Only Today Part 1

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Authors: Erica Storm

Tags: #BWWM African American erotic romance, #Multicultural erotica fiction, #fiction contemporary romance erotica, #Fiction erotica romance, #Erotic romance

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Only Today

Part 1

By Erica Storm

Copyright 2015 by Erica Storm


Copyright © 2015 by Erica Storm

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No reproduction of this book part or whole is permitted. This book should not be scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the author’s permission.

Also by Erica Storm

The Billionaire and the Brat

The Billionaire and the Brat (Part 1)

What the Heart Desires

What The Heart Desires

Table of Contents

Copyright Page

Copyright Page

Also By Erica Storm

Chapter 1: Lilly

Chapter 2: Lilly

Chapter 3: Anthony

Chapter 4: Lilly

Chapter 1: Carlson | One Night

Books by Erica Storm | BWWM Erotica Romance

General Erotica

Further Reading: BWWM Interracial Box Set

Chapter 1: Lilly

t was a beautiful wedding. We were married in his seaside estate in Long Island, New York. My mother cried, my father cried, his family weren’t there because his mother and father had long died, and the rest of the family didn’t show or care, but there were plenty of friends who came to see who the bride and groom had married.

You see I’m young, black, and penniless, and he’s white in this thirties and rich as all out doors.

My friend Tammy said, “Where did you find that good looking hunk of a man and he’s white too. I could stay in bed with him and never come up for air if you know what I mean. Last thing I remember you were going out with that black dude, what’s his name?”

“I don’t know who you’re talking about?”

“You know,” and she snapped her finger, “The one who wouldn’t take no for an answer. The one who put you out of his car because you wouldn’t give him some, and you had to walk a mile back home in the dark. You know how dark those country roads are.” There are somethings you want to leave behind when you are starting a new life. And you don’t want nosy and talkative friends reminding you of your bad choices.

And she gave me a wink and a full tooth smile before she said, “You know you might have to give up some head.”

“No, I don’t know the guy you’re talking about, and what do you mean give up some head?” I said to her in my innocent wide eyed glare, knowing full well what she meant. I wasn’t completely country or stupid.

“You know go down on him. I hear men size you up by the shape of your mouth.” I scowled at her as if she was crazy. Maybe I didn’t know much about men and I’m glad I got married so I could learn that kind of stuff from a husband and not random men coming and going. “Don’t you know you have to be ready for anything with a man like him?” She says grinning in Randall’s direction and taking a sip of Champaign in between our conversation.

“Being ready for what,” I questioned? “And what are you talking about a man like that?”

“Now you can’t be that naïve,” she says leaning close to me. “This is a rich man who can have any woman he wants. You have to ask yourself why he chose you.” I had lived in a small town in Virginia most of my life with the most exciting thing to happen was for me and my friends to meet at the dairy queen and get ice cream with toppings.

It was kind of late to start asking those type of questions so I put it out of my mind.

I met Randall Seaborne when he bought all the land in Jefferson County. He had arrived from the north and some say he was the most handsome and riches man they ever saw, black and white whispered about him, and they said he would open a business and put everybody to work and he did, including me.

I had graduated from high school that summer and had plans of going to college when I went to work for him as a secretary. At first he never noticed me and went about doing whatever it was he was doing. I trained his workers on using computers and software and brought his company into the computer age. Few people around knew as much about computers and the internet as I did, and that’s when he began to take notice. He would bring me flowers, and then presents and then sitting on my desk whispering in my ear about taking me away from here.

He was the best looking man I had seen in my life and he talked different. He had a northern refined accent and mine was a little country. I tried to improve it but that didn’t happen until later. I would work late at night and he would take me home in his limo. People would talk because the town was so small and because he’s white and I’m black and I was barely nineteen.

The town’s people thought he was doing things to me at his business and especially in the back of his limo because of the dark windows. He was a perfect gentleman and never once did he try to French kiss me. I wondered why myself because at my age, I wanted to be kissed. I wanted to be fondled and made love to.

It was a new day and a new time, and he was so rich that he didn’t give a damn who talked. Then one night he kissed me. It wasn’t a life shattering kiss. It was a soft kiss on the lips as he locked eyes with me and asked me to marry him. I thought it was a great chance to get out of my small town and I said yes to him. Just like that.

He had always been kind and generous. I looked around and considered my prospects in this small town. There was Darrell who was handsome and had been popular in high school but he still lived with his mother. And he would still go back to school and look in the cafeteria windows, and he was all of twenty-two still looking around for some young girl he could fool.

And Bo he was always the class clown. He had a job but he would lose it every other week. And the list went on until I couldn’t see any reason not to accept Randall’s proposal.

I didn’t see anyone that I would have been interested in marrying but him. He promised me that he would take me all around the world and shower me with everything I ever wanted just marry him. And I did. He made good on his promises. All but one. We toured Italy, rode in his yacht. I saw the Eiffel Tower and visited Spain for the Running of the Bulls, and never once did he touch me except to give me a kiss on the lips.

He claimed that he was saving me for our wedding night. I didn’t questioned it because I wasn’t ready to have sex and we weren’t married yet. As Tammy had said, “You aren’t ready for a man like him.”

Tonight is our wedding night and I had high hopes for this night. I packed my most seductive night gown one with white see through lace and I bought a box of thongs from Victoria Secret. As I was undressing for our trip, he came into my room and asked everyone to leave. Then he said, “We have to fly to Seattle. There is turmoil in my business, and I will make it up to you on a later date. I have a house there and we will be staying there until I settle things at my company.”

I didn’t argue with him. I flew to Seattle that night with him on his private jet. We arrived after midnight in Seattle. The entire time on the jet I was isolated in a cabin and he was busy on his computer and phone, and discussing business with his staff. The change in time zones had me out of it.

He woke me up, brought me off the jet, and into a limo. Then we traveled the distance to his or our home. He had chosen a more elaborate home than the one in Long Island. He explicitly stated that everything he had belonged to me, yet I had to go through him to get money for all my needs.

“You don’t need to worry about anything, all that will be taken care of,” he said when I asked for an allowance for groceries and toiletries. “There are people I pay for services and to take care of the estate,” he said to me. “And I will hire you a limo driver and body guard.”

“Why do I need a bodyguard?” I asked a bit confused.

“I’m a very wealthy man and once people know that you are my wife, you may be a target.” But later I learned that that was not exactly the truth.

I had to make myself busy because there was nothing I could do. Before I would cook my own meals, but now I had someone to do that for me. I would wash my clothes, go to the store and shop, but Randall had someone to do all of that. With lots of time on my hands, I decided that I should go to college, and I presented the idea to him and he said, “Why do you need to go to college? All you will do is make yourself vulnerable to outside forces. I can’t protect you in a university.”

Nineteen and married to a man whom I’ve never slept with, nineteen and I can’t do anything for myself, nineteen and I will be a prisoner for the rest of my life,
I thought.

Now I knew I had made a mistake, and I had to get the hell out of there.

I had no friends, and finally I welcomed the idea of a bodyguard. At least I would have someone to talk to, so I asked him, “When will you hire me a limo driver and body guard? At least I can get out and go shopping?”

“When I get the right one, then you can go out, until then, you will have to be content with staying in the compound. There are people here if you want to talk to them.”

“What about you. We don’t talk, and we never had sex. You never made love to me. I can’t take this any longer. I’m considering a divorce.”

“There will be no divorce. I’m running for the state senate and I need you. And you will do as you are told,” he says to me, his voice cold and distant. I had never seen that side of him, or maybe in my need to breakout and the lure of money, I didn’t look far enough.

At first I didn’t voice my unhappiness and my displeasure at what was going on in this sham marriage, but
since when does a black woman do as she is told especially by a man who doesn’t have sex with her?
I thought. That’s when I planned my escape because it was to be an escape. This place was surrounded by gates and brick walls with security looming around each entrance, and there was no way out of here, and yes, it had to be an escape because I was a prisoner.

To get around not going to college, I enrolled at an on line university taking courses to get a teaching degree, which would take forever, but I had nothing but time. I wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl. I wanted to get the hell out of Virginia much sooner than my desire to become a teacher. But this is where I ended up. In a prison of my own desire.

Walking into Randall’s library he was busy talking on the phone and when I entered he announced to the caller, “My wife is here.” The person said something and his reply was, “Me too.” But it was more personal with a hint of a sexual nature. I could hear it in his voice. A low seductive,
me too.
As if talking to a lover. At the time I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to rock the boat. I had gotten tired of arguing with him over simple stuff like giving me an allowance to buy my sanitary napkins.

Finally, he gave in and gave me a substantial allowance and that is when my limo driver slash bodyguard showed up the same day.

Chapter 2: Lilly

hen I first caught sight of my body guard, a tall medium built gorgeous man, in his late twenties, with broad shoulders and a small waist, who had a full head of dark straight hair, and deep green eyes that never left me, and made my mind drift with sexual thoughts. I imagined him lying over me and saying things to me I wish Randall would say: “
Fuck me, baby. Let’s not get out of bed for a week because I want to do it all to you. I want to lay between your legs and suck you dry.”

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