Originals Ride: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride Book 8)

BOOK: Originals Ride: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride Book 8)
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Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Chelsea Camaron, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

This is a work of fiction. All character, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


edition published: June 27, 2016

Editing by: C&D Editing and Asli Fratarcangeli

Cover Design by: Cover Me Darling

Formatting by: M.L. Pahl of IndieVention Designs


ISBN-13: 978-1534718609

ISBN-10: 1534718605


Thank you for purchasing this book. This book and its contents are the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied, and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes.


This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. Content involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situation are over the age of 18. All characters are a work of fiction.


This book is not meant to be an exact depiction of a motorcycle club but rather a work of fiction meant to entertain.


Four men, four families, four originals, one club.

Go back to where it all began so long ago for Roundman, Danza, Frisco, and the late Rocky Fowler. A life choice, a road less traveled, all coming together in the name of brotherhood.

Some found love, some faced loss, and others learned real loyalty. This is the story before the chaos. This is how the originals ride from the past and into the present.


To my dad, Roundman, you are the man who stands behind me through everything. You taught me to love unconditionally, ride hard, be myself, and not to take one person for granted. You are always who you are and make no apologies for it. Thank you for being the man who rode the Harley before it was the cool thing to do. You are a badass rebel with a heart of gold. Thank you for being my dad and always being solid in my life.

To my mom, you are the original “ol’ lady.” You’ve been my strength when I’ve been weak and my safety net as I spread my wings to fly. Thank you for being the strong woman you are.

To Haywood and Rocky, you were taken all too soon. Haywood, I can close my eyes and still see your smile and the way your eyes lit up when you always said, “Let’s give ’em something to talk about.” I know my dad misses you more than words, as we all do. Until the time comes when we can ride together again, you are in our hearts. Rocky, I sure miss you stopping by the shop to check in. They do a ride in your honor for charity. It brings back every memory, and to see all those bikes from so many clubs and organizations that wouldn’t otherwise come together line up and ride together is a moment of pride for you and everything you stood for. The two of you were a class above the rest, men who stood up for everything they believed in. Thank you for the friendship you gave my dad and everyone who knew you both. Thank you for being an extended family and solid people to look up to.

To all the Hellions’ readers, the series is coming to a close with
Originals Ride
Final Ride
. Thank you for encouraging me and loving these boys as much as I do. We only have a couple of rides left together, and I truly hope you feel the emotion and the family bond I wrote the books to have. For me, writing an MC was never about the grit, the violence, the shock, and awe; it was about the feel of the ride and the power of a club family. I’m fortunate enough to have people in my life who aren’t my blood but are my family and have my back through the good and bad. My wish for everyone is to experience the unconditional love that comes from a bond that’s solid, whether it’s in an MC or a reading book club, people coming together to lift each other up, be a positive force in someone’s life so we don’t have to travel through life’s miles alone.


Dear Reader,

While the Hellions Ride books have each been written to stand alone, they are best read in order. This book will go between the past and the present and clear up almost everything that has purposely been left out of the previous books. It will be told from Roundman’s point of view mostly with an occasional part from the other originals. The opening of
Originals Ride
is before the Hellions came to be, so please understand they are not a club at the beginning of the book.

To have the best reading experience, here is the series order:

One Ride

Forever Ride

Merciless Ride

Eternal Ride

Innocent Ride

Simple Ride

Heated Ride

Ride With Me
Hellions MC
Ravage MC
Duel) written with Ryan Michele

Originals Ride

Final Ride
will be the final book in the Hellions Ride series releasing late 2016!

Thank you for taking a ride with the Hellions MC.



Part One: (Past) – Out of Necessity … It Begins

Chapter One: Eye on the Prize

Chapter Two: Fury

Chapter Three: Endless Possibilities

Chapter Four: Plans Change

Chapter Five: Dreams

Chapter Six: California Kid

Chapter Seven: Hellions Ride

Chapter Eight: Control the Chaos

Chapter Nine: Future Looks Bright

Part Two: (Past) – Out of Love and Loyalty … It Continues

Chapter Ten: Ass and Sass

Chapter Eleven: A Doll

Chapter Twelve: Barbeque

Chapter Thirteen: Doing Time

Chapter Fourteen: Homecoming

Chapter Fifteen: Losing It All

Chapter Sixteen: It Takes a Club

Chapter Seventeen: Crash

Part Three: (Present) – Out of Pride … It Comes to a Head

Chapter Eighteen: Threats Keep Coming

Chapter Nineteen: Truth Comes Out

Chapter Twenty: Take a Stand

Chapter Twenty-One: A Lesson in Family

Chapter Twenty-Two: Holding On

Chapter Twenty-Three: Couldn’t Be Prouder

Part Four: (Present Day) – Out of Legacy … It Survives


About the Author

Excerpt from
Final Ride
Hellions Ride
Book 9)

Excerpt from
In The Red
Devil’s Due
Book 1)

Excerpt from
Vipers Creed
Book 1) by Ryan Michele





Sometimes, the family we choose for ourselves can be more loyal than those we are connected to by blood. Ride until I die, the Hellions Motorcycle Club is my family.



Eye on the Prize


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