Outside Hell (25 page)

Read Outside Hell Online

Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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All the while the noise was thunderous as
they’d stood there on the tarmac looking cross faced back at the
chopper. There were pairs of soldiers forming long lines that were
marching up and down, and keeping out of the way of the tanks that
were also roaring across it, after carrying out exercises in the
woods. Then the armoured cars were trundling up and down too,
whilst the forklifts were also busily unloading more heavy cargo
from old curtain-side military trucks that had just arrived.


Meanwhile high up above them and oblivious to
their actions, the family of eagles with their feathers ruffled,
were sitting warmly in their nest. They were feeding their young
and so far the days kill that they were ripping apart with blood
soaked beaks, amounted to a ferret of a small size, which was also
partially substituted by the remains of a head from yesterdays half
devoured rabbit. A savoured prize that was still with it’s eye
balls and cute fluffy ears, as it rolled around underneath their
talon’d feet.



Then after the pilots had got over their near
death experiences that they’d just had in the chopper, by taking a
minute to breath in the icy fresh air, they’d turned and started
lazily walking across to the hanger. The thought of piping hot
showers after a not so fun mission debriefing to Adolf, was like
music to their ears. Only as they’d took a few steps in the ice,
suddenly everyone around them had stopped and then raised their
hand to salute someone who was coming.


Then as the pilots had looked they could see
that the main entrance door had been slid back, and from it
Heinrich Himler their second in command had emerged surrounded by
his SS soldiers in black, that were holding sub machine guns.


Instantly the tanks had halted and the turret
gunners then raised their arms, whilst the chopper mechanics
without question laid their wrenches down and also stood firmly to
attention. It was surreal to watch and literally everyone on the
icy tarmac that amounted to a hundred or more soldiers had stood
there saluting him.

Then to the pilots surprise, or regret
rather, as they’d stood there with their arms out in front of them
at a forty five degree angles, and their hands also flat pointing
forwards the same way, Heinrich the evil bastard had approached


He didn’t look happy either, and as he’d
walked across the ice towards them it’d looked like he’d a stiff
rod up his back that went deep down into his trousers. The second
in command was wearing his deep grey uniform and polished boots
that were in perfect condition. Then on his tiny head and
sheltering his sinister looks, he’d a deep grey cap that swooped up
at the front, with a black peak and the badge of an Eagle firmly
centred in the middle. Then on either side of his wide collars,
he’d two badges that were both in the shape of a horseshoe shaped
cleft of corn, whilst across the top of his left breast pocket,
he’d long strips of colored badges that he’d probably got for
killing his first million Jews.


Heinrich with his pale complexion and gaunty
little nose was furious with them, and his face showed it too. The
fact that they’d just radioed ahead and said that they’d problems
in the air and that it’s the mechanics fault and not theirs; was
clearly ignored.


Heinrich had demanded that they tell him how
they’d managed to disable the radar on their chopper, and also why
they hadn’t radioed the base too.


In the pilots minds as they’d stood there not
daring for a second to lower their salutes, they were pissing
themselves laughing. Heinrich was known for his stupidity but
hearing that he’d actually thought that they could somehow just
flick a switch, and then turn the radar off, in their minds it took
stupidity to a whole new level. Surely he was aware that the radar
was in the base simply detects the steel from the chopper, but
obviously not they’d thought.


They’d also still got their tired arms up at
forty five degree angles, and if the bastard didn’t fuck off soon,
they’d drop.


Only they’d known that would have changed
things in a big way for them because they knew the rules, never
lower your salute to such a supreme leader until he tells you to.
The problem they’d got though was even though they were genetically
modified, after five minutes in the same position with your arm out
in front of your face, it still ached like a bastard.


The pilots weren’t wishing to feel the bullet
from Heinrich’s Lugar as it tore through their brains though, and
because of this they’d lied to him. They’d said that the radar in
the chopper had malfunctioned along with the radio too. They’d
known that they were lying to him, but there was no way that they
were going to try educating the idiot. If Heinrich thought for a
minute that they were trying to belittle him, they’d known what the
next thing would be, they’d be experiencing his deathly fury.


Then as their arms began to falter and the
weight of their overly lengthy salute became too much, suddenly
Heinrich surrounded by his ten SS soldiers crashed his heels
together and walked across to the chopper.


All the while that Heinrich had been standing
there only a foot away from them in their brown pilots jackets and
green under trousers, his SS soldiers had been pointing their
weapons up at them. Often Heinrich would grow tired of questioning
someone and then with his boredom, order their sudden death. These
SS personal soldiers of his were deeply twisted sadistic bastards,
with no care for humanity in the slightest. They’d relish a moment
that they could actually torture the enemy, and if that wasn’t
possible then they’d be as equally happy with torturing their own
soldiers instead. That’s why the pilots had lied, because they’d
known that if Heinrich had said to kill them; it wouldn’t have gone
to trial first or then been questioned and deliberated over, it
would have simply been a sudden death.


Then when Heinrich had walked away with his
round spectacles on, and his highly polished boots that were
crushing through the inch deep snow and ice, the pilots were still
aware that he could come back though. The pilots had to just stand
there dreaming of the steaming hot showers and also hope that as
he’d checked the chopper, that he didn’t find anything.


The pilots were also hoping that they’d long
enough to reenergise their arms again too, before the evil bastard
came back across to them, and then they’d have to give him another
ten minute salute.


When Heinrich had reached the chopper, the
first thing that he did was walk along the left side of it so that
they could see him. He’d started at the cockpit and then whilst
trying to give the impression that he actually knew what he was
doing, he’d lowered his face down to near the steel, and walked
along slowly analysing every damn inch of the thing, until he’d
reached the back.


The pilots had suddenly felt uneasy though,
and hoped to hell that he wouldn’t find anything because even
though they were thinking that he was a dick; they were well aware
that if there was the slightest scratch on the bird, then depending
on his mood, the punishment could easily be death.


Then after finishing that side he’d looked up
at the huge rotors that were sitting dormant ten feet above him,
and then suddenly without warning turned to stare back at the
pilots again. In response they’d raised their salute and then
watched as he’d ducked underneath the choppers tail boom to check
the other side.


The tension between the two pilots at this
moment was tangible to say the least, and in response there were
beads of perspiration beginning to drip down their foreheads
because of it. Their arms were also still out in front of their
faces, but because of the increased levels of adrenaline they’d
even felt it.


The pilots were thinking, “what the hell is
this guy doing, he knows nothing about choppers.” Then suddenly
Heinrich screamed out, “And, what is this?”


Then and in response to hearing him, and with
deep beginning to course its way through them, they’d both thought,
‘Oh no, the fuckers found something.’


At that moment both of the pilots had glanced
at the tree line thinking the same thing. They were considering
running but knew they’d never make it and were fucked, because the
snipers on the cliff tops would take them out as soon as they’d
even started to run.


The SS soldiers were also pointing their
weapons at them too, so they’d no choice but to walk forwards and
see what the bastard had found.


Then as they’d passed the cockpit and came
into view of Heinrich, they’d both looked at the tail boom from
twenty feet away and were completely shocked.

There was something luminous green that
looked like a shaft piercing through the steel body, but there
wasn’t a tiny hole where it had punctured it, instead there was a
massive steel stretching dent.

Once again even though it wasn’t their fault,
they knew just by Heinrich’s face that they’d receive a serious
punishment, or maybe even be executed for it. The guy looked wild
with rage and as if they’d only seconds before he’d tell them what
it was going to be too.


Then as they’d both cautiously approached the
chopper with the SS soldiers raising their weapons up at them, even
when they’d reached it, they’d still no idea what the luminous
shaft was either.


Both the pilots had a Lugar semi automatic
handgun on their hips that were filled with silver bullets, and the
thought had definitely crossed their minds about using them too.
Only they knew that the SS who were watching them would shoot them
dead before they could get even the buckles open on their holsters,
let alone fly inside and rip out their guns shooting.


The first pilot trying to placate Heinrich’s
obvious rage, then reached forwards to grab the shaft, but as his
hand had come within inches of touching it, Heinrich viciously
slapped his leather glove down across the pilots wrist.


Then he’d screamed at them whilst his eyes
were glancing across at the SS, and said “If I want you to fucking
touch it, I’ll tell you to.”


The fact the pilots had just seen Heinrich
making eye contact with his SS troops, made them think that the
punishment was definitely going to be execution, and with it they’d
started to panic.


The SS responded to the eye contact and then
with a hollow steel grating sound, they’d slid the catches back on
their guns, ready to blast them.


Only as Heinrich was about to give the order
he’d paused, because there something about the the way that the
shaft was glowing back at him, that caught his attention.


Heinrich then leant forwards and after
closely inspecting the luminous shaft, he’d reached forwards and
grabbed it solidly in his right hand. Only as the second in
commands fingers had clamped down around it, with him expecting it
to be nothing more than a strange shaped piece of wood, suddenly
the evil from Dracus’ cursed arrow had burrowed deep into his


Instantly Heinrich who was now paralysed
couldn’t do anything but watch in horror, as the evil from the
shaft then climbed up his arm and consumed him.


The SS soldiers who were sworn in any
threatening situation to protect him, and to give their lives for
the evil bastard, then dived into action. They’d grabbed Heinrich
and tried pulling him back extremely hard to break his grip on it,
only his hand had an iron tight grip on the shaft and wouldn’t let
go. Then after seeing Heinrich’s face turning a sickly shade of
green, one of them even grabbed his arm and tried to pull it away,
only again Heinrich’s massive grip refused to let go.


Heinrich’s fingers were almost fused to the
thing at this point, and the evil from the cursed arrow was flowing
deeply into him too.


Another three soldiers joined in and then
with extreme force, and a lot of struggling, they’d managed to get
his arm free. Only as the hand flew away from the shaft, large
lumps of flesh had also torn away from Heinrich’s hand.


Then as they’d stood Heinrich up and let go
of him, instead of screaming and looking at his hand that was
pouring out blood from the savage wound, the second in command
simply succumbed to the evil and collapsed to his knees.


His glasses also slipped forwards on his
little nose and then fell down into the ice underneath the choppers
tail boom too.


Then when the scientists had arrived, he was
immediately rushed inside to the medic unit and all manner of
machines were suddenly plugged into him, only it did no good
because Heinrich died.


The heart rate monitor that was on the steel
trolley next to him had suddenly spiked massively, and then as the
digital screen had gone black like it had a power failure, suddenly
huge plumes of smoke belched out of it. Then seconds later the
screen had strangely returned, only there was nothing on it to say
anything positive, except a long flat line saying that he was


The scientists were horrified, and then in
response they’d tried everything to resuscitate him. First they’d
blasted him with Adrenaline direct into Heinrich’s heart, then when
that didn’t work they’d tried electric shock, but still nothing.
Then as the minutes turned into half an hour with Adolf standing
there over him looking down at his only evil friend, the scientists
called the time, and pronounced him dead.

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