Only for Her (7 page)

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Authors: Cristin Harber

Tags: #tuebl

BOOK: Only for Her
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There’s a shuffling noise on the other end of the phone. “I hate that you’re forcing my hand.”

But the door opens.

Emma Kingsley

More beautiful than when I last saw her. My throat squeezes, and my pulse pounds in my neck, my temple. Fuck me… just… fuck me. Gorgeous. “Ems.”

Her eyelashes flutter, and color rises to her cheeks. Her blond hair is wild. It’s longer and fuller than I remember, and my palms itch to run over it. I step closer. She doesn’t move, doesn’t invite me in. Just stares like a wide-eyed beauty.

Here we are. Neither moving. I’m not breathing, and she might not be either. It’s intense. Thick tension pushes us together, but as the seconds tick by, we don’t move.

“Are you going to let me in?”

“I’m not sure.” She blinks slowly but then rushes forward, falling into my arms. She wraps around me, a sob escaping her lips, which are pressed against my neck. “Oh my God. I missed you.”

We’re locked together. My skin tingles where her mouth brushed it. Her shampoo and faint perfume tease my nose. Her back, her hips, the way she hugs, it feels familiarly perfect. I breathe as I haven’t before. As if I haven’t been capable of taking in a deep enough or strong enough breath. Nothing’s felt right since the moment I left her. Three years of unsettledness gone in a hug. “I’m home.”

“Home.” She nods against me, sweetly, innocently rubbing her body against mine.

Sweet mother of friction, her moves do good things to me. “Yeah.”

Home in her arms has nothing to do with where we stand. This is where I’m meant to be, holding the girl I should never have left. She sobs, and I hold her tighter. My side wound aches, and I couldn’t care less. Nothing would stop me from holding her. There was never a second that I didn’t love her. She’s my everything.

I drop my chin. My lips touch the top of her head and press. It’s not a kiss. More of a claim. This woman is mine. I’ll beg and plead, do whatever it takes. I’ve been a dead man walking for years, hurting and hardened, looking for an outlet and suffocating on my mistakes. I’ve been wrong. Been scared. Been a motherfuckin’ fool. The answer to my problems has always been right here, with her.

“Baby.” I stroke her hair.

She holds me tighter. “You feel… different.”

I’ve packed on weight, filled out. I’m definitely bigger and stronger than when she saw me last. I let go and step past her. Her eyes watch me take in the barren room. Time has passed, but there’s heat coming from her. Need. Want. Arousal. Whatever it is, it’s thick between us.

“Wow. So. You’re—” Her gaze lingers on my shoulders then my chest. “Like G.I. Joe or something.”

A grin tugs on my cheeks. Shit knows I haven’t smiled for a long time. “Or something.”

Because what am I anymore? I’m not Army. My time was up after I was released from Walter Reed, and I didn’t want to go back. Maybe I can do something different. Maybe I can figure it out as I go.

I focus on what’s in front of me. The girl I’m never leaving again, her sparse furniture, and cardboard boxes. She’s all alone, and I can’t stay away. The need to take her mouth and have her body kills me. But more than that, I’d die to know what she thinks.

“What are you thinking?” she asks, her voice hesitant.

“Just wondering the same about you.” I leave out the part about her rockin’ body making me think dirty things. That’s nothing that I’m going to let her in on yet. “You did just move in.”

She fidgets. Her eyes catch mine and jump away. “Yeah, not all our, my stuff is here. It’s just boxes.”

“You look uncertain.”

She bites her lip. “I’m a million things. Maybe nervous.”

“Don’t be.” I catch her hand and study her. Her obvious unease fades. “Missed you, Ems.” My heart beats faster. This feels right.

She stares up through her eyelashes. “Maybe there’s more.” Tension envelops us, and I drag my thumb over her knuckles. “I’m just caught off guard.”

“More?” I step closer. My boots sound heavy on her barren wood floors as I erase the inches between us. There’s a tightness in my chest and a need in my blood. I’m starved for Emma, so hungry that it makes me lose my mind. I came here to win her heart, not jump in her pants, but my mouth’s watering like a starved addict’s. Everything I’d remember is back, but a thousand times stronger than I imagine. One thing is clear: we’ve never been over.

“I can’t explain it.” Her lips part as she retreats, backing into the wall. The quiet thud echoes around us. “It’s just you.”

Her breasts rise and fall behind a shirt that molds to her curves. She’s sexy, sultry, and sweet. I swear to Christ she does it without even trying. My cock’s throbbing. The only girl I’ve ever wanted is this one.

“Can’t believe you’re here, Gray.” Arousal coats her voice, urging me on.

“Feels like I never left.”

“I know.” She’s breathy and quiet, but an intense fever lights her perfect brown eyes.

A scrap of space remain between us, and she presses her palms flat against my stomach. It’s soft, not to stop me but to feel me. My head falls back. I take that second to own her touch, memorize the heavy power she holds over me, and I pray that I have whatever it takes to win her back. I need more than the carnal, primitive, possessive explosion that’s happening this second. I need Emma in order to survive. I need Emma as mine.

“Baby, say back away if you’ve got some reason to stop. I have to hear the words because what your face says… ”

Her cheeks flush pinker. With parted lips and wild eyes, her head tilts back. “Please,” she whispers.

The slope of her neck screams for my lips. “You can say no, Ems, if you don’t want me with you tonight. But I’m giving you everything I have inside me, making up for every second apart.”

An audible breath heaves from her lips. I cage her with myself, against the wall, and give her a slip of space. She has two choices: duck and run or hang on tight. It’s all her call. Until I start. Then I’m never stopping.

“Grayson.” Tiny gasps mix with my name. Her fingertips flex, her fingernails digging into my abdomen, then her hands roughly crawl up my torso and clasp around my neck. “Don’t you dare leave me like that again.” Her face is harsh, then she softens.

“Baby.” My hands meet her waist, grasp her sides. I feel her breathing like me. Uneven in cadence and choking on our tension. I touch my lips to her temple, and she quietly gasps, writhing against me. I trail to her ear. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Our foreheads touch. It’s partly sweet but mixed with a needy hunger.

“But…” she whispers.

“Don’t forgive me now.” I drag my lips down her neck. “Later, yeah. Now, no. Just let us happen.”

She nods against my face. I hug her tight then lift her up, heading for the lone couch.

Her eyes close. “There’s so much to… catch up on.”

There’s fear in her voice. All I know to do is hang on. I swallow her up, and when I drop to the couch, she fits in my lap as though she’s supposed to be there. My nose is in her hair, my arms wrapped around her.

“Look at me.”

“No. I don’t trust myself to.” She shakes her head. Silk strands of her hair tease my cheek, but her gaze isn’t on me. “You show up, and we end up in bed. What kind of girl does that make me?”

Easiest answer I’ve had to give all night. “It makes you mine.”

Her eyes flit to mine.

“Not a day went by I didn’t hate myself for what I did. Not a day I didn’t think you weren’t better off without me. I watched every man I served with bleed out. My unit was decimated. I was shot, bleeding out. Dying. And I begged God—
to get this moment with you.”

Tears brim in her eyes. “I want to hate you—”

“I’ll get us through that.”

“I want to hate you…” The tears fall, slipping down her cheeks. “Because I still love you.”

Fuck me, my heart squeezes. Everything in my soul hurts. “Emma.”

I’m going to die if I can’t get closer. Her lashes are tear-dampened, her gaze unsure.

My thumbs move over her cheeks. “I’ve always loved you, and that’s why this will work.”



Emma’s tongue runs along her pink, full lips. I remember them all over me. We had years of friendship but not nearly enough time after things heated up. We’re older. Wiser. With experience on our side. I need her and whatever she’ll give me because, eventually, it will be all of her again.

“Before, I should have taken better care of you. I promise I will now.” I guide her mouth to mine. Our lips touch. Good God, she’s so sweet. My tongue slides to her, making me groan when she opens for me.

Her hands wrap around my shoulders, and she repositions to straddle me on the couch. Our breaths are choppy. Her legs press against my sides, and the wound hurts where her knee digs in. I don’t care. The pain, the certainty of her riding my cock, makes my body hum.

“Missed you.” She’s kissing and biting.

Those damn teeth come out when I’m not expecting it. Her hips flex, rubbing the V of her legs against my erection. There’s something more sensual about how she moves now, something practiced. I’m intoxicated with her sway, her confidence, and I’m drunk on her kiss.

Emma pulls at my T-shirt. I break us apart and tear it over my head. Anything to give her free rein, to feel her—

“Oh my God, Grayson.”

My bandage. Reality check. Not sexy, not even in the least. Eight-by-eight inches of gauze and tape. It’s not even needed at this point, but it keeps my shirt from rubbing the fresh scar.

“Was I hurting you?”

“Didn’t notice.”

“Liar,” she whispers.

Her face has always been her tell. She’s changing, reacting. Memories bubble inside me, and I’m reminded of the night Pops walked in. Her face had changed then too. But then, it was… fear, disgust, humiliation? Now it’s… hell, I don’t know what it is. “Emma?”

She looks at my side then trails her eyes over my stomach, up my chest and arms, over the tattoos that weren’t there before, the bulk and definition I’ve put on over the years, and lands on my face. “Tell me the truth, you’re okay?”

“Baby,” I growl, “I can’t think of a single thing that’d keep me from sliding into you.”

Her mouth pops open. Three years have passed, and I guess no one’s said a dirty word to her. I’ll ease her into it, make her wet for it. Her high school crush is gone. I’ve been replaced by a broken soldier.

Emma’s mouth closes into a slight smile, and I know she likes it. Her gaze drops again and retraces the same path—bandage, abs, chest, and tattoos—finally landing on my lips. Carefully, she leans forward, as if she’s scared to hurt me, and brushes her lips against mine. Shivers roll down my back. Her kiss is light at first. Delicate. Caring. Then it’s stronger, trailing down my chin, down my neck. I groan and roll my hips.

Her tongue glides down to my collarbone, her teeth scratching.

“Christ, Emma.”

She slides off my lap, pushing between my knees. I can guess a million ways this could go, but there’s not a chance in hell that during our first time back together, she’ll end up with me in her mouth. This has to be unquestionably, unconditionally about her.

I expect her hands to land on my belt, but they don’t. She moves toward the bandage, kissing my skin, smoothing her fingers over the ripples in my abs.

Chastely, she places kisses on the edges of the bandage then looks up. “I mourned your death.”

My eyes sink shut. I hurt that she hurt. “Emma…”

“I never wanted you in pain.”

No. Not this conversation again. “Off your knees and in my lap. Come here.”

Half a second passes before I take her hand and tug her up. She settles against my hard-on and her arms rise above her head, locking me in a permissive gaze.

I slip her shirt over her head. Full breasts, creamy skin. “My beautiful girl.”

A blush hits her cheeks again. “I’ve always been yours.”

Shit. I’m done for, and I drop us to lie on the couch. Her hair spreads on the cushions, a blond halo for my angel, my savior. How did I let this go? I hold myself against her, stomach to stomach, chest to chest. I’m falling for her all over again.

Our tongues lash together, and I kiss her deep. Emma claws my back. My fingers trace up her side to massage her breasts, rubbing her nipples through the lace. With a slide of my hand, I remove her bra and dip my mouth. The harder I suck, the louder she gets and the more she thrashes.

“God, Gray.” There’s a desperate need in her voice that I feel too.

Enough permission granted to push forward, I tug down her pants. “How are you even prettier than before?”

“That’s a good line.”

“No, baby.” My hands tease over her hips to skim the silk of her panties. “Do you think after everything I’ve said, I’d drop some line that wasn’t true?”

“I… don’t know.”

My hand cups between her legs, and she groans.

“God, I can’t think.” She’s breathy and drags out her words.

I slip my fingers alongside the fabric. She’s wet, and I’m deliriously hard. I swear I’m going to rip the silk off and sink into her. She’s ready enough I could. My finger slides against her, and she meets my touch, rolling her hips and rubbing hard as she watches me.

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