dinner, enjoying the balmy evening and the quiet sounds of the ranch settling down. They kept the lively conversation going until they got into politics. When Clint and Kit started arguing opposing positions on some proposed legislation, Kelly quickly changed the subject.

"I'm thinking of giving a party. Did Kit tell you?"

Sally was delighted and offered to help when she heard Kelly's ambitious plans.

"Sounds very sophisticated. Are we to dress up?"

"I hadn't thought of that. What do you think?" Kelly asked.

"Yes. We get to so rarely out here."

"Does that mean suits?" Clint asked, horrified.

"Not for the guys," Sally said. "But I'd love a pretty party dress, not the same old one I wear to church most Sundays."

"I thought jeans," Kit said.

"Oh, you men. It won't kill you to dress up a little for one night. Oh, Kelly, it'll be great. I can't wait to meet your friends from San Francisco. Will they think us very provincial, do you think?"

"I think they'll like my new friends as much as I hope you will like them."

"We'll provide some of the meat," Kit said. "But it won't be pork."

"Won't be chicken, either," Clint added.

"What will it be?" Sally asked, starting to catch on.

"Can't say." Kit smiled at her, then Kelly.

"Very good. See, Sally, they can go all night without talking about the B word."

The gentle laughter they all shared was like fine wine to Kelly. It filled her senses, enchanted her and made her long for more. She ached to belong to a family like this. To be a part of it forever, not just for an evening.

She ached to belong to Kit, she thought as her eyes sought his. To share her life with him until they were both old and gray. Yet he'd never even hinted at such a thing. How did he feel about her? Truly feel about her?

Kelly was the first to suggest bed. Her head ached and she was tired. She said good-night and went off to Kit's room, hoping he'd come later as he'd promised.

Truly tired, she fell asleep once she lay down.

* * *

"Kelly?" Kit's soft voice broke through her sleep, drifted across her senses and brought her slowly awake.

"Umm?" She turned, seeking him. He was stretched out beside her, beneath the covers. She rolled over, moving closer, resting her head on his chest. His bare chest.

Her eyes opened.

"Kit?" She snuggled closer, letting her hand brush the crisp hair covering his chest, drifting down to see if he was wearing anything. When she reached the scars, she knew he wasn't.

"Are you awake?" His arms came around her, drawing her up against the long, hot length of him.

"I am now. How late is it?"

"After midnight."

"I tried to stay awake," she said, rubbing her fingers over his scars lightly, feeling his muscles contract at her touch.

His hands roamed over her back, down her spine, tracing the hollow at her lower back, causing waves of shimmering electricity. Back up, kneading the muscles gently, tracing her spine again.

She shivered and moved closer, feeling him draw her gown up, baring her back. His calluses were rough against her skin, but it only enhanced the sensations his touch brought, and she shivered again in delight. His hands moved against her, up and down, hypnotically, mesmerizing, arousing. When he cupped her bottom, he pulled her up a little higher, allowing his fingers access to the dark, moist heat of her.

"You're already ready," he said in wonder.

She couldn't answer, couldn't talk at all, only feel the ripples of pleasure starting to build with the movement of his fingers. She slid one knee over his thigh, opening her legs for his hands, nudging his arousal with her soft leg.

Taking advantage of the gesture, his hands moved against her, fingers slipping in, testing her, teasing her, stroking her.

Heat and desire built rapidly in Kelly. She moved her hips, seeking more, seeking escape, seeking pleasure. One of his large hands held her still, the other continuing its massage, building up the tension, building up the hunger she couldn't deny.

"Oh, Kit, please!" She jerked against his hand, her hips seeking to move, his hand holding her against it.

"Not yet, honey. Let it build."

"It's already intense," she gasped. She was dying.

"Let it build." His hand never stopped. His clever fingers fondled her until she was mindless with longing and yearnings.

Her hands raked his chest, tangling in the hair, pulling, rubbing his nipples, seeking to give him the same fiery hunger he built so high in her.

When she moved lower and encircled him, he drew in a deep breath. But his hand never stopped, and she was about to explode.

She squeezed gently, moving up and down over the hard, heavy weight of him.

"Uh-uh, honey. Don't do that."

"Stop me," she said, breathing hard, her body a quivering mass of burning need and cravings. He would drive her mad. If she could do it to him, so much the better.

He eased her onto her back, coming between her widespread thighs, his hand still intent on its mission. Kelly arched up against him.

"Please! Kit, I'm going to explode!"

"Explode with me, honey." His mouth covered one breast and suckled the hard tip, drawing it deep into his mouth, inflaming it with his hot tongue. The flame flashed from her nipple to the fiery core deep within her, threatening to engulf her.

Just when she thought she couldn't contain herself anymore, he thrust into her. Lying against her softness, Kit raised himself up on his elbows, his breath coursing over her face, over her cheeks, in gulps. He wasn't as immune as she'd thought.

Kelly raised up to take all of him. When he withdrew, she denied it, tried to stop it, but he only plunged down into her hard as ever. Again. Kelly reached up to match his rhythm, her own body throbbing with need.

She couldn't hold back her cries as she reached the summit. His mouth covered hers, trying to absorb them into his own as she cried out in ecstasy as wave after wave of rapture swept through her. She could feel it throughout her entire body, from the fiery core at her center to her tingling fingers and toes. It went on and on and on. She thought she would never stop. She was aware only of the intense pleasure that coursed through her, and the even hotter heat of Kit as he went with her.

Collapsing in exhaustion, Kelly couldn't move. She'd never felt such intense pleasure in her whole life! Never imagined it could exist. Her muscles continued to convulse around him, contract, release, contract.

He lay on her, supporting some of his weight on his elbows, but allowing the length of his body to rest against hers. Kelly could feel every inch of him, feel him and relished the touch. His heat burned into her as hers burned into his. She could scarcely breathe. She wondered if she'd lose consciousness, or gradually return to earth.

Soon she could breathe normally, but she didn't want to have to move an inch. Not even to lift her eyelids. Repletion had never been so deep.

He still filled her, and her muscles contracted around him again. When he moved his hand between them, she was sharp with instant awareness.

"No," she mumbled. But he ignored her and in only seconds the fiery desire was building again. It couldn't be, but it was. His hand was magic. It brought her to another high, and she climaxed again, straining against his body, pushing and twisting, struggling to reach the glorious peak.

Molten lava spread through her. Heat, scalding and torrid, flushed every nerve ending, every fiber of her being. Her heart pounded, her breathing stopped and she gave way to the glorious rapture that claimed her again.

When she could breathe again she was going to talk to this man. If she lived that long.

She was asleep before he withdrew from her.

* * *

When Kelly awoke, she had no idea as to the time. Was it near dawn? Would Kit be leaving soon? She was held in his arms, her back against his chest, her legs entwined with his. His hand was on her breast, heavy in sleep.

She smiled. She liked sleeping with him. Wished they could do it every night. Wake up together every morning.

Suddenly his hand tightened.

"Are you awake?" she whispered.

"Umm. You?"

"Yes." She shifted around on her back, tried to see him in the dark. "I never knew my body could feel that," she whispered. "It was the most wonderful thing I ever knew."

"Me, too." He kissed her cheek, licking the soft texture of her skin. Moving to kiss her mouth gently.

Kelly was quiet for a long time, thinking about the night, about how remarkable everything had been. Then a shadow crossed her happiness.

"Did you make love to Althea like that?" she asked softly.

Kit went rigid. He held himself stiff for a long moment, then moved across the bed to snap on the light.

Kelly closed her eyes at the sudden brightness, but he captured her face between his hard hands, his palms on her jaw, his fingers threaded in her hair. He tinned her to face him and she slowly opened her eyes.

He was mad. She could have felt that from his hard grip, but the blazing anger in his eyes told her she'd gone too far.

"Kelly, I'm only going to tell you this once and I don't want you to ever bring it up again. All right?"

She tried to nod her head, but his hands held her so tightly she couldn't move. But he must have felt her attempt. She wished she'd kept her mouth shut. She didn't think she was going to like what he told her.

"You know I was wild when I was younger. You've been told that by anyone who knows me. Right?"

BOOK: One Stubborn Cowboy
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