Open Door Marriage (16 page)

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Authors: Naleighna Kai

BOOK: Open Door Marriage
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Chapter 18

6:16 p.m.

Plano, Texas



Hours later, Alicia stood in the marbled foyer of Dallas and Tori

s spacious condo. Once again she was amazed and overwhelmed at the massive open living and dining space with a ceiling that had to be at least eleven feet. The redbrick fireplace was positioned so the flames could easily reflect off the cathedral windows. The place was a perfect blend of rich earth tones and leather furniture. Even now, it felt more like home than anyplace she had been since.

With a sweeping gesture, Tori said to Alicia,

like Harper Avenue.

Alicia took in the familiar abstract artwork along the living room wall, then gave Tori a patient smile.

Indeed. I should know. I picked out everything I can see from here.


s jaw went slack and her hand fell to her side. But before she could say anything, Dallas took Alicia

s hand and moved her further into the space.

I took your suggestions and combined some rooms since you were last here.

He gestured toward the back area of the condo.

Now there

s three bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a chef

s kitchen

though nobody ever uses it,

he added on a sour note, then pointed toward a set of spiral stairs.

A loft upstairs and a den with a library right next to it.


s gaze took it all in.


s still absolutely beautiful.

Thank you,

he replied.

Alicia could tell he wanted to say more. She was glad he didn



ll put you in the guest bedroom,

Tori said motioning upstairs.

No, she

ll take my bedroom,

Dallas corrected, aiming toward the foyer to get the suitcase.


s much bigger. Women need space.

You sleep in separate bedrooms?

Alicia asked, unable to keep the shock from her voice as she looked from one to the other.

It was my idea,

Tori said.

Sleeping together would provide way too much temptation.

Tori took a seat on the leather chase and crossed one slack-covered leg over the other.

Dallas gave Tori a long look before he turned to Alicia.


ll move into the guest bedroom,

he said, then started to wheel Alicia

s suitcase toward the back of the condo. He turned back to the two women staring after him and said,

And I

m starving. Are we eating out or in?


Alicia answered at the same time Tori said,


Looks like I

m the tie-breaker,

Dallas said thoughtfully.


m all for a home-cooked meal over restaurant food any day.

He nodded toward Alicia and said,

I called the housekeeper from the airport and had her stock up. If you

re up for it, would you mind

Alicia quickly maneuvered around a shocked Tori who remained in the center of the living room long after the other two had left.

* * *

An hour later, Alicia put the last of the platters on the kitchen table as Dallas took a seat at the head of the table.


t we eat in the dining room,

Tori said, frowning at the spread on the table.

I thought we could be a little informal this time,

Alicia responded softly.

Tori gripped the back of the chair as she said,

So now you

re dictating how this house runs?

Tori, sit down and eat or don

t eat at all,

Dallas said.

My stomach is not going to make time for drama.

She plopped into the chair to his left.
Alicia settled gracefully in the one on his right.

They bowed their heads as Dallas said grace, ending with,

And bless the hands that prepared it—

And the stomachs that have to tolerate it,

Tori added dryly.

Both Alicia and Dallas opened their eyes and stared at her.

She shrugged.


m just saying.

And we ask for your
in all things,

Dallas finished with a pointed look at Tori.



Alicia added with a wary glance at her niece.

You both did a great job,

Dallas said, grinning as he scanned the spread before him.

I didn

t help with this. I had some studying to do,

Tori said, eyeing Alicia with undisguised hatred.

Some of us actually want to work for a living.

Dallas and Alicia ignored that barb as he began to pile up on the Romano crusted chicken, rice pilaf, and steamed green beans and garlic bread.


Alicia began, eyes widening as she saw her meal disappearing from the platters as though being sucked into a vortex.


he said, sliding the salad bowl his way.

Where are you going to put all of that?

Tori laughed, lightening up the moment.

Finally, someone agrees that he eats entirely too much.

Dallas wrinkled his nose at her.

I have the metabolism to support it.

You ain

t never lied,

Alicia mumbled.

His fork paused midway as he looked at her and smiled.


Alicia shook her head and he took that moment to slide a little extra food on her plate as she said,


ve lost some weight, so I thought that you had cut back on the amount that you

re taking in.

Nope, I just work out a little more,

he admitted.

Balance. Balance works for me.

And speaking of balance,

Tori said, pouring herself a full glass of white wine.

How exactly do we pull this off?

Dallas took a few bites and glanced at Alicia.
When she shrugged, he turned to Tori.


re the one who suggested it,

Dallas said.

How do you see this working?

Tori froze and for a second it seemed as if she wouldn

t answer.

Well, I

I hadn

t really thought about it beyond coming here.

Alicia blinked.

Oh, my god.
You didn

t think this would actually happen.

No. No, it was nothing like …

Tori withered under Dallas

hard glare, and quickly amended.

Okay, I thought that once you saw our home, what we

ve built together, you would feel out of place here.

She scanned the area and added,

I didn

t realize that I

d been living in your shrine.


gaze shifted from Tori to Alicia.

Are you still packed?

She nodded and he stood.


Tori said, gripping his wrist to keep him in place.

I don

t mean for you to take her somewhere


Dallas sighed,

either we

re going to do this or not. But we

re not
going to fight about this every night.


s fork clattered to the plate. Her chest heaved in an effort to rein in her emotions.

So how is this supposed to work,

Alicia asked gently.


ve all walked into this blindly, so let

s establish the boundaries, how our days will pan out …

Dallas pointed to an oversized calendar hanging next to the stainless steel fridge.

Well, until the end of April, I go to training every morning, practice in the afternoons, games most nights. Away games are all put on there and then I

m gone for a few days here and there.

Okay, that

s your schedule,

Alicia said.


s start with something like cooking,

she said to her niece.

But Dallas interjected.

I would love to have home cooked meals for a change. At least some of the time.

Tori opened her mouth to protest, but Dallas said,

This right here,

he gestured to his nearly empty plate,

is like solid gold. I

d prefer my meals were prepared by a woman who cares what

s being put into me.

Tori smacked her lips.

But we love fine restaurants—

do it because you don

t cook

even when you have time. And I can

t cook—

But you can learn,

Alicia jumped in.

Last time I checked, your hands, eyes, and brains all worked just fine.

If you ever saw me in the kitchen, you

d say something totally different.

He gave her a toothy grin.

But I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich,

he added with a mischievous lift of her left eyebrow, causing Alicia to laugh.

Give me a break,

Tori muttered and stabbed her baked chicken breast with her fork.

All right, I can manage to cook breakfast and dinner
of the time,

Alicia conceded.

Sleeping arrangements?

Tori said, softly.

Alicia looked at Dallas, but his focus shifted to Tori. He was silent for a few moments, then said,


ve slept in separate beds for a year, Tori. That

s not going to change.

So you

ll sleep in
bed every night,

she asked in a tone that sounded like she was trying to keep the tears from her eyes.

He nodded and the tears that she was fighting back sprang to her eyes.


m sorry, Tori.

He released a heavy sigh as he massaged his temple.

I tried to tell you.
This isn

t going to be easy for any of us.

Tori took a deep breath and said,

I think that you should—

The cordless phone rang and Dallas gestured for Alicia to answer since it was closer to her.

She answered with,

Avery residence.

May I

The female on the other end spoke slowly as if she were trying to figure out who

d answered the phone.

Alicia smiled.
Katie, Dallas

agent probably recognized her voice, but wasn

t sure.
After all, it had been a few years.


Alicia asked just to be sure.



s it going?

When did you … what are you … when did you get back?

Her gaze shifted to Dallas.


m just here for a little visit.

That statement caused Dallas to put his fork down.

Well, welcome back,

Katie crowed.

Is Dallas around?

Yes, he

s right here.

She handed the phone to Dallas who covered the mouthpiece as he looked at her.

little visit

I didn

t know what else to say,

she said with a mild shrug.

Dinner was cut short when Dallas trotted up the stairs to the loft to take the call.
The two women stayed silent for a long while before Tori pushed her plate toward the center. The chair scraped hard against the natural wood floor as she backed away from the table.

I have a splitting headache,

she said through her teeth and for a moment sadness settled in Alicia

s heart.

Tori stood, then looked at the spot where Dallas had sat.

I realize that you might think this—

she circled a finger to mean the kitchen and dining area,

is familiar territory.
But please keep in mind that this is
house. I

ve been here a lot longer than you ever have. I

ve been in his
a lot longer than you have.


m sure you won

t let me forget,

Alicia countered before she took a sip of wine and focused on polishing off her meal.

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