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Authors: B. A. Tortuga

Tags: #General Fiction

Opening the Cage (18 page)

BOOK: Opening the Cage
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“Why would April hide Riana from you?” Canyon just didn’t get it.

Wend’s hand slid on his back. “The witch. The witch wanted us to be together. April knew she had to protect our girl.”

“She was a bad woman, huh?” Wend had told him a little about how the old Alpha had known only Riana and Wend’s mates could tap into their power, but that the witch had tricked him into biting Riana the first time, corrupted Markus, bone-deep. It just sucked all around.

Riana, we need to go. Granite will care for Junie.

She danced, eyes meeting his and he could feel it, how desperately tired she was, how much she needed them, needed to settle and rest.
I’m her friend.

Of course you are. You will see her again soon. Talk to her. Your mates need you.

She whined, and he growled softly, hating to push, but knowing he had to. There would be more friends, pack mates, people who loved her.
Riana. It’s time. We’ll come back soon, and Junie can come visit. But now we need to go home.

Wend went to her, tugging at her ruff. “Now, love.”

She turned her head, mouthing Wend’s wrist gently, making Mesa chuff softly. “She’s stubborn, your girl.”

Canyon rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t know anything about that, huh?”

“Shit.” Mesa snorted happily. “Don’t go there. She’s already bitching about getting fat. Already.”

“Yeah. Wait until she’s as big as a house.” Canyon sighed, going to squat in front of Riana. “Come on, sweet. I promise, she’ll get better.”

Riana stepped close to him, nuzzling into his hands.
Home? You promise? She won’t be angry with me?

She won’t. She knows how things work. She needs Granite to make her mad so she can get up and live.
He knew that as sure as he knew which direction the sun came from.

She leaned into him, and he knew she was with him, ready to come home.

Ready to learn her pack.

Canyon smiled at her, at Wend. “We ready?” He sure was. Canyon had gotten over his initial sadness at leaving. He was kinda thriving under the responsibility of being an Alpha.

Mesa clapped him on the back. “Call. I’ll see you at the moon.”

“You will.” He grabbed Mesa in a hug, then hugged Granite as well. “Take care of Junie. Please?”

Granite growled softly. “I’ll care take of all of them. Let me know who you choose as your second, and I’ll test them.”

Canyon nodded. He hadn’t even thought of that. That had been his job…God, there was so much he didn’t know. Good thing his new pack decided killing that monster was Alpha trial enough. He'd just learn the rest on his own, with his brother and his mates help. “Tell her. Junie. Tell her I love her, and I’m sorry.”

“She knows.” Mesa nodded to him. “Go, brother. This will be easier next time.”

“I know.” He nodded, turning to take Wend’s hand, his other landing on Riana’s head. It was time to go.

They headed to the truck, the three of them and he piled them in, Riana’s head in his lap as he pulled out. It was going to be hard. A little strange. This was his family, though, his pack, and Canyon couldn’t be more proud.

Wend’s fingers were on Riana’s belly, stroking slowly, gently.
Home. Home. Home.

Yes. Home. The rest of the pack is waiting for us.

Wend nodded.
And our home, Riana. A home for us, with a big bed.

Their girl had refused to come see, to explore. She would now, though. She’d see what Wend had done for her, making the cabin ready and warm and full of soft things.

There were lovely clothes, a huge tub for them to bathe in, a fireplace and a big, soft sofa. Riana would have all the comforts she’d never had before in her life. Canyon could only hope they would help bring her out of her shell.

He drove through the mountains, taking it easy, his load making the truck sputter and struggle. He had to stop at one point and put chains on, which Wend watched curiously, taking in every detail. Come spring he would teach Wend to drive.

His mate would be so good at it.

They crested the mountain, their home nestled in the tiny valley. Home.

He felt a surge of pride. This was his land. His to heal from the scars of the old Alpha and the witch. A place for his mates.

A place for all of them.









Riana sat in the tub, bubbles up to her neck, watching the snow fall. It was lovely in here, warm and cozy, and she was being lazy.

She picked a bubble up on one finger, blew it, watched it float.

She heard bright laughter in her mind, happy as could be, before Wend came running by the door, his body bare as the day he was born.

“Naked boy!” She grinned at the handprint on the pale tush. Someone was teasing their Alpha.

Wend skidded to a stop and came pattering back to peer at her. “Bubbles!”

“Uh-huh. Where are your pants?” Wend liked pants. He said they kept his cock safe. With Canyon around and snowed in, it was important, she supposed.

“Canyon took them!” Wend waggled his eyebrows.

“Mmmhmm. I turned the heat up.” Canyon appeared behind Wend, leaning on her sweet one’s shoulder.

She chuffed softly. “I’m in the bubbles. Shoo.”

“Maybe we should join her, Wend.” Canyon was naked, too. That was nice.

“Is there room?” Wend rubbed against Canyon, eyes crossing, his cock beginning to fill, and Riana couldn’t help her moan.

Her mates.

She knew what kind of pleasure they could give her now; they had a soft bed and a warm house and bubbles. She smiled, washing one leg.

Both her mates groaned, the two of them moving toward her as one.

Yes. Yes, they could come and play with her.

Canyon reached down and touched her foot, smiling. “Think the tub is big enough?”

“It was yesterday.” She could smell them, and they made her ache, made her want. “And the day before.”

Wend laughed, sliding into the water behind her. “It was. It still is!”

His arms came around her, fingers cupping her breasts like he was offering her to Canyon. Such a boy. Canyon was, too, because he swooped down to kiss both of them.


Canyon’s happy thought settled in her belly, and she knew it was in Wend’s, too. Riana nodded.
We are.

My mates. Love.
Canyon blew a bubble off her breast, and it flew up in the air.

Riana laughed, the bubble heading for the light, bobbing in the air for a moment before it disappeared, Canyon’s lips covering hers in a kiss.




About the Author


I enjoy indulging in the shallow side of life, with hobbies that include collecting margarita recipes, hot tub dips, and ogling hot guys at the beach. A connoisseur of the perverse and esoteric, my days are spent among dusty tomes of ancient knowledge, or, conversely, surfing porn sites in the name of research. Mixing the natural born southern propensity for sarcasm and the environmental western straight-shooting sensibility, I do my damnedest to produce mainstream fiction, literary erotica, and fine works of pure, unadulterated smut.

With characters ranging from supernatural demons to modern-day cowboys, alternative illustrated men to Victorian dandies, the addiction to history and atmosphere is ever-present, and laced through with sensual pleasure. My latest projects include werewolves, rodeo cowboys, and fist-fighting rednecks.





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BOOK: Opening the Cage
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