Only You (22 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #African American, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Only You
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Her head tucked for a moment. “I didn’t know who they were.”
“She was hiding with a stout branch. She attacked me,” Rio said. Sierra couldn’t tell if he was chiding her or not. With Rio, you never knew.
“Sierra—” Blade began, then shook his head and pulled her back into his arms.
“I told you I can take care of myself.”
“I guess I forgot.” He kissed her again, then curved his arm around her waist, pulling her to him. “Rio, please call the pilot and let him know we’re on our way. We found her.”
Sierra refrained from saying she wasn’t lost, but there was something else to think about. It would take a lot to make a strong, commanding man like Blade afraid. But what?
ater on that day Sierra faced another first—dreading calling her family. They’d arrived in Dallas a little after six that evening . By seven fifteen all her luggage and packages were in her place and she was sitting on the antique sofa staring at the phone.
She might be able to get past the others, but Luke and her mother worried her. Both were too perceptive for Sierra’s peace of mind at the moment. Would they somehow pick up that she had been intimate with Blade? Despite her being twenty-seven, she’d be embarrassed if they did or if they thought less of her. Just as she’d be upset if they tried to interfere.
Her brothers acted as if she were two instead of a grown woman when it came to sexual issues. She supposed that was a trait of big brothers. In the past, she had ignored or teased them as the situation dictated; tonight she wasn’t sure what to do.
She glanced at her watch. Seven thirty-seven P.M. When she had spoken with them Friday night, they had made it clear that they would be at their mother’s house Sunday night waiting for her call. They usually got together after church Sunday for brunch. Their being together now was clearly to check on her.
The cell phone on the table played Beethoven’s Fifth, her mother’s ring tone. Sierra would bet anything Luke was on the other end. He was taking the situation out of her hands.
She blew out a breath and picked the phone up. “Hello, Luke.”
“You all right?” he asked.
By the echo, she could tell she was on the speaker. Nervous energy sent her to her feet. “I’m wonderful. We just got back. It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful.” She clamped her mouth shut when she wanted to continue to chatter.
“Sounds as if you had time to get in some shopping,” Catherine said, laughter in her voice.
Silently Sierra thanked her mother again for choosing fabulous sisters-in-law. “I did. There’s a mall, Luxury Avenue, which is fabulous. I got each of you something.”
“Did you get in any sightseeing?” Faith asked.
“Blade and I went to the Maya ruins,” she said, figuring it was time to introduce his name. “His staff went to Cozumel to dive, but we didn’t have time.”
“Why was that?” Brandon asked, suspicion in his voice.
“Touring Blade’s development took most of the morning.” She walked out to the terrace. “A canal will connect all the homes in the lagoon area. The beachfront property owners will wake up to the Caribbean Sea. It will be fabulous.”
“You’re going to be the broker?” Pierce asked, only slightly less brusque than Brandon.
“Probably not. I told you this was a little R and R for all the hard work I’ve done selling Navarone Place.” She leaned against the balustrade. “They’re already pre-selling and plan an opening about the time Navarone Place opens. Looks like I’ll be coming home in a month. I miss all of you.”
“We miss you, too,” chorused her sisters-in-law.
Sierra straightened. Luke hadn’t said anything since he asked if she was all right. There had been nothing at all from her mother or Morgan. Sierra suddenly understood why.
They were listening to the inflection of her voice more than what she was saying. They’d love her regardless. How could she have thought differently? No matter what, they’d be with her. “Luke, Morgan, Mama. You’re very quiet. Don’t tell me you’re glad I’m gone,” she teased.
“Sierra, you sound happy now,” her mother said.
Now. Sierra wished they wouldn’t worry, wished they weren’t so suspicious of Blade. Wished they could get to know him better. “I am, Mama. I wouldn’t trade working for Navarone Properties for anything,” she said, trying to reassure them.
“Or is it just the car?” Morgan asked, a teasing note in his voice. “Any dents or dings on it yet?”
Sierra harrumphed. “Very funny. You know I’m an excellent driver.”
“Just a speed demon,” Luke said. “It wouldn’t hurt you to slow down.”
She knew he was talking about Blade, not driving. “I’ll be careful. I promise. You haven’t had to rescue me yet, and you won’t.”
“Just keep it that way,” Luke said.
“I will. I love all of you.”
There was another chorus of words of love, from everyone this time. “I’ll get the things I bought you in the mail tomorrow. You are going to be so pleased.”
“So will your credit card company,” Pierce said.
“Just for that, I might decide to keep the Hermès tie I bought for you,” she told him.
“Sierra, you should see the pained look on his face,” Sabra said with a laugh.
“I can just imagine.” Sierra took a seat on the chaise on the terrace.
“By the way,” Luke said, “I saw Ned at church this morning with his new lady friend. He said to tell you thanks for helping him get over his shyness with women.”
“Go, Ned.” Sierra pumped her fist. “I knew he had it in him.”
“Everyone deserves to have that special someone in their lives,” her mother interjected.
Sierra groaned. The laughter of her brothers and their wives came through clearly. “I really should finish unpacking.”
“You see how happy your brothers are,” her mother continued. “You could be just as happy with the right man.”
The right man was Blade. The problem was, he wasn’t interested in anything long-term. Sierra would just have to convince him otherwise. She had no intention of giving up on them. “Good night. I love you.”
“I love you, too. You were always stubborn,” her mother chided.
“Just like my mother,” Sierra came back. “I’ll call later this week.”
“Good night,”
Sierra deactivated the call and leaned back on the chaise. The call had gone better than she anticipated.
A knock sounded on her door. A smile on her face, she rushed to answer. “Hello again.”
Blade came inside, taking her in his arms, his mouth settling on hers for a long, greedy kiss as if they had been apart for days instead of less than an hour. “You talk with your family?”
Her fingertips feathered across the frown etched in his brow. He was perceptive enough to know she had been concerned. Her arms around his neck, she smiled up at him. “It went great.” She wrinkled her nose. “That is, until Mama got on her kick of trying to marry me off.”
“What?” His arms tightened possessively.
Sierra barely kept from rolling her eyes as she told him about her mother’s schemes to marry off each of her five children. “I’m next.”
“No,” he said flatly.
“I couldn’t agree with you more.” She shook her head. “Only my mother is the most stubborn person I know. Plus, once she sets her mind on something, she sees it through to the end. She doesn’t know the word ‘quit’ and is barely acquainted with ‘compromise.’
“When you go home, what will happen?”
She didn’t want to think of a time when he wouldn’t be near. “I’ll be knee-deep in men again.”
He stared down at her, his eyes hard. “What will you do?”
“What I was doing before I left. Ignore them.” Her finger grazed his lower lip. He had the most beautiful, the sexiest, mouth. “Especially now. No other man could ever compare to you.”
“I’ve never been jealous or possessive before.” His hands tenderly palmed her face. “I’m both with you.”
“Good. Because I have a feeling I’m going to be the same way about you.”
Just as his head began to lower, there was a knock on her door. With one arm still around her waist, Blade opened the door.
Shane held out a handled bag from a nearby deli. “Everything is taken care of. Night.”
“Night and thanks.” Blade closed the door. “Our dinner.”
“What’s taken care of?” she questioned as they headed to the kitchen.
He pulled the sandwiches and salads from the bag before lifting his head and answering. “He or Rio will be on security duty tonight monitoring the cameras.”
The reason was clear. Her floor had a security camera manned 24/7. Blade planned to spend the night. Excitement at the coming night vied with uneasiness.
He left the food and came to stand in front of her. “Should I have asked first?”
She wanted him with her tonight. She wasn’t going to pretend otherwise. “No. I’m just not sure how I feel about other people knowing.”
He kissed her on the forehead, swept his hands up and down her arms. “They’re good men or else they wouldn’t be working for me.”
“I know; it’s just—”
“New to you and, believe it or not, new to me as well.” He closed his arms around her. “I didn’t snore.”
She laughed and angled her head up at him. “How do you know? You were asleep.”
“You didn’t kick me out of your bed.”
“Well, there’s always the next time.” Pushing away from him while she still had the willpower, she reached into the bag and pulled out chocolate-chip cookies and two large soft drinks. “Where are your pj’s?”
His grin was naughty and full of wanton promise. “I don’t wear any.”
lade and Sierra dined on the terrace, quickly cleaned up, then went back to the chaise lounge outside to cuddle and watch the stars, content for the moment. “What’s your schedule like for tomorrow?” he asked, his long fingers lazily tunneling through her silky black hair.
“I hit the ground running.” She lifted her head and looked up to him. “How about you?”
“The same. I have three conference calls scheduled.”
“You’re getting behind because you’re here, or is this the norm?”
He brushed her hair from her face. “The norm. I’m used to conducting business wherever life takes me.”
“Have you ever thought of staying in one place?” she asked, aware that the question was a leading one.
A shadow crossed his face; then it was gone. “I have too many business interests scattered in the United States, Europe and Mexico for that. I’m seriously considering buying an island in the South Pacific and creating the ultimate luxurious experience.”
It wasn’t the answer she’d wanted to hear. But something in his face told her his motive for continuing to amass properties had more to do with the shadows she occasionally glimpsed in his eyes than with creating wealth. “With a commensurate price tag no doubt.”
“Of course.” He brushed his lips across hers, then picked her up and headed for her bedroom. “You should get some rest.”
Sierra nipped his ear. “I thought you were staying.”
He chuckled as he entered her bedroom and placed her on her feet by her bed. The covers were already turned down. The lamp on the nightstand emitted a soft glow. “Rest comes later. Much later.”
He reached out and pulled the knit top over her head, then just stared at the thrust of her exquisite breasts in a frothy bit of lace. His finger skimmed over the top of the swirl design. “Lavender and Lace?”
“Yes.” Her voice was husky.
“If you ever want to go there again, the Rolls will be at your disposal.” His head bent, his tongue followed the path of his finger moments earlier. Soon they were in the bed, their bodies united in passion. Pleasure built as she locked her long legs around him, meeting his thrust perfectly. They climaxed together.
Afterwards, he pulled her to him. Her legs slid over his as she turned into his arms and drifted off to sleep. He couldn’t. Thoughts of her mother’s plans to marry Sierra off wouldn’t let him.
He drew her closer. No man would ever see her this way, hold her as she slept in the aftermath of their lovemaking.
Logically Blade knew whatever it was between them couldn’t last forever, but at the moment he didn’t give a damn about logic. She was his. And, yes, he was hers. He wouldn’t think of a time she wouldn’t welcome him into her arms or annoy him. She made life pleasurable.
For now, that was enough.
he next morning Sierra woke up to a hot kiss and a hotter man. She appreciated both and showed Blade in every way. Their lovemaking was heated and frenzied. Afterwards, she’d never felt more energized.
“No wonder my brothers and their wives always look so happy in the morning,” she said, brushing Blade’s hair out of his face.
The smile on his face died. “You’re sure you can’t change your mother’s mind?”
She shook her head. “Not when she thinks love and marriage are what’s best for me.”
His frown deepened. “She should let you make your own decision.”
“On that we agree, but I can be as stubborn as she can.” Since he continued to frown, she kissed him. “Now I have to take a bath and get dressed.”
His finger brushed across her lower lip. “Why don’t I scrub your back?”
“Because we’ll end up back in this bed or in the tub together. I have a full schedule today.” She pushed against his shoulders with both hands. “Move.”
He rolled lazily to his feet. Sierra stared at his magnificent naked body, then got out the other side of the bed, away from temptation. As soon as her feet touched the floor she reached for the robe she’d never had a chance to wear the night before and shrugged into it.
“I’ll expect you for breakfast in thirty minutes.” Blade picked up his pants.
Sierra paused at the door of the bathroom. “Maybe I—”
“No.” Tossing the slacks aside, he went to her. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Her gaze flickered downward in spite of her intention not to do so. “We both know that’s not exactly true.”
“I don’t know anything of the kind.” His hands grasped her small waist. “But if it will make you feel better, I’ll send Martin and Jenkins back to Tucson.”
“Who would take care of you? Cook?”
“I’m not helpless,” he told her.
“In a kitchen you are,” she said. “I’ve seen you in action. You’re as pitiful as Pierce, and that’s saying a lot.”
He cocked a brow. “And you’re right there with us.”
She lifted her chin. “At least I know how to load a dishwasher and how much detergent to put into it.”
He shrugged. “So we’ll get to know the restaurants that have takeout around Dallas better.” He pulled her closer. “I can do without them, but not you. And I don’t plan to.”
Blade’s admission melted her resistance. She’d bet her new black-label Ralph Lauren skirt and blouse that he didn’t need many people and, if he did, he wouldn’t admit it. “They can stay. Get dressed and get out of here. I have a full day, and I want to start it off with a good breakfast.”
“Thank you for trusting me and them.” He kissed her deeply, his tongue sweeping the moist interior of her mouth with incredible slowness. His hand cupped her breasts, then caressed.
She moaned deep in her throat, unconsciously pressing closer to increase the contact. Drawing on all of her willpower, she stepped away. “Work now. Pleasure later.”
His thumb grazed her lower lip, moist from his kiss. “If your strong work ethic hadn’t brought you to me, I might take exception to it.” He picked up his slacks and stepped into them. “I’ll tell Martin to start breakfast.”
Sierra nodded and went into the bathroom. Blade changed all the standards she’d lived by. She never thought before he came into her life that she would have an affair with a man she wasn’t sure loved her. She could worry about her decision or enjoy the man and do all she could to make him love her.
Somehow Blade would grow to love her as passionately and as completely as she loved him. She refused to think that this time might be one of those times she didn’t get what she wanted.
lade hadn’t been just spouting words when he’d told Sierra he would send Jenkins and Martin to Tucson if she felt embarrassed around them. Now, seated at the dining table on the terrace with Martin hovering over her as usual and Jenkins asking if the maid had taken care of Sierra’s plant while she was gone, Blade was pleased to see that he had been right about them.
Just as he had been right about Sierra becoming his. But he wasn’t under any delusion that he could coast from here. Sierra would keep him on his toes and most likely in a semi state of arousal if his current condition was any indication.
She delicately licked the whipped cream from the tines of her fork and he thought of that same little tongue on his body. He twisted in his chair, trying to get a comfortable position in his increasingly tight slacks.
Sierra enjoyed life, food, people. She bubbled with enthusiasm and he was glad.
She sighed and finished off her orange juice. “That was delicious. Now I have to run if I want to see Jess and be on time for my nine o’clock appointment.”
Blade rose with her. She wore the Escada suit she’d purchased in Mexico. Her hair was in an intricate knot, leaving her delicate neck exposed. He’d enjoy taking it down later, enjoy the arousing feel of the silken strands on his body. “You look as incredible in the suit as I thought you would.”
She flashed him a smile. “Thank you.” Catching his arm, she started for the front door.
“And you smell tempting.” He leaned over and brushed a kiss against her cheek. “Who is the lucky client?”
“Mrs. Street’s daughter, Eloise, and her fiance. Her mother would love for Eloise to live here with her and her father.” Sierra stopped at the door. “Good luck on the conference calls.”
“I make my own luck,” he reminded her, brushing his fingers against her cheek.
“Perhaps you do, but I need all the help I can get.” She brushed her lips against his. “I’ll see you this evening.”
“Will dinner on the terrace around seven be all right?” he asked as she stepped into the hall.
“Yes. I’ll see you then.” She turned and walked down the hall. Blade wished she were walking toward him and they were going back to bed. He frowned as she stepped on the elevator. He couldn’t imagine what had gotten into him. He didn’t waste his time wishing.
Sierra must be rubbing off on him. He didn’t know if that was good or bad.
ierra met Jess at their usual location. After discussing their orchids, she told him about the plant growing on the log she’d found. He told her about staghorn plants that grew on wood. Some of the species flowered, then bore fruit. If he ever found one he’d get it for her, Jess said. Aware that she had to be gracious in giving as in receiving, she thanked him, then said good-bye and started back to Navarone Place.
A black 7 Series BMW pulled up to the curb. A tall, handsome man rounded the car and opened the door. A leggy brunette emerged. For a moment they stood facing each other, their body language saying they wished they were alone. Eloise’s fiancé slipped his arm around her waist, and they started to the front door.
“Good morning,” Sierra greeted them, extending her hand as she neared. “Welcome back to Navarone Place.”
“Good morning,” the couple greeted, shaking Sierra’s hand.
“I know you’re probably on a tight schedule, so I’ll take you directly up,” she said, turning for the front door. “I’ll show you around, answer any questions, and you can call me later if you think of anything else.”
“Mama said you didn’t hard sell,” Eloise said.
“With a luxurious estate like Navarone Place, you don’t have to.” She nodded her thanks as the security guard held open the door for them. “Navarone Resorts and Spas offers only the best. I had the opportunity to visit Navarone Riviera Maya near Playa del Carmen this weekend. It will offer the ultimate getaway with five-star carefree living at its best on the beach, lagoon, or inland.” She punched the elevator button.
“Resort properties are hot now,” said Hal Fisher as he looked at Eloise. “We both love diving. Perhaps, when you finish, you could tell us more about Navarone Riviera Maya.”
Sierra smiled. “I’d love to.”
lade had just finished the first conference call when there was a knock on his door. Since he’d left explicit instructions not to be disturbed, he figured it was either Shane or Rio. Both had a shameless tendency to forget when it was convenient for them.
“Come in.”
Sierra opened the door. “Do you have a minute?”
Her usual smile was gone. Her brow furrowed. Apprehension dogged his steps as he rounded his desk. “What is it? Are you all right?”
“It has something to do with you,” she told him slowly. “I’m not sure if you’re going to get angry or laugh.”
His hands gently clasped her shoulders. He couldn’t imagine what had put the frown on her face. “I won’t get angry.”
“I won’t hold you to that, since you don’t know what I’ve done,” she said, drawing her lower lip between her teeth.
His searching gaze ran over her again to reassure himself. “If it’s about the car, as long as you’re fine it doesn’t mat—”
“Eloise’s fiance, Hal Fisher, put a deposit on Navarone Riviera Maya lagoon property,” she blurted, cutting him off.
He opened his mouth to ask her how, then realized the inanity of that question. The answer was standing before him. The repentant pose remained, but he noticed a gleam in her eyes. “I guess you’re proud of yourself.”
She shrugged a slim shoulder. A modest Sierra was an oxymoron.
“What about Navarone Place?” Blade asked.
“Apparently he had already made up his mind,” she said.
“He’s not buying,” Blade surmised.
Her head came up. “What gave you that idea? He slipped me a note. He’s coming back tomorrow evening to sign the contract for a two-bedroom estate. It’s his wedding gift to Eloise.”
“You sold one of my multi-million-dollar properties without lifting a finger, and might have sold another property that you aren’t affiliated with in …” He glanced at his watch. “Less than ninety minutes.”

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