Outside Hell (17 page)

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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At the same time her mind was raging with the
most intense, and unfathomably deep pain that she’d ever
experienced in her whole lifetime. It’d felt as if some battle worn
warrior was in her mind with a huge axe or something, and with
every swing of his evil weapon, the beast was carving out huge
chunks of her brain. Either that, or simply that her own head had
developed masochistic interests, and was strangely trying to
consume its self.


Then turning around she’d slipped but at the
last second managed to thrust her fingers out in all directions
behind herself. The razor sharp nails of her former life weren’t
there any longer, but somehow her quick reflexes had saved her from
falling over the side, leaving her back and half her bum hanging
raunchily over the edge.


Looking down she’d swallowed deeply at the
sight of what was beneath her. The drop was gigantuous in every
way. It was an abyss full of ardent flames that were vehemently
darting, roaring, blasting here and there and lashing in all
directions as far as the eye could see. She’d never seen so many.
It was like a forest fire but even more than that. If you
multiplied it by say a thousand, she’d have doubted if even then
you’d be close.


Then beneath all the flames and something
like fifty miles down there’d been a castle that had appeared to be
carved from the mountainside. It had looked by its sandy color and
flat walls and roof to be of middle-eastern design; only she’d
doubted that anyone called Allah lived there. She did however have
this horrible gut wrenching feeling inside of her that she’d met
the owner a couple of days previously in Paris, and that he was
about 8 feet tall with horns on his head, going by the name of


It had been hard to take in everything and
she’d daren’t look over the side again, but she was sure that the
rock that she was standing on was heading there. The castle had
been in flames and on one of the sides there’d been a pathway that
led out down the side of the mountain.


Also encircling it were massive flying demons
that were obviously guarding the place from any possible
unauthorized entry or escape.


Suddenly Regina was taken back by the sheer
amount of wailing screams that she could hear all around her. It
was so intense and they were growing louder and louder by the
second as she’d plummeted downwards at bullet like speeds. Then
with each second that had passed, the increase in volume of these
now deafening screams had made her head pound with unbelievable
agony. They were screams of the damned. Those found guilty by GOD,
the master judge of all judges. Cast out of the cue for Heaven
before even seeing the Pearly gates, and then left to wander the
empty planes of time, only Satan’s demons as they’d have been
looking for another way in, would have then surrounded them and
dragged them down into hell, kicking and screaming.


Regina desperately tried to clamp her hands
over her ears to cut out the unbearable sound, but there was so
much of it coming from everywhere that it was impossible to stop.
Billions upon billions of souls were screaming up at her. It was
like a huge oppressive wind of great magnitude, and by the demonic
levels in their screams, it’d sounded as if they were all suffering
the most tormentous levels of pain and anguish, far exceeding that
which anyone could possibly bare.


All the while her headache was getting worse.
It was raging out of control and because of it, she’d found that
she was unable to stop herself from wanting to vomit.


She’d felt a massive pain in her back and
then her mouth had suddenly thrust open and as the intense feeling
of vomit overwhelmed her, rather than food coming out, pure fire
and noxious gases had roared out instead. There was so much of it,
that her jaw had cracked viciously open to allow the furnace to


Startled by it, she’d tried to slam her hands
across her mouth but stopped as she’d caught sight of her fingers
that were now ablaze. It’d seemed that strangely the closer and
closer she’d got to the castle, other parts of her body were
beginning to set alight too.


Meanwhile the granite slab that she was on
began to make massive crunching noises, and then with supernova
sparks bursting out from underneath it, suddenly the slabs already
wild temperature had raised to a level that was almost unbearable
to stand on. Every cell in her body had screamed out for escape. It
was a scream for the ages full of every emotion that she’d had
within her. It was a scream of fear for what was yet to come. It
was a scream of rage born of the helpless woman that she’d turned
into. It was also a scream of sadness because she’d the deepest
feeling that she wouldn’t be leaving this place again either.


A moment passed in her mind of wild
confusion. What could she do to escape it, there had to be
something she could do? There was no way that any of this made
sense at all? Seconds before she’d been standing beside her husband
Kaine in the old wooden playboy shack high up in the Carpathian
Mountains of Romania, and now she was here. They’d gone there to
confront the vampire who’d killed his parents. Then after downing a
few drinks to warm up from the arctic conditions that they’d had to
endure just getting there, they’d found themselves going through to
the back bar. As they’d entered it was pretty much empty. She’d
remembered that there were just a couple of guys there who were
drinking shots at the bar, and then a small group of men who were
sitting around a table in front of them drinking. Then as Kaine and
her had approached them, they’d spun around ready for action like
the whole thing had been a setup. She’d remembered hazily that
she’d heard a noise and then as soon as a gun had been drawn,
everything in her mind had gone blank. It had felt like a lifetime
had passed, and then when she’d come around she was in this
furnace. If there was any way she could go back up, she’d take it.
Somehow Dracus do your magic that you did before in the Palace de
Versailles, summon her, call her away from this place. She’d


With the desperation that she’d suddenly felt
inside trying to consume her, suddenly tears of flames dripped out
of her eyes, and began to roll down her cheeks.


Then looking down she’d desperately searched
for the Scareb bracelet that the bowman had given her but it wasn’t
there, it had gone. How could that be?


Regina had known the truth though and just
didn’t want to admit it to herself. In her mind she was telling
herself that she must be dead.


Then with that thought she’d tried to scream,
only she’d had to close her mouth again fast to block out the
deeply oppressive heat that was trying to get inside.


Then as a second past the granite rock that
she was standing on started vibrating, whilst making huge crunching
sounds as it slowed down even more.


Aware that soon she’d be approaching hell’s
entrance, she’d spun around half holding her painful head and half
fighting to ignore it because she’d had to find a way to escape.
Could there possibly be one though that Satan hadn’t seen, and that
all those souls before her had missed too?


Then with her desperate thoughts of not
wanting to be there anymore, suddenly her husbands handsome face
with his chiseled looks and his slicked back blonde hair flashed
into her mind, and with it she’d looked up towards Heaven and
prayed. She’d prayed that she would be reunited with him again and
that her sins, although she couldn’t think of any, would be


Then suddenly a fleeting thought had visited
her, one that’d caused curiosity with just how she’d found herself
in this place anyway. Hell wasn’t for her; it was for those people
who’d been bad in their lives. Then she’d reasoned that because she
was there, Heaven must have made a terrible mistake? She’d wondered
how a mother of a baby girl who’d been savagely killed, and a woman
who’d never even had revenge for her death. A woman that hadn’t
ever committed a single act of indecency, stolen, killed, lied or
held any unjust negative thoughts towards another, (except her
daughters murderer), was even in this place.


Chapter 16 – The

(The Shack high up in Romanian mountains)


As the soldiers had looked inside the shack,
apart from the modified CS canisters that were nearly empty and
only just trickling out gas in gentle plumes, the vampire women
were all unconscious.


Their lifeless bodies were filled with bullet
holes and the special hollowed out bullets that were filled with
MX1, had done their job. The bullets had been designed to enter the
vampire and then once inside explode, releasing 10cc’s of the MX1


Vampire wounds never took longer than a day
to repair themselves, so it didn’t matter about the bullet holes in
them because by tomorrow when the sexy women woke up in the cells,
their voluptuous bodies and massive breasts would be unmarked
again, and the injuries would be gone.


The scientists new the repair process and had
made a rule not to operate on new prisoners that’d arrived to them
until they’d been questioned, which was either the day after
capture or maybe even two days after depending on their backlogs
and current experiments. This system had ensured that their bodies
would be unmarked, and that their limbs would be ready for
amputation with their old and rusty, two man saws.


Guns trained and flicking from one shadow to
another, the soldiers climbed in through the destroyed timber
boarding on the front of the shack. Then as their heavy snow filled
military boots had landed with a thud on the floorboards beneath
them, even though they were alert with their fingers poised on
their triggers of their MP5 machine guns, all of them had fully
expected the vampires to be out cold. They’d believed from
witnessing the cannon fire tearing through the building and the ten
vampire women collapsing like they’d been given a date rape drug or
something, that from there on the mission would be nothing more
than a bag and tag situation, only they’d been wrong.


The back room to the left of the entrance had
a chimneybreast that Kaine with his lovers limp, and Regina had
past when they’d come through from the relief bar. It was solid
brick and structural like the backbone of the building, and the
only true reason that the timber shack had managed to stand year
upon year against the extremities of nature being blasted at


The cannon fire had ripped through the outer
timber wall with ease, and then because the bullets were full of
the MX1 liquid, instead of going through they’d literally
disintegrated, as they’d hit the chimneybreast.


Sorchek and his band of unruly vampires who
taken part in Kaine’s capture and Regina’s death, had been in the
back room slamming down drinks when the choppers had landed. Then
as they’d heard the bikini chicks running along the corridor above
them, he’d leapt off his bar stool to run into the front room. Only
when the bullets had ripped the face of the shack to pieces and
then ricocheted around taking victims, he’d dived for cover behind
the chimneybreast. Then when the cannon fire had stopped, he’d
swung his head around and looked into the front room. It was
unbelievable, the blizzard had entered the shack and the dust that
was falling down from the ceiling was instantly sucked out into it,
whilst mountains of snow and ice were blasted in. Then as he’d seen
his bikini chicks literally lined with bullet holes from head to
foot, and watched them as they’d struggled to stand before
collapsing and passing out, he’d known then that he was in deep


Then seconds later and as the howling
blizzard from outside had grown even stronger and with it
threatened to suck him out into the room as well, suddenly strange
metal canisters had been thrown inside that were pumping out thick
white gas, and that’s when he’d decided to leave.


Sorchek had spun around and then as he’d
charged for the bar, he’d leapt over Kaine’s paralyzed body and
trod heavily on Regina’s headless corpse. Only to be sure that he’d
have enough time to leave, he’d told his vampire brothers that were
still there with him, to get outside and fight the intruders.


Then as they’d locked and loaded their
weapons and were struggling to breath from the gas that had found
its way into their room, and rather than helping them, he’d leapt
over the bar sending dirty glasses crashing everywhere as he’d gone
for the trap door instead. Only as he’d dropped down the other side
he’d realized that he had to lift the carpet up first and there was
boxes of beers on top of one of the sides, and the other side was
firmly wedged underneath the storeroom door. Then as he’d heard his
brothers coughing deeply before their bodies had made a huge
crashing sound as they’d succumbed to the MX1 drug and passed out,
he’d raised his head to glance back over the bar and grinned at
their stupidity for staying anyway. Only then as he’d heard heavy
boots walking across the floorboards in the next room and coming in
his direction, he’d thought fuck the carpet and ripped it out of
the way with his razor sharp black fingernails instead.


The carpet had torn straight across revealing
the hatch beneath it.


Only when he’d finally got the trap door up
and was just about to drop down through it, he’d heard human voices
that were deeply muffled like they were behind masks and screaming
at him to stop. Sorchek had thought fuck this and then dropped down
through the hole with high velocity bullets zipping overhead, and
smacking into the floorboards behind him. Then as he’d leapt over a
snowmobile and wiped away the piles of snow that were covering the
steering column, he’d turned the key and pressed the electric
start. The engine had unenergetically whimpered in disgust and
struggled to turn over, with the lights blinking badly suggesting
that the battery was dead. Then as the soldiers bullets had rained
down at him through the trap door, he’d leapt off it and tried
another snowmobile that was out of sight from their weapons.

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