Outside Hell (2 page)

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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Then in response the
was furious
tried his
, only he’
found to
his horror that as he’d
to collapse the
mountain on them, the mountain never moved


powers weren’t as strong as
the Jahunti witches either.

Chapter 2 – Eldors’

After the king of Eldor and
his queen had issued war against the Jahunti witches, and as the
knights had armed themselves with magic spears
, and the
battle arrangements were being made
the skies
had turned fiercely


Whether the Jahunti witches
had summoned it, or whether it was by sheer coincidence that a huge
ominous black mass had formed out in space
no one
at that
. Only what they did know was
all of the natural light from their
god Lianor’s burning asteroid,
was suddenly masked beneath it.


as a bolt of lightening had torn down
from it and seconds later struck the land viciously, sending up
massive clouds of dust and rocks into the air, suddenly the
silhouette of
a being was
. He’d
stepped out from the lightening and to their deep misery, found out
later that his name was
Vrakug the


He was dressed
in all black with long shoulder length dark hair
that was blowing around him as if he’d had his head out of a car
window. Then as he’d turned to look across at them, his face was
that of the pallor of death, and his eyes were sunken deep into his
grizzly mask, showing no reflection from the pupils


Then a
s he’d stood there grinning, in his hands he was holding
some kind of orb that was the size of a football, and seemed alive
and empowering him as it had glowed various different shades of
fierce red.


Then as he’d walked
orb had suddenly sent out massive beams of red energy into his
chest, dropping him to his knees in the dirt. A second had past and
then from his eyes that had closed, when they’d opened again,
instead of being dark they were the same fierce shade of red as the


then craned his head back and as his eyes looked up into
the darkness above, suddenly huge beams of red came out from them
that flew up viciously into the sky, and were consumed in its eerie


A second past and
then as the light had vanished restoring his dark
eyes once more to their sinister look; he’d stood up and then
raised the orb above his head, blasting more rays of energy down
into him.


Then when
the orb had faded, he’d lowered it down to his waist and walked
forwards looking up at the castle that was shrouded in mist and
floating a mile above him.


The king had
looked down at him from its ramparts and heard him scream back at
him that he was there for the planet and the castle, and was about
to wage war.


also turned to look across at one of the villages to his side, and
then held out his hand and a huge beam of red light had literally
consumed it. Then as he’d lowered his hand, the king who was now
furious seeing his people killed, then held his hands out and
blasted Vrakug.

Intense fire
roared out of his hands and blasted Vrakug. Only
when the king had stopped and then lowered his hands, Vrakug was
still there and laughing up at him.


Then turning to his men at arms he’d given them the order
to attack
but as the knights had charged down, Vrakug had blasted them with
rivers of red energy and they’d vanished.


They’d been protected by the king’s magical armour too, and
were carrying
that were
so sharp you’d have felt searing pain
by just looking at them.
One hundred knights who were viciously trained in
the art of combat, and horses
that were
so big you shit
yourself just seeing them charging at you, were
vaporized into thin air.


The king’s magical
armour had done nothing and was useless, yielding
no protection at all from Vrakug’s evil powers.


Then with no knights
villagers having witnessing their friends dying in the other
village that was consumed only moments before, then grabbed their
pitchforks and blades ready to battle Vrakug. Only the king
doubting that they’d be successful had waived his hand across two
of the five villages and their doors were instantly locked,
stopping them from leaving. Then the other villagers consisting of
more than a hundred who’d ran across the dirt towards Vrakug, when
they were hit by the evil blast, they were vaporized


Vrakug with his evil grin then
turned once more to look up at the
king towering in the mist above him, and laughed. He’d demanded
that the king surrender his castle immediately, and then said that
if he didn’t, the last two villages would be vaporised


Rasviult who was then joined by his wife queen Siarui on
the ramparts responded. Taking her hand they’d combined their
powers, and then threw down a massive searing bolt of energy, that
was several times bigger than the king had thrown before. Only as
it hit Vrakug, again he was unaffected by it.


looked back up at them and then grinned.


Then after both
parties had blasted each other several times with
their massive bolts of energy, finally King Rasviult’s energy had
faded so much that he could do no more. He’d collapsed and then as
he’d let his wife’s hand slip out of his, he’d fell heavily against
the ramparts wall.


who was standing there with glowing red hands, readying
himself to send more blasts up at them, then lowered his fists and


Then as Vrakug
fired another huge bolt of energy and it was
destined to hit the king, probably killing him, Queen Siarui dived
in front of her husband and took its full force in her


dead, but her energy seriously drained within, she’d held her hand
up and cried out ‘No More’.


The king
who’d realized that he was defeated, and that his wife’s
powers were no match for the creature either, then wearily held his
hand up and surrendered. Only as he’d looked down through the mist,
Vrakug was leaving.


Then as
he’d reached the horizon and was disappearing into it and the
darkness beyond, he’d screamed back at them saying that he’d return
the following day as another bolt of lightening then blasted down
and from it, evil Zamourn death hounds appeared. Vrakug also raised
his hand as he was just a dot on the horizon and suddenly a huge
wall appeared surrounding the villages, so they wouldn’t be able to
escape that night.


These death hounds of his
had an unheard off and extremely powerful sense of smell that was
instantly tuned to their Changalk odor,
from standing eight feet tall from floor to shoulder, and two
heads, they were unbelievably vicious too.
The fur on these creatures of death was covered in reds and
blacks and whites, with splashes of oranges and greens
in it that almost
looked somewhat
the result
of an angry
been left alone finger painting.
Their mouths were huge with several rows of fangs that were bent
backwards into a sharp curl, and as if needed, then on the inside
row there were even thicker fangs that faced forwards to ensure
that whoever and whatever they’d munched on, couldn’t avoid death
and would suffer the most extreme pain. Then along their bodies and
as if their powerful telegraph pole snapping jaws were not enough,
they’d a defensive system to stop side attacks. Their muscle ripped
bodies were given hidden spikes underneath their short fur that
were full of lethal venom like that of a Lion Fishes, and when
attacking their prey they’d thrust out with vicious power,
skewering and spraying them with its thick and deadly gunge. Then
their eyes were crimson red and slanted, plus their senses whilst
running faster than a Cheetah over rocky terrain, were so strong
that they could pick up on the slightest movements half a mile away
in the dusty wastelands. None in Eldor could beat them, until the
following week that is, when strangely new creatures emerged that
had a different master. The Parchaka killers and Skylark beasts
added to the Zamourn death hounds evil, and in doing so, then
turned Eldor into nothing but the most dangerous of places to ever


The king
realising that he had only one night before Vrakug would
return, and unaware of the terms of surrender, but sure that he
wouldn’t like them, had one thing in his mind from then on, the
safety of his child. The rightful heir to the throne who was but a
year old had to escape Vrakug’s evil wrath, and the king with his
queen both agreed on how their son would escape too.


Turning around on the castles ramparts, they smiled at each
other and then vanished only to reappear
deep inside a cave in the base of the


King Rasviult
was now dressed in his royal blue clothes and standing next to him,
Queen Siarui was in her long royal red dress, and holding up there
naked baby clutching him tightly against her chest.


Then t
he following day as the darkness that had never left Eldor
suddenly poured out more vicious bolts of lightening all around the
castle, the evil Vrakug reappeared.


He’d told the king t
hat unless he’d surrendered immediately and gave
him all of their magical powers, he’d vaporise the villages and
their people too.


King Rasviult
had then screamed down over the castle parapets
that he and his wife had no powers anymore, and that they’d
expelled them from their bodies without anyway that they could get
them back either.


had then closed his eyes and after sensing that they were
telling the truth, through his bitter and extreme rage, he’d turned
around and then vaporised one of the two remaining


Tears were streaming down from the kings eyes
when he’d seen his people killed in this way, whilst the queen was
simply filled with pity, not for them as such even though she was
tearful, but for Vrakug having such evil within him to be able to
carry out such a callous and pointless act. Then after they’d
surrendered and lowered the steps to let the evil bastard enter the
castle, and as soon as Vrakug had walked in through the portcullis,
he’d blasted them with his energy, and vaporized them where they’d


Then a week later and as Vrakug was casting
spells to make the castle into his own home, he’d then cast another
over the last remaining village, making them forget anything of
their lives before that week, and also that there’d ever been a
king and queen too.


Vrakug then
told the villagers that from there on he was to be known as their


Only with days passing by Vrakug thinking
that he was the most powerful being to exist under his father, had
flown up to the witches cave to give them a piece of him too. Only
as he’d stood there and they’d approached from the darkness within,
he too just like Queen Siarui was grossly and extremely
ungraciously received.


Vrakug blasted them with his crimson red rays
and when he’d stopped, they were still standing there just laughing
at him. Then as he’d tried other magic, they stood looking and
wondering how he could be such a fool. After Vrakug then lowered
his hands not understanding how they could be so strong, they gave
him some of their own magic to think about. Raising their arms up
above their heads, with their rags flapping violently even though
there was no wind, they threw a blast at him that left him hurtling
down hard into the ground half a mile beneath. He’d tried to brace
his fall, but his magic had gone, and he’d slammed into the dirt
with such impact, his mind swirled in his brain. Then after
standing up and looking down at his hands that had failed him, red
light slowly appeared again restoring his powers back to him. Only
as he’d looked up, the dark clouds of his had vanished from above,
leaving the skies clear once more until such times as night fell,
and then the savage storms consisting of heavy rocks and
lightening, smashed down again.


That night though as Vrakug was asking his
orb for the answers to how there were beings stronger than him,
suddenly he’d heard the most tremendous roar from up above. Then
running to look out his window, he’d been horrified to see that
were massive dragons called Skylark beasts, breathing huge
fireballs down at the castle.

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