Read Out of The Box Regifted Online

Authors: Jennifer Theriot

Out of The Box Regifted (41 page)

BOOK: Out of The Box Regifted
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He sweeps me into his arms and I playfully dangle my feet, as he carries me to the bed. We make love, and I marvel at how tender and romantic he is. I’ve got to admit though; I’m looking forward to walking on the wild side tonight, and giving Ash his surprise after dinner.

For dinner, Ash wears a tux and I chose my fabulous navy blue cocktail dress I wore on New Year’s Eve. The jewelry compliments my outfit perfectly and when I step out of the bathroom, Ash steps back in amazement, with his eyes sparkling, “My God, you’re absolutely, positively, the most beautiful woman on the face of this earth.”

Did I mention I’m on cloud nine?


A limousine is waiting to take us to the restaurant, where Ash has reservations. All through dinner, I think of how excited I am to get back to the room. I take my sandal off and playfully run my foot up the leg of his pants, while inching my hand between his legs under the table cloth. With my elbow on the table, my chin rests on my hand. I bite my lip, and innocently bat my eyes. He leans to whisper in my ear, “Sunshine, you’re giving me a hard on, I hope you know.”

I giggle, as my hand finds the perfect spot on his crotch and I feel his arousal. I pull his face into mine and softly remark, “A hard on would make this night all I hope for.” I wink at him, “After all, I’ve got a gift to give you.”

On the drive back to the hotel, I lay my head on Ash’s shoulder as he yawns. I sit up and look at him with a pouty look on my face, “Don’t you dare peter out on me, Ash Harper. The night’s still young, and you haven’t gotten your present from me yet.”

He kisses the tip of my nose and brushes my cheek, “Oh don’t you worry, I’m yours for the night and I can’t wait for my gift. Matter of fact, I’ve been looking forward to it all day. I just wonder what you’ve gotten me, that is such a surprise, though. You have my curiosity piqued. It must be pretty special…”

On the elevator on the ride up to our room, Ash pulls me into him and runs a hand up my leg and under my dress. His touch makes me weak, as he kisses my neck and blows in my ear. He moves us over to the controls and acts like he’s going to put the elevator on stop, when we reach our floor. “Saved by the bell.” He jokes. As we walk arm in arm to our room, my nerves kick in. I keep telling myself that I can do this. No turning back now.

I’ve asked the staff to light votive candles throughout the room, and have the room ready when we get back. When we passed the front desk, the concierge winked and gave me a little secretive thumbs up, indicating everything was going as planned. When Ash opens the door to the room, there is a look of surprise on his face. The room is dark except for candle light and the soft seductive music playing. Shocked, Ash looks at me, “Is this part of my gift?” The curtains are pulled open and the lights outside showcase the view of this beautiful romantic city.

He cocks his head, “Well, is this my surprise?”

I put my fingers on his chest and lightly push him back. “Birthday boy, you need to go sit in that chair and just get ready.” I wink and motion to him. He quickly obeys, as he sits and looks up at me with questioning eyes. I kneel down and plant little kisses on him, while I untie his tie, then slowly unbutton his shirt. When I remove his shoes and socks, he smiles and remarks, “Umm, this is getting interesting…very interesting…”

I bite my lip and excitedly grin, “Umm hmm. You just sit back. I’ll be right back, handsome.” I look at his crotch and see his excitement, as I point to it. “Hold that thought for me, would you?”

I go into the bathroom and put on the lingerie Rayna gave me. I step into my black stiletto heels and start the music. Rayna was spot on in picking that song. With my confidence in high gear, I glance in the mirror, then peek around the door frame and see Ash sitting in the chair, looking very curious, eagerly waiting for his surprise. I take a deep breath, raise my head confidently, and step into the room as he gasps. “Holy shit Liv, are you serious? Is this?”

I wink, as I run my hands down my thighs, “Oh yeah baby, I’m totally serious. You just enjoy the ride. Happy Birthday big guy.”

My body instinctively moves with the music and every trick Rayna has taught me, takes over. I don’t miss a beat and I’m feeling like the sexiest woman on the earth, as I move over toward Ash. I pour him a drink, as I shimmy into his face.

He looks up at me, takes the glass from my hand, and downs it, throwing his head back. Setting the empty glass on the side table, he looks at me with those damn sexy eyes. Reaching out to touch me, I point my finger and shake my head no, as I move away. I remember what Rayna told me about the tease and I’m playing it.

He gasps, “Jesus Liv I think I just died and went to heaven. Is this for real?”

I move in front of his face, kiss him and then back off, teasing some more. “Oh yeah baby, this is real. You just sit back, relax, and let me rock your world.”

His breath hitches, as he talks through his teeth, “You just start rocking baby, cause I’m loving this. Best birthday present ever.” His hips are moving slowly and the sight of his arousal, is making me wet.

He’s almost like an animal - his eyes are wild with desire and I can’t believe I’ve done this to him. Gyrating to this sexy music and seeing his erection tenting in his pants, is driving me wild. I slowly let my hair down, swing my head around, and shake my breasts in his face. God this is so erotic. I slowly bend all the way down, place my hands flat on the floor and wiggle my backside at him, as he playfully swats my butt.

He blows out through his lips, “Honey, you’re killing me. Such a nice ass you’ve got there. Umm. Killing me…”

I turn around and wink, “In a good way I hope.”

“Oh, you have no idea….you’re so damn sexy baby. Damn I swear this is the best gift ever.”

I reach into his pants, and release his growing erection, as he throws his head back. “Jesus Liv, finish me off already, would you?”

I back off and resume my dancing, with the giant exposed. “Oh no big boy, not just yet. I’m not near finished. I’m only just getting started.” I point at his crotch and lick my finger.

“Somebody just wanted out to enjoy the show.” I take the Giant into my hand and move his to where he’s holding himself, and I back off as I murmur, “Can you hold onto this for me?”

I love watching this. He’s touching himself, as I dance in front of him. Confident and comfortable with his manhood, he stops and looks up at me. “Liv, I’m... I’m getting close. You’re gonna have to...”

I shake my head no and keep teasing him with my dancing. I unhook my bra and let it fall to the floor. I cup my breasts and massage them seductively, like Rayna taught me, while moving my hips to the music. Throbbing with desire, I circle over him. Out of breath, he begs, as he rolls his hips up toward me, moaning, “I’m dying here Sunshine, just finish me off …please.”

I seductively smile and straddle him, as he moves the fabric of my crotch less panties, now soaking wet, to allow him access. Thrusting up into me, I ride him. He’s kneading my backside and grabs the back of my hair, tugging, as I slowly tease him. I’m taking every bit of him into me, as he groans. He’s breathing heavy and growls, as he succumbs to his release. Out of breath, he brings my face to his and kisses me. “So fucking good!”

I stand up, wobbly from the intensity. He steadies me and quickly removes his clothes, then carries me to the bed. In the moonlight, I can see his toned muscles. My hips arch up, as he kneels down, breathing into my spot and in a whisper says, “I’m ready for some birthday cake.”

With his tongue, he brings me into another world. My body shudders, as I scream out. He reaches up and kisses me, running his tongue around my lips.

Devilishly smiling, he whispers, “That my dear was incredible - you’re incredible. Do you even have a clue how damn sexy you are? How much you satisfy me?”

“So, you really liked your birthday present?” I gasp, out of breath.

He grabs me and pulls me into him, hugging me tight. “Liv, baby that was the best birthday present I’ve ever in my life gotten. Jesus. Pinch me and tell me that was real. You friggin did a strip tease for me? How amazing was that? How did you learn to do that? Did you take lessons?”

I laugh at his twenty questions, “That was real big boy. And yes, of course I took lessons. I had a fantastic teacher.”

“Well, I don’t know when you took your ‘lessons’, or who your teacher was, but you sure surprised me.” He brushes my nipples with his finger, “Amazing...just friggin amazing. I’m gonna want an encore, I hope you know.” He bends in to kiss my breasts, as he breathes into them. “Best birthday gift EVER Liv, I swear it.” I break from his hold, sit up in bed, and tap his chest lightly, with a cheshire look on my face, “I do have one more surprise for you”

He leans up, “Another surprise? You trying to kill me or what? I’m sixty friggin years old, for God’s sake woman.” I slide off the bed and put my finger under his chin. “I’ll be right back.” His eyes follow, as I go into my dressing area. I bite my lip anxiously, as I slowly unzip my suitcase. Taking a deep breath, I look in the zippered compartment and carefully take out the purple bag, which is stuffed with translucent sheets of paper, covered with pink and red lips. I nervously fiddle with the stuffing and take a deep breath, as I hold the handles of the bag on my two fingers and seductively walk into the bedroom, tantalizing him, as I wiggle it in his face. He’s sitting up in the bed, as I hand it to him. He eagerly takes the bag. “Another present?”

I shake my head, as he puts on his glasses and I laugh at the sight of this gorgeous man, sitting there naked, with his incredible ‘package’ on display, having to put his glasses on to read the label on the bag. He cocks his neck back and grins, as he reads the label. “Little Shop of O’s?” He asks smiling. “This is getting better by the minute!” I sit on the bed beside him on my knees, smiling excitedly, as he tears into the package.

He laughs, as he removes the contents, as I clap and he reads aloud. “OhMiBod Club Vibe 2.” He looks closer at the box. “Uhh. I think I’m gonna love this. You’re gonna love this.” He rubs my arm, smiling from ear to ear. “Where in the world did you get this? I love it.”

I raise my brow and smile showing my teeth, “You can get anything on the internet.”

My body is still tingling, as he motions me to scoot between his legs, with my back to his chest. He’s reading the instructions, as I look up at him smiling. “It has a remote control.” I whisper.

He kisses the top of my head, as he continues to read, nuzzling my ear, “I see that Sunshine…It’s also got a cute little black thing, that I’m gonna slip this sucker into, and give it a test drive.” He nimbly fits the vibrator into the black thong, lays me back on the bed, and he slips it on me. I wiggle at the pleasurable sensation. Now on his knees, he raises his eyebrow and smiles. “Now let me get this remote going. I love remote controls.”

Like a kid with a new toy, he’s experimenting with the different speeds and my body reacts, writhing in pleasure.“Oh. Ah.”

He looks at me smirking, “There’s your Oh and Ah. You’re nailing it baby.” He rolls back on his heels, going through each speed with precision, and each one brings me closer to climax. The higher speed makes my back arch and my hips thrust forward, as I scream out. Unable to hold back, the sensation sends me over the edge. Ash looks down at me, brushing my hair behind my ear, grinning. “Already?”

I put my hands on my forehead, exhale and gasp. As I open my eyes, he looks at the remote and smiles, shaking his head up and down. “Oh yeah this bad boy’s going to dinner, and dancing with us tomorrow night.”

I giggle and give him a come on look, “Hmmm that’s just what I was thinking!”


The next day as I wake up, Ash greets me with a kiss. “Mornin my little stripper Sunshine. Who knew?” He’s lying on his side, smiling, as he softly traces my lips with his finger. “Wow! A striptease and a toy? Amazing.” Turning his head to the side, he turns his lips up humorously. “I know we’ve been going non-stop since we’ve gotten here, so I thought today we could just lay around all day, chilling and doing nothing...nada. We’ll call room service and don’t even have to get dressed, if you don’t want to.” With his arms behind his head, he looks up at the ceiling, “We can play hooky and lie in a puddle of love all day. You up for that?”

I snuggle into his arms and nod my head.

“Liv, do you realize we’ve hardly talked about the kids since we’ve been here?” We sit up and Ash pours us coffee. “Later on we can skype, text, email, or whatever you want to do to catch up with everyone and then tonight, we’ll go exploring on the Champs Elysees. It’s beautiful at night.” Satisfied with his plan, he gets out of bed and I look at his perfectly amazing naked body.

BOOK: Out of The Box Regifted
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