Origins (13 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

Tags: #Paranormal/Wereshifter

BOOK: Origins
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The decision was taken away from her when Zareb pulled her from the room and led her to the bed. It was then she noticed he was naked. All this time she’d been so close to him and hadn’t realised the he was physically a specimen to behold—her mate was spectacular. Every ebony inch of his muscled body made her drool. His cock thick and hard and she wanted a taste.

Joy licked her lips. She shook his hand loose and slipped out of her shorts and top. Zareb stopped and stared at her. She stood in just a pair of pink lacy underwear. His gaze never left her as she inched them down her thighs until they puddled at her feet. Zareb backed to the bed and sat down on the edge. When Joy came closer he moved to the top of the bed and lay down.

She crawled between his legs, caressing every inch of him she could touch, and never once did he stop looking at her. The moment was so intimate and she didn’t want it to end, but she had to have that cock in her mouth—just a little taste, because she planned on riding that bad boy.

Zareb twitched against her fingers, but stayed silent. That wouldn’t last, not with what she intended to do. Joy nuzzled his balls, taking them into her mouth and sucking on them. She let them slide out of her mouth so she could use her teeth to lightly bite the juncture of his thigh. He seemed to be enjoying it so she bit deeper, sucking and licking, marking Zareb as hers.

Zareb mumbled in Afrikaans. She had no idea what he said, but it didn’t sound like he hated what she was doing. Joy tongued the vein on the underside of his cock, following it up to the tip. Zareb thrashed on the bed, clutching the sheets between his fists, his eyes now closed. Joy took just the tip of Zareb’s dick into her mouth and sucked—hard. He tried to thrust up and force her to take more, but she used her hands to hold him down, taking control of the blowjob. She didn’t want him to come until he was deep inside her aching body.

It was time for her to explore more of his gorgeous form. Joy released his cock and kissed her way up to his nipples, the dark pebbles begging for her attention. Zareb’s hands caressed her back and grabbed her ass. She got a quick pinch in before he dragged her up his body for a mind-blowing kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth, taking no prisoners. She rocked her body against his, the friction driving her to the edge.

She needed him to fill her. Joy broke the kiss so she could position herself above him and sink down.

“Oh, fuck. Zareb.” She didn’t move, not right away.

Zareb grabbed her ass and planted his feet firmly on the bed and began thrusting up. She took the hint and moved. Joy squeezed his pecs and twisted his nipples. She shivered when Zareb caressed her sides—she loved his touch on her skin.

Joy leant down so she could tease Zareb with her breast, the nipples close to his lips, but when he tried to suck one into his mouth she moved back over again and again until he grabbed her breast. He wasn’t gentle—he bit down and Joy almost came right there.

“Enough,” Zareb mumbled, his mouth full of her plump globe.

He flipped them over so Joy was under him. She wrapped her legs around him and tilted her hips up, moving with him. Zareb’s arms bracketed her head. Their eyes met and she couldn’t look away. The intensity of his stare drew her in. Her breathing picked up, she started to pant.

“So close. Zareb. Gonna.”

And she was, her body shook with the force slamming through her. The only noise in the room was flesh against flesh and she still couldn’t look away. She wanted to see Zareb’s face when he came. His lids went half-mast and his thrusts took on a wild cadence.


His shout caused a ripple effect. The look of wonder on his face pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm crashed over her, her whole body a mass of nerves. Zareb collapsed on top of her but she didn’t care, his weight crushing her to the bed a comfort.

Joy’s heart rate finally slowed. Zareb slid over so she could curl up against his chest.

“That was worth the wait. I’m thinking bed sex is better than outdoor dirty sex any time.”

Zareb chuckled into her neck, nuzzling it with his lips.

“You give me so much happiness, my liefie.”

“I like to hear you laugh. You’re so serious all the time.”

“There was a time I was never serious. All I wanted to do was play, but watching your family being destroyed will take the fun out of any situation. Then I had to fight against a man who was my brother in every way when the Vessel changed him. Djimon was the one who followed the rules and did what was right.”

“Things have changed.” Joy kissed his cheek. “You have a new family and you’re allowed to have a little fun.”

“For this I must thank you.”

“Orgasms like that will be thanks enough.” Joy giggled.

Zareb smiled down at her. “We should bathe before the meeting starts.”

“Is that today? Couldn’t it wait?”

“Russ needs to know what happened in
. I want to reassure him that the Vessel is taken care of and see about a schedule for sending pack members there to check on the site. I do not think any of us want to encounter the evil that vase had inside it again.”

“Once was enough for me, babe. I can’t imagine what you went through year after year. I’m surprised you didn’t go a little crazy. I bet you’re relieved that part of your life is over.”

“I will never fully regret my path in life because it led me to you.”

“You say the sweetest things.” Joy nipped at his shoulder.

“Shower or bath, my siel.”

. I wanna try out your tub.”

“Then a bath you shall have.”

Zareb picked her up and carried her to the bathroom before setting her down on the toilet. She could get used to this, snuggling in while Zareb pampered her. She could go back to sleep, but she was hungry too. Her thoughts jumped back and forth until Zareb picked her up again and placed her into the water.

The warmth felt great against her sore muscles. Her body wasn’t used to all the walking she had done in the past week. Maybe she’d make a spa appointment soon, a day all about her would do her a wonder of good. She’d get V to go and maybe invite the other women in the pack. She was drifting to sleep, her head on Zareb’s shoulder, when he passed her some soap. Yeah, she just wanted to never move again. When she didn’t take the bar from his hands he began washing her body.

Joy moaned. Yes, a massage was in order. Maybe Zareb would do it for her, then she’d never have to leave the house again. That was doable, right? He had a kitchen and the woods out back would be perfect when they needed to shift. Things were looking pretty good from where she sat.

Chapter Nine

Everyone was already in Russ’ office by the time Zareb and Joy showed up. Even Djimon and Ive had made it there before they did. Not that Zareb would complain too much. He prided himself on punctuality, but when he had a woman such as Joy at his disposal he would make an exception.

Eyes turned to them when the door shut behind them. Joy turned a pretty pink colour, but raised her chin in defiance. Valerie had saved them a spot so Zareb led Joy over.

Russ looked better than he had when the group had left for
. He was once again in command of himself. Zareb figured that had a lot to do with his mate, Vivian. There was much power to be had in this room. Home had never felt so good. There was really no need for true guardians anymore, but Max and David would make good ones. They reminded him a little of himself and Dji. Maybe they should begin training—he’d have to ask Russ what he thought of that.

“Now that we are all here we can begin.” Russ grinned at him.

Zareb looked around to see who else had been invited to the meeting. They were mostly new couples. Scott and Erin had been mated for a while and Zareb did not think Ive and Dji or Grey and Paul had completed the ritual yet. Bella and David sat across from Max and Valerie. Vivian sat next to Russ at his desk. The rest of the pack went about their day. This core group would be the backbone of the tribe, here to help Russ in whatever he needed.

“For the record I would like to state that I
the alpha here. I know there were some questions before the group of you went to
, but I’m in charge. There may be members in here stronger than I am in the magic realm, but that doesn’t make me weak.”

“It is how it should be. As I have stated before, the alpha should not have a guardian’s power. Too much, and it could corrupt the best of us.” Zareb was happy to see Russ take charge.

“Well put, Zareb. I also want to reassure everyone on Djimon’s presence. The man here in this room is
the one who was against us. That soul was named Dmitri and is no longer with us. Most of you know this, but I wanted to reinforce it. Zareb, please fill us in on what happened.” Russ gave him the floor.

Zareb bowed his head at the alpha. “Our trip was not as uneventful as we had hoped. The plane crashed in the middle of the jungle, killing our pilot. We had to leave him and the plane. We should inform his family.” Zareb looked to Russ for confirmation—at the alpha’s nod he continued. “Once on the ground we moved as fast as we could, but were ambushed. They separated Joy and I from Dji and Ive. I believe that is because they thought Djimon was still Dmitri and they wanted to rescue him from us—he had followers in
. Ive and Dji will have to fill you in on that part of the journey. Joy and I managed to keep the Vessel with us.”

Zareb would leave out that he’d mated with Joy in the jungle without realising it. The alpha didn’t need to know everything.

“So nothing escaped from the vase?” Valerie questioned.

“Unfortunately that is not the case. Dmitri’s soul tried to escape, but it was unsuccessful. We ran into an old tribe mate who managed to survive the carnage when Dmitri first emerged, Baakir. He came back with us.”

“Yeah, we should keep an eye on him,” Joy interrupted.

Zareb looked over and nodded.

“Why is that?” Russ looked between him and Joy.

“He was influenced by Dmitri and the Vessel, but in the end he helped us. But Joy is correct; we should keep an eye on him. He might need help as well, getting used to a new life,” Zareb answered.

“Then we’ll see what we can do. I am assuming that the Vessel has been disposed of?”

“Yes, Joy and I made sure it was sealed and Djimon added some extra power to the ground. We both think it would be good to send someone to the burial spot periodically to check the barrier.”

“I agree. I’ll send pairs up starting next month.”

“I think that would be wise, Russ. It might be nice to have the shifters here see where they came from.”

is very rich in magic. I wouldn’t mind going back. As long as I had access to a decent bathroom, or a car. I don’t think I want to ever walk again,” Joy piped in.

Valerie laughed.

“Zareb, you can help me with a rotation schedule. It might be nice for the magic users to go first.”

“Oh, hell no. Aren’t Max and I the only magic users who
been?” Valerie looked horrified.

Now it was Joy’s turn to laugh. “You’ll be fine, V.”

“Says you, the person who probably won’t have to go back.”

The love between the two sisters was a bright light and Zareb took a moment to bask in the glow. That was how he wanted his relationship with Dji to continue. He had missed his brother—all these centuries apart and he had much to make amends for.

It took him a moment to realise Russ was speaking.

“Is there anything else we should discuss?” Russ looked at the others in the room.

“I think we are safe for now. The Ancients have not spoken to me since our return. I am unsure if that is a good sign or a bad one. I will try to commune with them and let you know what they have said. There was a hint that our world could be exposed to humans, but I think we took care of that when the Vessel was destroyed.”

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