One Touch More (28 page)

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Authors: Mandy Baxter

BOOK: One Touch More
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“Straighten out the wheel. Then give it a little gas and let off. We'll see if we can rock you out.” Oh, he could rock her out all right. His good looks had to be an illusion. Like a reverse mirage brought on by the cold and snow. Livy's jaw went slack as she continued to stare. One brow arched curiously over his eye. “Ready?”
Huh? Ready for what? If it wouldn't have made her look insane, she'd have given herself a solid slap across the face. “Oh yeah. Right.” She hit the button on her armrest and lowered her window a crack. “I'm ready. Just say when.”
“Okay.” He braced his arms on the hood of the car. “Now.”
It took a moment for her brain to kick into gear. He was Atlas, and Livy knew that under the layers of clothes, there was a body that could easily shoulder the weight of the world. Why did it have to be the dead of winter when a hot guy rented the cabin next door? Mid-August would have been
much better. He paused and looked up, quirking a brow. Shit! Her boot slipped in her haste to hit the gas and the engine revved. “Sorry! I'm ready now.”
“Okay.” His eyes locked with hers and Livy's insides went molten. She hit the gas and the car rocked backward. “Again.”
He gave the car a solid shove and she eased her foot down on the accelerator. The snow gave way under the car and moved several feet back before rocking forward.
“One more and I think we've got it!”
He put all of his weight into the action and Livy stomped her foot down on the pedal. The car gained traction and backed out of the drift with little effort. Free of the deepest snow, she put the car in park and opened the door. “Thank you so much. I would have been screwed if you hadn't come out to help. I owe you. Big-time.”
“Big-time, huh?” Good Lord, that smile should've been illegal. “What do you have in mind?”
ZEBRA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
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Copyright © 2015 by Amanda Bonilla
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ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-3483-4
ISBN-10: 1-4201-3483-3
ISBN: 978-1-4201-3483-4

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