Opulence (9 page)

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Authors: Angelica Chase

Tags: #Adult, #Romance

BOOK: Opulence
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"This is Rhys, my husband," Violet proclaimed proudly.

"Taylor Ellison," she cooed as he smiled at her before turning to me. The man was beautiful, but had absolutely no effect on me. At that very moment, I craved Aiden for the first time.

"Nice to meet you," I said, briefly shaking his hand.

"If you ladies don’t mind, I will be relieving you of my wife." Violet turned to us and we said our goodbyes. I promised I would be in contact regarding some future investments in real estate in the area. Taylor watched with piqued interest as they walked away.

"Taylor," I admonished, "as many beautiful suits as you have seen coming in and out of our office, your reaction to this one surprises me." Waving our waiter over, I gave him my card and compliments on his service, remembering all too well the nightmare of serving people for a living.

"It’s not him, I mean, it is him, but..." She stood suddenly and excused herself, her phone in hand as if she was taking a call. I narrowed my eyes but let her have her leave.

Taylor insisted on spending the night in Savannah, stating she would be able to find her way back. Hesitantly, I left her there after she claimed she was meeting an old acquaintance. I suddenly wished we had socialized a bit more. I felt very protective of her. I just couldn’t demand answers, though. I rode back to Charleston, thinking about the property and what I could possibly do with it. It was much too picturesque to do anything rash and too far away from civilization to industrialize it in any way, though I wouldn’t want to. A camp maybe?

I smiled as I picked up my phone. "Hi."

"I’ve never thought myself a perverted man until today. I can’t stop thinking about coming on those beautiful tits," he rasped out. I felt the heat radiate through me and immediately put up the partition, as if Carson could hear.

"What, no confession of love? No recited poems? Just a promise of defilement?" I said breathlessly.

"We both know you have an appetite, Nina. You just haven’t shown it to me yet," he said.

"Why, sir, I don’t even know your age or your last name," I said in mock offense.

"Come over and I’ll spell it out for you with my tongue," he commanded.

I looked out my window as we approached my driveway and saw Devin standing next to his Audi, arms crossed. He was furious.

"Shit," I said, breaking our playful mood.

"What is it?" he asked, concerned

"Irate ex stalking my house," I said. "Hold that thought, okay?"

He was quiet for a beat then spoke quickly. "Where are you?"

"Pulling up to my house. My driver is with me. Don’t worry, Aiden, okay?"

"You can’t expect me to just sit here, Nina," he said calmly, though he was anything but.

"Not your place, Aiden," I said softly. "I’ll call you back."

"Fuck," he ground out. "Okay." He hung up and I knew our next conversation would go a little differently.

Carson pulled around and I addressed him. "Carson, I would never ask you to put yourself in harm’s way, and I don’t think there will be an issue, but will you please just keep an eye out?"

"Say no more," he said, eyeing Devin with disgust. No one liked the man.

I stepped out with a smile. "Devin," I said in greeting.

"Where the fuck have you been? I told you I needed to talk to you!" He was beyond angry. In fact, I’d never seen him so upset.

"I’m here, talk," I snapped. "And just so you know, you have no say now or ever in anything that goes on in my life, including knowing my whereabouts and who I’m fucking. We broke up, and we were never really together," I said, looking up at him.

It still hurt. His deep blue eyes studied me.

"Nina, I don’t blame you for ending it. I don’t blame you for hating me, but this is important," he pressed as he pulled me by the shoulders so I was standing closer to him.

"What?! Damn it, Devin, spit it out!" I said, exasperated.

"The land you saw today, you need to get rid of it. My firm has made an offer. We want to buy it back." In his face, I saw fear quickly replaced by anger. "What the fuck were you doing there, anyway?"

"That would be none of your business," I said defiantly. "The land is not for sale."

He jerked me up by my arms, bringing me close to his face. "Listen to me, sell it to me. I’ll pay double."

"No." I jerked my hand away. "What are you hiding, a dead body? I know that land has been sold and resold several times. What exactly is your issue with it?"

"You cannot own it, Nina. It’s dangerous for both of us," he said, taking a cautious step toward me. "It belongs to Eileen’s family and when she finds out I flipped it for a profit and you are the current owner it will be hell for the both of us."

"Oh, God, of course the wife." I rolled my eyes. "So this is why you needed a few extra days?"

"Yes," he hissed, bringing me closer to him. I looked up into his eyes and was immediately transfixed. Devin was beautiful in any mood, but especially when he was angry. It turned me on the most. A whispered thought of Aiden drifted through my mind but I ignored it as the deep blue sea encompassed me. Devin leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, renewing my arousal.

Still a shark, Nina?

"Who you fuck is none of my business," he said, digging his fingers into my shoulders. "I’ve lost you."

I snorted, quite unattractively. "Don’t play concerned now."

"For a smart woman, you really are so naive."

"Well, how about for just once you enlighten me!" He leaned in and bit my lip, sucking mercilessly before covering my mouth and taking it completely. I pushed at his chest and he didn’t budge as I kissed him back. His kiss deepened and gentled slightly as he fully tasted me. I moaned into his mouth as his arms trapped me to his body, a body I’d seen a thousand times and would never tire of.

"Nina, ask me inside," he said, lifting me slightly so I felt the bulge in his pants. "I’ll be more than happy to enlighten you."

"No," I said, pushing him away and taking several steps back, putting much needed space between us. "I am with someone else, fucking someone else. We are over, Devin. Stay away from me."

His face twisted in rage as he took menacing steps toward me, making me flinch. Seeing my fear, he stopped where he was and stood, his hands on his hips, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe my confession. I was no longer his possession. With a deep breath, he looked up at me.

"Sell the property. Please just get rid of it. Save us both the hassle," he pleaded as all the fight left him.

"Why do you stay with her?" I asked for the millionth time since the night I discovered them together.

"Goodnight, Nina," he said, turning from me and getting into his car. He sat staring at the wheel before looking back up at me one more time and turning the ignition. I realized then that Devin was just as infuriating to me in his refusal to answer my questions as I had been to Aiden.

Aiden. I needed to call him back.

Devin sped away as I drug myself up to the door, dreading the conversation. Devin would always have a certain effect on me if I let him. And I had just let him. I couldn’t in good conscience call Aiden with my head swimming with Devin, his kiss still fresh on my lips. I opted to text.


Wicked fight, I won. Call you tomorrow.

Not good enough.


My phone rang and I considered ignoring it. But Aiden deserved better. He had been nothing but good to me.

"Hi," I whispered, throwing my purse on my kitchen counter.

"Do you love him?"

"Don’t ask me that," I said with a sigh. "You won’t like my answer."

The silence on the line lingered.

"He was nothing but a damn bad idea. He’s the bad guy and in some fucked up way I’m drawn to it. He’s a shark and I let him turn me into one as well. I saw the signs and ignored them. I know that’s not what you want to hear. I don’t think I’ve ever made a good decision when it comes to a man. I kissed him, Aiden. But I won’t do it again."

More silence.

"Look, Aiden, if you don’t want to see me again, I’ll understand. I didn’t realize how much baggage I was bringing into this."

"Come see me tomorrow," he said and hung up.





spent the next morning thinking about my next move. I should just sell the land. I didn’t want to give Devin any more reason to approach me. I was confident Violet could find me a similar plot. After all, Savannah was beautiful and full of similar places just as captivating. I fancied the idea of owning a small part of it, of developing, contributing something.

That’s very unsharklike, Nina.

I smiled.

I texted Devin.


Have your office send over the paperwork for the sale. One condition, you NEVER contact me again socially or otherwise.

I’ll miss you, Nina.


I laughed as I read it. Prick.

All at once, I felt free. I spent my day at the gym thinking about Aiden and the apology I owed him. I didn’t want to lose the small connection we’d made. The sex was phenomenal so far and I was craving his touch. I hadn’t lost sight of how often I smiled when I was with him, how much more of myself I bared to him when we were together. I fucked up kissing Devin. I might have lost the only real shot at a relationship I’d had in years.

But Aiden was still a mystery to me.

I walked into The Mystic and immediately spotted Aiden. He was chatting up a beautiful blonde as they sat in the table next to the stage. I was unsure whether or not to approach him. I opted to sit at the bar and greet Dave.

"Nina," he said with a wink.

"I live here," I admitted.

He laughed loudly. "I assumed as much," he said, grabbing the twenty I handed him as he sat my beer down. "I won’t ask."

"Thanks." I smiled, my heart not behind it. I waited ten minutes, only looking over at Aiden once. I refused to let the jealousy seep through me. I had no right. Letting out a sigh, I finished my beer then picked my purse up to leave when I heard his voice behind me.

"Naughty Nina," he greeted with contempt in his voice.

I turned to look up at him. "I’m not playing games tonight, Aiden. If you are angry with me then just say so. You don’t have to parade around, flirting with other women. I am well aware you have the power to get laid anytime you want."

"Aiden," the blonde from the booth whined as she walked up. "I didn’t think we were finished talking." She glared at me as I stared at her blankly.

I braved a look at him and my lips parted. His eyes were fire, his jaw set like he was ready for war.

"Karina, I will call you," he dismissed her as he kept his eyes on mine. She stomped off, grabbing her purse from the table and pushing past us as she left.

"I’m sorry, Aiden," I said softly, "it was just a kiss. I am sorry, though. Excuse me." I stood to leave, knowing I wouldn’t be back.

Seconds after I walked out I felt his hand take mine as he led me around the corner in the alley behind his club. He positioned me against the brick wall as he stared at me. I looked up at him, completely weak.

"It really is ironic that you think you are a shark, Nina Scott," he said before backing me up, his fiery eyes ablaze with need.

Well, he knows my last name.

"I know I made it clear to you that I wanted to own this body, maybe I should have included this sexy fucking mouth, too," he said, sliding his hand up and cupping my chin. "But you never did give me an answer, did you?"

My panties were soaked. I moaned as his breath hit my skin with every word.

"No," I answered. "I didn’t." His smirk was full of menace. He wanted me to pay, of that I was sure.

"Allow me to clarify which parts I want to own," he said, lifting my skirt slowly inch by inch. A group of people walked by laughing and turned our way. Aiden didn’t stop as he lifted it up further, exposing my white silk panties.

"This." He cupped my sex roughly and I gasped out as the onlookers quickly walked past us. I stood, completely frozen, both mortified and absolutely on fire. I reached up to pull him to me to cover myself as he reached around, gripping my ass and squeezing with both hands. "This," he said pulling me to him and grinding into me slightly before thrusting me back against the brick.

He pulled open my blouse button by button as I quickly looked around us, realizing we were being watched by every single passerby.

"Aiden," I said, giving him big eyes.

"I don’t give a fuck. I’m not finished," he said, completely oblivious. Once he finished the task of opening my blouse, he gripped my breast roughly. "These," he said as I moaned, arching my back into him.

"And most definitely these," he said, biting my lips hard and punishing. I cried out, my eyes watering as he bruised them. He pulled back and ripped the silk of my panties completely away. I slid down against the wall and he brought me back up. "I think it’s time you gave me an answer," he said as he unzipped his pants. He turned us around quickly so his back was against the wall and lifted me up so my legs wrapped around him. I frantically looked around us until I felt the thick head of him invade me. Then nothing else mattered. I bit his shoulder as his slid his rock hard cock into me. Once fully connected, we both stared at each other in awe. My body vibrated around him.

"So fucking good, Nina. Did you forget?" he slammed into me hard as I heard a gasp or two pass us by. I couldn’t stop him and I didn’t want to. Aiden slid down to the ground with us still connected.

"I need you to give me an answer, Nina," he said, cupping my head and bringing me in for a kiss. Anyone who saw us now would simply see me straddling him, my skirt covering our indiscretion. He was deep as I writhed on top of him, but he wouldn’t move.

"It was always going to be yes," I said quickly. Aiden had just completely claimed me. I didn’t need any more reasons to give in. I wrapped my legs around his back against the brick wall as we began to move.

"Fuck, you feel so good. This pussy is so fucking perfect," he said as he eyed my chest. "Still, I’m so fucking mad at you," he warned, gripping my hips and slamming himself into me. I gasped as his eyes lit with satisfaction. He clenched my neck tightly, bringing my lips to his. His tongue traced my mouth before invading it as I got lost in his cock buried deep inside of me. "When you come all over my dick, naughty Nina, just remember you don’t deserve it, not tonight." He slammed into me again by gripping my thighs pulling me rougher to him. He licked his index and then stuck it into my mouth. I sucked it greedily as I rose and fell on his stone dick, the fire in his eyes spurring me on. "But I can’t help myself tonight, and I think I might have started a slight addiction of my own." He slipped his hand beneath my skirt, cupping my ass, spreading moisture over my back entrance. I gasped as he plunged his finger in without warning. I buckled and came with a scream as he clamped his hand over my mouth, bucking furiously as he spilled into me as we both rode it out. When we had both caught our breath, he slowly started buttoning up my shirt as we stayed connected.

"You fucked me in the street," I breathed out, open mouthed and dazed.

"Maybe it’s time you start taking me at my word," he said with a sardonic smile.

"Maybe I will," I murmured as he got to the last button and kissed me gently.

"So what’s your last name?" I sighed as he placed a soft kiss on my chin.


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