One Twisted Valentine

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Authors: T. Lee Alexis

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One Twisted Valentine


What Do You Give a Girl Who Has a Husband and a

The Ravenwood Circle


By T. Lee Alexis



One Twisted Valentine, The Ravenwood


T. Lee Alexis


Copyright © 2014 by Red Cover Stories
Publishing, All Rights Reserved


Smashwords Edition





No part of this book may be reproduced in any
form by any means without the express permission of the publisher.
This includes reprints, excerpts, photocopying, recording, or any
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please seek permission first by contacting us at

Published in the United States by Red Cover
Stories Publishing


Thank you, dear beta readers for all your gracious
considerations, eagle-eyed reading and valuable thoughts on this
story. This goes especially for Sheila Gallagher, Stephen Rudolph
and the wonderfully naughty women (and a few men) of the Naughty
Book Club group on Facebook.

As the saying goes, the improvements are theirs, the
mistakes are all my own.



Other Stories by T. Lee Alexis

To be the first to hear about T. Lee Alexis’
new stories and a complete listing of what she’s done, sign up for
her newsletter at
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Stories from The Ravenwood Circle


When Eva and Peter Ravenwood decided to explore the
wider world of love and lust, of sensual taboos and shocking
satisfactions, they had no idea the effect they would have on
friends, lovers and acquaintances. Soon, everyone in the Ravenwood
Circle will feel the ripples of their fateful, fearless choice.


Story 1: Marriage Counseling from a Stripper Pole

Story 2: Married Couple Seeks Girlfriend

Story 3: Devil On My Shoulder

Story 4: The Wicked Witch of West Garland Street

Story 5: One Twisted Valentine

Story 6: The Divorce Party (Coming Soon)

Story 7: Revenge Finds Candace Bitch (Coming


Stories from The Hedonists of Hollywood


A thinly veiled series telling the ‘real’ stories
behind the public images of Hollywood’s richest, most famous and
most depraved men and women in the most decadent city on Earth, as
told by a man and woman at the dangerous center of it all. As
shocking, arousing and astounding as your wildest fantasies.

Story 1: Playboys of the Caribbean (Coming Soon)

Story 2: I Kissed a Girl (and Her Husband) (Coming

Story 3: Mr. and Mrs. Jones – The Real Story of Bret
and Angelica (Coming Soon)

Story 4: In the Closet of Todd Cruz (Coming Soon)

Story 5: I’m Whitney, Bitch (Coming Soon)

Story 6: Chip Browne and Rhiannon (Coming Soon)

Previously in The Ravenwood Circle

Once, the Ravenwood Circle held just two: Eva
Ravenwood and her husband Peter.

Lost in a colorless marriage, crushed under the
pressures of the world around her, Eva wonders if her worst
nightmare is coming true. Her union to Peter, created to protect
and nurture their love for the rest of their days, is beginning to
harden and fray.

Then, one day, Eva glimpses the path out through the
haze of a horrible shock. Realizing she’s fantasizing more about
the bartender at the restaurant she and Peter own than she is for
her own husband, Eva and Peter are pushed to confront where they
went wrong. In the dawn of the day after, they realize their bonds
can endure even as they expand the boundaries of their love and
lust. Together, they vow to explore the men and the women, the
surprises and the taboos of a sexual life outside the steel borders
of traditional marriage.

The radiating effect this single decision would end
up having on their friends, co-workers, acquaintances and family
members was something they could never have predicted as the
influence of the Ravenwood Circle rippled out from the two at its

Will it work? Will Eva and Peter find their exciting
and lustful cure is worse than the disease? When all is said and
over, will Eva and Peter Ravenwood have anything left of the life
they began as husband and wife?


- In This Tale -

In December, Brooke was a stranger to Eva and Peter.
Then, over one wondrous evening of magic and hope, of arousal and
surrender, Brooke was welcomed into their lives and into their

Brooke was not in their marriage, but she was not out
of it either. That’s why as Valentine’s Day approached and the
tender affair between Brooke, Eva and Peter twisted in new ways,
Eva hatches a plan for some scandalous role-playing.

With their fun set in motion, Eva will soon find
herself surprised and what this dance of three will soon reveal
about her marriage, and herself.


Table of Contents

Other Stories by T. Lee Alexis

Previously on The Ravenwood

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Bonus Preview – Devil on My Shoulder

About T. Lee Alexis

Say Hello to T. Lee Alexis

Let us know what you think

Other Red Cover Stories and Authors



Chapter 1

Eva checked her watch, crossing her legs to take the
edge off her excitement. The last hour of the workday felt like it
was taking weeks.

The images running through her mind as she
contemplated her coming Valentine’s Day dinner made her want to
lock her office door, slip one hand into her panties to massage her
clit and her other into her top to pull at her nipples. She knew in
a few brief, wonderful moments a glorious relief would washed over
her and this sharp, pleasant tension between her thighs would be

She held off. Not because she was a good girl and not
because she had never taken the edge off in her office, but because
what was coming was so deliciously warped, so hot and naughty she
didn’t want to ruin it.

As the ornate clock on her desk drifted past 5:30,
Eva realized Peter had probably already arrived at Brooke’s
apartment. What they were doing now sent another heartbeat pulse to
her clit and for a moment Eva felt almost queasy from the lust.

The coming evening was so wicked and twisted, Eva
almost wished someone in her gym or church or office knew what was
happening. She wanted to watch their face turn, their eyes pop and
their view of her do a back flip as they learned just what she was
doing, just what Peter was doing, and just who Brooke was.

On paper, it was insane. It fired a compulsion she
could not fully understand. She wasn’t even sure Peter or Brooke
understood just what she enjoyed about the scenario. In truth, Eva
wasn’t sure she knew herself. Somehow, that’s what she loved

Like more couples than most would assume, in the last
year Eva and Peter had begun to explore the idea of bringing people
into their lives to share wonderful and taboo pleasures. Eva knew
she was bi for years, but only recently had she and Peter begun to
seek out partners to share.

It had taken months of looking at bars, posting on
Craigslist, digging into some of the edgier dating sites on the
web. But a few weeks before Christmas, Eva and Peter found the
perfect girl for them: Brooke.

Thinking back about that evening as she tried to tamp
down her excitement about Valentine’s Day was a mistake. What began
as a wine and steak dinner between a wife, a husband and a new
friend ended in a posh hotel room high above Chicago with Eva and
Brooke licking and kissing and sucking each other to trembling
climaxes and Peter proving again why she loved him so damn much by
satisfying her and their new lover-girl with his magnificent cock.
Looking back, it was one of those very few, perfect nights in a
person’s life--satisfying, fun, sweet and loving. In her mind, the
evening had been set in amber, frozen and perfect and never to
change, so Eva could take it out and admire it whenever she wanted
for the rest of her days.

But tonight had the potential to top it. Tonight was
a thousand times more twisted. Even now, after everything had been
set in motion, Eva wasn’t sure just how the night would play out
across her heart.

In the weeks since their first tryst, they had seen
Brooke more and more. Each time a little more shyness fell away, a
little more comfort grew, a little more vulnerability was shared.
With each new intimacy the inhibitions dissolved.

Eva had taught herself to be careful where and when
she thought about this new three-sided affair. She had not always
been so careful. The week after their third encounter, Eva was in a
conference room at a strategic planning meeting when a lurid image
jetted up through her thoughts.

The sound came to her mind first. High pitched,
squealing grunts coming in perfect timing and a low banging sound
on the same rhythm. Brooke was standing in their bedroom the first
night Eva and Peter had invited her to their home. Her hands were
on the wide window facing the back yard, her forehead was resting
on the glass and her ass hiked up high. She was naked, a sheen of
sweat covering her body.

Behind her, Peter had his strong hands clamped to the
flesh of her ass, her beautiful softness bulging slightly between
his fingers. He was sliding his thick shaft out of her, pausing for
just a brief moment, then pushing back in to the hilt. With each
cycle, her head would press against the glass, making the frame
bang quietly and her voice erupt in an animal squeal.

Eva drank it all in from between Brooke’s thighs. On
her knees in front of their lover, her tongue and fingers shifted
Brooke’s clit back and forth as Peter fucked her. She slid her
fingers up Brooke’s thighs, interlacing hers with Peter’s even as
he still held Brooke where he wanted her. Their fingers brushed and
held, like two lovers holding hands on a park bench, as they drew
Brooke’s screaming orgasm from her.

Eva remembered all of this and in a blink realized
she had missed ten minutes of the meeting.
I’ll have to be
careful from here on,
Eva realized.

Since beginning their … relationship…? with Brooke,
Eva was surprised at how much it resembled regular dating. One of
the first things Eva ever learned about sex was it usually got
better the more times you had it with the same person. This was no

Through their sessions, Peter and Eva got to know
Brooke, her likes, desires and quirks. Each time Brooke left, Eva
was thrilled to rediscover fucking another woman didn’t dull
Peter’s appetite for her. In fact, it fanned his greed for her. It
had gotten to the point Eva almost wanted the post-threesome sex
more than the threesomes themselves. But on reflection, the last
few weeks had given Eva more sexual gratification than she had ever
had the right to expect.

The experience had also given a gift which lingered
in every aspect of her life, one Eva could never have imagined
before threesomes became a regular feature in her life. In the
afterglow, she was more secure, more happy, more satisfied now that
Peter regularly tasted Brooke’s charms as well as her own.

That was the germ of Eva’s twisted scenario. She
floated it with Brooke first.

“What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?” Eva texted
her one day.

“My laundry probably, LOL,” Brooke responded. “What
about you and P?”

“I was hoping we could have you,” Eva replied. In the
silence, waiting for Brooke to respond, Eva felt a pang of worry.
What if it was too weird to bring her in on a day to celebrate true
love? Would it seem stalkery? The fear vanished with Brooke’s next

“I would love to be with you two. To be honest I was
hoping we could, but I didn’t want to impose.”

“Nonsense. I want you with us,” Eva texted. “I’ll
call you in a sec. I have an idea.”

When she did call, Brooke loved every single thing
about Eva’s scenario.

“Oh, my God, that’s kinky. Jesus, that is good. I
love it,” Brooke said when Eva finished. “But are you sure? I would
hate to damage… what we have. I mean, I’ll do it, but I want to
make sure it’s what you want.”

“Definitely,” Eva said. “I don’t know what it is, but
something about it is just so… Yum. Seems like an interesting way
to switch things up.”

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