Open Door Marriage (10 page)

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Authors: Naleighna Kai

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Chapter 10

10:46 p.m.



Dallas stood with his eyes tightly shut as Tori pressed her hand on the half-hardened member in his slacks. It didn

t twitch or otherwise acknowledge her touch.

Tori leaned in and whispered,


The image of that luscious woman came to mind and his erection sprang to life. Dallas forced himself to take a step back as his eyes flew open. Tori moved with him and stroked that area, punctuating her point with a sly grin.


ve been semi-hard ever since you walked through that door. And it certainly isn

t because you

re ready to make love to me.

Tori gripped his erection to make her point.

Now tell me that I

m lying about

Dallas pushed her away and stormed from the suite.
Stumbling through the hall, then into the elevator, he finally made it to the lobby and approached the front desk. First, Alicia pushes him back into Tori

s life, then Tori slides him back to Alicia.

His thoughts were awhirl, with no clear direction.
Both women filled his mind.

Alicia, with her mesmerizing eyes, the velvety feel of her skin against his, the beauty of her heart-shaped face, her curvaceous body, the sultry sound of her voice, the feel of her hands on him.
That was the physical, but they

d connected on other levels.
Books, politics, world views, money

he had loved the way she challenged him.

But he knew more about Tori. The things that drove her, her fears, her victories

he knew her in every way except for one.

Sir? Sir, can I help you with something?

Victor called out from behind the counter.

Dallas looked at him for a moment, then turned away, took five long strides back to the elevator and stepped into the chamber.

The elevator made a slow climb as Tori

s words echoed in the far corners of his mind.


ve been semi-hard ever since you walked through that door. And it certainly isn

t because you

re ready to make love to me.

Dallas stabbed at the elevator

s button, which was moving slower than he remembered.


s no hiding what you feel for her.

He turned his back to the closed doors, resting his head on the clear glass panels.

Get her out of your system, then come back to me.

The elevator opened and Dallas practically ran to the end of the hallway. He knocked on the door softly, as though a part of him didn

t want her to hear. Inwardly, he prayed that she did.

Moments later, Alicia peered through the cracked door.

What are you doing h—

Dallas pushed open the door, reached inside and loosened the belt on her robe. He stood in the doorway, spellbound as his gaze wandered the lush length of her naked body

the full breasts that made his mouth water, the small roundness of her belly, the silky skin of her thighs, which combined caused his erection to thicken to the point it was damn near painful.

He lowered his lips to hers, then kissed a trail to the pulse beating wildly at the base of her throat. When his mouth found her breasts, she whimpered.
He could take her this very moment and she

d be perfectly willing to go along for the wicked ride. He captured her mouth with his, giving her a searing kiss that exploded into a world of sensory overload.

Dallas loosened his hold and stepped back, though his eyes stayed on the curves she tried to hide behind the folds of the thick white robe she struggled to secure again.

Let it go,

he commanded.



we can

t do this,

Alicia stammered, backing away from him.


t we done enough damage?

Oh, I

m just getting started,

he confessed in a husky groan. Dallas gripped her buttocks to hold her in place, then lowered to his knees and spread her open for his tasting pleasure. Her scent was intoxicating; the pure essence of her was one of the most amazing things about her, the most wickedly beautiful thing he had ever witnessed in any woman. And he wanted her to be his completely.


m not likely to forget the man who gave me my first orgasm.

Dallas held her steady as a quick move of his fingers opened her, revealing a moist core. He let his tongue go to work, teasing, tasting and giving her a never-ending kiss. She screamed his name, and it caused him to increase the pressure. He nibbled on the outer folds of her core, and she trembled so hard with that first release that her knees gave out and she tumbled into his arms.

Before she could take another solid breath, he stood, swept her from the living room to the bedroom and gently deposited her on the sheets.


s all right,

he crooned, calming the confusion he saw in her eyes.

Trust me. It

s all right, baby.

The splash of winter moonlight filtering in through the windows danced across curves that spread from a small waist and flared into hips that beckoned for a man to do the most pleasurable damage possible.

But it was her breasts that held him captive. Those large nipples called to him, begged for his lips and tongue to have one hell of an intimate conversation with them.

Dallas snatched his shirt over his head, unbuckled his belt, unzipped his slacks and gave a tug, causing belt, slacks and briefs to hit the carpet at once. Nothing else in life mattered except pressing his body to hers, holding her to him, as if her touch alone was a life-giving nectar. He parted her thighs with his knee, then waited for that one sign that this was something she truly wanted.

Alicia reached for him and he centered himself to thrust into her, sheathing himself in that moist heat. There he lost himself, giving in to the direction of her sighs, and the shallow series of breaths that were a melody unto themselves.

He brought about an orgasm that made her pass out, only to come to again in time for another sensual assault where she clasped him to her as though her very life depended on it. The tremors that whipped through her excited him, drove him to keep their intimate connection for as long as earthly possible.

Alicia cried his name over and over, her body following wherever he chose to lead. He gripped her soft, silky strands of hair and pulled her head back to expose the skin along her graceful throat. Dallas buried his face in the smooth curve, trailing his lips upward to tease her until she trembled with the beginnings of another sweet release.

Dallas, please! I can

t take anymore.

Her hands came to rest across his buttocks, her thighs tightened around him to still his movements.

I can

t take anymore.

Dallas paused only for a moment, but the sound of her breathing coming in small, soft gasps took him over the edge.

Stay with me, Alicia,

he whispered.

Just a little longer.

Alicia gave him a look so open and vulnerable that it moved him. But it was what she did next that sent a wave of pleasure through him.

She parted her thighs, opening to him. He couldn

t resist the urge to push deeper, harder, faster into her. The soft whimpers of pleasure guiding him to bring them both to the point where nothing else mattered.
The orgasm that slammed through him was so powerful in its delivery, so vicious in its intensity, that every conscious thought took flight, leaving only the essence of her in its wake.

When the sun made its daily ascent into the wintry sky, they were still entwined. The pleasure he derived from being with Alicia was something he couldn

t put into words. Every time he held her, he felt a completeness that he never knew was missing. The peace that enveloped him gave him a sense that all was right in the world.

Dallas realized one major thing:

just one more time

with Alicia Mitchell would never be enough.


Chapter 11

November 23

6:03 a.m.




s eyes flew open, and she tried to adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings. She awakened in the comforts of a soft bed with Dallas

wrapped around her. His hold was more protective than possessive. She felt safe, wanted and loved

a trio of feelings that had eluded her for most of her life.
A trio of feelings that she

d only felt with him.


d held her this way the first night they

d spent together. The night when he

d extended their auction dinner into a night of pleasure. He

d held her this way when they

d awakened the next morning and he

d asked her to stay,

just one more day.

The one day turned into a week, then a month –until three months later
he said he had fallen in love with her and proposed.
The morning after his proposal, she

d had no choice but to leave. Marriage to him was an impossible undertaking.

Alicia snapped to the present and tried to extricate herself from his arms, finding out in the process that she was sore in places she never knew existed. His lovemaking had been so intense that she couldn

t remember the exact moment she had slipped into her third and fourth releases.

His arms now slid about her, stilling her movements. She relaxed and settled in, never wanting this feeling of contentment, this feeling of completeness to go away.

Good morning, baby.

His voice rumbled through his body and vibrated through hers.

Good morning.

She traced a path upward toward his chest, following the well-defined contours of muscle.

His hand lowered to cup her buttocks, stroking them as he explored the smooth expanse of skin. The way his hands caressed her body and the gentle kisses along her temple were practically her undoing. She laid her head on his broad chest and closed her eyes.

Dallas drew the sheet up to cover them and took a long, slow breath.

The silence between them was more potent than any conversation. Dallas continued to stroke her body, and the rhythm lulled her back into a comfort zone that caused her eyes to close against her will.

Her last waking thought was,
Lord knows, I love this man.

* * *

Three hours later, Dallas removed himself from under her and stood at the edge of the bed.

Come shower with me.

The words were more of a command, than a request.

No, I

ll wait until you

re done.

Alicia glanced at his extended hand, and thought of objecting again. But the intensity of his gaze spoke to the fact that he would have his way, even in this.

She wrapped herself in the sheet and stood several feet away from him.


s all right. Let it fall.

Another command. Alicia wasn

t sure how she felt about that. She looked at him. He raised an eyebrow and his lips were set in a gentle, encouraging line. She knew from past experience that arguing with him was pointless. She released the sheet, allowing it to slide to the floor.

Come to me, baby.

She froze. Her feet were unwilling to obey yet another directive.

Morning had brought a whole new reality. What was Dallas really thinking coming to her last night? Whatever this was between them, it couldn

t go on. Before, she was too old for him. Now, he was going to marry her niece.


She flinched, wanting so much to pull the sheet over her body again.

Oh … I …


d seen more of her body in the last sixteen-or-so hours than her husband had in twenty-three years of marriage. But having had the unfortunate experience of attracting the wrong kind of attention as a young girl, it had been impossible for her to develop a true appreciation for her beauty. Remnants of that negative self-image were deeply ingrained.

Even after Dallas had introduced her to what it felt like to have a man truly treasure her body, standing before him completely nude made her feel exposed, vulnerable. She wanted to dive back under the covers more than anything.


m not comfortable with this,

she admitted.


gaze was unwavering as seconds ticked by. Finally, she found the strength to move toward him and he gathered her into his arms.

You never have to hide yourself from me,

he whispered.

Stop fighting me, Alicia. Everything

s going to be all right.

She nodded, but her heart rate had increased to the point she had to close her eyes to get her bearings. What was it about him? She was no milquetoast woman, but even though she had the desire to fight him, she couldn

t find the strength sometimes. And with everything she had been through growing up, fighting was what she did best. And running. Yes, that, too.

Dallas, what are you doing to me?

He placed a gentle kiss on her temple.

Loving you the best way I know how.

The words were enough to bring tears to her eyes, but she refused to let him see that. She should not feel this way

not with him. Anyone but him. Her prayers had been for God to send her someone to love and someone who loved her. God certainly had a wicked sense of humor

sending her a man who not only could never belong to her completely, but who belonged to her niece.

Now she, the woman who had lost everything
that mattered
to make sure Tori
was happy
, had hurt Tori in the worst way. She couldn

t continue with this, no matter how good Dallas made her feel.
No matter how much she loved him.


she began, but he stopped her protest by placing a finger to her lips.

Let me show you how good it can be,

he said. Dallas guided her into the bathroom. He leaned into the shower, turning the water on and adjusting the knobs that controlled the temperature and spray levels.

The steam rose around him, but her gaze lingered on his handsome face—the beautifully curved lips, the piercing dark brown eyes, the lashes that were too thick for a man as rugged as he was. Then her eyes lowered to the jut of his chin, the broad shoulders and chest, the tight abs, muscled arms, his powerful thighs and legs, all the way to his feet—which made her pause, as she had never seen a pair so well-defined. Her gaze traveled upward to his groin, then went the distance until she reached his most dangerous feature. His body was pure perfection, but his eyes, his eyes were the most intriguing thing about him.

Dallas, please,

she implored him the moment he stepped into the shower and turned his focus on her.


re not coming in?

Alicia shook her head. Finally, some type of strength.

I can

t do this, Dallas.

He watched her a moment, then gave her a clever smile as he held out the soap and a face towel.

Just do this for me.

You want me to bathe you?

No, I want you to stand there and look at me for the next hour.


t be a smartass,

she snapped, and he laughed. She actually felt the corners of her mouth turn up in response.

Soon his smile disappeared and he was all business again.

Baby, I want to feel your hands on me.

The huskiness of his voice did unspeakable things to her. She inched across the marbled tiles, took the items he held and put the soap in the direct line of the spray. When she placed it against his chest, he flexed. She flinched at the sudden movement, which caused him to grin. As she continued her journey across his skin, he startled her by leaning out to place his lips on hers, his tongue parting her mouth. Her head tilted to give him free reign. And in her moment of surprise, he lifted her from the floor.

She gasped, but Dallas placed a finger to her lips to stop the quarrel that lingered.

Do you trust me?

he said, holding her to him.

She uttered a breathless,


before he pulled her into the shower and angled their bodies so the water sprayed over both of them.

He lathered her skin and explored her body with a touch certain of the path it should take. She felt that familiar stirring and closed her eyes, trying to understand what was wrong with her. It was like someone had given her a glass of water to quench her thirst and somehow she couldn

t drink it down fast enough. She couldn

t drink
in fast enough.

Dallas anchored her. A fingertip teased her pearl, and she gasped at the avalanche of feelings that overwhelmed her.



he whispered, slipping a finger into her, stimulating her so much that she couldn

t keep her hips from moving toward him with a rhythm that matched his.

She gripped him, burying her face into the sharp curve of his neck.


With that, he centered himself, teasing her first with a series of circular motions on the outer lips of her core. She took in a breath, and that

s when he thrust upward.


t ever hide from me,

he said against her ear.

Alicia trembled within his arms and couldn

t form a response. He thrust in again.

Do you hear me?


she cried out.

I love every inch of you. This,

he said as he kissed the smooth hollow of her throat, her shoulder,

and this,

he said brushing against her breasts and lowering to her belly.

Dallas picked her up so that her thighs encircled his waist. Each thrust shifted her with the force of its power.


re mine now,

he said with a note of finality.

Alicia parted her lips to say something


that would stop this sensual possession. What he was demanding made absolutely no sense.


re mine!

He paused, waiting for her acceptance. When she said nothing, he pulled completely out of her body. The absence of him was so profound that she clawed at him, begging him to finish what he had started.

Dallas complied by teasing her core with the tip of his bulbous head.


ll always take care of you,

he said.

Every need. Everything.

She nodded, and he was inside her once more.

Say it,

he demanded on a single thrust that put her over the edge.

Say that you

re mine.

The world shifted on its axis. Alicia surrendered to her orgasm, unable to do anything but whisper,


m yours, Dallas.

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