Owned (13 page)

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Authors: Erin R. Flynn

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Ménage à Trois, #Paranormal, #Western, #Romance

BOOK: Owned
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“Dean—” I started to say when he pushed back into me, but I cried out again and he stopped.

“Did I hurt you, Kate?”

“No, no, it feels so good, please don’t stop,” I panted. He took me at my word and kept working his cock in an inch at a time. When he was finally in to the hilt, he picked up the pace, but still was gentle. I cried out each time he hit the end of me and just before it became painful, he’d draw back out.

“Kate, I’m close, so close, come with me,” he grunted in between thrusts as he reach between us and found my clit.

He flicked it twice and that was all it took. My climax came so fast I started to scream but he swallowed my cries with his mouth. I felt his cock swell as my pussy milked it and he found his release as well. After the last few thrusts when he was finally fully spent, he collapsed on top of me. It took a few minutes for either of us to catch our breath but he spoke first.

“Jesus, Kate, I can’t ever remember coming like that. I don’t know what was wrong with those guys, but you were fucking wonderful.”

“So you’d want to do it again?” I asked, looking at him.

“Is that an offer?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Not for right this second,” I giggled. Wait, did I just giggle?

“Oh hell yeah. I want seconds, and thirds, and fourths,” he informed me, each time kissing me lightly. “As many times as you’ll let me,” he finished, pulling me against him with my head on his chest. After maybe ten minutes, he kissed my forehead. “Let’s get you cleaned up and soak a bit. You might be sore tomorrow, the soaking will help.”

“Can’t move yet,” I said, laughing. He chuckled and slid off the bed and lifted me in his arms like I weighed nothing. He held me on his lap as the tub filled up.

“This is a tiny tub,” he complained as he lowered me into it.

“I know, one of my first renovations when I can bring myself to go into my grandparents’ room is adding a big spa tub to the master bath.”

“It’ll take time, but you’ll get there.” He comforted me gently, running his fingers through my hair. “God you are so perfect,” he whispered and that was the last thing I heard as I fell asleep.


* * * *


I woke up the next morning in my bed, grateful I didn’t drown in the tub. Dean was lying on his side, his back to me, and I quietly got up, brushed my teeth, and put on my running clothes. He was right about soaking in the tub, because I wasn’t sore at all. I felt wonderful actually. As I got outside, I realized it was even brighter than normal so I headed to the barn to get one of my baseball caps. That’s where Jared found me.

“I heard you last night,” he said, his voice low. I spun around startled.

“Shit, you scared me, Jared,” I gasped, not looking directly at him.

“You don’t know how jealous I was, hearing you with Dean, wishing you were crying out like that with me.” That got me to look at his face, and damn did he look hurt and hungry. Even hungrier than Dean had the night before.

“I—I didn’t, I’m sorry, Jared,” I said softly. “I didn’t realize you could hear. I didn’t mean to make you jealous.”

“You didn’t think I would hear?” He threw back his head and laughed and not in a funny way. “I’d be surprised if they didn’t hear you in the bunkhouse. Hell, I bet they heard you on the next ranch.”

I blushed at the comment, embarrassed at how loud I’d been. “I’m sorry,” I repeated, starting to walk around him.

He grabbed my arm and spun me towards him, pulling me forcefully against his chest. Before I could say anything, he kissed me. It wasn’t soft or gentle. It was hard and passionate, more passionate than I’d ever been kissed before. I melted into him. Having made a strong connection with Jared first, it was like instinct. I wanted him so badly, his intensity drawing me to him, but I wasn’t sure I wanted this when he was obviously angry.

And what about Dean?

A few more moments being kissed like I was the air he needed to survive and anything but Jared left my thoughts. Dropping the cap, I threw my arms around his neck and met his passion.

“Oh god, Kate, I’ve wanted you so badly it hurts,” he said before crushing his mouth against mine again. I could feel how hard he was against my stomach, and when his hand went between my legs he groaned. “So wet, you’re wet and ready for me. Say yes, baby.”

“Yes, fuck yes,” I groaned as he played with me. Holy shit, I couldn’t let go of him and walk away if I wanted to I was so sucked in.

He kissed me again and then I felt my shorts and panties pulled off me and I went to break the kiss. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his hips.

“Jared—” I said before he thrust into me, pushing past my folds, ignoring how tight I was. I gasped at the slight pain and so much shock with the pleasure. Apparently Jared couldn’t wait any longer now that I gave him the green light. I was pressed against the barn wall and he was so forceful, I couldn’t get over his desperation and need.

“Tight, your pussy’s so fucking tight, so wet, I can’t stand it,” he grunted, keeping his hard pace. I kept trying to catch my breath as he continued to impale me with his cock.

“Too much,” I finally managed in between thrusts. It was too much emotionally and I couldn’t get my bearings.

“I know, baby, it’s too much, too tight, I’m not going to last long,” he growled while biting my earlobe. His left hand found my breast while his right hand held me up. Harder and faster he fucked me, his face buried in my neck, holding me so tightly. Almost as if he was going to die if he wasn’t buried so deeply inside me. I kept crying out and the strangest thought popped into my head.

How was he able to move like this, take me in a way I’d never even seen in porn? It was like superhuman speed and strength. And the sounds he was making were hot and like an animal. But really, he was kind of acting like one too.

I felt his zipper scratch me intimately each time he thrust in me. He didn’t even lower his pants. It didn’t hurt now with all the pleasure but I knew when the adrenaline and endorphins wore off later I was going to feel that. It was totally worth the pleasure he was bringing me but I was going to kick him later too.

“Almost, Kate, almost there,” he told me, grunting while he fucked me even harder. “I’ve never felt like this before. I need you so fucking much it’s killing me.”

I could feel his cock swelling and he came hard as he pounded into me. He bellowed my name and thrust a few more times before he collapsed against me and the wall of the barn.

“Kate, it’s never been—I’ve never had it,” he panted, trying to form a sentence. “I’ve never felt like that before, it’s never been so strong, I’ve never come like that before. I couldn’t hold back like I normally do.” He finally managed to get the sentence out and then he froze. “Are you crying?”

When I didn’t answer, he slowly leaned back to look into my face. He just stared at me for a few moments, confused. I finally nodded, even though he could see the tears in my eyes.

“Baby, did I hurt you?” His face twisted in an expression of horror.

“Yes,” I admitted, not sure what else to do.

“I–I didn’t mean,” he stuttered. “I didn’t think—you didn’t say—did you not—” But he couldn’t finish any of them. The look of pain on his face was worse than if I had hit him. He slowly put me on my feet and redressed me. When he took a step back and wasn’t holding me up, I slid down to the ground, not able to stand.

He took off the condom and tossed it on the floor before tucking himself back in his jeans and zipping up. For a minute he just stared at me as I curled into a ball against the wall, wanting to melt into the ground at the reaction I was having. Had he really done anything wrong besides being a stupid, horny man that thought with the wrong head?

Yes. His brother had me and him teasing me with intense sex and passion but not giving me release was my punishment.
Then he kneeled next to me, reaching out to touch me, but froze.

“What did you do, Jared?” Dean asked darkly from behind him. I didn’t see or hear him come in the barn. “What the fuck did you do to her, Jared?”

“I hurt her,” he whispered in shame, dropping his hand. “Kate, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“How did you hurt her? Were you gentle?” Dean asked, his voice raising.

“No,” Jared admitted as his eyes started to tear up again.

“You bastard!” Dean yelled, grabbing Jared’s arm and spinning him around to face him. “She’s only had sex a couple of times before! Couldn’t you tell how tight she was?”

“I thought—I mean she didn’t say,” Jared stammered. “I didn’t know. I lost control. It’s never happened before.” Dean’s eyes went wide and I knew there was something more to that statement than I could process right then.

“Did you ask her? How could she tell you when you were fucking her brains out?” Dean snarled, not in a way that sounded all that human. He didn’t even give Jared a chance to reply. He punched him in the face. I heard him grunt and found my legs could work again. Standing up, I looked at each of them. Dean with rage on his face, Jared on the floor with a bloody lip and his expression of grief and hurt.

I did what I do best… I ran. I couldn’t handle them fighting after the bliss I found with Dean and the confusion Jared just gave me along with the taste of him I wanted more of. And I couldn’t defend Jared because I had
idea what was going on in his mind and Dean was pissed… I just couldn’t deal with it. Not this close after everything else I’d been going through and with everything on my shoulders. No, this was why I had thought I should stay away from them.

A smart person would have just run to the house. I never said I was smart though. I decided to go for a full run… At a sprint. I felt something almost tearing as I did, cursing myself.
Good way to make a small cut turn into something more. Real smart, Kate.

I headed east to one of the flat land markers I had set up. I couldn’t handle hills or rough terrain right then. I just needed air and to feel like the walls weren’t closing in on me. Too much had happened and was going on. I was reeling.

“Kate, wait, stop,” I heard Dean yell, but I kept running, not looking back. I ran and ran, not at my normal fast pace, but it was still a fast speed. I didn’t stop until I hit the three-mile marker, telling me to turn around and head home. I spun on my heel and felt blinding pain in my chest on the right side. Not realizing what happened, thinking this was what heartbreak must be, I ran for a while until I felt more than sweat all down my back. I started to slow down when I saw Jared and Dean racing towards me.

“You can’t go running by yourself, baby,” Jared panted. “I’m so sorry for what I did, but one of us has to be with you.” He stopped to catch his breath.

“Okay,” I agreed as I sank to my knees.

“Kate, are you okay?” Dean asked, touching my back. “Jesus, she’s bleeding! Fuck, she’s been shot.” I figured with my black short-sleeved shirt they couldn’t tell from the front with the sun glaring, but when he touched me and felt the blood, he understood.

“Nick, bring one of the trucks to the east side, Kate’s been shot,” Jared barked into a radio. “We’re two and a half miles southeast from the house.”

“It’s okay, baby, you’ll be okay,” Dean cooed, lifting me into his arms. “It was a large-caliber long-distance rifle.”

“Silencer,” I gasped, suddenly very hard for me to breathe.

“You didn’t hear the shot or a crack?” Jared asked as he glanced around. Where would someone be able to take a shot like that from around here and not be seen?

“No, no sound.”

“I didn’t hear anything either, and we were never more than a half mile behind her,” Dean agreed. I must have started to drift because I felt them start to run towards the house.

“Baby, stay with us, please hang on,” Jared begged, gasping for breath. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please hang on, I’ll spend every day making it up to you. Please don’t leave us.” Then my world went dark.

I was in and out of consciousness, but I felt myself be lifted up onto someone’s lap. And then I felt the truck move. I was dizzy as hell and the bouncing of the truck didn’t help. Jared was talking to the Sheriff on his phone in the backseat. I felt someone brushing the hair away from my face. I looked up and it was Dean.

“Hang on, Kate, please hang on,” he said, bringing his forehead to mine. “I love you. You can’t leave me when I just found you.” I tried to tell him I was going to be fine, but I passed out again.

The next time I woke up I was on a gurney being pushed somewhere, I was assuming it was the hospital. I heard someone ask who the next of kin was, and the reply that I didn’t have any. I was glad of that answer, since Kyle was probably behind me getting shot. Losing consciousness again, I woke to the smell of burning flesh and someone yelling “Clear!”

“Stay with us, Kate. Can you hear us, Kate?” a stranger asked me.

“She’s back,” someone else said. “She’s stable.”

“Okay, Kate, you’re going to go sleepy now so we can get you to surgery,” the first stranger said as I fell to sleep.

Chapter 8




“Now will you drive faster?” I barked when the Sheriff pulled out in front of us and flipped on the lights.

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