Owning Her Curves

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Authors: Sway Jones

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Owning Her Curves

Her Curves series, Book Three

By Sway Jones

















Text copyright © 2015 Sway Jones

All Rights Reserved

Excerpt from Taming Her Curves (Her Curves series, Book Two)

This wasn’t supposed to happen, Sofia thought angrily.  Fat girls like her never got kidnapped.  It was too much weight to have to haul around.  Yet here she was on her second kidnapping!  These were different men than the last ones.  She wondered who they were and what their point was.  Did they think she was valuable for money, for sex, for leverage?  Whatever it was they were wrong.

She tried to convene these facts to them, but her Portuguese wasn’t all that good.  They laughed at her cruelly.  Somehow she didn’t think that she would survive this time.  Something about the way they looked at her terrified her.  These men could and would hurt her severely.  She wondered if her parents had sent them to kill her so that they could be done with her presence in their lives.  Yet for all intents and purposes, she wasn’t much of a presence in their lives anyway.  Why would they need to have her murdered?

She was utterly confused by the whole situation.  And scared.  She wondered if Dom and John would come looking for her.  She had already missed two calls to them.  They were probably busy looking for Jordan, as they should be.

The only rule she had followed that they had set down for her was the phone call.  The rest of them she didn’t bother with considering that Dom and John wouldn’t be back for her.  They had their fun with her and now had more important people to attend to.  She only called because she always got their voicemail and she loved hearing the messages they left for her nearly every day.

“Hey kitten.  Hope you are doing what we told you to do or else you will get one helluva spanking when we get back to you.”

“Kitten, been thinking about those luscious thighs of yours and how I would love to lie my head on them and sleep.  We haven’t slept for days.”

“Kitten, the thought of you ‘meowing’ while I suck on your clit, gets me so fucking hard.  We will see each other soon.”

Sofia knew they wouldn’t be seeing each other ever again.  This was a game they were playing.  She enjoyed playing it with them, but she knew not to expect to win in the final analysis.  She won by having a good time imagining that what they told her was the truth.  They indeed missed her and wanted her.  No man had ever given her a second thought.  Even her own family didn’t give two shits about her.  What made her think these two handsome strangers would?  As soon as they found their next curvy woman, she would be a forgotten memory.

So if she mattered to no one, why had these bastards kidnapped her?

Chapter 1

              They were a local gang, Dom found out.  They had been watching her since she arrived at the safe house.  Leaving her alone because she was with them.  They hadn’t made any attempt on her until they were sure that Dom and John had left.  A week after they had gone, the gang made their move and took her.

              Within a few days they had her sold to a psychopath with a cutting fetish.  He liked to see how a knife sliced through layers of meat.  After working his way up from stray dogs, cats and farm animals, to sickly prostitutes, he wanted more of a challenge, more of an experiment.  He wanted to filet a big girl.

              The auction began at midnight.

              Dom and John walked around the perimeter of the room scoping out the security.  Because the venue was considered so secret, there wasn’t much security around.  This was good.  It would be easy to get her out of there.

They had found out that Sofia was being held in this castle where the illegal slave auction was being held.  The proprietor of the market, the man who had placed the order for Sofia, promised any and all fetishes for sale.  Most of the “meat” as they were called had been kidnapped or sold by their families because of their unusualness.  Little people, the mentally handicapped, children with rare blood types, men and women sold to fight to the death in illegal boxing rings.

It made Dom’s stomach turn.  He hated the thought that his Sofia had been put up on the block like the rest of these people and treated like objects of amusement.  If he ran across her “owner” he would kill the son of a bitch with his own hands.  He couldn’t imagine what the bastard had done to his Sofia.

He knew he shouldn’t have left her alone.  His gut had told him to not leave her side.  But Jordan had been found and was being held captive.  They needed Dom’s skills to help get him away from his captors.  So he had gone, leaving Sofia explicit instructions, which she did not abide by.  He was so going to flog her for her disobedience.  She would learn to always listen to him and John.

The men both looked like security guards themselves, so had pretty much free reign of the castle.  While Dom looked out onto the main floor for any commotion, John was inspecting the rest of the structure for Sofia.  He managed to get to the basement – more like dungeon – and found several rooms that looked like jail cells.  Bars stood across their entrances.  The smell of urine and feces and rotted flesh was overwhelming. 

John checked every room he came across and it was in the last one at the end of the dark hallway, he found her.

“Oh god, Dom,” he said into his mike.  “This isn’t good.”

“Is she still alive?” Dom asked into his mike, hidden underneath his tuxedo sleeve.

“I don’t know man.  Shit!”

“Find out John!”

“It’s really bad.  There is so much blood.  Fuck!”

Chapter 2

Six months later …

Sofia awoke feeling rested.  It had been awhile since that had happened.  She smiled softly as she felt the heat from Dom’s and John’s bodies keeping her toasty.  They were why she had slept so well for the first time in months.  Sandwiched between them, she always felt protected. Nobody could get to her when they were surrounding her.

Nobody, she thought, her breathing becoming short and her heart starting to beat fast.  “Including him,” she whispered, trying to reassure herself.

“He can’t get to you.  We won’t let him.” John told her with conviction and hugged her naked body tighter to his long lean equally as naked body.  He always woke when she did.  It was like he had a sixth sense about her unconscious or conscious state.  He was always the first one she saw as she came and went during her coma.

She whimpered very softly.

“What’s wrong?” Dom asked, waking from his deep sleep.

“Nothing,” she lied.

“Am I holding you too tight?” John asked, loosening his grip on her.

“No!” she protested.  She held his arms to her scarred stomach.  It did hurt to have him hold her right there, but it was worth the pain to have him touch her.  For months the both of them had been so afraid to embrace her for fear of causing her agony.  “Please don’t stop cuddling me.”

“I won’t kitten, but I don’t want – ”

“You’re not hurting me,” she lied again.

“Ok,” John sighed and hugged her tight again.  He released her as soon as he heard her give a tiny cry out.  “I can’t hurt you kitten.  You’ve been through so much already.”

Sofia started to cry when she felt John’s heat retreat from her back.  He had sat up.

“Hey don’t cry kitten,” Dom tried to soothe her.  “This is only temporary.”  He wiped her tears away with his fingers.

“But I miss you both so much,” she sniffed.

“We miss you just as much if not more,” Dom explained to her.  “But we are not going to contribute to the amount of pain you have had to go through.”

“I don’t care – ”

“I know but we do,” John said, laying back down and putting his chin on her shoulder.  He ran his hands up and down her arm.  She had no scars there, thankfully.

The wounds the bastard had given her were all on the torso.  He had literally cut off pieces of her flesh on her stomach and sides.  He had been ready to take off her breasts but ran out of time before having to get ready for the black tie slave auction.

John had found her on a stainless steel table like those used for butchering, her blood draining out of her from huge swaths of her belly that had been cut off.  He had wrapped her in some towels he found, picked her up and ran her back to their car.  Luckily the auction had started and no one was watching the back door to the castle.

They had radioed for a helicopter once they were away from the fortress.  John held Sofia in his arms and could feel her life slipping away.  Only once did she open her eyes and he thought he saw recognition in them.  After that she had begun to rally a little.

Several hours later, she made it to the hospital.  The doctors told them that she didn’t have a good prognosis.  The wounds were large and they were showing the first signs of infection.  Evidently the bastard had used a dull and dirty knife on her. 

But she survived. 

Chapter 3

Once the infection was treated, she ended up having several surgeries for skin grafts.  They had healed nicely, but she still felt residual pain from the wounds.  He had killed a lot of nerve endings that were trying to grow back.  Unfortunately that growth was agonizing.  The doctors didn’t know when it might end, if it would end at all.

“I don’t like it when you cry,” Dom told her honestly.  “John let’s see if there is something we can do to help her forget the pain.”

“There’s nothing you can – ” she began.

She gasped.  Dom’s thick fingers had found her clit.  It was still working wonderfully.  She moaned as he worked her gently at first but more boldly as she reacted to him.  His cock hardened at how responsive she was to their slightest touch.

Dom laid his lips against hers softly.  He spread light, gentle kisses all over her face, whispering to her about how strong she was and how much they had missed her.  He told her how they had been so scared of losing her, but they should have known better.  She couldn’t leave them, like they couldn’t leave her.

As the two of them kissed, John rained kisses down her back.  His fingers took over from Dom’s.  He entered Sofia from behind, burying his calloused fingers inside her, causing her to cry out.  Dom swallowed her cry as he kissed her.  John leisurely moved in and out of her, letting her wetness and passion build slowly.  He passed over her swollen clit several times, giving her a taste of sexual hunger.

They kept her on the cusp of orgasm for hours it seemed to her.  The prolonged anticipation was almost unbearable.  Soon John began to move his fingers faster and rubbed hard on her clit.  Yet she didn’t come.

John and Dom looked at one another.  She was making all the noises of a woman about to climax but she didn’t.  Dom lowered his mouth to her nipples.  He sucked hard on them, trying to push her over the edge.  Still she didn’t come.

It finally dawned on John what was going on.

“Kitten,” he began in a whisper.  “Come for us.”

She finally let out a scream as her body plunged into a heated pool of ecstasy.  She threw her head back, arched her back and cried out in pain and pleasure.  Her stomach hurt but the desire softened the pain.

John could feel her muscles clench down on his fingers.  Christ he wished he could be inside her right then.  He groaned as his dick grew even harder from witnessing her orgasm.  Dom grabbed her exposed neck and tightened his grip.  She gasped.  After several long seconds, he let go.  The oxygenated blood he had denied her rushed to her head and extended her climax even longer.

“Oh god!” she cried out.  It took awhile for her body to calm back down.  The pain was a dull ache but the satisfaction from the orgasm tempered it even more.  As her breathing slowed and her heart returned to normal, she opened her eyes and looked into Dom’s bright blue ones.  His desire for her was still evident in them.  Looking over her shoulder at John, she saw his need in his brilliant green eyes.

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