Read Open World Online

Authors: Casey Moss

Open World (21 page)

BOOK: Open World
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his cock hardened to her satisfaction, she shucked herself of her clothes. Like
a wild cat stalking prey, she climbed back up on the bed, her limbs straddling him.
As she spread her form on top of him, her breasts pressed down on him. Her
crotch hairs teased his dick. His massive, firm body didn’t budge or twitch.

such a solid, strong man

heat already generating between them was intense, and she thought she would
melt into nothingness from it. Yet, she couldn’t seem to get near enough to
him. Her fingers splayed across his shoulders and trailed a path up the side of
his neck to cup his face in her hands. She forced his mouth open with her
tongue, pulled his into hers and sucked on it, giving it a playful nip before
she let it go.

her gaze trained on his, and positioned her
hands on his shoulders. Methodically, she slid them down, feeling the all the
contours and nuances of his upper torso. He sucked in his breath when her
fingers brushed over his nipples. The skin of his chest beneath her fingers was
hairless, soft, and so hot. She continued to smooth a path down to his abdomen.
The outlines of muscles tensed, shuddered, released, and at the boundary of his
crotch, she stopped and let her hands retrace their steps back up his trunk.
Her thumbs brushed his nipples again. He quivered under her hands. She caressed
his tits once more.

you like that?” She continued gazing into his eyes.

His light breathing hitched.

pinched the nubs. They hardened. Emboldened by his response, she cupped her
hands over his pecs and gave them a squeeze.

growled and her excitement mounted, wetting the hairs of her crotch.

rubbed her hands in an outward trail to his sides and skimmed downward. He was
so sturdy and warm. The subtle scent of his aftershave and manly musk intoxicated
her. She bent forward and ran her tongue down the valley of his chest. He
jerked on the restraints. She sat back and shifted further down to straddle a

She grasped his hard
shaft, tugged and licked its head. His hips thrust toward her and, with that
she took him in her mouth.
As he grunted and stirred under
her head, Hope continued her mouth massage, savoring the silk of him. She
wanted him inside her, touching her in places that had never been touched
before, inside touching her soul.

“Ach, love, I can’t
take anymore,” he uttered. “Say you’ll have me. Say you’ll be mine and are willing
to exchange life forces. Our powers can be joined in harmony and for the
greater good. I’ll make you mine. Let you take me now.”

Hope really didn’t
know what he meant by exchanging life forces or joining powers. All she knew…all
she wanted was him inside her because she loved him. She decided to tell him
what he seemed to need to hear “I love you, Alden. I want you. I will be yours.
I will exchange my life force with yours and join powers if that’s what it
takes. I’ll do whatever I need to do to be with you.”

Sliding forward to
on top of him, the tip of his penis
was poised and ready at her opening.

or never

She slid him into
her. The pain from no longer being a virgin wasn’t as bad as she imagined it
would be, a pinch and a bit of burning, but not much else. For an instant, she
thought it might have been the dancing and other activities of youth which
assisted her in a smooth transition. Yet, as she ascended and descended on his
cock, her juices lubricating and adding stimulation, she pushed the matter from
her mind.

Undulating to the
heat of her passion and his, wonderful colors of bright blue and pink swirled
and mixed above them and around them. She breathed in a rich blend of the
colors, exhaled them and observed her love doing the same.

Joining and
separating in a heated frenzy, sweat slicked them down as they panted and
gasped in escalating bliss. Both exclaimed almost in unison when their closely
timed orgasms racked their bodies. After the waves of desire crashing through
her body calmed, she climbed off, unfettered him and lay beside her love.

Several minutes
later, soft snoring came from the man in her arms. She threaded his hair
through her fingers. Should she tell him about Buzz?
how they were supposedly married?
She smoothly dislocated herself from
him, rolled to her back and stared at the ceiling.
Best to let sleeping dogs lie


A week of peaceful bliss
, she reminisced as she painted a
toenail in a deep plum color. Alden was back in her life and living with her.
She had auditioned for shows on the strip. She’d been having wonderful dreams
of being a magician and dancing in the water and in the sky.
Alden was right. There was more to life and
the universe.

top off the terrific week, Ruby had talked to a friend of hers to see if the
marriage was legal, and if so, what would need to be done to terminate it. She
blew on the nail.
Buzz better let me go

trill of her comm-de brought her round from her thoughts. She bounced off her
bed and happily waddled on her heels to the gadget.

I please speak with Hope Collins?” The male voice on the other end queried when
she answered.


good, good. This is Chip Arrow. You auditioned for us the other day.”

She racked her brain to put the name with the show. “Yes I did, for a classic
Vegas production, family orientated for the first evening performance and
adults only for the second.”

“Right, right, right.
But I’ve called to say that
you’re not appropriate for the big show so we won’t be hiring you.”

Her heart dropped to her feet.

the flip side, though, we’re putting together a smaller production. An art deco
style show inspired by
Tamara de Lempicka’s,
show will be family and adult orientated, too. It’ll have
design, bright colors, while expressing practical modernity…and a touch of film
noir. For this project
we’re looking for dancers and entertainers of all statures and styles. It’ll be
an eclectic mix of acrobatics, dancing, comedy and singing. We’d love for you
to be a part of this.”

“That’s awesome,” she fairly
shouted into the handset. “I’m all for it. When do we start?”

Grabbing a pen and paper, she
jotted down the details Chip related to her and turned off the device in a
A week
She was to start rehearsals in
a week
. She clapped her hands. She had to tell Alden. Happy beyond any
expectations she ever had, she bounced on her heels into the kitchen and found
her man reading some papers.

“Guess who that was.” Hope
pushed the sheet down in front of him so she could see his face.

He removed
the page from her hand and folded it.

“Chip Arrow.”
a seat across from him, she continued, “He’s a show producer on the strip. I
auditioned for him the other day. He’s hired me!”

“That’s great, honey. And I
have some news as well. Lift up those papers in front of you.”

She looked down to the table and
hesitantly lifted them. From underneath she revealed a small black box. Her
eyes shot up. “Alden?”

“Just open it,” he instructed
with a motion of his chin to

Without further hesitation
she did as he
bid. The lid popped up and perched within was a ring.

ne carat princess cut for my
princess,” Alden intoned into her stunned mind. “Will you marry me, love?”

Tears welled in her eyes. She yearned and lived for Alden like she
yearned and lived for no other. All she wanted to do was throw her arms around
his neck and shout,
, yes, yes!
Instead what came out of her
mouth was, “Could you let me think on this? With all the changes going on in my
life I have to be completely sure I can do this.”

“Excuse me? We talked about getting married. You were all for it. Has
there been something I said or did to change your mind?”

She reached over and stroked his cheek. “No. It was nothing you
did. I just…”
Tell him about Buzz. About
what happened
, a voice within her implored. “Just… There’s so much going
on. All the changes…”
Talk to him!

“Talk to me, Hope.”

Hope stared at him, her thoughts warring in her head.
Tell him how Buzz said you were married
the voice cried.
I can’t hurt him like
that. Let me find out what Ruby’s friend says first
Tell him and let him help
, it advised. She closed her eyes for a
moment, and when she opened them, she caught the time on the clock on the wall.
“I can’t. I have to get to work.”


Hope adjusted the green, rhinestone studded sash of her cookie
girl costume along her shoulder and chest. She needed to make sure it wouldn’t
snag on the matching colored spandex tie-top like it had the last time she wore
the outfit. But then, so what if it was the final time she’d have to wear a
costume complete with a quick takeoff
skirt and hooker-heels, as she affectionately called them.

My new job
She smiled,
remembering how her life had taken a turn for the better that morning when she
The Call
No more stripping for
her. She was on her way to being a Las Vegas entertainer. Well, she would be,
once she finished the evening’s shift and began rehearsals in a week. Topping
off her great day was the ring Den presented after she had gotten
The Call
. Too bad she couldn’t tell him
yes right off the bat.
Boy was he pissed
A new job and on her way to being engaged, that was once she made sure the
business of one small, itsy-bitsy matter had been resolved.

She picked up the green, sequined beret-like hat, put it on her
head, tucked some of her long brown hair up and under and pinned it in place.

“Gotta go strip.
Not for much longer
though,” she drawled to the peach walled room strewn with racks of exotic
dancing trade clothes. Vanity tables littered with hair accessories, makeup and
mirrors and a sad, worn out couch added to the surroundings.

“Hey,” a man’s grave
voice shouted from the doorway. “Miss Made-It-Big-Time,
you’re on in two. As far as I figure, you’re still employed here. Get your ass
out there into the bar with the rest of the ladies who have decided they want
to make me money tonight.”

No, she thought, this wasn’t what she had in mind at all when she
was growing up.

“Okay, okay, hold your horses, Lou,” she shouted back.

fat man disgusted her, and unfortunately, he opted not to move from the door
way. Facing away, she pushed herself by him, hoping as
little of her body as possible would have to touch his. No luck. The bare part
of her back brushed against his protruding stomach. A warm hand grabbed at her

She shot into the dimly lit hall and glared at her boss.

“There’s still time,” he said with a wink.

“The answer’s still no,” she replied disgusted. With a turn on her
stiletto heel, she headed for the stage.

Thinking of his
slimy mitts on her, she cringed. Aside from the touchy-feely drunks who tried
to cop some feels, he was the worst part of the job. He expected every girl who
worked at Jems to have sex with him.
Called them
Perk Fucks
For each sexual act
submitted to him, the lady would receive preferential treatment. Pudgy and
greasy as he was, somehow he got his way.

One time when she
had been summoned to his office, days after her initial request to talk to him
of course, he had been taking Ruby from behind. There had been her friend, bent
at the waist, the cad twisting her nipples. Embarrassed, she tried to bow out
of the
as he thrust into the woman
barked he’d hear what she needed to say. Hope spit out her message
then ran,
leaving the two of them to their negotiating. That same evening Ruby had worked
a private bachelor party and brought home the same amount of copper as she
usually made in a month.

A few of the women
kept trying to
convince her to give Lou a blow job, or at least a hand job, so she could get a
better shift once in a while or not be made to clean the private rooms. She
never gave in. She wasn’t about to compromise herself for a job she knew she
wouldn’t keep too long.

I survived Buzz. I’ll
make it out of here without being with a man I can’t stand

BOOK: Open World
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