Only You (27 page)

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Authors: Kate Kelly

BOOK: Only You
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“No, let me finish. I’m not the same man I was back then, and I promise to be there one hundred percent for you and our child. I don’t want to miss a minute of Raspberry growing up.”

“Have I told you I love you?” she whispered.

His face softened. “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.”

They beamed at each other until she nudged JD and indicated the road he was supposed to be concentrating on.

JD wasn’t anything like her father, but she could see it wouldn’t help to protest. She couldn’t imagine how difficult it must have been to accept responsibility for his son’s death. Although it sounded to her as if his housekeeper was more to blame than he was. But she understood what he was saying. Ultimately, the responsibility was JD’s, and he wasn’t the kind of man to take that lightly or to let himself off the hook.

She turned her ring around and around on her finger. There was something else she needed to get settled before seeing their friends. “I know I just bought the house on Main Street, but I’d prefer to live at your house. It’s so beautiful. I feel good when I’m there, like I’m home,” she added. “It’s not that I don’t like my new house. I do, but us starting out together, it feels right to live in your home.”

She heard him clear his throat. His voice sounded rough with emotion. “I’d love for us to live there. I’ll build you a barn for your horse, if you want.”

Her eyes flew open. “Really? You can do that? The land is so steep around the house.”

“There’s an acre just below the house to the right. I was looking at it the other day, and I can bulldoze that part into a plateau. I wasn’t sure if you wanted your own barn or if you preferred to keep on using Ethan’s. I know he likes having the horses there.”

“I’d like to think about it for a while.”

“I thought you might.”

“Raspberry will have her own pony.”

“Of course.”

“And we’ll go riding together, all three of us.”



Maggie’s smile trembled as she entered her crowded living room. She bit down on her bottom lip and slipped her hand into JD’s big, warm palm. 

“I can’t believe everyone’s here.”

Claire glided up and hugged Maggie. “You look wonderful. Let me see. Is there a bump yet?”

“Most definitely.” Maggie proudly pulled her shirt up over her belly and struck a pose.

“Oh my God, there kind of is!” Claire squealed.

Sammie elbowed her way in and threw her arms around Maggie’s shoulders. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“Of course I am. We have a new business to open.”

Sammie’s face lit up. “Really? You still want to open a gallery-gift shop?”

“Give me a couple days, and we’ll start talking inventory. How was Frisco?”

“Okay, but it was great to get back.”

“Hey, Miss Maggie. How’s my girl?” Jesse moved Sammie out of his way so he could hug Maggie.

“Great. I got engaged while I was gone.”

“Damn.” He flashed a grin. “JD beat me to it. When’s the wedding?”

“As soon as JD plans it. I hear you’re going to help.” She hooted at the stunned look on his face.

“We’re all going to want to help,” Ellie shouted. “I’ll do the flowers.”

“Thank you, Ellie.”

Oh, no.
Maggie sniffed. She was going to cry at her own engagement party?

Everyone she’d met since she’d arrived was here. Dave hung back by the kitchen door, but he sent her a heartwarming smile. Gwen saluted her from the armchair by the old fireplace. Clay shouldered his way through everyone and gave her a bear hug. And Ethan punched JD on the arm and grinned like a crazy man at his brother before giving Maggie a chaste kiss on the cheek.

She leaned back into JD’s solid body. She was home. Really home.


Thanks so much for taking the time to read
Only You
. I hope you enjoyed Maggie and JD’s story. I have to confess to falling in love with both of them! You’ll be happy to hear I’m working on Claire and Ethan’s story next. Sign up for my newsletter
to find out when the next book in the
Wyoming Home
series will be released. I keep the updates to a minimum, promise!

Thank you to Jim at JAAD
for the beautiful cover he created for
Only You

I’d also like to thank Joyce Lamb for doing the initial edit, and Lori Gallagher for proofreading my manuscript and cheering me on. Speaking of cheering me on, without the Domino Divas I likely wouldn’t still be writing.

I entered
Only You
in Amazon’s Kindle Scout contest and was fortunate to win a publishing contract. Thank you so much to everyone who voted for my book! One of the great perks of being published by Kindle Press is I get to work with some pretty fantastic people. Thanks to Caroline Carr for her help and guidance and to Nicole Pomeroy for her astute edits. It’s been a pleasure, ladies!

And thank you, always and forever, to my guys, Rei, Reed and Adrian, for your love and support.

In the meantime, if you’d like to read some of my other books, I’ve included my Amazon Author Page where you can find links to all my books.

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Only You
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