Read Out of The Box Regifted Online

Authors: Jennifer Theriot

Out of The Box Regifted (4 page)

BOOK: Out of The Box Regifted
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I put my hand to my mouth in amazement, “Oh Ash - what do you think? My God, I think it’s a great idea!”

He shakes his head, “I’m still just trying to digest all of this, ya gotta give me a little time. He wants to take her to Navy Pier and propose on the ferris wheel.”

I put my hands on my cheeks, “That’s
romantic! Please tell me you gave him your blessing.”

“I did and I also asked him to come over tomorrow night and have dinner with us. He wants you to be on board as well. After all, you
gonna be his mom soon.”

Just the mere thought of that remark makes me smile. “Ash, I am on board. He doesn’t need my approval.”

My remark makes him chuckle, as he playfully shakes my shoulders, “Of course he does hon, our family’s about to blossom and it’s important to him that he’s got both our blessings. That’s just how he is.”

“Has he gotten a ring?”

He looks at me with a proud pappa look on his face, “Yeah, he actually went shopping one day by himself, found what he believes is the perfect ring, and bought it. He had it with him and showed me. It’s small—nothing ostentatious by any means - but perfect for Emily. She’ll love it, trust me. He did a great job.”

I think to myself of how simple Emily is, and how a small ring just fits her personality. I’m sure she won’t want a big over the top wedding, and I’m saddened by the fact that her parents aren’t in her life to share this with her. I wonder who will walk her down the aisle. The fact that her mother won’t be here, to help her plan the wedding or watch her get dressed, just breaks my heart. I can’t imagine a mother just up and leaving her child in someone’s care, but I surely can’t pass judgment. God knows if Alan had done to me what he did when the kids were younger, I don’t know what I’d have done. I look out the window into the vacant lot next to the house, and try to visualize the wedding. He puts both arms around me and kisses my forehead.

“Never a dull moment with us, Liv.”

I look up into his dreamy eyes. “Happy moments are perfectly fine with me, and I live for them. We’re so lucky. Give me a happy moment any day, and I’m a happy camper.”

His hand lightly spanks my bottom, as he laughs, “Well, then whatcha say we go make a happy moment for ourselves?” He winks that oh so sexy wink and he’s got me.

“That sounds wonderful, just give me a minute. I need to get coffee made for tomorrow.” While I’m at the sink filling the coffee pot, he comes up behind me, puts his arms around me and plants soft kisses my down my neck. “Let’s make love here.”

I turn around, astounded, “Right here? In the kitchen?”

He steps back and opens his arms, “Sure, why not? It’s just us silly. Ever done it in the kitchen before?”

“Heavens no. Have you?” I ask, curious to hear his answer

He winks, gives me a sexy look and I think by the look on his face, I already know the answer.

Playfully he pats my behind and eagerly looks me in the eye, “So? What are you waiting for? You game?”

Teasingly I respond, “Sure - I’m game, but only if it’s your game.”

Well then, let’s get you naked.” He quickly takes off my clothes, picks me up, and sets me on the counter then steps back. Rubbing his chin, he stands there admiring me. “Wow!”

Sitting there stark naked and on display, I playfully stick my tongue out at him, “What do you mean, wow?” He puts his hands through my hair and pulls my face into his, with a smirk on his face. “I mean just that you look so hot all naked and sitting on the counter like that, and I wonder if you even have a clue how sexy you are.”

I laugh and watch, as he quickly fumbles out of his clothes.
‘What an incredible body he’s got.’
I think to myself. Every muscle is perfectly toned. Once he removes his boxers, my eyes are fixated on the perfect v which runs to his happy trail. God I could stare at his naked body forever. How a man who is 60 years old can still have a body like this, is beyond comprehension. He notices my staring and chuckles.

“See something you like down there, Sunshine?”

I’m smiling from ear to ear, “Oh yeah, I see something down there. Your body’s incredible. Talk about the wow factor…”

“Well now that we’ve established our total lust for each other’s bodies, why don’t we put them in motion? I’m ready - or couldn’t you tell?” He looks down, and I see that his erection signals his readiness.

He begins by kissing my lips and then down my neck, all while caressing my legs, slowly working up to my breasts. Oh my. I love it. He carefully lays me back on the counter and the feel of the cold granite on my back, combined with the tingles from his touch, is arousing. With his fingers, he’s making slow soft circles on my tummy, while kissing and blowing through his lips.

Making love in the kitchen proves to be nothing short of amazing and when we’ve finished, he carries me to the shower. For some strange reason, my mind wanders back to the night Alan broke my heart, the horrible memory of what he did to me, and how he ripped my soul to shreds. Ash took me into this very shower that fateful night a few months ago, and literally saved my life showing me true compassion in a caring non-sexual way. That was the night my life was forever changed.

I take a deep breath and the mood dissipates. Sensing what’s on my mind, Ash takes me into his arms holding me safe and secure, and whispers in my ear.

“Don’t think about that night. I can tell what you’re thinking and I want you to focus on us. Tonight’s our night and this - being in the shower with you is about two people, Ash and Olivia. Two people who love each other. I adore you Sunshine, and I worship you. Listen to the music and let your body go.” He lifts my face up to where I’m looking into his eyes. With a look of uncertainty he asks, “You don’t still have feelings for Alan do you? Is that what this is all about?”

“Oh my God NO! I don’t have feelings for him. I have no idea what made me even think back to that night. You’re the only one I want. I love you so much.”

With a look of relief, he turns and adjusts the temperature of the water. “You had me scared there for a minute, Sunshine. I don’t ever wanna lose you. I want to be the only man you think about. The only man you want, and the only man you love. Let me be that man.”

I look into his eyes, which are yearning to be reassured and take his face into my hands, “You’re my everything Ash. I swear it with every breath I have. I love you so much, and you
the only man in my life.” The look on his face, tells me that’s exactly what he needed to hear.

Soft soulful music is playing, as he sits me on the seat and begins to wash me. Slowly and sensually he washes my hair, working each strand between his fingers, massaging my head, as he works his way to every part of my body. The pulse of the warm shower is divine, as I tingle from his touch and suddenly forget about those bad times. Looking into his eyes with desire, I take the bar of soap from his hands, lather it on his body, and he comes alive again.

Looking down at himself, then back up at me, he smiles, “I don’t know how you do it to me, but you sure can stir things up! I could make love to you 24/7. I seem to have a perpetual hard on for you, don’t I?”

“Do I satisfy you Ash, honestly?” I teasingly implore him.

“You tell me if I look satisfied.” He looks down at the Giant who is ready to go again, then back up at me, with a naughty boy look on his face. “Well, I’m waiting…do you think this is the look of a satisfied man? Cause I sure think it is.”

I smile and think of all he’s taught me, about being confident and secure with myself as a sexual being. Never have I ever felt as desired, as he makes me feel. I’ve missed out on so much, and resent Alan for that. He never encouraged variety in our sex life, but then again, neither did I and it’s sad that I missed out on so much. I wonder to myself what Alan and Kelly’s sex life is like. What does she give him that I didn’t? Not that I should worry about that anymore, but I think it will forever haunt me. Maybe I wasn’t as in tune to his needs, but then again, he wasn’t in tune to mine. Relationships take work on both sides, so who can say who’s at fault? I really never thought of myself as overly sexually attractive, but Ash makes me feel like the sexiest woman ever. The fact that he encourages dialogue between us is one of the many things I love about him. I hunger for that on a daily basis.

Bringing me out of my deep thoughts, he lightly shakes me and smiles. “Earth to Olivia. Don’t be a mood killer.”

It makes me laugh, as he embraces me, tilting my chin to look him in the eye, “Ever done it in the shower?”

I playfully roll my eyes and shake my head.

He grins and reassures me, “I’ll take that as a no. Let’s see if I can give you some enjoyment, and get that hot little body going again.” My list of firsts is growing, and this one’s intriguing. He positions me against the wall of the shower, as the warm water is spraying on me and begins kissing me softly, all over my body. He squirts body wash on his hands and begins sensually rubbing it on my body, as he lifts my leg to wrap around his waist. He positions himself to enter me. “Ready to ride?” I nod and he whispers, “Hold on Sunshine, because I’m fixing to give you another first.”

I moan from his touch, as I move my hips to accept him.

He looks down at me and he’s biting his bottom lip, as he thrusts into me. “That’s my girl. Open up and let me show you just how good screwing in the shower can be.”

There can’t possibly be any hot water left as we both release. “Ah that was amazing. You felt so damn good.”

Flirtatiously I slap his bottom, “Why thank you very much sir.”

I shiver, as I step out of the shower.

He grabs a large warm towel from the drying rack and wraps it around me, kissing me tenderly. “There you go Sunshine. All better? There’s a robe on the rack, when you finish drying off.”

He takes my hand and we head into the kitchen to get our clothes.

“We’re like two horny teenagers, aren’t we?” I giggle.

“Yeah, I have to admit, you do make me feel like one. We’re sleeping naked tonight by the way, so don’t even try to put on any clothes.” He swats my behind, as we go back into our room and lie in bed totally satisfied. I lay my head on his stomach and the rhythm of his breathing against my cheek feels so good. When the hair along his stomach tickles my cheek, I giggle.

He leans up and looks at me, “What’s so funny down there?”

“Your tummy hair tickles me.”

“My tummy hair? No one’s ever told me that before. I hope that’s a good thing.”

I smile, “Umm that’s a very good thing.”

His body is warm and he smells out of this world. He reciprocates by softly rubbing the base of my neck, as we talk about things going on in our life. Ash sits up against the headboard, pulls me into him and springs a surprise on me.

“I’ve been thinking that...since you’re gonna be a grandmother soon, we should think of maybe buying a place in Houston. I don’t see Lainey and Kellan leaving Houston in the near future, so we might as well get geared up for Gigi, so we can visit our grandbaby on a regular basis. I’ve been talking to Lainey, and she has several places in mind for us to look at that are fairly close to their house. I thought we could do a quick weekend trip, if you think it’s something you want to do.”

I’m speechless and don’t know how to respond. He turns me around and takes me into his arms, looking confused. “You’re not upset with me, are you?”

“No I’m not upset! You’d actually do that for me? God I love you so much. Have I even told you that lately, because I do.” I sit up, and the look on my face tells him I’m excited.

He laughs and pulls me closer to him, “Honey, you have told me how much you love me, but you can tell me a thousand times a day, and I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

I’m beaming with happiness, at his mention that we’ll be grandparents. The reality of him as a grandfather is overwhelming. I lean against his warm welcoming embrace and smile.

“Are there any other surprises I need to know about, Mr. Ash
‘I think of everything’

He kisses the top of my head while rubbing my arm, “None that I’m giving away right now, but I’ll let you know when the time comes. Let’s get some sleep. The Giant and I are beat kiddo.”

This man never ceases to amaze me. How in the world can I possibly sleep after news like this? My mind is racing, and I’m trying to visualize all the kids coming to our new second home. I can picture me rocking my crying grand baby. I can see Ash coming to take the baby from me, swaddling it in his arms, while talking baby talk. The baby relaxes and stops crying. I picture Todd sitting on the couch, freaking out dropping f-bombs, because the baby he’s holding has a poopy diaper and he’s grossed out. I’m reminded of the days when my kids were babies. I breathe in, and can smell that wonderful pink Baby Magic lotion and I can visualize that hot pink plastic bottle. I used to rub that lotion on my babies any chance I could just to smell it. As a new mother, I’d change their clothes when they weren’t even dirty, just so I could see them in a new outfit. I affectionately look over at Ash, who’s now fallen asleep and is snoring lightly. I won’t be falling asleep anytime tonight, just thinking of all the good times to come, and dreaming about finding our second home in Houston.

BOOK: Out of The Box Regifted
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