Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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“Tsk. Tsk.” I admonished her, setting my hands over hers.


“What’s our deal?”

She narrowed her eyes. “What deal? I never agreed to anything.” She smirked.

“While I’d love nothing more than to get you out of these clothes, we first have work to do.”

“Pfft.” Her fingers sneaked under my shirt, slowly pulling at it.

I stopped her hands from roaming and clicked my tongue. “Now, now Zoe.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine. What are we going to do first?”

“For starters, let’s have a conversation.”

She pursed her lips at my internal thoughts.
“About what?”

“Was that clear or muffled?”

“Clear, mostly.” She wrinkled her nose. “I think.”

“We must practice. At first, communicating while we’re together, then while we’re apart. Especially when you’re not expecting it, so we know we can speak when necessary.”

“So what other gifts do I have?”

“There’s healing. As you know, we cannot completely regenerate on our own any longer.”

“Yeah, why is that?” She took a step back, leaning against the railing that overlooked the sea.

“Our souls have Converged.” I moved beside her, leaning on my elbows. “We’re incomplete without the other.”

“Literally?” She narrowed her eyes.

“Literally?” I narrowed my eyes. “I’m unsure—”

“It’s a figure of speech. It means exactly what it means.”

“I think so, then. Yes. We now rely on the other to heal completely. Literally.”

“Does that mean if we’re separate, we can’t heal?” Her eyes grew wide, and I felt her heartbeat pick up it’s pace.

“Slowly. While we’re both Eternal, we retain human blood. So we bleed. And it means we can still be in an excruciating amount of pain.”

“I don’t like that.”

“It’s not pleasant by any means.” I cleared my throat. “But it’s part of being Gemini. And healing will be part of your training.”

“I don’t like that either.” She pursed her lips. “What else?”

“You and Raz share many gifts, also. Which is why he was hesitant on me training you. Would you prefer he come?”

“No,” she blurted. “I love Raz, but I’d rather you train me. I like the idea of learning from you. I kind of feel this weird connection, finally.” She nudged my hip.

I was concerned for her. Perhaps Raz was right, and he should train her.

“Not Raz. You and me.”
She spoke into my head, then sent me a sly grin, admiring the use of her gifts.

“You heard me.” I smiled with pride. “You’re learning.”

She bowed. “Okay. So what else?” She started dancing around the terrace.

I shook my head and grinned at her adorable romp.

“We could practice bridge winds.”

“Why’s it called a bridge wind?”

“Because it’s a bridge to another plane or realm. And there is wind, so? I’m unsure. It’s just what we call them.”

“So you create them with your hands and me, with my mind? How is that any different?”

“We all speak an incantation. Creating the portal is not as different so much as moving to the intended plane. Especially for you. Your intellect is grounded in all you do, so if your mind is not clear, it can be more challenging. We often run into problems when we’re not focusing, as we should be. Which is likely a part of your lack of memories. Your focus is wavering.”

“Yeah, rescuing you was one of the hardest things I’d ever done. The focus to do it was exhausting. It almost drained me.”

“That’s why you need rest. Without focus, it’s problematic for you. One way we regenerate is soul projecting.”

“Mmm.” She leaned on the railing. “We can do that.” She glanced at me. “Maybe we can try to project someplace else this time? Didn’t you say we could leave, go places while we’re projecting?”


I stood behind her, rubbing her neck, massaging out the knots that had taken up there. She was so tense. This incarnation had taken such a toll on her, she needed to relax if she was to properly train.

“And of course, it would be wise to practice. Especially if you ever need to materialize on the run.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you’re being threatened.” I ran my hand over her soft skin, across her neck, tracing lines with my fingertips.

She tilted her head to the side, eyes closed, releasing a sigh.

“It’s an easy way for us to transcend planes if need be.” I stared at her glorious curves as I spoke. “Raz is best to train you on some of these things, but I will do my best. Earlier, Raz was asking…”

Zoe stiffened. Her eyes opened, ceasing her neck massage. “He just can’t let it go, can he?” She exhaled.

“Raz has been our confidant since the beginning of time. Exactly? As you say?” I nudged her, smiling, trying to improve her temperament. “See?”

“You mean literally.” She smiled. “You’re so cute.”

“Raz has our best interests in mind. If he feels he can train you properly, better than I, then I’m apt to agree with him.”

“If there’s training to be done with him, I can do it later. I want the next two weeks to be just us.” She peered up, eyes wide. “I need the break, Cade. Please. I haven’t whined or complained once since I Eternalized. But we need this.” She inched closer. “I need you. To get to know you.”

She pursed her lips.

“But—I think you’re right.” She scowled. “I probably am blocking out visions. I don’t know how to let them in.” She glanced down at her hands, twisting her ring around her finger. “I guess it’s a defense mechanism. I have no clue what I’m doing.” She released a labored breath. “Fine. Call Raz.” She sighed. “After everything with…” A distracted expression rose to her face. “So Lucci. She’s not human?”

“We’re not certain. Raz is researching. He did have a revelation about the girl you fought in the alley in Chicago.”

“Fought is pushing it a little.” Zoe stood, turning around, leaning back against the iron railing. “I was outnumbered by myself. What’s her story?”

“She’s a Fallen trying to regain her wings.”

“Can they do that?”

“I’m unsure, but Raz said…”

“Raz said what?” She interrupted me. “When?” Zoe pursed her lips, eyes narrowed. “You’ve been talking to him?”

I exhaled. “He contacted me a short time ago. I scolded him and made it clear these interruptions would not be tolerated, but he insists we keep the line of communication open during our time apart in case of…”

“Of what?” She closed her eyes and exhaled. “This isn’t going to happen, is it?” She pulled away. “We’ve been away, what. A day? And he’s already pestering us?” She shook her head. “Why did we do this again?”

“This is still your holiday, love.” I pulled her back into my arms. “I promise, we’ll be alone. Let’s invite Raz, if you agree, for one day. Then he is, kicked off the boat, as you say?” I winked.

“Island.” She giggled, the most beautiful sound. “And it’s not a literal island, babe.”

“I adore you, Chayah.”

Zoe leaned in and kissed me, then stepped back and tilted her head to the sky that was now mostly sunny, only a few clouds scattering about.

“Let’s get this done.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the staircase, walking us down to the main floor’s living area.

We got downstairs, and she walked out onto the main terrace.

“Raz, come on.” She spoke to the wind, glancing around as if waiting for him.

I tugged Zoe back and kissed her. “Let me be clear how proud I am of you.”

“Thanks.” She closed her eyes, leaning her forehead to mine.

A bridge wind opened and a gush of wind stirred throughout the villa.

“Long time, no see.” Zoe’s tone laced with distress.

Raz came in followed by Sophie, Elijah, and Lailah.

I tilted my head and glared. The entire Council, short of the Archs, came.

Zoe released me and shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest. “Seriously?”

“One day.” Raz held up a single finger. “And a quick impromptu Council meeting. Then I swear, unless someone is dying, you won’t hear from me or any of us for two weeks.”

“I mean it.” I raised my voice.

Zoe set her hand on my cheek and smiled. “Love you, blue eyes.” She turned and went to Sophie and Lailah.

That was the second time she’d called me blue eyes. It was something she’d said since the beginning of time. Chayah always made reference to my eyes, even since our days as Adam and Eve, but hearing her say it now, I realized she’d not called me that since before this rebirth.

Perhaps it was a positive sign that her memories were attempting to break through.

“So glad to see you. You look wonderful.” Lailah hugged her.

“Thanks. The island agrees with me.” Zoe let go of Lailah and reached for Sophie.

“Chayah.” Sophie bowed her head.

“It’s so weird, them bowing and such,”
Zoe whispered to me.

“You’ll get used to it. And well done communicating.”

I wasn’t trying. Oops.”
She gave me a side smile.

“So, to what do we owe this visit, Raz? You promised me a honeymoon with my husband.” Zoe set her hands on her hips, though a slight smile still held on her lips.

“I do apologize for the intrusion. Sincerely. And I wouldn’t have interrupted if it weren’t important.”

“I know. Still sucks monkey butts.” Zoe closed her mouth and laughed. “Anyway, so a Council meeting, then training? Fine, but I haven’t eaten in hours, and I’m hungry. So we’re going out to eat first.”

Raz narrowed his eyes.

“You’re all here, why not go have dinner? Hang out like friends.” Zoe looked around, but everyone wore stoic expressions.

Everyone except Elijah, who smiled back.

“That’s a great idea, Zo.” Elijah approached her and gave her a hug.

Things had been tense for them before the Convergence, given their history together during this incarnation, but since the rescue, the two were once again, close. They shared many gifts, and had often worked together on missions. He was one of her closest friends before the rebirth, it was good to see them friendly once more.

“All right, let’s go eat. Then we can get down to business.”

Raz and Sophie exchanged looks.

“It’s either that or no deal.” Zoe glared. “You’re interrupting my honeymoon, so what I say goes. Take a load off, seriously. I’ve gotta eat. And I’m dying to see the beach, even though it’s way too cold to swim.”

Sophie glared and opened her mouth, but Zoe widened her eyes, sending Sophie a maternal warning.

Sophie let out a grunt. “Yes, of course.”

“So.” Zoe puffed out her chest, glancing around the room. “What’s for dinner?”

“There are many cafés and shops near the Piazzetta or if you want to see the shore, we can go to the Marina Piccola,” Raz said. “We will discuss the situation in Aravot, with Lilith and Brennan, and the other Eternals. Then we’ll return here for a brief overview of your powers, your training regimen, and discuss what Cade must do to help you practice honing your skills. We agree, you should then be ready for whatever happens, and Cade can continue your training without us.”

“Then you promise you’ll lay off? Give us a breath to be alone? I mean,
alone. Unless somebody’s dying, I don’t want to hear a peep out of any of you.” Zoe pointed around the room. “Yes, there are things going on, but if we can’t do anything about it, and it’s not the end of the world, leave Cade and me to our honeymoon. I’ve given up the three months, I should at least get my two weeks. Understand?” She exhaled. “Please.”

“Very nice, love. Asserting your authority. I like it. This aggressive side of you.”
I winked.

She grinned back.

Raz bowed his head. “Yes, Chayah. As you wish.”


Chapter Fifteen




We jumped a bridge down to the beach since our villa was high above the island. Cade kept close watch on me as we walked along the shore of the Marina Piccola, following the Elders toward a seaside restaurant.

Capri was magical. Fortunately, the haze had burned off for a minute, and a brief gift of sunlight shone through the clouds, shimmering off the clear, blue ocean. I could hardly contain my excitement.

As we followed behind Raz and the others, my gaze skipped along the sandy beaches and beautiful seascape.

I pranced along the shore like a little kid. It was chilly, but beautiful regardless. I already loved it here. I could totally see the draw.

Although Cade said I’d been here before, it felt completely new for me. And I was glad for that, it made being here so much better.

“This place is perfect. I can’t believe we met here once.”

“It was so long ago, but it remains in my memory as if it were yesterday.”

“I kind of wish my memories would return, but seeing the island like it’s the first time is still pretty cool, too.”

“Yes, but at this point, not having your memories is endangering you and making our union unprotected. I’m hoping once Raz trains you, they will return.”

I blew out a breath.

He pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head. “We shall find a way to work through it. We always do.”

We caught up with Raz and the rest of the Council just as they arrived at an Italian café along the beach. Most things were closed now, being winter, but we managed to find a place that stayed open for the locals.

Since the sun came out, it seemed everybody wanted to enjoy the brief bout of sunlight while they could.

Quite a few people sat at tables overlooking the rocks of the bay.

“We can eat out here? I’ve never seen anything like this.”

We spotted a table large enough to seat us all and ordered drinks and appetizers.

“All right, let’s get started.” Raz began.

I shook my head. “Come on, we just got here.”

Raz pursed his lips, holding back his grumbling.

Cade glared at him, and Raz shook his head.

I watched the unspoken banter between Cade and Raz, wondering what they were talking about within their silent conversation.

Cade said I should be able to hear them by now.

I had a lot to learn.

After a five second stare down between the boys, I gave up.

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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