One to Keep (One to Hold) (27 page)

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Authors: Tia Louise

Tags: #hea, #romance, #steamy, #desert, #nonteen, #adult, #detective, #beach, #alpha, #military, #sexy

BOOK: One to Keep (One to Hold)
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Time, everything, seems to go into slow motion, and in a few moments, her cries are joined by the tiny howls of a baby. Tears flood my eyes as they lift him out, and we’re both crying. Kenny’s shaking, and everyone is exclaiming how beautiful he is.

“He’s here!” Kenny weeps, and I hug her close as they snuggle him to her breast.

“He’s here.” My voice is hoarse, and tears are all over my face.

I lean my head against hers, and we both gaze down at his little body, reaching and struggling. A halo of golden hair is on his little head, and what appear to be blue eyes wander around both our faces.

“He’s so beautiful,” Kenny whimpers, and we both lose it again. One of the nurses goes to the door, and Patrick is back with us. He’s on the other side of the bed, stretching his arms around Kenny and up to my shoulders, looking down at his little son.

“Check him out.” His voice is so warm. I blink back tears, watching him.

“Congratulations,” I say, and he leans across the bed to kiss me.

Our eyes hold each other’s for a moment, before he winks and leans back down to Kenny. “Look what you did,” he says in that funny voice of his.

She reaches up and hugs his neck. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

He laughs then. “It’s okay. I really wanted to get out of here anyway.”

“Labor kicks bee sting’s ass.”

He laughs, but I’m confused. “What?”

Just then the baby lets out a little noise, and we all snap to him. He’s reaching and nuzzling against Kenny’s breast, and she glances at both of us.

“Smart guy,” Patrick teases softly.

“Privacy please,” Kenny says, and we both step away—time to eat.

“He’s so perfect,” I said as Patrick and I cross to the other side of the room.

He signals to the door. “I want to sneak out and get Ken a little something… I don’t know what.”

“Get her a gold necklace with a little charm that has an emerald on it.”

His brow creases. “That’s very specific.”

“It’s the birthstone for May,” I say, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. “She’ll love it, now hurry.”

Strong arms go around my waist, and he scoops me up against him. “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

“Yes,” I laugh, kissing him. “And you just had a baby, so hurry back.”

He kisses me again harder and then dashes out the door. I only look after him a moment before turning back and crossing over to Kenny’s bed. She’s nursing the baby and gazing at him with so much love. I completely understand the feeling. He’s a glowing little bundle of sunshine.

“He looks just like Patrick,” she says, laughing.

I lean over. “With your beautiful blue eyes.” Our eyes meet and we smile together, but my heart is heavy. “Is your aunt on the way?”

At once, Kenny’s expression changes, and she looks down, pressing her lips together. She almost seems nervous.

“What’s wrong?” I glance around before I lean closer. Only one nurse is still in the room, and she doesn’t appear to be listening to us.

“Oh, Elaine,” Kenny whispers, “I never talked to her.”

“I don’t understand—”

“Aunt Laura’s not coming. I never talked to her about Peanut.”


“The baby! My dad’s going to kill me. Patrick’s going to… well, he thinks it’s all settled, but I never could do it. I never could get myself to call her.”

My heart actually feels a little better at her words. “Are you saying you want to keep him?”

She hesitates, looking down. “I don’t know how I could. He’s just so beautiful. I just… I couldn’t give him up like that.”

Her voice breaks, and my heart does as well. We both turn to his sweet little golden head. He’s sleeping now, and she hugs him to her breast. I lightly run my finger down his little cheek. With his eyes closed, he looks so contented. All I can think about is watching Patrick sleep this morning.

Tears are in Kenny’s blue eyes as she looks up at me again. “I wanted so many times to ask if maybe…” Pausing, she chews her lip. “But I know you hate me—”

“I don’t hate you!” I cry. Her eyes narrow, and I blink down. “Okay, this situation has been difficult for me. But it’s not a matter of hate. And the baby’s just as much Patrick’s as he is yours.”

“He’s so precious.” Her voice is full of warmth, and I nod, loving him already.

Trying for encouragement, I give her a nudge. “What did you want to ask so many times?”

Her eyes travel over my face, and I hope she sees my answer waiting there. “I thought about it so much, but I was sure you’d never consider it.”

“Consider what?”

“Would you and Patrick… want to keep him?”

My throat constricts, and tears flood my eyes again. Deep inside, I know nothing would be more right. “Is that something you could do?” I can’t imagine giving him up now that I’ve seen him.

She nods slowly. “Little boys need their daddies, and I know Patrick will be good with him. And you’re so smart and beautiful—”

“I love him already,” I say, hoping to put her mind at ease.

Her brow relaxes and she leans toward me. I hug her shoulders, petting the baby again. “And I could still see him sometimes? I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course, you’ll still see him!” I cry. “You’ll see him as much as you want. It’s the perfect solution!”

We both start to laugh through our tears, and she hands him to me. His body is tiny, but it’s sturdy. I hug him to my chest.

“You look so natural with him,” Kenny whispers. “I think… would you talk to Patrick about it? He loves you so much. I know he’ll say yes if you’re okay with it.”

I lean forward and kiss her head. “I’m pretty sure he’d say yes anyway, but I’ll talk to him. And you need to call me Lainey.”

Relief shines in her eyes. “Thank you, Lainey.”

Patrick enters the room, and his face instantly lines with confusion as he takes in the scene. “What’d I miss?” He leans over to check his little son, sleeping against my breast.

I step back and kiss his cheek. “I’ll tell you later. Did you get it?”

“This hospital’s gift shop is pretty impressive,” he says.

“They have a captive market.”

With a small flourish, he whips out a white box tied with a blue satin bow and steps to the bed. Kenny’s eyebrows rise. “What is it?”

“Open it,” Patrick says, grinning and moving behind me, putting his hands on both my shoulders.

We watch as Kenny pulls out the delicate golden necklace with a beautiful, heart-shaped emerald pendant. Tears are back in both our eyes as I hand Peanut to her and then fasten the gift around her neck.

“I love it!” Tears spill down her cheeks.

“Must be all the pregnancy hormones.” Patrick rubs the back of his neck.

“You did good,” I laugh, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my head on his shoulder.

A nurse enters with a clipboard, and Kenny looks up to me. “Would you take him?”

I step forward and lift his little body into my arms again unable to keep from smiling. Patrick comes behind me and puts his arms over mine, resting his chin on my shoulder. I kiss his cheek, noticing his expression has changed. He is

“What’s wrong?” A tinge of worry tightens in my stomach.

He lets out a little sigh. “It’s nothing. I guess I just… I didn’t think I’d like him so much. Seeing him like this, in your arms. I don’t want him to go away.”

I couldn’t have asked for a better opening. “How would you feel about us keeping him?”

His eyes flash to mine. “What about Aunt Laura—”

“I can explain it more later, but Kenny asked and well… I sort of already said we would.”

That gorgeous smile breaks across Patrick’s face just before he kisses me, smothering my delighted laugh.

A throat clearing softly then growing louder breaks us up. “Excuse me, guys?” We both turn to see Kenny squinting at us. “I’m all for the love, but I need to ask you about this.”

“What is it?” Patrick asks as we approach the bed.

“How would you feel about naming him Patrick Lane Knight?”

Tears and laughter seem to be the order of the day as we all agree. It’s perfect.

* * *

By unanimous decision, Lane spends the first several months with Kenny. He’s nursing, and she’s so in love with him. Even if it’s only temporary, and Patrick and I are dying to spoil him rotten, none of us can separate him from his mamma so soon.

Melissa is ecstatic that we’re keeping him. “Dex and Lane,” she announces over the phone. “Sounds like double trouble.”

“I can’t wait for you to see him.” I’m standing in the spare bedroom of our condo Patrick and I have transformed into a baby haven, complete with stuffed footballs, baseballs, giraffes, and all sorts of baby-boy toys. “He’s got bright blue eyes like Kenny, but everything else is pure Patrick.”

“I’m sure he’s gorgeous.”

I kiss her through the phone, ending our call.

“He’ll probably end up being an artist,” Patrick says, wrapping his arms around my waist as we survey the sports-themed baby room.

Placing my arms over his, I turn to kiss his cheek. “That would be amazing. The only thing that could possibly make you sexier is if you started painting.”

He smiles, rotating my body to face him. “Didn’t you see all the painting I was doing in here?”

I can’t help laughing, but Patrick covers my mouth with his, which leads to an intense make-out session and us back in our bed, rolling around, kissing and making cuddly love, as I call it now. Ever since we’ve become parents, our love-making had turned into as much touching each other and kissing and wonderment as anything. As if we’re suddenly aware what we’re doing could result in something as amazing as baby Lane. It’s only temporary. I know we’ll be back to situations possibly requiring bubblegum before long, but it’s very sweet.

Lying contented in Patrick’s arms, I run my finger down the line of his chest, kissing his skin and breathing in his warm, soap-laced guy-smell. “Everything’s changed,” I say, as he kisses the top of my head.

“Mmm.” His voice is sleepy. “What’s changed?”

I push up on an elbow, and hazel eyes meet mine. “I don’t mind anymore. Not at all. In fact, I’m so happy you got Kenny pregnant.” A little laugh slips out when I realize what I’ve just said. “I mean it. Lane is so perfect, and he looks so much like you. I can’t believe how much I love him.”

Patrick moves a strand of hair off my face, behind my ear. “I love you,” he says, and I lean forward to kiss his lips.

“I love you.” I feel the need to say it again. “And I love your baby boy.”

baby boy,” he corrects, rolling me onto my back. He kisses my neck, and his words are slightly muffled. “Did you say we were moving up the wedding date?”

I laugh as his kisses rise to behind my ear, his hand moving to my breast. A tingle of electricity flies straight between my legs as his thumb teases my nipple. “We haven’t even set a date yet.”

His mouth hovers just over mine. “Let’s fix that.”

Sliding my arms around his neck, I pull our lips together. “You say when, and I’ll take care of where.” Our mouths open and tongues meet.

His lips move to the corner of my mouth. “Tomorrow.”

His knee presses between my thighs, and I open them readily, arching my back and smiling. “Let’s pick a date we can actually keep.”

“Oh, god,” he groans as he pushes inside. He’s so sexy, I can’t help the lovely moan that rises from my throat.

“Tomorrow, please.” He bends down to pull a nipple into his mouth.

“Ooh, you’re crazy,” I gasp, pushing him onto his back and moving into our latest position, his arms wrapped around me, holding me close, my hands over his head, covering his mouth with kisses. My hips rock as pleasure tightens in my core.

We can spend the rest of the night debating dates and making love. It’s so much more than I ever dreamed I’d gain when I laid eyes on this man in a restaurant in the desert. Everything we’ve been through to get here seems worth it now. I have him and our baby and a new friend, and it’s all a beautiful treasure—one I’m happy to keep. Always.

~ The End ~

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