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Authors: Tia Louise

One to Hold (18 page)

BOOK: One to Hold
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“It’s okay,” he whispered, stroking my hair. “It’s over. I will never let him hurt you again.”

I nodded against his chest, and he held me several long moments. His hands stroked my back gently until I could finally breathe again without jerking out a sob.

Derek straightened up and lifted my chin with his finger, looking into my eyes. “Okay?” he said, sliding his thumbs gently over my damp cheeks.

I sniffed and nodded, wiping my nose with my hand. “Why were you here?” I asked, as he released me to pull out his phone.

“I never stopped watching him.” He was touching the phone quickly as he spoke. “Ever since that day you came to my office, I’ve been keeping tabs on him.”

Elaine had told me that… I stepped away, going to the kitchen to get a tissue and check my face. “But why?” I called back. “Did you have a reason to think he was going to—”

“I had no idea Sloan had turned into such a fucked up loser when he contacted me about you,” he said, following me into the kitchen. “But after you showed me that picture…” his lips tightened. “It’s a pattern of behavior. I had a feeling he might try it again.”

He stepped to the door leading out. “I just need to make a quick call and get somebody out here,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to them. I’ll keep it out of the media.”

His words sent such a wave of relief over me. He’d said the one thing I’d needed to hear, the thing that had held me silent before, without even knowing it.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“You’ll still have to answer some questions, but I’ll do what I can.”

Before he went through the door, I stepped forward and caught his arm, pulling him back. He paused, and I leaned in, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You are a hero. You’re my hero.”

His eyes gleamed and he touched my face gently with the back of his index finger. Happiness filled my chest. “I only wish I’d known sooner,” he said.


Police arrived in an unmarked vehicle, and Sloan was handcuffed and taken into custody. I had to make a statement, but Derek stayed beside me. His background was a huge assist in corroborating my story, but the real clincher was the recording he’d made. That combined with the picture I’d shown him from before provided enough evidence to form the basis of a solid case.

“We need to ask a few questions,” the officer started, but Derek stopped him.

“I know what you need to know,” he said. “Would you let me ask her?”

“We have to hear her answers,” the man said.

Derek turned to me sitting at my small table and held both my hands. “There’s only a few things they need to know.”

I nodded, focusing on his blue eyes.

“Do you want to press charges against Sloan Reynolds?”

“Yes,” I said softly. “I didn’t before, but I do now.”

“In the photo from before, clearly you were beaten.” Derek paused and stroked the back of my hands gently. “Did he also rape you that night?”

I shook my head. “He tried, but when I hit him, everything changed. After that he only beat me.” My throat grew thick as I remembered Sloan’s face as he hit and kicked me. The sick gleam in his eyes. I was afraid I might cry, but I pushed on. “It was as if he got off on beating me.”

Derek’s lips tightened, and I watched him inhale slowly, the muscle in his jaw flexed. “Would you be willing to share those emails with us? It’s possible he also beat one or more of those women. I’d like to track them down and see if any of them will talk. Maybe take a plea deal.”

Squeezing his hands, I stood and walked slowly to my bedroom, feeling slightly light-headed. I had planned never to share this information with anyone. I only kept it as insurance, in case I needed it to make Sloan behave or leave me alone. I went to my closet and dug out the two manila folders then returned to the kitchen. Derek and the officer were talking softly, the officer was making notes, but when I appeared they both fell silent.

“Here,” I said. “There were more. Many more, but these are the only ones I printed out.”

The officer nodded and took the stack from me. Derek stood and squeezed my upper arm gently. “Hang tight. I’ll just walk these guys out. See if they have any more questions.”

Once they were gone, I walked slowly to my living room, dropping onto the couch. I was exhausted and still a little shaky, but at the same time, I felt hopeful. It was possible this was finally over. This horrible chapter was finally closed.

Chapter 18 - Sharing Everything


Finally, after what seemed like a long time, everyone but Derek was gone. Sloan’s car was impounded, and the only noises left at my house were the cicadas and the waves breaking softly in the distance.

“They might want to question Elaine, since she was the only person who saw what happened the first time,” he said, standing in my kitchen.

I nodded, blinking up at him, seeing him in a new way tonight. “I can’t believe how relieved I feel,” I said. “I thought I was through with Sloan. I thought once the divorce was final and I was back here it was over. But I see now I was always fearful. And it would never be over while he was free.”

He nodded. “I know.” Then he straightened, putting his hands in his back pockets and causing the shirt to stretch over his chest. “I’m sorry, Mel. I’m so sorry for my part in all this. I really had no idea when he emailed me—”

I stood quickly. “Please don’t,” I said. “After tonight, your apology is so accepted. And maybe… maybe I’ve started to understand why you didn’t tell me.”

His brow relaxed, and a glimmer of hope shone in his eyes. He took a small step in my direction. “I swear, when I saw you that night in the bar, all I wanted was to take you from him. I wanted you to be mine.” My heart squeezed at his words, and he continued. “I know that makes me a bad person, but you were so gorgeous. And so clearly miserable. I only wanted to make you happy, to see you smile.”

“I was unbelievably miserable,” I said softly, remembering the first night of that trip. “But you changed all that. And now you’ve changed it even more.”

He took another small step towards me. “I wanted to tell you what was going on so much, but, well, I felt if there was a chance for your marriage, I should step aside and let you work it out. As much as I hated it, he’d found you first.”

I breathed a laugh, shaking my head. “You stepped aside after you fucked me like nobody in the world ever had.”

He was right in front of me then, and he cautiously reached out to hold my waist. “If it makes any difference, it was a pretty new experience for me, too.”

My hands rested on his biceps, and I met his eyes. “Are you trying to say I was the best you ever had?”

He smiled for real then and leaned down to my face. “You were the first I’d had in a long time. And you were amazing.” Then he kissed my nose. “Thank you.”

My arms slid up to his neck, and I pulled him down. “You haven’t done anything to thank me for yet.”

At that he closed the space between us, covering my mouth with his as he caught my ass and pulled me up against him. I held his neck, threading my fingers into his soft hair. Our mouths opened and our tongues collided, sending heat shooting straight between my legs.

His mouth broke away from mine briefly, “Where’s the bedroom?” he asked.

Holding his neck, I looked over my left shoulder. “This way.” I loosened my legs from his waist and he lowered me, following me to the small room in the back.

“I might need a bigger bed,” I murmured as his hands moved from my waist under the front of my shirt to my breasts. I lay my head back against his shoulder, releasing a sigh as his fingers slid beneath my bra, caressing my nipples and filling my body with fire.

He kissed my neck, and I turned around slowly, finding his lips again as both our hands worked at our waists, unfastening buttons, lowering zippers. Two tugs and our shirts were off, and he reached out and grabbed me, lifting me up against his chest again. I reached back to remove my bra as my legs wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck.

For a moment, we simply looked into each others’ eyes. “You’ve had a pretty stressful night,” he said. “I’ll understand if you just want to sleep.”

I slid my fingers through his hair, allowing myself to acknowledge for the first time since Princeton, how much I loved him.

“I want you to fuck my brains out,” I smiled, leaning forward to nibble his lip.

He tilted his head up, quickly covering my mouth with his in a hungry kiss.

His lips moved to my jaw, tracing a burning line to my ear as he spoke. “I want to give you everything you want.” Then he laid me back on the bed. I only had a second to wonder when he caught my thighs and pulled me to his mouth. His large hands squeezed my breasts, taunting my nipples as he bit at the front of my thong.

“Ooo, yes,” I sighed, twisting with his touch. My eyes closed as my hips followed his movements, the tension in my pelvis growing with every expert touch. Finally, he slid his hands down my torso to my thong, which he removed. From there it was just his mouth kissing and pulling at my throbbing clit.

“Derek,” I hissed as two thick fingers slipped inside me. Again, I let out a high-pitched whimper. He increased the pace, thrusting with his fingers as he pulled with his mouth, circling his tongue over my most sensitive parts. All at once the orgasm burst through me, and I cried out, pushing against his mouth and then pulling back.

“I want you inside me,” I gasped, and he was up in an instant, dropping his shorts, revealing his massive cock. “Oh, please now.” I gasped, but he froze, looking around my bedroom.

“Do you have a condom?” his voice was desperate.

“No,” I gasped. His face fell, but I didn’t care. I caught his hips and pulled him to me. “I know… but nothing’s changed for me,” I whispered. “There’s been no one but you.”

He caught my chin, looking into my eyes. “There’s been no one but you,” he confirmed, covering my mouth with his, stoking the heat raging in my stomach.

He pushed inside my slippery-wet entrance, both of us moaning in satisfaction. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he growled against my neck, thrusting again deeper into me.

I nudged his shoulder, and he rolled onto his back, grasping my buttocks in both strong hands and lifting me up and down on top of him.

“I love that,” I sighed against his neck, savoring the sensation of him, hot and full, hitting me in all the right places. “I’ve missed you so much,” I gasped.

He groaned and lifted me faster, pounding me harder. I sat up and rocked my hips, rotating the angle so my clit got the full force of his thrusting. In seconds I was moaning and bucking. “Oh, god Derek, oh,” I cried.

He rolled us over again so he was back on top, and I reached above my head, gripping the headboard. His mouth dropped to my breasts, and he gently kissed then bit my nipples, pulling another desperate cry from my throat as I shot over the edge, shuddering as I came. He kept pushing through my spasming muscles until in two sharp thrusts he slammed a hand against the wall behind my bed. “Fuck,” he ground out as he went incredibly deep, coming hard and hot inside me.

He let out a few more ragged breaths, thrusting with each, and then he slowed, rolling us onto our sides, still buried between my legs. Little spasms continued pulsing through me, holding us together, and Derek hugged me tightly against his chest. My heart melted at the warmth of being surrounded in his arms, back in this wonderful place with him. With each gentle kiss to my forehead, my brow, my closed eyes, my love for him grew stronger.

We lay panting, holding each other for several long moments. It had been months since our last time, but nothing had changed. It was still as hot and breathtaking and beautiful as always. At last he slid out, holding me close in his arms and kissing my lips, gently parting them so our tongues could curl together. I smiled against his mouth, holding onto him, loving all of these pleasing sensations, basking in the afterglow of us together, reunited.

He rolled onto his back, pulling me against his chest and sliding his fingers down my back, tracing the lines in the way I loved.

“I missed you so much,” I whispered. “It was terrible to be apart for so long.”

He bent his elbow to place his hand under his head. “I felt the same way,” he said with an exhale. “Every day, I would stare out the windows for the longest time wondering where you were, what you were doing. If you were happy, if you had made up with him. If you even thought about me.”

My eyes grew damp, and I reached up to trace a finger down his perfect nose. “I did something very similar.”

He lifted his chin to kiss my fingertip. “You did?”

I nodded. “Only I took it a step further. I would to go your company website and gaze at your picture. You’re so handsome in that suit.”

He smiled and changed our position, rolling us over and looking deep into my eyes. “I was afraid I’d become obsessed,” he said softly. “Your blue eyes haunted me, and the way your voice cracks when you say my name when I’m inside you.”

A wave of pleasure rushed through me at his words. He kissed the little hollow where my collarbones came together. “I still have your necklace,” he said, lifting his head to look at my face again. “I hope you’ll take it back.”

BOOK: One to Hold
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