Only in Her Dreams (28 page)

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Authors: Christina McKnight

BOOK: Only in Her Dreams
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Feet scraped along the wooden floor slowing their departure as Greg fought to shake off Alexander’s grip. When the door closed firmly behind the pair, Darius turned his attention back to Lucessa and Sandy. Tingles shot down Lucessa’s spine at his intense stare.

“Now ladies, whatever shall we do to occupy our time?”

Lucessa pushed her back further into the armchair.
Maybe they’ll forget I’m here.

Sandy’s longing gaze settled on Darius, but his eyes continued to examine Lucessa.

“I’m exhausted. I’m going to try and get some sleep.”
Surely he’ll leave me alone if he thinks I’m sleeping.

“That sounds like a marvelous idea,” Darius purred. “Why don’t you join me in bed?”

Lucessa looked at everything but the man waiting for her answer.

“A joke, Lucessa. I wouldn’t dream of harming one hair on your head.” He turned to Sandy. “Is everything to your liking, dear?”


Chapter 37


Maxim hadn’t spent this much time with his brother since they’d met, and he was running out of ways to contain him. They were both ready to rush out and scour the city for Lucessa, but if his twin sought to hide, they wouldn’t find him.

Marie appeared ready to pass out where she sat. She’d had a long day including the stress of her returning memories.

“You should rest,” Maxim said to her.

“I think I will, just for a bit,” Marie commented. “Please wake me if you hear anything.”

“I will, my love,” Guy answered affectionately.

“There is a guest room on the second floor. First door on the left,” Maxim said as Marie left the room.

His brother seemed to notice his brooding mood and his empty wine glass. “Refill, Maxim?”

“Yes.” Maxim held his glass out and his brother filled it. The blood red liquid flowed smoothly from the bottle to his goblet without a drop landing on the table in front of them.

He hadn’t seen his brother in this light, ever. With no servant around to cook or pour wine for him. The leader of Erebos serving
was completely unnatural, and Maxim felt another pang of guilt.

Guy was a leader.

Maxim was his servant. It was Maxim’s responsibility to pour his brother’s wine if another wasn’t around to help.

“What’s on your mind?”

The question startled Maxim. “Just how much I robbed you and your family of. All because I was a selfish coward.” Maxim head hung over his glass.

“Robbed me? I had many great years with Marie and eight wonderful years with Lucessa. Marie and I both knew one day my duty would call me back to Erebos.”

“I should’ve stepped up and taken charge. Or at least tried to reason with Darius before I sought your help, but I was scared.”

“Scared for what, Maxim? Yourself or our people?”

“Mostly our people, but I’d be lying if I said I only worried about them,” Maxim paused. “I was scared for myself but also everyone on Earth. I know firsthand how cruel Darius can be.”

“You sought me out for all the right reasons. I have long trusted you, Maxim.”

“Trust? Me? You’ve questioned every action I’ve taken since you returned to Erebos.”

“Yes, but I trusted you with what meant the most to me. A secret that no one in Erebos could ever know, lest they use it against me. My family.”

“But Darius found her.”

“He did, but not because of anything you did. Marie and I knew the day would come when Lucessa could--and would--be used against me, we were prepared for this.” His hand came up to brush along his stubbly chin. “But we always assumed I’d be there to thwart their attempts.”

“I should’ve been here. I was supposed to protect her!”

“Not all things can be prevented, Maxim.”

 Maxim exhaled the breath he didn’t realize he held. “I let you down. After everything you gave up to help me. I should have been more diligent.”

“If this is anyone’s fault, it is my own. I banished Darius and his Melas Oneiroi to Earth, without a thought for my family’s well being,” Guy said. “It is I who has failed you, Erebos and my family.”

How can his brother think that any of this is his fault?

“Now, we can only hope to meet Darius’s demands.”

A heavy rap on the door drew their attention to the entryway. Their eyes met quickly, assessing the knock.

“Finally!” Maxim whispered. The time had come to face his brother. “You wait here. If there is more than one Melas it is dangerous for you to be seen.”

Maxim started down the hallway, Guy’s footstep close behind him.

“I told you to wait in the living room!” Maxim turned to face his brother.

“This is my daughter’s life that’s in jeopardy,” Guy exploded back. “I love her and I must do what I can to make sure she is okay.”

“I love her just as much as you!” Maxim shouted.

Both men froze. Maxim because he realized what he’d said was true--true to his core. Guy because, well, probably because he was going to kill Maxim before they even made it to the front door. They stared, as if daring each other to make the first move.

The sound of soft footsteps coming down the stairs had both men looking up to see Marie, hair tangled and slept on.

Another loud knock sounded on the door.

Maxim started for it again, with Guy hot on his heels. Marie wasn’t far behind, her bare feet padding along the hard wood floor.
Great! Let’s announce to every Melas Guy’s presence on Earth.

“Please stay back. We have no idea what is waiting on the other side of that door.” This time Maxim directed his plea in Marie’s direction. His brother was too thick headed to think about his own safety. But next to Lucessa, Marie’s safety was of utmost importance to Guy.

“Open the damn door! I can hear you talking, Maxim.” Greg’s voice sounded muffled.

“Who in the hell is that?” Guy asked.

“Lucessa’s husband, Greg.”
The bastard better be alone...and have a good reason for selling Lucessa out.

“That bastard,” Guy growled.

“My thoughts exactly.” Maxim took the last few step to the door, threw the lock, and eased it open. Greg stood, alone, on the front porch, over his shoulder a car sped away. “Are you alone?”

Greg pushed his way through the door, knocking Maxim off balance. Guy sprang into action, throwing the door shut, pinning Greg up against the closed door.

“Who the fuck are you?” Greg managed to squeak out before his air supply was cut off. Guy’s thick arm pressed across his throat.

“Your worst nightmare, you bastard.”

Recognition flared in Greg’s eyes. “Guy Sarcona?!” His voice was full of both shock and awe.

“Guy, let the boy talk or we’ll never get our Lucessa back.”

Greg’s head whipped around in the direction of the feminine voice. His mouth dropped open. “What the...”

“Where is my daughter?” Guy asked.

From his vantage point on the floor, Maxim saw spittle fly through the air landing on Greg’s face.

“She’s with Darius.”

Guy pulled his fist back, ready to land a solid hit to the man’s face.

“She’s safe, I swear!” Greg shouted, throwing up his hands to block the attack.

Maxim picked himself up off the floor and stood next to his brother. “Where is she?”

“I don’t know,” Greg said.

This time Maxim raised his fist.

“They had me blindfolded both ways. I swear!”

Is he telling the truth or covering his own ass?

“Let the man go!”

At her outburst, all three men looked in Marie’s direction.

Guy’s hold on Greg loosened and he slid to the floor coughing and gasping.

“Well?” Maxim asked, his patience wearing.

“Speak!” Guy commanded.

Breathing heavily, Greg dug in his pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. “I was give you this...and return with your answer.”

Guy grabbed the note and turned away from Maxim and Greg, moving to stand by Marie to open the note.

Maxim watched as his brother read the message, his face remained impassive.

“What does he want?”

“Exactly what we suspected.”

“Erebos?” Maxim asked. Heaviness settled in his gut.

“You guys are crazy!” Greg burst. “All your talk about other worlds. You’re all out of your mind!”

“And what happens to us?”

“He doesn’t say,” Guy said, rubbing his forehead.

“How did I get mixed up in this crazy bullshit? Your whole family is nuts!” Greg’s arms waved to and fro, giving
the appearance of being the crazy one.

Guy took two long strides, lifted his knee and cracked Greg in the face where he sat on the floor. Blood poured from his nose and a moan escaped his mouth. “That’s my family you’re talking about! Hold your tongue.”

“Okay boys, that’s enough,” said Marie. “Let’s take this to the living room. And don’t bleed on Lucessa’s lovely couch.” She turned her pointed glare at Greg.

How in the hell is she taking this so well?
Maxim was about to explode, his blood sped faster through his veins at the image of Darius with Lucessa. The thought that he loved her, more than the people of Erebos, was shocking. He was raised knowing he’d live a life in the service of Erebos’ people. He was resigned to that fact, and just because he loved Lucessa didn’t mean he could have her as his own.

No, his duties lie in Erebos and his loyalty to Guy. Not a wife and family. Never.

He only had to look at the suffering Guy had lived with to know he couldn’t put Lucessa through that. He wasn’t sure he could live through it, either.

Guy escorted Marie to the living room and Maxim followed in their wake. At this point, Maxim didn’t care what became of Greg, he could stand and walk out the door and none of them would care, as long as he didn’t show his face again. It’d be better that way.

Marie took her seat on the couch, while Maxim and Guy paced the length of the room.

“Read the message to me,” Maxim said.

“I have the girl. Hand over Erebos and she lives.” Guy re-folded the paper.

“That’s it?” Marie asked.


“Our brother is not a man of many words,” Maxim chuckled. The situation was serious, but he couldn’t help himself, it was so like his brother to send this short message--with zero details.

“I’m supposed to take your reply back.” Greg entered the room, a kitchen towel pressed to his once again broken and bleeding nose.

“And what if we say no?” Guy’s gaze bore holes into the bloodied man.

“Simple. He kills us all.”

“Who is ‘us’? You and Lucessa?” Maxim stopped his pacing in front of Greg.

“Yes, and one other.”

“Who? The other woman Darius is holding?” Guy asked.


The man was being evasive. “Do you not realize that I could kill you right here?”

“Yes, but then you’ll have no way of getting your message back to Darius.”

The man knew his worth.

“We should kill you now for betraying Lucessa, not once but twice.”

“I’m not stupid, I know what’s going to happen to me. Darius will kill me if I flee without bringing back your answer, you may kill me for all I’ve done to Lucessa, or I can bring your response back to him and he may very well still kill me,” Greg sighed, staring at his feet. “If I thought I had any shot of living through this, I’d do what I had to do, to live. Right now, that is bringing your answer back to Darius.” He stood, finally looking up at them with his palms up in a what-can-I-do gesture.

“Who’s the other woman?” Guy asked, again. He stood with his hands on his hips, all of his attention directed at Greg and his answer.

“Another doctor from Uganda. She runs the clinic there.”

“Why is she here?”

“She was with me when the men came.”

Something didn’t ring true about Greg’s story. “So...” he prompted the man to continue.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face and down his neck. His eyes moved between the three, as if looking for a sympathetic face. He would find none here. “She’s my girlfriend, or
, all right?”

“But, you’re married to my daughter,” Marie’s innocent voice chimed in.

“Marie, I must apologize for this. It was my responsibility to keep an eye on Lucessa and I neglected my duty. I did nothing to prevent her from marrying this piece of shit, excuse my language.”

“You’re excused.”

Maxim expected to see a look of disgust and disappointment in Marie’s eyes, but they held none, only understanding. “I’m sorry.”

“I cannot blame you, Maxim,” her lips parted in a sweet smile, Lucessa’s smile. “Lucessa made her own decision, just as I made the decision to be with Guy, knowing one day he would have to leave me.”

Maxim fixed his hardened stare on Greg once more. “What do you mean
your girlfriend?”

Greg narrowed his stance, bringing his feet together. “Your brother seduced her. She won’t even look at me now.”

“Paybacks a bitch.” Maxim mumbled.

“Let me make one thing clear,” Greg piped in. “I never had any plan to return to the States. Sandy and I worked everything out perfectly, the disease, the death and the body.”

“Shut up!” Guy and Maxim shouted in unison, neither bothered to look at Greg, their eyes trained on Marie.

“Love is a unique and special thing. When it hits, you must submit to it. As my grandmother used to say, ‘Life is like a know great love you must also know great sorrow and pain.’ Life must have balance.” Marie never took her eyes off Guy. Maxim knew her words were to him, to let Guy know she forgave him for choosing Erebos over her and Lucessa.
Was there ever a doubt in my brother’s mind that all was forgiven?

Connection and love passed between the two so apparent the air in the room sizzled with electricity.
Why had Guy ever given up this to help me?
Maxim doubted he’d ever be able to give up a love like Guy and Marie’s.

“Hello! I’m still here. What do you want me to tell the nut job waiting for me?” Greg flung his bloodied towel across the room catching Maxim on the shoulder. “Darius gave his coon directions to drive around the block until I come out.”

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