Owen Marshall Selected Stories (62 page)

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Authors: Vincent O'Sullivan

BOOK: Owen Marshall Selected Stories
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‘Supper Waltz Wilson', ‘A Southland Girl', ‘The Tsunami' and
‘Descent from the Flugelhorn' first published in
Supper Waltz Wilson
and other New Zealand stories
, Pegasus, Christchurch, 1979.
‘The Master of Big Jingles', ‘Mr Van Gogh', ‘The Charcoal Burners'
Dream', ‘Cabernet Sauvignon with my Brother', ‘Prince Valiant',
‘Thinking of Bagheera' and ‘Requiem in a Town House' first
published in
The Master of Big Jingles and other stories
, John McIndoe, Dunedin, 1982.
‘The Late Call', ‘Kenneth's Friend', ‘The Divided World', ‘The
Seed Merchant', ‘The Paper Parcel', ‘The Fat Boy' and ‘The Day
Hemingway Died' first published in
The Day Hemingway Died and
other stories
, John McIndoe, Dunedin, 1984.
‘Lilies' first published in
The Divided World: Selected Stories
, John
McIndoe, Dunedin, 1989.
‘The Frozen Continents', ‘Valley Day', ‘Mumsie and Zip', ‘A Poet's
Dream of Amazons', ‘Trumpeters' and ‘Another Generation' first
published in
The Lynx Hunter and other stories
, John McIndoe,
Dunedin, 1987.
‘The Ace of Diamonds Gang' first published in
The Ace of Diamonds
, McIndoe Publishers, Dunedin, 1993.
‘Iris', ‘The Rule of Jenny Pen', 309 Hollandia', ‘The Rose Affliction',
‘Heating the World', ‘Pluto', ‘Supplication for Position', ‘A View of
our Country', ‘The Dungarvie Festival' and ‘Tomorrow We Save the
Orphans' first published in
Tomorrow We Save the Orphans
, John
McIndoe, Dunedin, 1992.
‘Working Up North', ‘The Occasion', ‘Cometh the Hour', ‘Growing
Pains', ‘Rebecca', ‘Peacock Funeral', ‘Goodbye, Stanley Tan', ‘The
Birthday Boy' and ‘A Late Run' first published in
Coming Home in
the Dark
, Vintage, Auckland, 1995.
‘The Devil at Bruckner's Pond' ‘The Language Picnic', ‘End of Term',
‘How It Goes', ‘An Indirect Geography', ‘Mr Tansley' and ‘Wake
Up Call' first published in
When Gravity Snaps
, Vintage, Auckland,
‘Buried Lives', ‘Facing Jack Palance', ‘Family Circle', ‘Images',
‘Buster', ‘Minding Lear', ‘Hodge' and ‘Watch of Gryphons' first
published in Watch of Gryphons, Vintage, Auckland, 2005.


The author acknowledges the use of the setting in V S Naipaul's
Finding the Centre: Two Narratives
(Andre Deutsch, 1984) for
satirical purposes in the story ‘A View of our Country'.
The quote on page 259 in ‘The Rule of Jenny Pen' comes from the
poem ‘Night Owl' by Laurie Lee, published in
My Many-Coated
(Andre Deutsch, 1955). The quote on page 259–260 is from
W B Yeats
The Herne's Egg
: A
Stage Play
(Macmillan, 1938).

Short story writer and novelist Owen Marshall has written, or edited, twenty-three books to date. Awards for his fiction include the PEN Lillian Ida Smith Award twice, the
Evening Standard
Short Story Prize, the American Express Short Story Award, the New Zealand Literary Fund Scholarship in Letters, Fellowships at the universities of Canterbury and Otago, and the Katherine Mansfield Memorial Fellowship in Menton, France. He received the ONZM for services to Literature in the New Zealand New Year Honours, 2000. In 2002 the University of Canterbury awarded him the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters and in 2005 appointed himself an adjunct professor. His novel
Harlequin Rex
won the Montana New Zealand Book Awards Deutz Medal for Fiction in 2000, and in 2006 his short-story collection
Watch of Gryphons
was shortlisted for the same prize.

Owen Marshall was born in 1941, has spent almost all his life in South Island towns, and has an affinity with provincial New Zealand.

National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Marshall, Owen, 1941
Short stories—Selections.
Owen Marshall selected stories / Owen Marshall; Vincent O'Sullivan, editor.
ISBN 978-1-86941-958-5
I. O'Sullivan, Vincent. II. Title.
NZ823.2—dc 22

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First published 2008

© 2008 selection and introduction Vincent O'Sullivan; stories © Owen Marshall as per details on page 621

The moral rights of the author have been asserted

ISBN 978 1 86941 958 5

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